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Juniper made a sound of contentment, snuggling deeper into Xavier's chest. The early morning light filtered through her gauzy curtains. Her and Xavier had gotten a little...carried away last night, celebrating their two month anniversary. Usually, Juniper slept over at his place, since he had private quarters, but there was a first time for everything, and the girls were staying at Evie's.

She was immensely glad that there was no Quidditch today, no classes, sure she had homework, but that could wait. Juniper was very comfortable nestled into the crook of Xavier's arm.

Xavier began to awake, mumbling in a sleepy voice as he stroked Juniper's arm, trailing a line of soft kisses along her shoulder, "You up?"

"Mmhmm." Juniper nodded, giggling at the feather light touch of Xavier's lips on her bare skin.

"So last night was fun." He whispered, playing with the strap of her bra and letting his fingers trail down her bare torso.

Juniper blushed, touching a hand to the love bites littering her neck, "Good morning to you too."

His mouth met hers, hands gripping her thighs as they kissed. Xavier grinned, breaking apart from their embrace and tucking a stray curl behind her ear. Both of their cheeks were flushed, hair mussed from sleep.

"I-" Xavier started to say something, but was quickly interrupted when the door to Juniper's dorm swung open.

"Junie have you seen-" Teddy walked in, eyes landing on the pair in bed, "Oh-"

"Need something Teddy?" Juniper pulled back from Xavier, wincing slightly. She saw Xavier scramble to cover them up with the bedding. Aw that was cute.

"No- no I can just come back later, the two of you were-" Teddy scratched his head awkwardly, obviously not sure quite how to act.

"Sounds great." Xavier replied in a tight voice, staring the other boy down with aggression.

"It's fine." Juniper sighed, hopping out of bed to see what he needed. She grabbed a hair tie off the nightstand , twisting her bedhead into a functional bun, "Can you toss me that?" She asked Teddy, gesturing to one of her brother's shirts on the nightstand.

"Sure." He threw the shirt at her, and Juniper slipped it on over her bra and underwear. That seemed to make Xavier a little happier. Quietly, Juniper wondered why he was so agitated.

"Thanks." She arched her back, yawning, "So why are you in here?"

"Quidditch jerseys? We're scrimmaging."

Juniper rummaged around in her closet. Teddy stood awkwardly by the dresser, shifting from foot to foot, doing his best not to look in Xavier's direction. "Zabini." He nodded in acknowledgement.


Juniper finally found what she'd been looking for, procuring.a green netted bag triumphantly, "Just washed them. Try not to get them too dirty." She gave Teddy a knowing look, raising an eyebrow.

"Potter." Teddy through her a devilish grin, "C'mon. Dirty's my middle name."

"Shut up." Juniper shoved the bag of jerseys at him, rolling her eyes.

"Hey Teddy did you get the-" Charlie waltzed into the room, half dressed, "Brilliant thanks Junie!" Without missing a beat, he said, "Oh, hey Xavier. What's up man?"

Xavier blinked for a second, "Nothing much..."

"See you on the pitch, Potter?" Teddy asked as him and Charlie turned to leave.

"Maybe." She shrugged, stealing a glance at Xavier, "We might head to town today, so we'll see." Juniper waved goodbye as the guys disappeared out the door and then closed the door behind her. She returned to the bed, straddling Xavier, "Where were we?"

Xavier, however, was no longer in a loving mood. He sat straight up, frowning, "What the bloody hell just happened?"

With confusion, Juniper tilted her head, "Huh?"

"They- they just- and you-" He sputtered, red in the face.

"They just came in here to get some jerseys." Juniper was taken aback. Why was he overreacting like this? "Is there a problem?"

"He just barges in here whenever he pleases?" Xavier was incredulous. Juniper noted the use of the word he and not they, assuming he was probably talking about Teddy.

"Er...yeah." Juniper trailed off, still unimaginably bewildered. "And..."

"You're not- you're not- dressed Juniper! We were-"

"Teddy's seen me undressed before." She said nonchalantly, in way of explanation or pacification, but when she saw the look of horror pass over Xavier's face she knew she'd made a huge mistake. "I didn't mean- NOT LIKE THAT!!" Juniper cried helplessly. Oh Merlin she was mucking all this up. "He's- we've known each other for ages, we grew up together- don't look at me that way!" She chided, when Xavier's appalled expression did not pass. "I meant when we were little! Or when we went swimming not-"

"I just think you ought to have some semblance of boundaries." Xavier pursed his lips together in a prim line, his features stony.

"Boundaries? With Teddy?" Juniper scoffed, "Funny."

"You're my girlfriend Juniper. I don't want- I don't like that he-" Xavier's voice was possessive. He was almost like a child who didn't want to share his toy, but Juniper figured it was just the usual male competition.

"That he what?" Juniper still didn't understand why Xavier had such an issue with the boys being in her room. No wait- not the boys- just Teddy. Did they have some rivalry she wasn't aware of? Sure they weren't bosom buddies, but they'd never been outright hostile to each other.

"And you let him!" Xavier's temper was rising.

"Let him what, exactly?" Juniper's eyes narrowed, voice low. She didn't like what she thought Xavier was implying.

"Nothing." Xavier sighed, calming a bit, "Nothing- I- I don't like the way he acts with you. He just- he bugs me."

"Teddy's my best friend." Juniper spoke in a flat and final tone. She felt odd, almost annoyed? Annoyed at Xavier? It was a new feeling, unfamiliar. Xavier never annoyed her, but right now...Juniper tried to clear her head, open her mind to a different perspective. She tried to imagine what Xavier's point of view was and why he was so upset about Teddy, but she just didn't get it. Juniper wanted them to like each other so badly. It would make everything much easier.

"I know." Xavier rubbed his jaw, sounding frustrated, "I know that. He just- something about him- he-"

"Xavier are you... jealous?" Juniper ventured, biting her lip. She was wrong. Right? Xavier couldn't be jealous of Teddy. Why would he be jealous of Teddy? He had no reason to be.

"What?!" Xavier exclaimed loudly, offended. "No just- I- let's not have this happen again. Ok?" He gazed into her eyes beseechingly, placing his large hand over hers.

"Ok." Juniper agreed, lacing her fingers through his , "Next time I'll do a charm."


"I promise." Juniper smiled, leaning back into him. A prickle of that irritation still lingered, however, sneaking its way into her mind and burrowing there.

After a few beats of silence, Xavier spoke, "Are you sure the two of you never-"

"Xavier!" Juniper reprimanded, picking her head up from his shoulder.

"Sorry." Xavier apologized, kissing her on the cheek, "Shutting up now."

"Thank you." Juniper curled into a ball beside him, hoping to regain some of that early morning cuddly magic they'd had before. She closed her eyes, not particularly wanting to talk to him right in this moment. Was that bad? Juniper groaned internally. Guess that honeymoon phase couldn't last forever.

Boy was she going through a lot of firsts these days. First boyfriend, first...you know, and now first fight. Juniper wasn't sure if she could classify it as a fight. It felt like a fight, then again she fought with Teddy all the time and that was nothing like this. Neither her nor Xavier screamed or cried or anything dramatic like that. There was no name calling. They'd just talked, really. Surely that didn't count as a fight? But Juniper couldn't discount the unfamiliar emotions when they were talking, and the slightly tense resolution? Could you call it a resolution if there wasn't a fight in the first place? What were they even resolving? Juniper still was uncertain what Xavier was mad about. Was he even mad? Had she misinterpreted the entire situation?

For a second, Juniper was heavily tempted to read his mind, so she could know precisely what Xavier was thinking. Relationships were a lot more complicated than she's been led to believe. Juniper cursed her perfect parents and their wildly unrealistic love stories. Love. Did she love Xavier? Should she have waited to sleep with him until she'd had that figured out? Did Xavier love her?

Godric. Juniper's head hurt. Why was this so damn hard? She asked herself, shaken from her thoughts by Xavier.

"Juniper?" He whispered, thumb on her cheek, "Are you mad at me?"

"No." Juniper said earnestly, kissing him to prove it. "Never." But a kernel of doubt had been wedged in her heart, poking her at all the wrong angles like an itch she couldn't scratch.

"Diagon Alley then? I've got shopping to do for my family, and we haven't had a proper date in a while."

"Xavier." Juniper teased, "We had a date last night, and the night before."

"Those don't count." He pouted, "I want to take you out out. Out of the castle out."

"Okay." Juniper padded across the floor to her closet, preparing to get dressed. Sure she'd kind of wanted to scrimmage with the guys, she hadn't done that in a while either, but you make sacrifices in a relationship.

Xavier must've detected the note of hesitation in her voice, "Did you...want to scrimmage instead?" He sounded hurt, and regret washed over Juniper.

"What? No." She reassured, whisking off the t-shirt, and plucking a pair of jeans from the hangers.

"You sure?"

"I'm sure." Juniper was about to pull on a top, when Xavier wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her back into the bed beside him, "Xavier!" She squealed, giggling as he smothered her in kisses, "What about Diagon Alley?"

"We've got time." He smirked, nipping at her neck. So maybe the honeymoon phase wasn't completely over...

The brisk autumnal breeze whipped Juniper's hair back and forth as she walked hand in hand with Xavier through Diagon Alley. They'd done side along apparition from Hogsmeade so they wouldn't have to take the Knight Bus. Juniper could not wait until she could get her own license, but certification courses started second semester. She also wished she'd worn a heavier coat instead of the light cardigan she'd chosen.

Xavier and Juniper had a nice meal at the Leaky Cauldron. Xavier payed, as always, no matter how many times Juniper protested. They had some ice cream from Fortescue's, and browsed around some shops. Xavier picked up a large order of fancy linens and tableware from Quill and Co. and Juniper replenished her stock of Quidditch paraphernalia. There was also lots of kissing. The uncomfortable aura from the morning no longer settling over them.

"I've got to run one last errand." Xavier told her, arms laden with bags. Juniper didn't know how that was possible. They'd been in nearly every store in the place. Whatever he was shopping for sure was a big deal.

"Where to?" Juniper questioned, although her feet were aching, today had been fun.

"Actually- er..." Xavier avoided eye contact, "I think I'll do this one by myself. If that's ok with you? Erm- you can go into the joke shop, I'll meet you there."

"Oh- alright." Juniper nodded brightly, "I understand. Of course." She did not understand. What was he hiding? Why couldn't she come with? Was he trying to get rid of her?

"Have fun." He pecked her on the cheek and hustled away. A little too fast in Juniper's opinion. Was he tired of her or something? Or did he just not want to go to the joke shop? Whatever. Juniper loved the joke shop. She'd be fine. Plus, she was running low on fireworks and it would give her an excuse to talk to the Weasleys. Maybe Uncle Ron would be there.

Juniper began her trek to Weasley's Wizards Wheezes, her teeth chattering as the wind picked up. A heavy fog was rolling in, thick and misty, sending a chill down Juniper's spine. She could barely see three feet in front of her. How typical of dreary old London.

A rustle behind an alley caught her eye. She frowned, scanning what little of the street she could see for the shadows. Well that was weird. Juniper continued walking, but those seem shadows kept appearing. Two men in dark robes, unkempt and skulking about. Juniper had the distinct sense that she was being followed.

Furtively, she glanced behind her, not wanting to draw attention to herself. There they were again. Ok they were following her. Oh my god they wee following her. Juniper's breath sped up, as did her pace. A mixture of adrenaline and fear coursed through her veins. What was happening? Oh my god. Why were these men following her? Was she about to get killed? Wand. She needed her wand. Where was her- oh no. Oh no. Oh no, no, no, no, no.

It was in one of Xavier's bag. She didn't have it. She didn't have it. The men had also picked up their pace. They were closer to her now. Juniper stared to panic.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. She had no wand. No magic. No way out. What should she do? What should she do? What did she have? She had- she had- she had her phone. Oh thank merlin she had her phone. Shakily, and still trying to act as if she was unbothered by the two men stalking her, Juniper took her cellphone out of her pocket. Fingers crossed that the service was okay here, she dialed as she walked, tasing as many twist and turns as possible to throw them off. She had absolutely no idea where she was, and there was no other witches or wizards in sight. If this phone thing didn't work, she was impossibly screwed.

Please pick up.Please pick up. Please pick up. She prayed over and over again as the phone rang. Once, twice, three-


Juniper almost wept in relief, "Teddy?"

"Junie? What-"

"How good to hear from you! Yeah, yeah, I'm in Diagon Alley." Juniper kept her voice light and airy, making it seem like she was just having a normal conversation with a friend on the phone, while also converting important information about her whereabouts. Hopefully Teddy would get the picture.

"Junie what-"

"Weather's ok. A bit foggy. You know how it is." Juniper sang, forcing out a lilting laugh as she attempted to move out of earshot of the men. The last thing she wanted was for them to get suspicious.

"Junie what is going on? Why're you-"

Juniper lowered her voice, inching further away, "I'm being followed." She said calmly, betraying no emotion, "I need you to come help me."

"You're what?!"

The men realized she was moving away and strode forward. Damn the guys were persistent, whoever they were. Juniper couldn't make out their faces under their dark cloaks and all the fog. What could they want from her? Why Juniper?

"Hahahhahaha you're hilarious." She vamped as a distraction. She needed them to think everything was fine.

"Junie! Are you ok?!"

"Teddy." Juniper smiled falsely, but her voice was shaking, "Can you come? Now?"

"Where are you?"

"I don't know." Juniper watched the men with mounting fear out of the corner of her eye, "Teddy-"

"I'll find you." Teddy stated firmly, right as the phone cut out.

Juniper had never felt more alone. Should she scream? Run? She swallowed hard, the men were approaching her steadily, in no way discreet anymore. Oh my god this was happening. There was no way in hell Teddy would find her before these guys reached her. Juniper widened her stance, clenching her fists in preparation. She certainly wasn't going to go down without a fight.

As the two men got closer and closer, Juniper saw how scruffy they looked. Unwashed, dirty, with hungry yellow eyes and long matted hair. Oh no. Oh no. She was in danger. A lot of danger. Was this real? They were so close now that Juniper could smell the rank odor emanating from them. They stalked toward her menacingly, one reached for his wand, and Juniper braced herself for whatever was about to happen.

"Hey Junie!" An overly loud voice boomed, "Good to see you!" Teddy jogged over and the men instantly retreated.

"Oh thank god." Juniper exhaled slowly, heartbeat slowing.

As soon as the men had disappeared from their view, Teddy turned to her with deep concern, "Junie are you ok?"

"Uh huh." She nodded, biting her lip so hard it drew blood.

"What happened?" He pressed, Juniper would've known that wouldn't have been the end of it.

"I don't know." Juniper said, twisitng her hands together nervously, "They just started following me."

"Wait." Teddy paused, "Where's Zabini?"

'We- we split up."

"Split up?" Teddy repeated, disgruntled, "I don't know much about dates, but aren't they supposed to be done together?"

"He had an errand to run. He wanted to do it by himself." Juniper mumbled, wanting to drop the conversation.

"So let me get this straight." Teddy growled, nostrils flaring, "He forces you to come on on this date with him-"

"He did not force me!" Juniper yelled indignantly, crossing her arms.

"Oh so you didn't want to scrimmage with us instead?" Teddy shot back pointedly.

"I-" Juniper was at a loss for words. She could never lie to Teddy.

Teddy continued, "That's what I thought. So he drags you here, and then leaves you all alone, and you get stalked! When you could have been safe playing Quidditch with m- with us!"

"It's not Xavier's fault!" Juniper stomped her foot on the pavement, eyes flashing.

"See I think it is." Teddy shouted, "Because where is he? Where is he Junie? He's not here."

"Christ!" Juniper, enraged, throws her hands up with fury, "Sorry I called you Teddy. I'm sorry I was such an inconvenience to you! Fuck. I didn't- I didn't know what else to fucking do. I-"

Teddy immediately softened, "Look at me Junie. Look at me." He put a hand on her shoulder, "Don't be sorry. I'm gad you called me. You can always call me. Do you hear me? Always."



"Okay." Juniper said again, her limbs felt shaky. Hot tears stung in her eyes and she blinked furiously, filling them not to fall. She hated crying, especially in front of people. Crying was for the weak.

"Whoa. Hey. Hey, what's wrong?" Teddy peered at her worriedly, taking her by the shoulders, "Junie what's wrong?"

"I just- I was so scared Teddy." Juniper blurted, lump in her throat as she thought of those awful men. "I was frozen- I didn't know what to do- I was h-helpless- I- I-" Her voice broke.

"What do you need?" Teddy asked softly, simply. "Tell me what you need."

"Hold me." Juniper closed her eyes and let the tears roll down her face as Teddy wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly to his chest. If he was surprised by her sudden affect he didn't say so, silently wiping the tears from her cheeks.

"You're ok" He murmured into her ear. "You're ok."

"Juniper!" Xavier loped onto the scene, unawares, "There you are! I've been looking for you everywhe-" He stopped short, face pinching when he saw Teddy. Juniper leaped away from him, hastily scrubbing her face from tears. "What is Lupin doing here?" Xavier grumbled with distaste, scowling.

"I was just leaving." Teddy replied curtly, apparating away with a pop.

The instant Teddy was gone, Xavier rounded on Juniper, "Seriously? What-"

"I was being stalked!" Juniper explained frantically, "These two guys were following me, I didn't know who else to call!"

"Me!" Xavier jabbed his finger at his chest, "Me, Juniper! Your boyfriend! Why didn't you call me?"

"He has his license, I knew he could get here I-"

"So do I, Juniper. I was already here. Why wouldn't you call me?"

"I- I don't know." Juniper was being honest. She really didn't know why she'd done it. It just seemed right int the moment. In her right mind she knew she should've called Xavier. "There was a lot happening, I wasn't- I didn't think- I just-"

"Called Lupin." Xavier finished for her, sullen.

"I'm sorry!" Juniper pleaded, but though she was sorry she was also a little angry, "But Xavier, you left me. I didn't know where you were."

"How was I supposed to know two psychopaths were going to stalk you?!" Xavier roared.

Okay this was definitely a fight. Juniper recognized this.

"I'm not blaming you!" Juniper protested, "I'm just saying that you made a choice to go off on your own. That hurt by the way."

"Merlin, Juniper I was doing something for you!" Xavier cried in exasperation, yanking a gorgeous ball gown out of one of his bags, "It was supposed to be a surprise! That's why I didn't want you to come! I want you to come with me to my family's annual charity ball in a couple weeks." He shoved the gown back into the bag.

"Oh." Juniper quieted, thinking, "That's actually really nice. I didn't-"

"I know." Xavier heaved a large sigh, putting his chin over her head and hugging her. "Are you ok?"


"Good." Xavier kissed the top of her head, "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too." Juniper encircled her arms around his neck and placed a light kiss on his lips. "Are you mad I called Teddy?" His words from this morning echoed back to her.

"No." He kissed her again.

Juniper wasn't sure she believed him...


are xavier's feelings valid? is teddy in the wrong? is xavier in the wrong? is junie in the wrong? none of the above?

srsly tell me. i don't know the answer. i just write and pray it makes sense

im dead tired and very behind on my actual work

oh well

love you lots, please vote and comment


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