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juniper's pov:

"Junebug!" My father called from downstairs, "James!"

I jolted awake, bleary eyed. Oh shit. My alarm was still ringing. I swear it's always on the first day back to school I sleep like a truck. Frantically, I scrambled to pull some clothes on, tripping over the shoes I'd casually thrown over my shoulder last night. The lingering days of summer had passed far too quickly for my liking.

Teddy was back to normal. Partially anyways. He was more subdued lately. I suspected that was the fault of the full moon though and had nothing to do with me. I honestly didn't know what was going on there. He was treating me differently. I just couldn't put my finger on why. What changed?

I think he was going to tell me. That night at the World Cup. I pretended I was asleep. He hadn't pressed the subject since, which I was grateful for. What if it was bad? I don't know. I took the easy way out, yeah, but it was for my own sanity. I can't be getting mixed up in all this again. I was a new Juniper. And new Juniper didn't obsess over Teddy Lupin's every move.

Besides, I had found a new obsession. Whatever was going on with my parents. Every time one of us kids walked in the room they would abruptly stop talking. It was all extremely suspicious. I admit, I'd tried to probe my mum a few times, but she was just too damn good at blocking. She could always tell when James and I entered her mind.

"Coming Dad." I yelled, rushing out of the room.

"Oof!" I ran straight into Teddy's chest.

"Sorry Lupin." I straightened myself up, waiting for the biting response or subtle dig about my clumsiness.

"It's alright." He reached out as if to pat me on the shoulder, but stopped mid-movement, averting his eyes. "See you downstairs."

I blinked, watching him go down the stairs. What the fuck was that? I almost wanted him to tease me. To pull my ponytail and give me that annoying smirk. Anything was better than this odd grey Teddy. Ugh. Why couldn't he be normal?

I slid down the banister, shoes in hand, "Here Dad." He was busy at the stove, pouring himself a cup of tea. Cali was already at the table, quietly eating a piece of toast. All around me family bustled, Nessa and Rosie double checking their trunks, Leo and his siblings talking with Aunt Gin. Charlie being fussed over by Aunt Mione while Uncle Ron guffawed. James and Teddy wrestling in the living room. The usual scent of coffee in the morning wasn't there. I furrowed my brow in confusion, "Dad?" I tapped him on the shoulder, "Where's mum?"

"Oh- er...her and your uncle got called away." My father adjusted his glasses, something he always did when he was lying.

"But- she's always here for the first day." I knew I sounded whiny, but it was true. Not once had mum missed an important event. She never let her job interfere with her family, never.

"You know how it is. Auror business and all that. Probably just busywork." He brushed me off airily, taking a sip of his tea and pasting a smile on his face. His words sounded forced, and his smile was tight at the edges. "You all ready to go Junebug?"

"Yeah." I sighed.

"If she could be here she would Junie." My dad ruffled my hair like he used to when I was little.

"I know." I said, heading to pick up my trunk from the foyer. It just didn't feel right without Mum asking us for "one calm first day", and drinking at least three cups of coffee before we woke up.

The out of place feeling continued when we arrived at the train station. All of us acutely aware that we were missing two links on our chain. We said our goodbyes and Dad promised to let us know as soon as he got any word about Mum. He was trying to stay upbeat for all of us, but James and I knew he was worried. Which meant we were worried.

I tried to shake the thoughts from my head as I boarded the train, trying to find an empty compartment

"Hey Potter." I'd recognize that smarmy voice anywhere. Ugh.

"McLaggen." I replied coolly, pursing my lips. Did he think I'd forgotten how he'd treated me at the Yule Ball? I made to push past him.

He whistled, long and low, "Damn baby, someone got hot over the summer."

I wanted to vomit. He was so clearly checking me out. I felt the compulsive need to take a shower, his dirty gaze raking me over like hot coals.

"I'm not your baby." I growled, nostrils flaring. I was trying to keep my temper in check. I didn't want McLaggen flying off the handle again.

"But you could be if-" Oh lord was he really trying to ask me out right now? Is this man serious? Is this what men think girls like? Merlin's beard.

"Hey babe." A booming voice filled my ears, and I felt a broad arm slung around my shoulders. "McLaggen bothering you sweetie?" Sweetie? Babe? Okay what the fuck was happening?

Xavier Zabini cupped my chin, pulling my face close to his so he could whisper in my ear, "Play along." He murmured, and my eyes widened in understanding.

"Oh." Jesse's brow drew together, "So the two of you are-"

I smiled sweetly, squeezing Xavier's hand in an attempt to play the adoring girlfriend, "Going on a couple months now right babe?"

"That's right babe." Xavier echoed, sporting the same dewy eyed expression I was.

"Well then what the fuck am I doing here?" Jesse shoved his hands into his pockets, skulking away like the rodent he was.

I sighed in relief, disentangling myself from Xavier.

"Sorry about that." He apologized sheepishly, scratching his head, " I know that took you off guard. I saw you were in trouble and it was the only thing I thought to do and-"

"No." I shook my head, "Thank you. That was perfect." I chuckled to myself, realizing something, "Why is it that you're always there when I'm in an embarrassing situation with a stupid boy?"

Xavier shrugged, "It's really just a poor reflection of blokes in general, nothing to do with you. Glad I could help."

"Well thank you again." Then it occurred to me, "You know he's probably going to realize we're not actually dating..."

"Eh he's slow, it might take him few weeks." Xavier grinned, "I'm sure you'll have your whole liege of boys to back you up by then." He paused for a moment, as if deciding whether or not to say what had come to his mind, "Or-"


"Or I could actually take you out on a date." He raised his eyebrows questioningly. "What do you say babe?"

"I say, let's do it babe." I giggled, "And just to be clear there will be no babe usage on this date."

"Definitely, it makes me want to die a little inside each time I use it." He winked, "Babe."

"You think you're funny babe?"

"I actually do babe."

"I'm leaving now babe."

"Bye babe."

I walked away still smiling, sliding open the door to the compartment holding Viv, Jade and Rory. I sat down next to Rory, "I think Xavier Zabini just asked me out."

"What?!" Vivian spat out her chocolate frog, coughing loudly. Jade pounded her on the back.

"You said yes right?" Rory's asked expectantly, eyes hopeful.

I nodded, a faint blush rising to my cheeks.

Jade squealed, clapping her hands, and Rory attacked me with a bear hug. Vivian gave me an encouraging thumbs up as she continued to sputter for breath.

Vivian finally regained control of her voice, "I'm so glad Juniper. You're really past the whole Teddy thing, I've never been prouder."

I winced, thinking of the awkward tension between me and Teddy these days, "Don't remind me."

"Speaking of boys." Jade side eyed Rory, "What's going on with you and Potter?"

Rory flushed, and my mouth nearly dropped open. Rory Wood? Blushing over my brother? I must've entered some sort of alternate universe.

"Nothing!" She folded her arms indignantly, a bit too indignantly in my opinion.

"Mmmm sure." I raised an eyebrow, disbelieving. If James knew what we were discussing right now...merlin, he'd probably barge in here and ask for Rory's hand in marriage on the spot. Frankly, I'd love to have her as a sister in law.

Before I knew it, I had to get my robes on. The Scottish countryside a blur of vibrant green as the Hogwarts Express chugged at a brisk speed along the tracks. Hogwarts loomed large in the distance, orange lights bobbing on the lake like fireflies.

We took our usual spot at the Gryffindor table, bored half to death by the Sorting Ceremony. Teddy had to keep pinching me to get me to stay awake. Yeah, he was next to me. Apparently his weird little moods came and went, it was very unsettling. I noticed two empty seats at the teacher's table, and wait- McGonagall wasn't in her usual position.

I was distracted from my musings as I felt something soft hit me in the back of the head. I whirled around, confused, finding a piece of balled up parchment resting in my black curls. I unfurled the parchment as inconspicuously as I could.

How does Friday sound?

Babe. ;)


I chuckled to myself quietly, swiveling around on the bench to mouth yes to Xavier who wad over at the Slytherin table. He grinned, nodding back at me.

"Babe?" I heard Teddy say with disgust, and realized he was reading over my shoulder. Quickly, I balled the parchment back up, shoving it in my bag.

"Why is Zabini calling you babe?"

"Inside joke." I explained shortly, hoping he would drop it.

"You have inside jokes with Zabini?" The obvious loathing in his tone clued me in to the fat that he was definitely not dropping it.

"Is there a problem?" I crossed my arms, lips pursed.

"No." He seethed quietly, looking down at the table.

"It seems like there's a problem."

"I just said-"

"I'm going on a date with him Friday you gonna have a problem with that too?" I challenged, eyes flashing.

"No- wait what? Date?" I saw his hands grip the edge of the bench a little more aggressively, knuckles whitening.

"Do you have a problem with that?" My nostrils flared. No way was I going to have a repeat of last year.

"No." He replied defiantly, staring me down. There he was. Found him. Teddy was back.

"You sure?"

"Yes Potter, how many times do I-"

"You're acting like someone who has a problem with-"

"I am not!"

"Why are you so defensive?"

"Why are you so defensive? Do you want me to have a problem with it?"

"Why would I want you to have a problem with it?!"

"I don't know Junie!"

"Are you upset?"


"You're yelling."

"NO I'M- no I'm not."

"Just tell me if you're upset because-"

"I'm not upset. Or angry, or bothered, or anything else."

"Good. I'm not either."




Our quarrel was interrupted by the clearing of Profssors's McGonagall's throat. She tapped her wand to her neck, amplifying her voice so she could give her yearly speech.

"As I'm sure you've noticed, " she began, "We have a few empty seats up front this year. There has been some turnover in the faculty recently. Sadly, Professor Binns passed away this summer from old age. He was a staple at this school and will surely be missed. Do not fret, I'd like to introduce Professor Alicia Spinnet."

A sharp jawed woman with short dark cornrows and a pair of chocolate brown eyes strode to the front of the room. She was wearing a maroon cloak and a bright red power suit underneath. In short, she was the coolest teacher Juniper had ever seen.

"Professor Spinnet is a former alumni and exceedingly qualified for the position." McGonagall reassured, as the woman took her seat next to Professor Jordan, their Muggle studies professor. Juniper saw them bump fists, recognizing the Gryffindor handshake.

"Now for another bit of news." McGonagll continued, "I have taught at this school for over fifty years, both as a Transfiguration professor and Headmistress. This year I will be taking a step down from my duties as Headmistress due to personal reasons, I have enjoyed every minute of my time as head of this school and will continue to be a resource for those of you who need it. This is temporary for now, and I will still be head of Gryffindor and Transfiguration professor." She paused, letting the shock sink in. Aunt Minnie wasn't going to be Headmistress anymore? What in the world? Could this be related to what my parents are hiding?

"Without further ado, everyone give a big Hogwarts welcome to your interim Headmaster, and new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher!" She clapped, smiling kindly at a man who came up to take her place at the podium.

My jaw dropped.


ik short chapter, it was a filler, and kinda boring i'm sorry :(
BUT it was necessary for setting up the next few chapters



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