- F O R G E T -

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I yawned, leaning against Charlie as we made are way through the dark campgrounds. The sounds of celebration were coming from every corner, fireworks lighting up the starry night sky above. The Holyhead Harpies had won, in an intense game. It was one of the best moments of my life. We'd all screamed ourselves hoarse, and it had to be at least one in the morning by now. James and Teddy were still bellowing that ridiculous fight song they'd made up, and I was fully convinced they'd nicked some weed off Ophelia earlier.

Drunken singing was commonplace right now though, so it didn't matter much. I only hoped they would sober up before we arrived at the tent, Aunt Mione would massacre them. That is, if we ever found the tent. We'd been stumbling around the woods for ages. None of us wanted to admit we were lost. I was too tired to tell my brother that we had passed this tree at least five times, the early morning run starting toll.

"Mmmph." I murmured into Charlie's shoulder, "You have any idea where the fuck we are?"

"Not a clue." Charlie chuckled, "Just as well, your brother and his boyfriend are stoned out of their bloody minds."

"Heard that!" James called from up ahead, flipping us off, "Teddy and I know exactly where we're going thank you very much."

"Do we lose Leo?" Teddy looked around, eyes red.

"Off snogging Scamander somewhere." I replied, "That was like an hour ago Lupin." We passed the oak again. "For fuck's sake." I groaned, steering Teddy by the shoulders while Charlie took James, "We're going in circles you wankers!"

I heard voices nearby, bonfire glow washing a regal blue tent in a calming orange. "There!" I pointed, "Maybe we can ask for directions or something."

We approached the tent quietly, not wanting to disturb anyone who could be sleeping. James and Teddy hang back, while Charlie and I peer around the edge of the canvas. I spot a flash of violet. Hold up- is that-

"Victoire!" I exclaimed, running to hug her.

"Juniper!" The bracelets on her arm jangled as she clapped her hands with excitement, "I knew you were here somewhere!"

"What are you doing here?" I asked, overjoyed at seeing her. Beauxbatons starts earlier than Hogwarts. By this point, the boys had realized I was talking to someone and were making their way over to investigate.

"Here with Beauxbatrash." She poked out her tongue in disgust, lowering her voice, "We weren't even allowed to cheer." She took on the affected voice of a French noble, turning her nose up, "Academy girls must display proper comportment at all events." Victoire rolled her eyes, "Proper comportment my ass, I should be allowed to cheer for my fucking aunt."

"Junie who's this?" Teddy comes up behind me, flanked by Charlie and James, putting a protective hand on my shoulder. Honestly. He was so overprotective about the littlest things. Did he really think the whip thin French girl with purple hair was going to knife me or some shit?

Victoire raised an eyebrow, eyes flicking to Teddy's hand on my shoulder, "You must be Teddy." She looked him up and down appraisingly, murmuring in approval to me, "I see."

"Victoire!" I hissed, eyes wide. Thankfully Teddy was still not sober enough to register that anything weird was going on, and at that moment another girl popped her head out of tent.

"Qu'est-ce que tu n'es pas là? Tu sais-" A dark haired girl with cheekbones the could cut glass, stepped forward, in the middle of berating Victoire. Her voice was harsh, unforgiving, and her beautiful features were icy with hatred. They were almost too beautiful, unnatural, her piercing grey eyes seemed to change color in the light. I could tell from the look on Victoire's face, that she was a not a fan of whoever this girl was.

"Meet Selene Velvela everyone. She's goes to Beaubatra- Beauxbatons with me." Victoire replied tightly, eyes dimming.

Selene noticed the boys for the first time, a candy coated mask replacing her previous anger. A devious smile appeared on her lips, bloodred lips curling up into a perfect bow. She surveyed them slowly, something about the way she was looking at them made my stomach curdle. I had the sudden urge to punch her in the face. The worst part was they were all entranced by her, mouths hanging open like fish. Finally, her eyes fell on Teddy. I could've sworn I saw her lick her lips.

I fought the urge to vomit.

The way she looked at him was almost...animalistic

"Ah." she said, voice smooth as silk." She strode forward, tossing her hair, "And who are you?" Selene dragged perfectly manicured nails across Teddy's chest, purring.

"Teddy." He choked out, eyes glazing over, completely indulging her behavior. In fact, all the boys were hanging on to her every word. Of course. I didn't know what I'd expected. She was gorgeous. Couldn't blame him. But something was off. I could feel it in my bones. Another thing I could feel in my bones was the cold. I shivered, rubbing my bare arms for warmth. Damn. I wished I had a jumper.

Just like that, Teddy snapped out of his daze, shaking his head like a dog trying to rid water from his fur. He tore off his own jumper, handing it to me with a smile, "Here Potter."

"I didn't-" I started to say.

"Junie." He pushed the jumper at me, gesturing to my arms, "I can see your goosebumps from here. Stop being stubborn and take the bloody jumper. You know I don't need it."

"Fine." I conceded. I was really cold. I pulled the jumper over my head begrudgingly, the soft fabric hanging over my knees comically, "Happy now?"

"Very." Teddy grinned, only looking at me. I felt a hot sear of pain, like a laser. It was prickly. I saw Selena staring at me with she loathing I might've withered to dust right there on the spot. If looks could kill, that would be one of them.

"Girls?" A throaty French accent floated out of the tent.

"That's us." Victoire said ruefully, waving, "Nice to see you Juniper."

"Bye Victoire." I watched her disappear into the tent, thankfully, now I knew where we were, and how to get back. The rest of the boys slowly fell out of their daze as well.

I smacked my brother over the head, "What is your problem?"

"Huh?" James blinked, as if he had no memory of the ordeal.

"The three of you were practically drooling." I rolled my eyes, tugging them forward, "C'mon camp's this way."

We tiptoed into our tent, almost everyone was asleep already. Except...the light was on in the kitchen. I furrowed my brow, moving closer. My parents were sitting at the table, conversing in the hushed tones they'd been using lately. But- they almost sounded angry. That couldn't be. My parents never fought. Never. They were that perfect fairytale couple. I must be imagining things.

I strained to hear what they were saying, only making out bits and pieces.





"Not the time-"


They must've had muffliato up or something, because I couldn't figure out anything coherent from what they were saying. What wasn't it the time for? I slid into my bunk before they could realize I was eavesdropping. They never kept secrets from us either. Mum always said they'd already had enough secrets for their lifetime. Any fatigue I'd felt earlier was gone. Now I was wide awake. What weren't they telling us? I knew Mum wet on dangerous missions for her job, but we were at peace in the wizarding world. Weren't we? I was suddenly struck by the lack of information I had on my parents lives before they had us. It never bothered me, but now...I had to figure out what was going on.

It was probably nothing.



teddy's pov:

I tossed and turned in my bed, struggling to get comfortable. I'd learned I was always like this before a full moon, on edge and strung out. My body vibrated with magic, the wolf inside me roaring to be released. I hated it. I hated that I was this monster, even for one night a month. I hated that I snapped at anything that moved, and my anger was at an all time high. I needed to get out. I needed some fresh air. I needed- no.

I sighed, side stepping James's sleeping figure and ducking out of the tent. The moon was nearly full, one more day. Even the sight of it made my fists curl. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying not to think about those stuffy nights in the Shrieking Shack when I would claw desperately at those wooden floors, blood drying on my fur. I wasn't me.

I went to pull fag out of my pocket, but realized Junie still had my jumper. Fuck. Not that I regretted giving it to her. I was shocked she even accepted it at all. Just like I was shocked when she let me take care of her after she hurt herself. I smiled at the thought. She looked so cute in my jumper. It was way too big on her, and I loved it. God. I couldn't do this anymore. My skin still burned from where that girl, Selene, had touched me.

There was something about her. Something magnetic. She stared at me hungrily. Like she couldn't wait to take a huge bite out of my neck. I could smell her magic stronger than anyone else's. She was flirting with me. That much I knew. But something else lurked beneath. I just couldn't place what. I was letting her flirt too, that is until- until- Juniper. She was cold, and suddenly that was all that mattered. Why? Merlin I could really use a fag right now.

I heard a branch crack and whipped my head around, high on alert, "Who's there?"

"Teddy?" Oh. It was Junie. She was still wearing my jumper.

"Hey Junie." I relaxed immediately, patting the seat beside me, "What are you still doing up?" Then I remembered the fags, "Can you pass me a fag, they're in the pocket."

"Sure." She handed the pack over, plopping down on the grass. "You first Lupin. Why are you up?"

"Needed some fresh air." I exhaled, taking a long drag of smoke.

She arched an eyebrow, looking pointedly at my fag, "Fresh air?"

I grinned, passing the fag to her, "Didn't want to stink up the whole tent. Besides, it one of the only things that takes the edge off before...you know."

"Right." She went quiet for a moment. I wondered if she was thinking about how I was classified as a dark creature in this world. That I would never truly be accepted. I know I was.

"So what's your excuse?" I prodded, attempting to lighten the mood.

"Couldn't sleep." Juniper bit her lip, tucking her knees tighter to her chest. I knew instantly something was bothering her. When Juniper has a problem she burrows into herself, doesn't like to talk about it.

"James's snoring?" I joked, maybe she would open up.

She laughed. Oh I loved making her laugh almost as much as I loved making her angry. "Nah, not his time at least." She smirked, "I probably  shouldn't talk, for all I know I snore too."

"You don't." I said, and then instantly regret it. "I- I mean- er- not that I watch you sleep or- I-" Fuck. This was not going well.

Juniper nudged me with her shoulder, smiling "For the record, you don't snore either."

Well that was good to hear. I desperately wanted to ask why she'd stopped the sleepovers, but knew I shouldn't. That was a sure fire way to make her clam up.

"What's really bothering you Junie? I asked, waiting for her response.

"I-" She began, and I nodded to show I was listening, "I think my parents are hiding something from me." Juniper looked down at her palms, "And I know, I know it sounds stupid because it's probably nothing. But I just have like this gut feeling you know?" Her face was so earnest, and then she blushed, "It's stupid. Here you are with real problems and I'm worried about mummy and daddy."

"It's not stupid." I told her, honestly. I took her hand gently, interlacing our fingers. Alarm bells went off in my head as she scooted closer to me. I wrapped my arm around her. What was I doing? What was I doing? What was I doing? This is stupid. This is stupid, This is so so so stupid.


But she was so so so pretty. The starlight bathed her raven hair with an otherworldly shine, and her green eyes were soft with sleep. Her cheeks were rosy from the cold and she was just so- Juniper. She was tiny and perfect and beautiful and I wanted her to stay pressed close to my side like this forever.

She was on the verge of sleep. I could tell by the way her eyelids fluttered, thick lashes barely staying open. Kiss her! Kiss her! An internal cry rose from my heart. Just kiss her! No! My brain screamed back. You can't! She's your best friend you can't! My mind and my heart were at war. I couldn't think straight. Just tell her. Tell her what? Tell her how you feel. I don't even know how I feel! Yes you do. Yes you do.

"Junie." I whispered, tracing my thumb along the back of her hand lightly. Was I really doing this? "Junie?"

No response. She was asleep. Soft breaths and the rise and fall of her chest rhythmic next to me. That was good. I don't know what I was thinking. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. The moon leered down at me gloatingly. You can never be with her. You're dangerous. Did you forget?

No. I never forget

im crying

i just want to give teddy a hug

thoughts, questions, hopes, dreams, rants ———————————>

hopefully one more chapter out this weekend
fingers crossed

also put on your seatbelts

we're in for a bumpy ride ;)


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