- F I G H T I N G -

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Juniper yawned, scratching out another word as she revised her essay. It had been a long week. Her eyes were strained in the dimly lit library, the afternoon sun steadily sinking behind the mountains. She had a massive headache and her hand was cramping. The smell of musty books was causing her to sneeze every five seconds, and Juniper had ink smudges crossing her palms. Figured that McGonagall would assign an essay with no warning, and expect it due the next time she saw them . It was already Thursday for Merlin's sake. Usually, Rory and Juniper did Advanced Transfiguration homework together, but her brunette best friend was nowhere to be found. Vivian wouldn't be caught dead in the library, and Jade was in the greenhouses per usual.

Unfortunately, the library was the only place Juniper could go these days to get some peace and quiet. She yawned for the fourth time in five minutes, laying her head on the desk and sliding her glasses of the bridge of her nose where they had started to form an imprint. Juniper had spent the days since the disastrous events in Diagon Alley juggling her time between Xavier and her friends. It had become abundantly clear to her that Xavier and Teddy could not be in a room together for more than five seconds without ripping each other's heads off.

This meant that Juniper needed to make sure they never crossed paths. It also meant that she missed stuff. She tried to make the time equal with both parties, but it was hard. Xavier was her boyfriend after all. A fact that he'd reminded her of constantly these days come to think of it. Juniper thought she was doing the right thing. You make sacrifices in relationships, right?

Juniper missed her friends though. Like the other night, when she'd come in from a late outing with Xavier, Lola, and Brian and found Rory chasing her brother around the common room, everyone else in a fit of laughter. She was spending more time ensuring that Xavier and Teddy didn't see each other than she was with any person in her life.

Yesterday, when she'd finally gotten to hang out with the guys, Teddy berated her the whole time about how they hadn't seen her. Like she didn't fucking know that already. And then later, she heard the same spiel from Xavier about "priorities". Her head was spinning trying to keep everyone happy.

In short, Juniper was exhausted.

Sure, she had an abundance of issues, doesn't everyone? But a shit ton of them could be solved if a certain blonde and a certain boyfriend would just bloody get along. Speak of one of the devils.

"Hey sweetie." Xavier dropped a kiss on her cheek, wrapping his arms around her, "Still studying?"

Juniper patted his arm, kissing him in reply, "Mmmhmm." She murmured noncommittally, returning his attention to her parchment.

"Just the essay then?" Xavier asked, propping his chin on her shoulder and peering at her work.

"Yeah." She groaned, "McGonagall's class is killer. It's due on Monday and normally I'd wait until the last second, but I just want to get it over with."

"Are my good habits finally wearing off on you?" Xavier smiled, kissing the back of her hand so she would stop writing and focus on him.

Juniper touched a thumb to his cheek, shaking her head, "Don't get too excited. I've got History of Magic tomorrow and I haven't even looked at the schedule for this week."

"Yeah." Xavier rolled his eyes, scoffing, "Like Spinnet ever gives homework. It's not like we're learning anything in that god awful class anyways."

Juniper frowned a bit, taking her hand back from Xavier's to dip her quill in ink and continue writing. For some reason, Xavier wasn't a fan of Professor Spinnet and her methods of teaching. Juniper had no idea why. Personally, she loved the class. Looked forward to it even, which was saying a lot considering History of Magic was her most dreaded class just last year.

Professor Spinnet, who insisted you call her Alicia, (even though no one ever did) was engaging, quick witted, and above all, kind. And Juniper was actually learning. Yes, time traveling was a controversial subject in the wizarding world, but this wasn't timr traveling...technically speaking. Professor Spinnet used a method of simulation and a couple of other spells as well, to take the class to whichever event they were studying.

So far, Juniper had seen the Centaur Rebellion, the beginnings of the ministry, an Azkaban trial, and the Troll War. It was very effective. She was learning so much more than she ever did with Professor Binns, although sometimes it did feel slightly jarring when the classroom dematerialized into something else. It looked very real, which was part of the reason she understood the complexities of their government so well now.

Juniper had always been more of a, "let me try that spell", "let me fight for real", kind of student. She hated books and essays and anything that stopped her from doing. The Gryffindor in her practically lawed that she jump into action with her heart instead of thinking it through with her head.

Xavier was a Slytherin, far more calculating than she. Juniper assumed this was why he didn't enjoy actually experiencing historical events.

"Honestly don't know why they even hired her." Xavier was still griping about Alicia.

"Uh huh." Juniper didn't want to discuss this, she liked Alicia.

Xavier finished his rant, "It's good you're getting ahead on homework though." He mentioned, "Me, Lo, Brian, and a couple other Slytherins are having a get together on Saturday."

"Oh-" Juniper bit her lip, surprised.

"What?" Xavier's brow furrowed in confusion.

"Nothing...it's just- Saturday's movie night..."

"Movie night?"

"It's kind of a tradition.' Juniper explained.

"With who?" Xavier prodded.

"The guys." Juniper glanced away, praying Xavier would drop it. He didn't.

Xavier's mouth pinched together, "I'm assuming that includes Lupin?" He sneered, his voice taking on that too familiar sour tone.

"Yes that includes Teddy." Juniper sighed. She didn't want to do this right now.

"So you don't want to come to the party?" Xavier said, eyes dark.

Juniper winced, "I didn't say that-"

"I get it." Xavier scowled, hurt, "Go ahead, cozy up next to Lupin and watch a movie."

"For the thousandth time, Teddy and I are just friends!" Juniper cried, earning her a death stare from Madam Pince.

"Sure. No biggie." Xavier replied with a heaping of sarcasm, "You'd just rather be with him than me, your boyfrie-"

"In my defense, we've been spending a lot of time with your friends lately!" Juniper protested, trying to keep her temper in check. It was true. At first, Juniper thought it was sweet he wanted her to get to know the people in her life, and she still thought it was sweet. Even though Lola and Brian were extremely intimidating and weren't exactly people she'd normally be friends with. But it was his lack of interest to get to know anybody in her life, that got her irritated. She was glad he shared his friend group with her, included her, but still.

Xavier smarted, folding his arms, "What's that supposed to mean? Now you don't like my friends?

"I didn't say that either!"

"I thought you liked Lo and Brian?"

"I like Lola and Brian fine."

"Fine?" Xavier raised a pointed eyebrow.

"I didn't- that's-" Juniper exhaled slowly. She really didn't want to fight. They'd been fighting a lot lately, and not the good, teasing kind. She was sick of it. It was easier to give in. It had been a long day. She was too tired to do this. "Your friends are great Xavier, I just miss mine."

"I'd like to think you could call them your friends too." Xavier softened, "Look, I have patrol for the next two nights so I won't be able to see you. That's why I want you to come. Maybe you could do your movie night tonight? Or tomorrow?" He looked at her hopefully, lacing his fingers through hers.

"Yeah." Juniper drew a deep breath, kissing him lightly on the lips, "Ok." They weren't going to move movie night obviously, but Xavier didn't need to know that. It was a sweet gesture on his part, better this way.

"You're coming?" Xavier broke into a wide grin, peppering her neck with tiny kisses.

"Yes." She nodded, kissing him goodbye. It was fine. She told herself. She'd just hang out with them tonight, that is...if she ever finished her essay.

The sky darkened overhead, the magicked ceiling displaying an array of constellations as Juniper put the finishing touches on her essay. Rory slid into the seat beside Juniper.


"Hi." Juniper shoved her books in her bag, "Where've you been?

Rory reddened, busying herself with her books, "Oh you know..." She waved a hand airily, "Around."

Juniper narrowed her eyes, "Ror you practically live in the library. What gives?"

Instead of answering her question, Rory deflected, asking Juniper a question instead, "Why are you in here? You and Viv avoid this place like the plague."

"McGonagall's essay." Juniper said with a grimace, "How're you doing with all that by the way?"

"That's all sorted out now." Rory replied briskly, "I still can't believe I had to go to a tutoring session."

"And with my brother of all people." Juniper laughed. Rory hadn't divulged much about her two study sessions with James, but Juniper suspected they involved a lot of bickering, and Rory was glad there were only two.

"It wasn't that bad." Rory smiled, almost shyly. "He actually kind of...helped."

Juniper's jaw fell open, "I'm sorry?" Her eyes widened, "Did I hear that correctly? Are you, Rory Wood, complimenting James Potter?"

Rory scowled , swatting Juniper on the arm, "He's still a massive idiot, don't you worry. I was surprised. That's all." Rory laid her hands neatly on the table, but Juniper saw the faint blush tingeing her cheeks. "Just like I'm surprised you're doing McGonagall's essay ahead of time."

"Oh that's because Xavier-" Juniper stopped when she saw an annoyed look cross Rory's face. "What?"

"Nothing." Rory lips were pressed into a prim line, "Go on."

"There's a Slytherin party Saturday night and Xavier wants me to go." Juniper responded warily. Rory didn't look pleased.

Rory frowned, "Isn't that movie night? James told m-" She paused.

"James told you what now?" She raised a pointed eyebrow. Juniper was shocked to her very core. In the last minute not only had Rory complimented her twin, but now she was using his first name? How much had she missed lately?

"Not the point." Rory cleared her throat, "Are you missing movie night?"


"To go to a Slytherin party."

"Yes." Juniper said flatly, not sure what her friend was getting at.

"You're kidding me, right?" Rory through her hands up exasperatedly, clucking her tongue like a disapproving mother hen.

"He's my boyfriend." Juniper defended, starting to get angry.

Rory gave a snort of derision.

"What is your problem?"

"I don't have a problem." Rory said calmly, which only further infuriated Juniper. She was being condescending on purpose.

"Sure." Juniper fired back, nostrils flaring, "I know you don't like Xavier."

"I didn't-"

"Save it Ror. Teddy already let it slip."

"I told him that in confidence!"

"Thanks by the way for discussing my love life amongst yourselves." Juniper jabbed, "Despite the fact that it's none of your bloody business."

"God Juniper don't you see it?" Rory's eyes flashed as she ranted, "He's bad for you. He doesn't let you see us. You're always with his friends. It's not-"

"Forgive me if I don't take relationship advice from a girl who's never even been kissed." The sharp words tumbled out before she could think twice. As soon as it left her lips she regretted it. Juniper clapped a hand to her mouth, guilty. Her tongue had always been faster than her brain, and it had gotten her into trouble plenty of times before.

Rory recoiled like she'd been slapped, quietly, "Well then..." She moved to get up from the table.

"Wait, Ror." Juniper pulled her back, shame washing over her and intensifying her headache, "I didn't mean-"

"Yeah you did." Rory said in a soft voice, gnawing on her inner cheek, "S'ok though. I deserved it. I was out of line."

"I was too." Juniper apologized, "I'm so sorry Ror. I never should have-"

"And I shouldn't have butted in to your personal relationships." Rory pointed out, "You're my best friend Junie, I worry."

"I know." Juniper massaged her temples with her fingertips, "I really didn't mean to say it Ror. I hate fighting with you."

"Me too!" Rory exclaimed, hugging her, "I'm sorry I talked to Teddy about Xavier."

"I just can't believe you thought he could keep it a secret." Juniper teased, shouldering her book bag, "Aren't you supposed to be the smart one?"

Rory gasped, "Hey!" She said indignantly, linking arms with Juniper as they walked into the halls, "I'm very interested to see how you break it to the guys you're missing movie night to be with your boyfriend."

Juniper blanched at the thought, "They'll be fine..." Rory gave her a look. "Probably." Rory just kept staring at her. "Ok." Juniper relented, "They'll be wankers about it.Teddy'll punch something and things might get broken." Rory snickered. "But other than that." Juniper pacified, "Fine."

"Have fun." Rory winked as they pushed open the portrait hole and climbed up to their dorm.

Per usual, the boys were lounging in the common room. Lanky frames spanning across multiple arm chairs and sofas, and only Leo reading quietly by the fire. Charlie was chatting up a pretty fifth year, and James and Teddy were extremely engaged in a fierce match of wizard's chess.

"Do my eyes deceive me?" Leo called out dramatically, looking up from his reading with a smirk, "Could it be? Junie?"

"Piss off." Juniper rolled her eyes, messing with her cousin's hair. "You saw me not more than four hours ago in Transfiguration."

The boys ignored her, continuing their over the top proclamations of astonishment.

Even Charlie left his conversation with the fifth year to swoon, "It's like a rare bird sighting."

"Drama queens, the lot of you." Juniper plopped down on the couch near her brother and Teddy. "I am not gone that much."

"Aw lay off guys." Teddy grinned good-naturedly, tugging on Juniper's ponytail, "We get her all tomorrow for movie night. And it's my pick which means-" He stopped, brow furrowing at the guilty look on Juniper's face. "What?"

"About movie night..." Juniper said, twisting her hands in her lap nervously.

"No." Teddy tensed, mouth downturned.


"No." He repeated firmly.


"No. Not happening." Teddy growled, "He can't-"

"Will someone please explain to me what's going on?" Charlie whispered, bewildered.

"She's not coming to movie night." Leo explained lowly, muttering with distaste, "Xavier probably has a thing he wants her to go to."

"No." Charlie shook his head, "Junie wouldn't miss movie night. Right?"

Juniper sighed, "Well its just- he has patrol tonight and tomorrow and he invited me and I couldn't say no and-"

"You could have said no." Teddy's hands curled into fists. His temper was bubbling to the surface.

"It's not that simple!" Juniper yelled, "Seriously Teddy? I know you guys aren't his biggest fans but-"

Leo tried to regain control of the situation, making peace, "We don't dislike him, we just think you spend an awful lot of time doing what he wants."

"That's not true." Teddy said roughly, glaring, "I dislike him. And it's not an awful lot of time, it's all the time. He's stealing you Junie!"

"I'm not doing this again." Juniper sucked in her cheeks and stalked up to the girls' dorms. She slammed the door to her dorm behind her with a loud crash, storming in with a huff.

"Hey J." Vivian, oblivious to her the tempestuous irritability swirling in her gut, smiled, "Where have you been? Another date with Xavier-"

"Oh so now you have something to say about Xavier too?" Juniper whirled around, sparking with rage. She was lashing out on everyone today, "Go on Viv tell me why he's such a horrendous boyfriend. Does everyone in my life silently judge me?"

Jade dropped a ceramic pot on the floor with a start, sending shards of clay scattering across the floor.

"Whoa J." Vivian was taken aback, "I didn't even-"

Juniper heaved a large sigh, planting headfirst onto her bed as she groaned, "I know. I know. I'm just so on edge lately. I snapped at Ror earlier too, I felt horrible."

"It's really ok Junie." Rory piped up from the bathroom where she was brushing her hair.

"It's just like- like- I've been fighting with everybody. It sucks." Juniper stripped her uniform off and began dressing herself in more comfortable clothes. "I'm really trying to make things work with Xavier and the guys, and it's so much harder than I thought it would be."

"Sorry babe." Vivian crawled into bed beside her, pulling the blanket up to her chin.

"If it makes you feel any better, you got mail." Jade offered, tossing two letters at Juniper and taking a seta n the end of the bed, fuzzy socked feet hanging off the sides.

"Ooh, read it for us!" Rory clapped her hands excitedly, jumping on the bed and curling up on the other side of Juniper. She placed a sympathetic hand on Juniper's arm, and Juniper laid her head on Vivian's shoulder. "Alex's letters are the best"

"You don't know it's from Alex." Juniper chided, but she eagerly ripped open the first letter anyway. Alex's letters always cheered her up. She loved hearing about his friends and his classes at Ilvermorny. Their school system was a lot different than Hogwarts.

Hey Juniper,

How're things over in Scotland? Cold I'm assuming. It's pretty chilly up here on the east coast too, but mom's still in the 80s back in Malibu. How's Xavier? Things still going well? Judging by your last letter, I'm going to say yes. Happy you're finally over that guy who stopped you from kissing me on the beach. Yes I'm still upset about that. Xavier seems like a great boyfriend. How's James taking it? You need to tell me more things in your letters, I'm bored over here and drowning in schoolwork. Last year at Ilvermorny blows, and Leah is, as usual, taking nothing seriously. Then again, she already has a plan for what she's doing after school and I...still don't. Can you believe she talks to James more than I do? I'm a little offended. He nicknamed me for crying out loud...

"Who's Leah?" Rory interrupted Juniper's reading.

"One of Alex's friends." Juniper mulled, "Her and James hit it off over the summer. She's nice."

"Oh." Rory murmured quietly, eyes downcast.

Jade gazed at Rory suspiciously, "Why?"

"No reason." Rory said brusquely, "Continue Junie."

...I'm supposed to pick an internship soon. Applications are due at the beginning of second semester. I know I said I was interested in government last time I wrote you, but that's really only to impress a girl I was dating at the time. I mentioned her I think. Taylor? Yeah she was in my gov class, we dated for a couple weeks. Didn't work out. God has not granted me a Xavier yet, unfortunately. I'm sort of interested in healing, but there's not a big market for that in America. Most of the internships for that are in Europe. Don't get too excited, I haven't gotten accepted yet, but I did apply for a few internships in the U.K. Mom is super excited, you would think she'd be sad having her only child leave the nest, but no. She practically popped open the champagne already. My advice to you, since I'm clearly very wise in the ways of the world, enjoy your last two years at Hogwarts Juniper. You won't believe how fast time goes. I'm a genuine adult now. Scary, I know. Hope to see you soon. Tell James to write me and not Leah please. He can even call me Al.

Much love,



Can we just appreciate the fact that my letter writing skills have gotten so much better since this summer? Hold the applause please. I'm not even going to tell you to burn this one.

Juniper grinned, placing the letter in the dresser drawer where she kept all the other ones. It was exciting to think Alex might be moving very close to her, she missed his easy going presence in her life. Somehow, he always knew just what to say. "Who's the other one from?"

"Victoire." Vivian handed her the next one. Juniper could skim Victoire's letters rather quickly, they were very brief. Sometimes including funny anecdotes about the band. This one was no different.

Juniper ma cherie,

Beauxbatrash is death. I hate it here. Band played loudly outside my window after curfew and woke all of those prissy girls up. It was hilarious. Ariel's hair is green now, and Olivier has a new boy of the week. Pierre was actually a big fan favorite of some of the girls in my dorm, that is until Queen Bitch shut them down. I hate Selene almost as much as I hate Beauxbatons. I cannot believe I have to share a dorm with her. Pure evil I tell you. Reincarnation of the devil herself. There is hope though. I've been talking to Maman a lot more, and we've been making progress. Shit, Matron saw me writing this, I have to go. I'm sort of in detention for putting a rather graphic drawing (in permanent marker) on Selene's forehead while she was sleeping. No regrets.


Juniper stretched, snuggling deeper under the covers and letting her heavy eyelids close. She slept soundly, not even Rory's snuffling snores on her shoulder could wake her that night. A plus of being bone tired.

The next morning, Juniper woke up, blinking groggily. Rory dragged her out of bed, enlisting Jade in the effort. Vivian was occupying the shower, so Juniper just piled her knotted black hair into a quick bun atop her head.

"C'mon J, up and at 'em." Rory instructed, securing a headband in her hair like always. "We're gonna be late to DADA. You already slept through breakfast."

"Mmmph." Juniper's stomach growled as she haphazardly threw on her uniform. She slung her tie around her neck, not bothering to tie it and shrugged on her stockings.

"Here." Rory shoved a piece of toast in her mouth "Let's go Junie!"

Juniper stumbled into her shoes, mouth full, "Coming!"

Rory and Juniper flew down the staircase, Rory yanking Juniper along. Juniper nearly choked on her toast.

"Slow down." She coughed, tripping over her untied shoelaces, "Dad's not going to give us a tardy."

"Junie!" Rory reprimanded, rolling her eyes, "You've already been late to class twice this week."

"I was tired." Juniper added with a yawn, "Ugh I need caffeine."

"Hey Wood." James also heading to DADA, raked a hand through his ever messy black hair.

"Potter." Rory nodded back cordially, a hint of a smile behind her usual cool facade.

"Ready to swap essays?" James gestured to his parchment in question, "Please hold your applause 'til the end Wood, I know mine's flawless."

"Idiot." Rory rolled her eyes, but obliged.

Juniper watched the scene unfold with wide eyes, "Ahem! Ror! Class!"

"Oh yeah right." Rory didn't look up from her and James's work, deep in thought. Juniper could've sworn she'd heard a giggle when James murmured something in Rory's ear.

Juniper blinked in disbelief. The sleep deprivation must be making her see things. "What happened to we can't be late?!" She said indignantly.

Rory laughed, "Relax J, I'll catch up with you."

"Yeah Junie." James smirked, pumping a fist in the air with victory once Rory's back was turned, "Relax."

"I am so telling Dad to give you a tardy." Juniper flipped James off and exited the common room, swallowing down the last few bites of toast. She hustled through the corridors, rifling through her bag for her glasses. The halls were filled with the crush of students beelining to class. "Oof!" She ran smack into someone's chest.

"Whoa Potter!" Teddy steadied her by the shoulders, snickering. He plucked her glasses out of the bag and placed them on her face, brushing a stray flyaway out of her face. He stepped back and smiled, shaking his head, "Always so clumsy."

"Shut up." Juniper elbowed him, adjusting her glasses.

He held a cup of coffee out to her.

She took it gratefully, inhaling her favorite scent. "My hero."

"You missed breakfast." Teddy shrugged, pleased with himself. Then he smirked, "And it looks like a few buttons." His teasing eyes flicked down to her white uniform shirt.

Juniper swatted him, giving him the coffee so she could fix it, "I-" Juniper began to say, but a strong hand grabbed her waist.

"Let me help you with that sweetie." Xavier murmured into her ear, deftly buttoning her shirt up and giving her a long, possessive kiss that left Juniper little light headed. So light headed in fact, that Juniper didn't see that Xavier's eyes were locked with Teddy's the whole time. "Hi." He traced a thumb over her lips, "I got you this. I didn't see you in the Great Hall." He bestowed her with a hot beverage of some kind, "Green tea."

Juniper smiled, "Aww thank you." She kissed his cheek. It was a sweet gesture. He didn't need to know she hardly ever drank tea. Or that Teddy had already gotten her coffee. Yeah she definitely wasn't telling him that.

Teddy cleared his throat, shuffling awkwardly behind her. "Er- Junie we've got class." He glared at Xavier.

"Bye Juniper." Xavier gave her one last lingering kiss, making sure it was in full view of Teddy. Then he sauntered away.

"Really?" Teddy raised a disgruntled eyebrow.

"Save it." Juniper punched him in the shoulder, "You've snogged half the girls in this castle, you filthy hypocrite."

"I was actually talking about the tea." Teddy grinned, "Good to know where your mind is at though."

"Will you shut up?!" Juniper said, "I happen to like tea."

Teddy burst out laughing, "Mmmmm okay, so I should just throw out this cup of coffee I got you because I genuinely know you. Sweetie."

"Fuck you." Juniper groaned, snatching the cup of coffee from his hands and tossing the green tea in the trash. She really hated when Teddy was right. But she also really hated tea. And she needed caffeine in her. So she drank the coffee, much to Teddy's delight.

"I mean, if that's what you want...I'm not going to say-"

"Arsehole!" Juniper purposely dripped hot coffee into his arm, and he responded by flicking it in her face.

He laughed, slinging a friendly arm around her shoulders as they entered the classroom, nodding at Harry. "Have you told him yet?" He leant down to whisper in her ear.

"Teddy..." Juniper chastised, "I'm not going to worry him. It's no big deal."

"Juniper you were stalked!"

"We don't know that for sure!" She protested, choosing her seat at a desk in the back, "Xavier agrees with-"

"I'm sorry was Zabini there when you called me, panicking, and I had to hold you until you calmed down?!"

"I'm not talking about this with you anymore." Juniper hissed, her father beginning the lesson.

Defense Against the Dark Arts went quickly. Juniper's father taught them a couple new spells and then they dueled. Charlie burned Leo's uniform tie. It was a very entertaining class.

Before Juniper knew it, it was the last class of the day, History of Magic. They had a pop quiz at the beginning of class, and they discussed the simulation they'd experienced yesterday. Professor Spinnet displayed the shimmering timeline and explained where'd they be visiting next week. They were nearing the Voldemort age of the timeline, and Juniper could tell that the professor had been putting it off.

When the closing bells finally rung, Juniper was about to leave the classroom when Professor Spinnet pulled her aside.

"Miss Potter." She said, beckoning her over, "May I have a word?"

"Did I...do something?" Juniper asked, approaching the desk.

"Of course not." Professor Spinnet reassured, patting the seat in front of her desk, "Take a seat Miss Potter." The young woman pulled a face, "I know I'm supposed to, but calling you that feels so wrong."

"I don't care." Juniper told her, "Juniper's fine Professor Spinnet."

"Alicia." The professor corrected, "Please. Professor makes me sound so old. I'm only a year older than your parents." She paused, thinking, "That leads me to what I wanted to discuss with you. As you know we are diving into some dark stuff this year. And the Wizarding War chapters that we will cover primarily after holiday, hit particularly close to home for many of you in this class. I know it does for me. Now, I've already talked with many of your classmates, including your brother, cousins, the Lupin boy, Wood's daughter, and several others. I just want to make sure that all of you feel safe in this environment. And I hope you know that it's ok to opt out of anything if it becomes too intense. That period of time was...rough, for everyone involved. I'm sure your parents have-"

"I actually don't know like anything about them before." Juniper confessed, "I've never asked. I know the basics of course, but it never seemed important..."

"Ah." Professor Spinnet nodded, scribbling something down on a piece of paper. "Here are some books that detail it. I think it would do you good to look into the material. I don't want you to be caught completely unawares in class."

Juniper grasped the slip of parchment "Thank you." She exited the classroom and hurried to the library, scouring the shelves for the books Spinnet had recommended. She hefted an armload of them, and made herself comfortable in a window alcove as she read.

The first one was boring, the second one she could barely understand, but the third times the charm. Juniper was so absorbed in the book that she didn't even realize how late it'd gotten. She'd never known any of the things that were in these books. Had her parents really done all of that? Her dad had really-

"Hey Junie." Xavier came out of nowhere and Juniper let out a tiny gasp.

"Sorry sweetie didn't mean to scare you." He chuckled, kissing her. Xavier joined her in the small alcove, curving his body around hers. "You're reading?"

Juniper scowled, "You don't have to sound so surprised." But she still snuggled deeper into his chest, letting her head fall back in contentment.

"It must be good since you blew me off for the past two hours." He joked, nuzzling and nipping at her neck.

Juniper giggled, sighing happily when Xavier kissed the spot just above her shoulder, "It really is. Professor Spinnet told me to check them out and I'm learning so much about the Wizarding Wars. Can you believe a war was fought over something as silly as whether your blood is 'pure' or not? I mean who decides that anyway? And what sort of people call themselves Death Eaters?" Juniper chattered on animatedly, not realizing Xavier's mood was darkening.

"Spinnet assigned this to you?" Xavier stopped kissing her neck, lips pursed. "That's hardly appropriate."

"No she just thought it would be a good idea if I checked it out." Juniper continued, oblivious, "It has a lot of stuff about our parents. I even came across your family, the Zabinis..."

Xavier practically tore the book out of her hands, "I don't think it's healthy for you to be reading this kind of stuff."

"What?" Juniper viewed him with uncertainty, "No, I like learning about this. It's interesting."

"I don't want you to dwell on it though. The past is the past." Xavier stated, eyes dimming.

"Why are you being so weird about this?" Juniper poked in confusion, "Is it- is it because your family were Death Eaters? Is that why? I don't care Xavier. The war is over. We're all on the same side now. It's not like you're still pureblood supremacists." She'd meant it as a joke, but she saw something flash across her boyfriend's face, "You're not, are you?"

"No!" Xavier exclaimed loudly, "Of course I'm not! Juniper!"

"I didn't think you were!" Juniper soothed, kissing his jaw. She wanted to go back to the place they were second ago, when he was being cute and affectionate. However..., "But Xavier- I'm not going to stop looking into this. This is something I want- need to do."

"Okay." Xavier conceded, tracing his fingertips along her arm, "Be careful how far you go."

"I'll be fine." Juniper shut the book and started packing her stuff up. Although she appreciated Xavier's concern, sometimes it felt like he didn't think she could take care of herself. Sure the guys were super over protective of her too, but they knew she could throw a punch just as well as any of them. Xavier though, Xavier always wanted to be the one to save her, even if she didn't need saving. "Do you have to get going for patrol?"

"Yeah." Xavier tilted her chin up to kiss her, "I'll miss you."

"Miss you."

The next day...

Juniper washed her hair out, letting the mud swirl down the drain. It had rained today, so Quidditch practice was especially muddy. And maybe she'd jumped in some puddles... In her defense, Teddy splashed her first. But now she was running a little behind on getting ready for the party she was supposed to go to.

Normally, Juniper wouldn't care as much, but Xavier's friends made her really self conscious and they were always really well dressed. After she stood in front of her closet for a good five minutes, she put on a plain maroon shirt dress with an open back and her trusty leather jacket. Sliding Viv's pair of chunky boots on, she made her way down the stairs, passing the boys dorm on the way.

She paused in their doorway, feeling a slight pang in her heart when she saw the classic fort building nd all of them in their comfy clothes. What she would give to be in her ratty old sweatpants and Leo's Holyhead Harpies jumper. Then again, maybe not the jumper part, it looked as though it was already taken.

"Hi Junie!" Henry waved from his place by Leo's side. He wolf whistled, "You look hot."

Juniper smiled, doing a twirl in appreciation, "Thank you Henry!"

Leo frowned, nudging his boyfriend, "Hey! Pay attention to me! She's boring."

"And she's ditching us." Charlie poked his tongue out at her.

"Now wonder none of you have girlfriends." Juniper sniped

"Guess what Potter." Teddy smiled evilly, "Guess what movie we're watching?"

Juniper peered ta the old television and gasped in betrayal, "You fuckers! Say Anything?! I hate you!"

"Almost makes you want to stay doesn't it?" Teddy said innocently, batting his eyelashes.

"Nice try." Juniper rolled her eyes, shutting the door behind her and journeying out of the common room. Xavier was meeting her outside the dungeons.

Even though she'd been to the dungeons dozens of times, they still kinda freaked her out. I mean seriously, who thought it would be fun to live submerged in a deep dark swamp. Salazar Slytherin definitely had some demons. And then there was the whole snake thing.

She could hear the bass thumping as she neared the Slytherin dorms. "Xavier?"

"You look very pretty." His deep voice echoed off the dank walls as he wrapped his arms around her, leading her into the party.

Juniper had been hoping that her sister would be at the party, so at least she would have a familiar face. Unfortunately, Nessa was the type to avoid parties at all costs. She was probably holed up in her dorm somewhere with Ophelia, Rose, Axel, and all the other usual suspects smoking weed.

It look as though Brian was acting as dj, and Lola was in the thick of it all, dancing like there was no tomorrow. She was wearing a short, sliver sequined dress that caught the lights at all angles. She looked like a disco ball. And she was owning it.

Immediately, she pulled Xavier over to come dance with her. Juniper stayed back. She wasn't big on dancing, unless it was a joke. And as Teddy pointed out far more often than he needed to, she was a huge klutz. Again, Juniper was struck by how pretty Lola was. How she danced so effortlessly, hips swaying back and forth. How her hand lingered on Xavier's arm for a length of time that made Juniper's stomach start to feel funny. How Xavier and her laughed together and looked really really happy.

Juniper felt like a potato next to Lola, her insecurities beginning to flare up. She was overthinking. Nothing new. And she didn't want to ruin the party. She was going to be a good girlfriend if it killed her.

So Juniper tried to have fun. Juniper smiled politely at his friend's stories and played a round of truth or dare with them. She danced with Lola, and cracked jokes with Brian. She listened to them talk about seventh year. She did everything that she wanted Xavier to do with her friends. Because maybe just maybe, he'd get the hint. She didn't complain, or act like she didn't want to be there. She didn't sit on the sidelines and ignore people. She didn't ask him to go. Even though she kind of wanted to. She didn't say that she'd rather be at Movie Night. Even though she would.

And Juniper did have a good time. She did. She just wished Xavier would try and do the same for her.

sorry this took so long to get out :(
how are we feeling?

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