Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Welcome to jaipur my readers

We are going to search our hero and heroine. Let's see where is they? Iam seeing something. One girl in her Room. She is getting ready for going somewhere. It's midenight 1-2 am.  She wearing black Jacket. Black jeans and black shoes  Then suddenly she hears some noise. She hears that and go to bed and covered herself with blanket. Then door opened and one man come with candle . That man  no one he is Avu's father. That girl is avu

Avu's Father : Avu Avu

He calling avu and avu saw his dad

Avu : papa you scared me

Avu's dad : Wow My daughter looks like a angle in candle light

Avu : and a witch in day light?

Avu's dad : Yeah

Avu : Papa stop Joking and you are supposed to get the zip repaired, right?

Avu's dad : yeah I want to get candle for the same. You know the best solution for an impaired zip is the wax. Just try it now

Avu : Perfect. Papa you are best. Papa the geniusAvu's dad : Softer if your mom wake then she wil not let you

Avu : Yeah yeah

Avu's dad :  Don't you want to go?

Avu : Yes yes papa

Avu said and get up from bed

Avu's dad : That guy is coming to pick you?

In other side

A boy talking with someone he saying

Boy : Yeah yeah Iam coming

He said and start getting ready. He wear black jacket, bike's Keys . Then ready to go suddenly one man come

Man : sid hurry up

So that boy is sid and Let's see who is that man?

Sid : Uncle is everyone sleeping?

So that man is sid's crime partner. His uncle

Uncle : Yeah should I go and take there sleeping photo?

Sid : Yeah yeah go on

Uncle gairing him

Sid : I was doing joke uncle

Uncle : Yeah yeah I know now let's go or else someone wil wake up then no one can save you from my big brother and your papa

Sid : Yeah yeah let's go

In Avu's side

Avu : Well dad. I hope Iam not doing something wrong

Avu's dad : what is your heart tell? Wrong or right?

Avu start thinkingAvu's dad : That things to do your heart tell then that's things are not wrong. So don’t worry. Iam always here

Avu hugged her dad and said

Avu : Thank you papa Iam this world best  lucky daughter who got father like you

She said and go from door

Avu : Byee papa

Then avu go

Avu's dad : You are my honour my daughter. I know you wil never break my trust. Love you my child

He said and go to Room

In sid's side

Sid taking bike from house without starting because he wil start then his father and all family wil wake up then that's why they taking Bike out house

Uncle : Hope in your age I also got chance to got that's things

Sid : This is done uncle

Uncle : Mean

Sid : Mean that that's why I got good uncle like you

Then they taking bike but suddenly they saw Watchman
Then sid and his uncle looked each others and his uncle give money to watchman can say give him Riswad.

Sid : Byee uncle

Uncle : wait wait

Sid : why?Uncle : I Have one dialogue that I forgot to tell you

Uncle hold sid's hand

Uncle : Go sid go enjoy your life

Sid : Uncle you make me simran mean Kajol

Uncle : My child don't think about gender think about emotional and feelings

Sid : Yeah uncle that's Why I love you

Uncle : Ok now you fast

Uncle and then sid Start bike and go his destination

In Avu's side

Avu come her friends place where they tell her to meet and then avu saw a boy with bike

Avu : Ohh yarr what a bike. You always said that Your father is so much Kanjus. But yarr see  how much beautiful car. What a Beauty? KaranKaran : That's why I call you guys for this midnight

Avu : Yeah yeah now let's go all waiting for us

Karan : Yeah let's go

In sid's side

Sid come in his gang

Ratuk : see Sid is come now

Siva : So Let's Start race. It’s will be fun

Joli : what fun? Sid always win I don’t have interest

Sid : what wil I do? Iam helpless. You know na I born win I didn’t like losing. I hate losing

Ratuk : so what? Today you wil lose

Sid : Let's see

Ratuk : Yeah let's see

They Start racing.

In avu's side

Avu come with karan in there group place

Shihaan : Ohh hoon idiot with Beauty? Yarr avu you didn’t tell that Karan is Your boyfriend

Avu : Who said? He my boyfriend? He is just my friend yarr Just chill

On that time sid and his gang doing bike rece when they hit karan's bike

Karan : Oi my bike ohh good. Help me

Avu : after riding in sports bike they start thinking them a  flying software. Give me bike key I wil handle

Karan : whar avu?

Avu : Give me key

Karan : OkThen Avu take keys and start bike. She start following sid and his gang. She Start bike with full speed. Then she come in sid's gang and she saw which position sid. Avu also go with speed and sid's Position. Sid just shocked to saw avu. He think that It's boy because he didn’t expect that anyone can maintain his speed . They are doing a bike reding. They didn’t stop. They are doing full speed but suddenly sid stop bike and avu shocked why he stop car? Avu also stop bike

Then avu saw bike going to hit puppy. That's why sid stop bike and save puppy

Avu's prov

Ohh now I understand he stop bike to save that puppy. I think he is not much bad

Sid 's prov

Ohh he stop car. That's mean he have some principle. But It's not a any problem if  he not stop bike i wil beaten him

After thinking that they again start there bike race. Then they are again same speed but morning Going on and police coming  . That's why sid go to Right Road and Avu go to Left Road. They go there home

In Morning

Let's see what happening in avu's house

In kitchen
Avu's father making something in Kitchen

Avu's Aunt : Mittal. You want to eat kachori then you can tell chief Rabindra

Avu's Dad : No didi. You know his coking is not good. More then he Iam good coke. No one can beat me Iam the best cock. In contest also I can say I wil win

Avu's Aunt : You are biggest business man and you doing this coking?

Avu's dad : Yeah didi because Iam really irritated by this Rabindra. My kachories is ready I wil feed this kachories my dear wife. Sonia Sonia where are you?

Mattal come from kitchen.Then he saw Avu and Avu's mom sonia is coming

Avu's mom : You know what wil I do? With avu

Avu's dad : what happen? What is my daughter did?

Avu : Papa I didn’t did anything

Avu's mom : Don't lie. Tell me last night where you go?

Avu : No I didn’t go anywhere

Avu's dad : yeah he didn’t go anywhere

Avu's Mom : You didn’t go anywhere then why Your eyes puffy?

Avu : where my eyes puffy?

Avu showing her eyes to her father and aunt

Avu's dad : see no puffy eyes.

Avu's mom : Don't spoil daughter I know she go somewhere in night

Avu : No but how can you said that?

Avu's dad : Yeah how?

Avu's mom : because I go last night in avu's room but I didn’t saw her in room

Avu : Who said? Iam in room in last night

Avu's dad : Yeah she didn’t go Anywhere and Stop thinking about that and eat my hand made special kachories

Then suddenly priest come.

Avu's Aunt : Ohh priest Ramakan is come let's go I think he have good alliance

They all go and sat with prist

Avu : what alliance? I don’t want to marry now uggh

Avu's mom : So did you got any good

Priest : Yes. This boy top in study. Top in looks. Top in alls. You know Bharadwaj Arora. He is his son. Who have clothes business

Avu's dad : Yeah yeah we know him

Priest : His younger son. He is so much good. You know you guys going Sunil Singh's married

Sid's dad : Yeah

Priest : They all coming in Sunil Singh daughter's marriage

Sid's mom : Ohh really. It’s good we can meet them and we can know them much then

Priest : Yeah. See boy photo he  showed sid's photo to avu's family

In sid's side

Sid just wake up now and he coming from upstairs. He coming downstairs when he hears His father shout. His father talking with his mother

Sid's dad : How can he did this? How can he take bike in midnight.

Sid's prov

I think today I gone. Papa wil not goona to leave me. Someone please save me

Sid's mom : please please relax

Sid's dad : No. I wil not goona to spare him. Abhi. Abhi Abhi

Sid's prov

Ohh Iam relive now yeayyyy. I can take a relive breath now. I got save hehe. But now Who wil save dada? From dad. Let's see. It’s goona be fun

Then sid come downstairs.

Sid's dad : Abhi Abhi

Then suddenly abhi come with covered with towel

Abhi : Yeah papa

Sid's dad : What is this? Why you wearing towel?

Abhi : Papa you call me na. On this  time Iam in towel. So I come in towel

Sid's dad : Oh so I wil call you that time when you are on another when also you wil come without wearing anything? It’s good that you wear towel or else don't know what wil happen

Sid just laughing saliently

Abhi : But why you call me

Sid's dad : Because why you take bike in last night and something wil happen in night?then who wil tell us? And you did so Smartly you didn’t Start bike from house. After house you start. Why you always do this?

Sid's mom : ok please forgive him. He wil not do that again

Sid's dad : No gone to leave him. He is so careless

Sid looking his uncle. Then his uncle saw Veeny . uncle tell him to help.

Venny : sir why are you shouting him. You also did this same thing. In your age

Sid : what really?

Venny : Yeah you didn’t know that your father is jaipur first bike racer

Sid : Ohh amazing

Venny : He take bike in midnight and all do shout on me.

Sid's dad : stop this topies and abhi Iam giving you last worning.

After saying that Sid's dad go and his mom. Uncle. Venny all go.

Reja: bhai got scolded for no reason

Ri : you Could've also taken me bhai. Then both brother wil share bike ride and uncle scolded

Abhi : You woona to share slap?

Ri didn’t said anything and sid about Run away then suddenly abhi cought him

Abhi : and you. Come here. Come here. Behave yourself,idiot. I can't take your blame all the time

Vaish : Come on. Your are his elder brother. So there is no harm in being chided a little for your younger brother.

Abhi : Is it a little chiding?

Sid : Now I know why a sister-in-law gets respect of mother. Love you bhabi

Vaish : Love you tooo

Abhi : you guys start your drama and today sid not gona leave you.

Then suddenly sid sat in kness and cought his ears and saying sorry to abhi. Then Abhi all anger got vanish to saw that. Abhi make sid wake up

Abhi : Anything for you

Then Abhi hugged sid.

Sid's Grandmother saw there love

Grandmother : This kind of love and effection between brothers. That's love we saw love in Ram and laxman (I don’t know about much Hindu's things But I hears and saw about Ram and laxman in  serials. So that's why)

In downstairs priest is come they showing avu's photo to them.

Priest : See Girl is really beautiful and good in everything

Sid's mom : yeah girl looking so beautiful

Sid's dad : Yeah

Priest : You know she is daughter of Mattel. He is so big businessmen.

Sid's dad : Yeah we know him. He is really good person. He make this big business without any help or any bad work. He is really good

Priest : They also coming in sunils Singh's daughter marrige

Sid's dad : Ohh

Priest : If you want then you guys can meet them there

Sid's mom : Ok we are ready

In avu's side

Anu come in avu's room

Anu : I got something avu

She Saying sid's photo

Avu : what?

Anu : My jiju's photo

Avu : what?

Anu : yeah

Anu : You know avu jiju is so amazing. Good looking. Handsome.

Avu : Stop this and give me photo

Anu : No Iam not giving

Avu and Start playing chasing chasing. Avu didn’t sid yet

In sid's side

Sid with his friends. He playing game then suddenly his dad call him

Sid : Guys you play Iam going
Papa called me

Siva : But It's a win game. You wil win

Sid : Yarr for dad. I can leave this world so what is this game?

All Just looking him shockley

Sid : Ohh ok I know It's so filmy. That's why Iam saying not watch  so much movie  Just forgot and play game

Ratuk : But who wil win game

Sid : You win

Sid said and go

Siva : Sid is unbelievable

Ratuk : Sometimes he looks this generation and sometimes he looks bygone generation

Siva : Because you know na his family is so much orthodox I think that's why. He like that's types.

Ratuk : Whatever forgot and let's play game. I wil win

Siva : let's see

In sid's home

Sid reach home. He saw puja going on in home.He also sat in Puja. After Puja all giving sweet.

Sid's mom : That girl is really amazing

Sid's aunt : she is so beautiful

Grandmother : She is really from good house

Sid : Who? What are you saying?

Sid's dad : It’s mean that one girl alliance come for you

Sid : what?

Sid's dad : Yeah we really like this girl 

Sid's dad and go away

Ri : Congress bro

Sid : No away I don’t want to marry now. Mummy

Sid's mom: Let's go guys in kitchen. We have to cook let's go

All lady go

Sid : dada

Abhi : I have work Iam going

Abhi also go

Ri : I can't do anything

Reja : I also can't do anything. They are not goona to listen me

Then all go

In avu's side

Avu talking with his family

Avu : Papa I don’t want to marry now. I don’t want to go wedding and don't want to meet that boy and his family

Avu's dad : But we tell that we are coming. So we Have to go now

Avu's mom : You have to marry one day or else not want to of marry?

Avu : Yeah I want to do marry but not this time. In right time

Avu's mom : Dear It's time now.

In sid's side

Sid standing   in balcony. Then Abhi and vaish come

Vaish : What happen sid? Why are you sad?

Abhi : You didn’t know that why he said?

Vaish : No What happen?

Abhi : He didn’t want to marry. Yeah I know marriage is lost of independent. But you have to sid

Sid : I know but I don’t know that girl. So how I wil marry her without knowing anything?

In Avu's side

Avu's dad : what happen to my child? Why you are sad?

Avu : Because Iam thinking that Iam burden of you all . That's why you guys want me to getting marry and then go away from this house and you all

Avu's mom : No dear It's not like. You know dear when You 4 years when your dad got a good deal but but condition is in every month 6 days your dad have to live  in dubai. That's why he cancel that deal. because he didn’t want to leave his child. So tell how much he love you and we love you.

Avu's mom : Isn’t easy to sent you another person house.

Avu get up and go to his dad side

Avu : Iam sorry papa

Avu's dad : No my child It's not your fault. I know It's really big thing to leave this house and marry with another person. But meet him one and his family. I think you wil loved them. They are really amazing please for us

Avu : Ok papa for you guys

Avu's papa : Ok. See It's that boy photo. If you want then can see him

They said and go

In sid's side

Abhi : Please for papa. Please for us. Meet her. Meet her family. Please

Vaish : yeah please sid

Sid : Ok I wil meet her

Vaish : So if you want then you can see her photo

Vaish said and give avu's photo to sid

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Guys please give me good movement in this first chapter I wrote this chapter 2700 words. If you guys wil give me good comment and vote on this first chapter then for sure Iam saying I wil write all chapter 2000-3000 words. So please guys do vote and comment. Please please please. Please don’t let to go  my efforts . Please do comment

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Goals : 40 votes and please give  comment.

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