- W O R L D C U P -

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I laced up my trainers, securing the black tangles with a maroon headband. My body quivered with anticipation, I could practically feel the magic buzzing in the air. It was the World Cup today, and I was hoping to get a run in before we all left for the game. God I loved Quidditch. The excitement, the danger, the windswept feeling of freedom as you flew through the air. I peeled the bandage back from my forehead and bit my lip. It looked better. Teddy had done a surprisingly nice job of stitching it up last week. Mum had refused to fix it with magic, saying we needed to be more careful , and it would teach me a lesson for next time. It didn't matter much to me. I quite liked scars, and this probably wouldn't scar in the first place.

I think Teddy felt bad about the whole thing, seeing as it was mostly his fault. I assumed that was why he'd taken such care of me when he saw I was bleeding. The memory of him yelling at me in the rain flashed in my mind.

"Will you just let me take care of you for once?!"

I'd been stunned into silence the whole walk back to the house. He had that unfamiliar intensity in his eyes again. It had remained there while he cleaned me up, softening when he apologized. It was odd. Usually, I could read Teddy like a book, but this was new. It was sweet though, even though he'd shouted, it was still a nice sentiment. I didn't usually let anyone take care of me. I hated it actually. I let him. Maybe it was the look he gave me, or how concerned he had been when he saw my blood. Whatever the case, I had let him.

All these thoughts ran through my head as my trainers traversed the dewy grass. I was grateful for the outlet running gave. The heady rush of adrenaline and the crisp morning air took my mind off the weird energy Teddy had been emitting lately. Stupid-

"Teddy!" I tripped over a rock, careening to the grass. Oh gross. There was probably mud in my hair now.

"Jesus Junie!" Teddy exclaimed, reaching a hand down to help me up. He was even more sweaty than I was, but somehow he managed to pull it off. Figured.

"Are you ok? Is your head-" That deep concern appeared in his gaze again. Stop it! I wanted to say. Stop being so- so- I didn't even know. Whatever it was it was confusing and I didn't like it. Just go back to normal!

He lifted his hand like he was going to cup my chin, but I shied away. He withdrew it immediately thank god. Why was he still looking at me like that?

"I'm fine Teddy." I brushed him off perhaps a bit too harshly. He got the kicked puppy look on his face. I dusted my knees off and stood, without taking his hand I might add. Couldn't risk it. Yeah I didn't like him anymore, but he was still hot. Even hotter than he had been last year, if that was possible. Sharper jawline, broader chest, defined muscle. Lots of it, that I could very plainly see as he was currently shirtless.

"How long have you been out here?" I asked, jumping up and down to stay warm, "It's barely seven."

Teddy shrugged, raking and through his damp hair, "I dunno an hour or two? I get a lot of energy right before a full moon."

"Oh. That's right. I forgot." I came to moment of realization, "It's a werewolf thing?" I suddenly noticed the faint scars on his back that hadn't been there before.

"Yeah." He said bitterly, "Must be nice to forget."

I recoiled, a little hurt. "I didn't mean-"

"No I know you didn't!" Teddy sighed, pressing his fingertips to his temples, "Sorry Junie, I get tense when- and I snap at people- I- I'm sorry."

"It's fine." I replied, starting to run again. Teddy kept pace with me. Oh. Guess we were running together now. I could feel the magic bristling off of him. I suspected he could run at this quick speed for several more hours if he wanted to. "You know you don't have to run with me if-"

"Worried I'm too fast for you Potter?" Teddy smirked, mischief glinting in his eye. Now here was a look I recognized. It was his, "I'm going to make Junie mad for fun" look.

I narrowed my eyes, giving him one last chance, "That wasn't what I-"

"Wasn't it?" He cocked his head daringly, "Let's have a go then."

"You're gonna regret this Lupin." I challenged, the hint of a smile on my face.

"Or you are." Teddy raised an eyebrow, bolting forward as fast as he could.

I dashed after him, shouting, "I will kill you!" Wanker. Hadn't even called ready set go. Oh bugger he was really fast. I could usually take him, but this werewolf stamina must give him an extra boost of speed. I tailed him closely, using my height as leverage to fend off the wind.

My legs burned, and my hair flew wildly out of my ponytail. It was exhilarating. I came even to him, hearing his heart beating just as fast as mine was. He threw me an easy grin, nonchalantly turning around so that he was now running backwards. Teddy winked, and I shook my head, trying to stop the smile creeping up my lips.

"Show off!" I poked my tongue out, racing to catch him.

"Says you!" He retorted cheekily, blond curls bouncing

My mouth dropped open. Oh no he didn't. That settled it. I charged straight for him, shoving his chest. "What did you just say about me?"

Teddy grinned, "The truth."

"You are such a -" I started to say as Teddy grabbed my hands and pulled me down to the grass on top of him.

"A what now?" He looked up at me, waiting. I was straddling him now. We were breathing hard from all the running.

I giggled, "Teddy!" I made to rise, but he flipped over and pinned my wrists to the ground, "You arse! Let me up!"

"Say please." He teased, cheeks flushed.

"Piss off."

"That didn't sound like please to me." Teddy whispered, close to my ear now. I could feel the heat radiating from him.

"OI!" I heard James's distinct bellow from above, "What are you two tossers doing? We've got a match to get to!"

Charlie and Leo appeared on the balcony too, "What kind of sadists exercise this early in the morning?"

"Your best friends!" I called back, wriggling out of Teddy's tight grasp, and pushing him to the grass for good measure, "Race you back to the house!"

"You're on." Teddy vaulted from the ground, running after me.

We both burst into the house, breathless and snickering. Aunt Mione nearly dropped her cup of tea in surprise.

"Goodness!" She exclaimed, impeccably dressed per usual, "The portkey leaves in fifteen minutes!" Aunt Mione wasn't Aunt Mione if she wasn't agitated about something.

I laughed, dragging Teddy up the stairs, "We'll be ready Aunt Mione don't worry!"

I took a fast shower, pulling my Holyhead Harpies shirt over my head and sliding into a pair of cutoffs. I attempted to brush through my hair and got it slightly contained, putting my glasses on before I headed back downstairs. The rest of the family was already waiting in the kitchen. How had Teddy gotten down here before me? Everyone was decked out in full Holyhead Harpies gear. We were nothing if not supportive. We would be meeting the rest of the Weasley clan at the campsite. Aunt Gin was the most cheered for player in the league.

"You look like an idiot." I murmured to Leo, as we walked down to the portkey. He was sporting a large top hat striped with the Harpies' colors.

"I know." He grumbled, "Dad made me wear it."

"So are we meeting him today or what?" I pressed, lingering back from the group so I could talk to Leo.

"Maybe." He averted his eyes, scratching the back of his head. "Are Viv, Jade, and Rory going to be there? I want to see how Ror did on Runes."

I rolled my eyes. Our O.W.L. results had come the other day. I bombed History of Magic, like I thought. But I got top marks in DADA, Transfiguration, and Potions. I did alright in Charms too. Herbology wasn't great, but it wasn't horrible. James did better than me in Transfiguration, which I hated, but what could you do? Mum and Dad were pleased, and I had enough outstandings and exceeds expectations to qualify for an auror related course. "I see how you changed the subject Leo."

"Mmm." He smiled, grabbing a section of the portkey masquerading as a hula hoop.

I felt the familiar gut wrenching twist and was whirled through the air, landing with a thump on the floor. Ouch.

"J!" A mass of corkscrew curls flew at me, enveloping me in a massive hug. Two other pairs of arms joined.

"Viv!" I hugged her, Rory, and Jade back fiercely. I hadn't seen them since the last day of school. God it was good to be around girls again.

"We missed you!" They all chorused, as we linked arms with one another.

"What is this we're hearing about a guy named Alex?" Jade nudged me with her elbow, and I blushed.

"Not right now!" I hissed, nodding my head at the boys, who were trying to pretend as if they weren't eavesdropping.

"Hey Wood." My brother grinned broadly, messing with his hair. I groaned. Here we go again.

"Potter." She replied coolly, waiting for the inevitable ask out.

"Do you have your exam results yet?" James asked, and I almost gasped.

"No- wait what?" Rory blinked in confusion, viewing James warily.

"Your O.W.L. results?" He repeated, smiling, "How'd you do?"

"I- er- wha- I mean I did alright?" Rory was beyond bewildered, taken aback.

"Expected as much." James praised kindly, "Not going to ask me how I did Wood?" The teasing nature came back a little bit, Rory starting to regain her bearings.

"How'd you do Potter?" Rory rolled her eyes.

"Better than Junie."

I elbowed him in the ribs, "In Transfiguration!"

"Well, James continued, we should be going. Gotta set up our camp. See you later Wood." We traipsed away, though I promised the girls I would be back soon to fill them in about the summer. Rory was dumbstruck, and I had a feeling that's exactly what James had wanted.

As soon as we were out of earshot, I wheeled on my brother, "What was that?!"

"What?" He feigned confusion, obvious glee overtaking his face.

"You know what mate." Teddy gave him look, "You've asked out Wood every single day since first year."

"What gives?" Charlie queried, furrowing his brow.

"Yeah James why the sudden change of heart?" Leo added, smirking, "Don't tell me you stopped fancying her?"

"I didn't say that." James said mysteriously, eyes wide an innocent, "Maybe I'm trying a new approach."

"A new approach?" I pursed my lips.

"Anything's better than whatever the fuck he was doing before." Leo whispered, snickering.

"Oh shove off!" James punched him in the shoulder, "It worked didn't it?"

"She was definitely... confused." Charlie pointed out, joking.

"Can't you feel it guys?" James threw an arm around Teddy, "This is the year."

Teddy glanced at me, sharing a knowing look, "Every year." He mouthed, shaking his head.

I laughed, ducking into the dilapidated tent to the splendor that waited me inside. The tent had been updated a bit since our parents used it in the nineties. It was larger, with a few more appliances and sleeping areas, but it still had the distinct smell of musty carpet. I set my stuff down on one of the bunks, and headed back into the open, going to find my friends. The atmosphere was hopping with excitement, witches and wizards from everywhere all in one place. Little kids ran around fires, and older wizards set up camp all around the forest. I could see the quidditch teams practicing in the distance. Then I spotted Rory's light blue t shirt.

"I found you!" I said, jogging to meet them at a small patch of meadow that was relatively undisturbed. I had missed them so much this summer. They all looked so much older. Jade and Viv were slightly taller. I was glad Rory was still as tiny as she'd ever been. Barely over five feet. I wasn't much better. But still. I wondered if I looked older. Probably not, to be honest. They'd all been sixteen for ages.

"So, Vivian sat down on the soft ground, patting the seat beside her, tell us about this boy."

"Well his name is Alex." I started. They all squealed. I chuckled, "I've only just told you his name!"

"Let us be excited!" Rory swatted my arm, "Some of us are still over here in the land of never been snogged!"

"I never said I snogged him!" I folded my arms indignantly.

"But you did. Didn't you?" Vivian arched a perfectly shaped eyebrow.

"Yeah." I murmured sheepishly, and they squealed again. "Will you three stop it!"

"I heard he wrote you a letter." Jade smiled sneakily, and I glared at her.

"I'm going to kill Leo!" I growled under my breath.

"It was Charlie actually." She said quietly, blushing, "Not that it matters."

"Still talking to him then?" I smirked, serves her right for bringing up the letter.

"Ah, ah, ah!" Vivian wagged a finger at me disapprovingly, "You're not squirming your way out of this one J. We need details."

And details I gave. I told them the whole story, making them promise not to repeat a word of it to the boys mind you. I told them about the beach, and about surfing, and the drive in movie. I told them how easygoing Alex was, and how we said we would stay friends. I even told them that James was the one who set me up. They told me all about their own summers. Jade met a boy at Herbology camp named Darren, Rory had to go on a Quidditch through the ages road trip with her dad. Vivian- well Viv didn't share anything actually. Just said her summer was fine, her sister was being a pain, and that was that. It was a bit odd, Vivian was a renowned chatterbox.

By the time we finished talking, the sun was starting to set. The crowds had grown even more, and people were starting to filter into the stadium. I got up from the ground, craning my neck to see over the throng of witches and wizards, "I should go find my family." I told my friends, "They're probably wondering where I am."

"Mmm you mean the boys are wondering where you are." Vivian gave me a pointed look, sighing dramatically, "Split custody is taking a toll on us darling."

"You could all just hang out together."

"Junie!" Rory said with mock horror, "You know I can't be exposed to James for long periods of time."

"She'd die." Jade pretended to faint, "Are you a murderer Junie?"

I blew them a kiss, shaking my head as I walked away. The funny thing was, they acted like they weren't friends with the guys when they undoubtedly were. Sure up to third year or so there was tat ever present line drawn between girls and boys and I was smack in the middle of it, but that all started to fade as we got older. Leo and Rory were practically attached at the hip these days.

I was bumped by a portly ginger wizard, and then stumbled, hitting a guy about my age. He looked vaguely familiar.

"Henry?" I said in surprise, "Henry Scamander?" Grant was in our year at Hogwarts. A Hufflepuff. Although sometimes he was absent for weeks at a time. Probably hunting some sort of obscure creature out in the world with his father.

"Juniper Potter." He gave a small laugh, brushing his sandy hair out of his eyes, "Sorry about that."

"No it's my fault." I apologized, "I was just looking for James and them."

"I'll come with you then, I'm looking for Lee." He walked with me while I tilted my head in uncertainty.


"Sorry, he laughed again, Leo."

He was looking for Leo? I didn't think they were that close. I mean, I knew he was in the study group, but I'd never heard Leo mention him. He calls him Lee? They must be better friends than I thought. Unless...

I gasped, hand flying to my mouth as I gripped Henry's arm, "Wait- are you-"

"Henry!" I heard Leo's voice from up ahead, "I- oh- hi Junie." He stared at the ground, not making eye contact with me.

"Hi Lee." I folded my arms questioningly, giving Leo a smug look.

"Shit." He muttered, going to stand beside Henry, "So Junie, I have something to tell you."

"Do you now?"

"Will you shut up?" He grumbled. It was quite interesting seeing this side of Leo. He was usually so unflappable. Sarcastic to the point of no return, never conveying the slightest bit of emotion. "Erm-so you know Henry-"

"There you are!" James, Charlie, and Teddy sauntered over, waving wildly at us.

Leo smacked a palm to his forehead, "You've got to be kidding me." He buried his face in Henry's shoulder, "Great the whole gang is here now." There was the sarcastic Leo I knew.

"Continue please."

"Well- er-" Leo looked between the four of us, "Oh fuck it. Henry is my- my-"

"You can say boyfriend Lee." Henry teased, putting an arm around him. I swear to merlin Leo blushed. My cousin, who'd never been flustered in his life, was weak in the knees over this boy. He must really like him.

"It is so nice to finally meet you!" I exclaimed brightly, shaking his hand. The boys just stared him down aggressively. A look I'd grown quite used to over the years.

"Ah." Henry chuckled, after shaking my hand, "We're doing the whole protective brother bit eh? Well all right I'll play along. I promise to never hurt Leo and I will beat any of you up if you hurt him." He grinned, "How was that?"

The boys all broke into wide smiles, pounding him on the back jovially.

"Knew I liked you Scamander."

"Got a keeper here Leo."

Leo groaned, "Instant regret. Such instant regret."

"He thinks we're embarrassing." I whispered loudly to Henry, ignoring the gaze of fury Leo was boring into my head.

"Well I think you're brilliant." Henry told me, nudging Leo.

"You hear that Leo?" Teddy said, smirking, "He thinks we're brilliant."

"I cannot fully express how much I hate you all right now."

henry scamander:

teddy pov next? lmk

love you,


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