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teddy's pov:

I missed Juniper.

I missed her laugh. I missed planning pranks with her. I missed teasing her. I missed making her blush. I missed the sparkle in her green eyes when she told me to shut up. I missed everything.

What was wrong with me?! She was in a relationship. Granted, a relationship with guy I thought was a total dick, but a relationship all the same. She was happy with Xavier. I should be happy for her. I should be. So why wasn't I?! It didn't make any sense.

I hated seeing his hands all over her. I hated it. I just couldn't figure it out. Why did she like him? And why was I so upset she did? No one was good enough for my Junie. And certainly not Xavier Zabini.

She called me. I'd never heard her that scared. Junie was never vulnerable, not even with us. I bet Xavier wasn't too thrilled she'd done that. And he'd retaliated by never letting her out of his sight.

He just didn't get it. Didn't get her. I mean, what sort of boyfriend didn't know that Junie drank coffee like it was crack? Green tea? What a poseur. He didn't know her at all.

I did. I knew her.

But he was the one groping her right in the middle of the damn corridor, kissing her to make me jealous. Which obviously wasn't working because I wasn't jealous. At all. Why would I be jealous?

Because you've been dreaming about kissing her for-


I was being protective like a brother. Like a brother. Like a brother. Best friends We were best friends and that was it. It was normal to want to snog your best friend sometimes. Right?

To be honest, I just wanted her back. We hardly talked anymore. She was always with Xavier. Always. And every time I got a second alone with her, there he was. Popping up like a freakin jack in the box from hell.

I even skipped out on my meet up with this cute Ravenclaw girl to follow Juniper to the library, but right as I was about to go up to her, Zabini sat down. I think they got in an argument...I couldn't really hear. Hey, eavesdropping is crucial in some situations. I promise it was justified.

But the cherry on top of this awful sundae, was her ditching movie night for a Slytherin Party. She'd never missed a movie night. None of us had. Once, Charlie had the flu, and even then that didn't stop us. Yeah, we were all coughing up phlegm for a week after, but that was friendship.

And now Juniper was missing it for Xavier. To make matters worse, she'd been attending Slytherin events for the past month. We'd had two parties, both for the Quidditch team she was on, and she did not come to either. If he really loved her, he'd understand. He'd at least make an effort to get to know us.

Okay, maybe we could've been more welcoming. If I had to choose between seeing Junie and pounding Xavier's face in, of course I'd choose her. Although I'd really like it if I could do both.

She looked really pretty too. I hadn't seen that dress before. I hated the fact that Xavier would probably be tearing it off of her while we were watching her favorite movie. Yeah I picked it on purpose. Yeah it was petty. I'm not proud of it. Okay I'm kind of proud of it.

I didn't like to picture Xavier twirling her around the party in the dress. I didn't want to think about what he was doing with his hands. I knew they were sleeping together after that awkward morning in her dorm, but it was easier to pretend they weren't.

She was supposed to be curled up next to me, watching John Cusack and Ione Skye fall in love. Instead she was going to be staying over at Xavier's, for like the hundredth time this week.

I looked to my left, where James and Charlie were snoring soundly atop a pile of pillows.

Leo and Scamander had retired to Leo's bed a while ago, the curtains firmly shut. I liked Henry. He was a really good fit for Leo. Usually, Junie and I would be the only ones up by now, but tonight it was just me. I was about to turn off the movie when the door creaked open, spilling a wide triangle of light across the room.

I poked my head up to find Junie standing in the doorway, framed in dark silhouette with a golden halo of candlelight surrounding her head. She looked like an angel. "Junie?" I asked in surprise.

"Hey Teddy." She smiled, kicking her shoes off and letting her hair loose. Her black curls tumbled down in one swift motion as she shrugged off her jacket, "Movie finished?"

"No." I shook my head, doing my best to contain my grin, "Why aren't you with Zabini?"

"He had early Quidditch practice." She shrugged, "He wanted me to stay over, but I had somewhere else I needed to be."

"Oh really?" I tried not to sound too smug, viewing Junie from my perch on the bed. I stretched my arms, causing my shirt to ride up. Nonchalantly, I scooted a few inches to the left.

"Shut up." Juniper said, biting her lower lip.

"I didn't say anything." I smirked, "Do you get it? Say Anything?"

"You're as bad as James." She shook her head, but I could tell she was holding in a laugh. "I still can't believe you pulled that shit on me."

I stuck my tongue out at her, "Believe it baby, now suck it up and get your arse over here. It's not done yet." I patted the seat beside me.

She hopped onto the mattress beside me, burrowing herself in the blankets like she always did. Juniper glared, "I'm still mad at you."

"Okay." I replied, grinning.

"I am!" She continued to insist, but Junie was already relaxed, eyes on the screen.


"Did I miss it?" Juniper shivered, moving closer to me. My heart started beating faster. What the fuck was happening? I could smell lilies again.

"Just in time." I answered with a knowing smile and the ending began to play. Her favorite scene was the one with the boombox, which I think some people, cough, cough, Xavier, would be surprised by.

"Good." She sighed happily, laying her head on my shoulder. I put an arm around her shoulder as John Cusack held a boombox over his head. "I love this part." Her eyes were misty. This was literally the only movie Junie ever cried at.

I think my heart did a backflip. I wanted to play with her hair, but I knew I shouldn't. Couldn't.

"I hate you." I heard her say. Junie was making that irresistible little angry face.

"Again, I didn't say anything."

"I know what you were thinking." She pouted, perfect lips just out of my reach. "I know it's silly and cliche that I like the happy ending. Go ahead, make fun."

"I actually think it's kinda cute." I confessed teasingly, nudging her. "I like being one of the only people who know Juniper Potter's a secret romantic."

Junie elbowed me in the side, scowling, "Fuck you!"

"I said you were cute!"

"Hmmph!" She huffed, crossing her arms. Her eyes were starting to drift shut, credits rolling. "If you tell anyone I cried, I'll kill you." She murmured sleepily, snuggling under the covers.

"I don't doubt it." I gave a small chuckle, looking down at her small frame, even tinier because of how tightly she was curled into my side. I exhaled slowly, switching off the television. "Junie." I whispered, softly, stroking her hair, "I miss you."

The only response I got was the soft rise and fall of her chest, and the loud snoring from James's direction. It was ok. Probably better that she didn't hear. I didn't even know what I meant. Instead of dwelling on it, I closed my eyes too, letting Juniper's heartbeat lull me into a dreamless sleep.

short teddy's pov
ik you guys love them

and omg aren't teddy and junie the cutest?

are we still team xavier? lmk any ideas/suggestions you have for future chapters

as always, vote and comment please

junipers pov coming your way next
spoiler alert: xavier's gonna come looking for her in the dorms...

thank you all sm for your support!!

the lucky one just hit 3k and i've never been more grateful

shout out to inschamberofsecrets
thank you for your ongoing interest in my writing, every time you comment i feel like i'm actually doing something right


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