Chapter 2

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Abhinavi give avu's photo to sid and Avu's parents give sid's photo to Avu. Sid and Avu looking each others photo

Avu: He is not much bad but

Sid: but by body language he looking some bhanji types

Avu: He looks like a elderly person. lam afraid, he may start giving lectures on the important of discipline in life.

Sid: lam afraid, she may be start debating on simple living and hight thinking.

Avu: Now only social media can reveal his reality.

Avu said and take tab and Start searching sid's profile. On other side sid also searching Avu's profile.

Sid: In social media. I'll find everything about her in a moment

Then sid search name Avneet. But he saw there are so many avneet name

Sid: Avneet Mehra, Avneet Kapoor. Avneet sinha there are so many avneet. Now how will find her?

Avu's side

Avu: Ohh God! so many profile with Siddharth name

Sid's side

Sid: what was Avneet surname?Avu's side

Avu: ugh I didn't ask sid's sumame

Sid's side

Sid: but they should have told us. What now?

Avu's side

Avu: Let me go and ask papa

Sid's side

Sid: No No No I can't trust him. What if he tells everyone that lam enquired about Avu?

Avu's side

Avu: He would feel that. Iam really interested in this proposal.

Sid's sideSid: Never mind. I have her photograph

Avu's side

Avu: Let me Check using this

Sid's side

Sid: what has happened to the girls nowdays? Such a nice name" Avneet". But look at there profiles

Avu's side

Avu: Oh God! I need to go Gujarat and see him. Mr Idiot

Next day

They are going Gujarat. Now 400km left.

Avu's side

Avu's dad: Driver, lower the temperature of the Ac please.

Avu's mom: It's too HotNew character

Jaijeet Khurana

Avu's Big brother and son of Mattal Khurana. He is really good brother and son. He didn't did marriage yet. After avu's marriage he wil do marriage. It's his wish. He looking business now

(Sorry guys Iam not able to add  jai"s photo)

Suddenly jai got call. Jai picked

Jai: Yes. Mr Mehra tell me. Mr Mehra dad will take the final call. Yeah as par dad's decision. The deal wil be final only then. Thank you

Jai: Dad, this AC is not working. I mean, we could have brought our cars, right? Avu's dad: Everyone in there own vehicles? Where the fun in this? It's fun to travel with everyone.

In Sid's side

Sid's family all in there own car and they are in different different 3 cars. Sid setting with Abhinavi

Vaish: so brother-in-law ready to meet this girl?

Sid: Have both of you left any option for me?

Vaish: No

In sid's dad car

Sid's dad: I hears so much prise about Khurana family. He is Saying that girl is really proficient.

Sid's dadi : The elders got impressed by the qualities. But the proposal would be final only when sid likes that girl.

Sid's dad: Yes

In Avu's side

Avu's dad: Do relax at times. You are on leave. At least now stop thinking about deal.

Jai: Dad we have to final that deal to run a business. Everytime. Everywhere

Avu's dad: when you wil enjoy life then? Listen you need a life to enjoy and not deals.

Avu's mom : Exactly

Avu's dad: Mark my words. Keep this phone aside and live your life lively.

In sid's side

Sid's Aunt call sid's uncle. Sid's uncle sat with sid's dad, sid's dadi and sid's mom and sid's Aunt sat with Ri and Reja.Sid's uncle: Hello (with law voice)

Sid's Aunt : Listen lam telling you. Iam feeling bored. What to do?

Sid's uncle: what? What are you saying? Listen song or else sing a song. You people are together so play" Antakshari".

Sid's aunt : But among 3 people antakshari?

In Avu's side

Avu's dad: Should we play "Antakshari"

Avu: Yes

Anu: Yeah uncle

Avu's Aunt: lam in this team

Jai: As you say papa.

Avu: Papa you are on my teamAnu: Mein, Bhaiya and aunt in my team

Avu: Yeah papa, aunt in my team

Avu's dad: Ok ok start

Avu's Aunt: Instead of sitting idle. Let's do something. Let's play" Antakshari" in the name of Lord.

Avu's mom: Now Start "M"

Jai: papa "M" for you

Avu: papa "M" Let's think a song fast fast. I don't woona to lose

Avu's dad: Who said you wil be lose? lam here Don't worry.

Mujha kesha patha na chala........ Mein hawa ke paron pe likha hai..............

Milon ho tum humko.....

Avu: Ohh papa you are best.

Avu's dad: Now you guys say From "L"

Year: "L"Year: "L"

Avu's mom: "L'guys think think

Jai: Teri Meri galla......

hoghi mashoor ....

Karna khabi tu mujha nazroon sa dur...... Kitta chaliya ae tu.......

Kitta chaliya ae tu .......

Avu: Bhai I think you missing Reem bhabi right? That's why this song

Anu: Yeah lam also thinking that

Avu and Anu smirking. Jai blushed

Avu's dad: Ok ok stop teasing my son.

Avu's mom: Yeah yeah now start game again

Then they again start the game.

Sid's side

Sid's aunt: They Both child busy in phones.

Sid's uncle: Brother is sitting in the front seat. Hang on now.

Sid's dad: who in call?

Sid's uncle: Nothing brother. Someone from the vehicles behind us called up. There are asking where Will we stop to have food

In sid's side

Sid: Let me ask them Avneet's surname

By the way dada Honestly. I got ready for this meeting just because of both of you. Otherwise girls can't be trusted nowdays. They pretend to be innocent but happen to be something else in real. By the way whatever the girls name is. You must have enquired about her properly, right.

Vaish: By the way Abhi. How the name Avneet Khurana?

Abhi: Really good name

Avu's side

Avu: By the way papa. What is that's boy's name you said?

Avu's dad: Siddharth Arora

Avu and sid Start search name but now network problem

Sid: When got Network name is not find and now got name but Network is not here.Avu: Uggh this network

Now only 70 km left for Gujarat...

Avu's mom: Stop this AC

Avu: Yeah this AC is not working

Avu's dad: open the window

They open window but car going. Another car going fast then smoke coming so much and cars going infront of there car.

Avu: Hey what is this nonsense?

Avu's mom: Avu Avu

Avu: It's a highway dear. These things wil happen. Don't take offence to small issues

Avu: lam not angryAvu's mom: we are going to meet a groom. Oneday you wil settle in at Your-in-laws place. If you get angry over small issues. It's won't much time to give up on Your good values. Listen to me.All the elderly people you'l'll meet there. Are you paying attention to me?. You need to bow down and touch the feet of all the elderly people there

Avu: Did I need to touch everyone feet?! mean do I need to touch everyone feet?

Avu's mom: Yes. Listen to me. You need to lower your gaze like this. Look. Look at me. Like this. You need to talk them while keeping your gaze low

Avu: How low should I keep my gaze? This much. This much or else I wil keep like this eyes closet

Avu's mom: Avu stop. Listen to me

Avu: Mom you can explain it to me there. Should I relax for a while? Please please

Avu's dad: And the best teacher award goes to Sonia

Sid's side

They stop travelling. They stop for eat meals

Ri smelling all food

Ri: Aroma. Such a good AromaSid: I know. The aroma has served the purpose of the appetizer. I can't wait more Sid's dadi: Have patience my dear. Let your dad come. We will have meal together.

Sid nodded but he took a spone of Manchurian and talking with food

Sid: Greeting Mr Manchurian.say your prayers. Your end is near

Sid talking with food. Suddenly his dad, uncle and venny come. But sid didn't saw that. He still talking with food

Sid: Your journey from the platter to my stomach has almost done. I know what you thinking. You must be thinking that you are very spicy and why am I not bottered about this fact. When lam famished. I lost my sence of judgment

Then suddenly sid's dad call him. Then sid turn

Sid: Papa sorry

Sid's dad: At least you can show some manners. Have you made up your mind to trace the steps of your elder brother?

They sat in tableSid's dad: You come for meet girl? Will you behave like this? If you behave like that not a single girl wil marry you. There is a way how things are to be done. Everything needs a proper preparation.

Venny Uncle: Yeah bata. Your father had gone to meet your mother for the first time with full preparation

Sid's dad: Enough Venny

Venny uncle : Fine. You are my Master

Reja: uncle tell us na about his preparation.

Ri: oh yes. Please throw some lights

Venny uncle: what can I say? His preparation started a day before he want to meet girl. First of all, he put in a of efforts to select the right attire to suit the occasion

All laughing

Venny uncle: Then finally. He pressed the chosen clothes repeatedly. After that he selected the right shoes for the moment. Then comes the mirror. He stood infront if a mirror and rehearsed his conversation. He was thinking about the questions that were to be asked. He practiced the art of replying to her question. He planned everything. He had practiceVenny: Yes lam done.

Sid's dad: Wil you please allow us to have our meals?

Venny: Yes please have meals

Sid's dad: Remove the finger of your mouth and join us

Venny: Yes Waiter hello show me the menu

Then they eat there meals now they are going. But sid, Abhinavi, Ri and Reja they are busy in selfies

Sid's dad: Now Let's go. Stop clicking that's selfies. We need to go travel far. Let's go make it fast

He said and sat car

Ri: Yeah uncle

Ri and Reja also sat car

Abhi: Wait. Let's take a quick selfiesSid: It's good he didn't scold us

They take photo and going

Vaish: Now show me photos

Sid: lam coming wait a min

Sid go somewhere and abhinavi also going to sat car. Sid's dad calling all.

Avu's side

Avu also come this place. She showing some clothes here and sid in ice cream shop

Sid: which favour ice creams here?

He talking with shop Keepers.

Avu seeing clothes. But suddenly sid's dad call him. Abhi come to take sid

Abhi: Lets go dad calling you

Sid: Yeah yeah Let's go

He said and they Both run. Then suddenly sid's wore a cap but that fall. Avu saw and pick that cap

Avu: Hello. Hello. Take your capAvu run behind sidshek but they gone. She didn't able to give cap and he didn't saw that it's sid. Avu's aunt come

Avu's aunt: what happen dear? And this cap?

Avu: Actually Someone dtopped the cap and I take run to give him but he left. lam not able to give him.

Avu's Aunt: Never mind. It's Just a cap. It's not a previous. So Let's go. We have to go

Then Avu left with her Aunt

Sid side

They reach Gujarat and they come Hotel

Sid: It was such a good cap. I wonder don't know where I left?

Abhi: It was just a cap. Why you getting perturbed? We wil get another oneSid: No It won't be that one. You had giving it to me with so much affection

Abhi: I'll get another one for you. Don't worry. Now let's go.

They reach hotel. They are now searching there Room.

Sid's uncle : Bhai you take Room number 201. It's so big.

Sid's dad: Yeah yeah

They gone there Room

Vaish: I think 10-12 hours will fiy by

Reja: 10-12 hours. Such a torture

Sid's Aunt: Hey It's won't me torture. A girl tolerates everything for excitement of marriage

Reja: No mom. Iam not goona tolerates this all

Sid's mom: Let's your time come dear. Then you will also understand that

Vaish: Ok guys now listen. The musie ceremony is on the night of the 14th and 15th There wil be Bollywood night

Reja: Really goodVaish and Reja did high fihe

Sid's Aunt: All the events are colour coordinated. They have decorated everything so well.

Vaish: They have made such wonderful Preparation

Sid's uncle: Yeah that's right. The decoration are so wonderful. It's looks like a new groom

Abhi: Uncle. It's actually called bride and not groom

Sid's uncle: Dear spare the gender part. Catch my emotions. Emotions

All laughing

Sid's dadi : The decorations clothes, jewellery the offertory and the Turmeric. These are all petty things. The important thing in a weeding in the relationship between two familles and the both the familles are happy with each others and this is the real thing.

All go there Room but still here

Sid: Excused me. Don't you have 3G here?

Man: No sir. We have some problem with the networkSid: Okay Thank you

In Avu's side

Avu's mom: I wil take part in this dance competition.

Avu's dad : But with me. We wil dance and we wil Rock

Avu's Aunt: Excused me. Are you guys forgot that? Sid's parents also staying in this same hotel. Wil you guys dance infront of them?

Avu's dad: No. We lose this Prize

Avu' mom: Let it be

Avu: No dad. You wil take part in completion It's final. Dad if they like me then they wil do it spontaneously. Otherwise let it be. But don't let that spoil this opportunity

Avu's dad: That's like my girl

Avu's mom: You are right

Sid's side

Sid talking with his friends

Sid: Dude lam Unable to enjoy. They don't have 3G here. lam getting bored Man listen Listen Dad is coming. Bye Byeeee

Then sid call the cutSid's dad: Sid. Your manners should uphold your family's honour. They way you talking with your friends and the language you are using. This is not allowed here. Here you are not only Sid. But you are representative of the Arora family.

Then they leave

Sid: Yeah dad is Right. We are here on a destination wedding. Let me enjoy the destination

Avu's side

Avu: So mom. Should I meet that person who getting marriage?

Avu's mom: Yeah go and meet Lavanya

mystique_writting Lavanya is my best friend name  😜😜Actually lam really waiting for her marriage  because😁😁 I really love her 🥺🥺 You know guys she saying that lam not goona to marry😂😂 So my smartphone like smartness😎😎 tell me to add her in story and do her marriage Becauase she didn't want to marry na. So I thought don't know when she wil get marry but I wil take all fun from this story marriage you know na how much lam smart and she should be happy because in hermarriage Siddharth and Avneet come😂😂

Avu's mom: Listen. They also staying in same hotel Be carfull. Ok I'll keep this in mind

Sid's side

Sid: Hey! where is events?

Sid talking with that man. Sid's behind avu also come. But avu didn't saw sid and sid didn't saw avu. Now let's see what wil happen in next. Be ready for next chapter

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