- C A L L M E M A D D I E-

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juniper's pov:

WE WON!! We won! We won! We won! Dad was so proud, said he couldn't have played any better himself. Aunt Ginny nearly wore her voice hoarse from all the screaming she was doing. Mum and Aunt Mione still don't completely understand the finer points of the game, often peeking at us through their fingers because they're afraid we're going to get hurt. Ever since James broke his leg in three places after getting hit with a Bludger, mum's been more skittish.

I grinned broadly, shaking hands with Xavier, "Sorry Zabini, guess we didn't need that luck after all."

"I guess you didn't, he laughed, good game Juniper, you guys are gonna be tough to beat this season." He made direct eye contact with me, catching me off guard.

"Don't encourage her!" Vanessa called loftily from across the way, crossing her arms over her chest. She was sulking, the one thing Ness hated more than anything was losing. It din't help that Charlie and Teddy were doing an obnoxious war dance around her, whooping as loud as they could in victory.

"I will hex your balls off if you-" Vanessa started to draw her wand.


"Sorry Mum." Vanessa flipped James and Charlie off, and Dad gave her a warning look, before smiling, giving Vanessa a nod of approval so slight even Aunt Mione and her eagle eye didn't catch it.

My mother hugged me goodbye, reminding be once again not to get into any trouble, and then all the adults headed off.

"You get the no trouble speech again too?" Charlie nudged me, tossing his damp hair.

"Yup." I grinned, "And I'm willing to bet James and Leo got it too."

"Don't you think there's a reason they give that speech to you four every time?" Rose raised an eyebrow pointedly.

"None that I can think of Rosie." Leo feigned obliviousness, pretending to think carefully, "What about you Junie?"

"No clue." I smirked, poking Rose's freckled cheek as she threw her hands up in defeat.

"Silvers!" She shouted, "Grab Delia and Dev, Vanessa and I need to get away from these children." She stuck her tongue out at all of us, and then turned to her brother, "Also Charlie, your balance is off on the left side of your broom, James if you tuck in on the hook dive you can get less wind resistance, and Junie, well you actually played really well today."

"Always the tone of surprise." I scoffed, Rose's analytical mind was sharp as a whip, that combined with her athletic abilities made her an excellent Quidditch player. Hell, she'd probably be captain if she wasn't a fourth year.

With that, she goes to join her friends, leaving us all slightly offput.

"My sister's so supportive." Charlie said sarcastically, breaking into laughter, and then zeroing in on the company Rose had gone with, "Wait a second is she with that boy again?!"

"Easy tiger." Jade and Rory walked up to join us, "They're headed to Hogsmeade, and we were planning on going there anyways."

"Excellent, we can keep on eye on things then." Charlie nodded decisively, probaly already plotting the million ways he can scare.

"Or, I said with dramatic shock, call me crazy, but you could just do the reasonable thing and trust your sister to make good decisions, and take her word that they're just friends." There is a moment of silence, and then we all burst into laughter.

"That's right, I rolled my eyes, I'm not dealing with reasonable people."

"Nope!" Leo exclaimed cheerfully, "So what do you think mates, should we hex him, prank him, or just rough him up a little?"

"Before you do any of that, you need to shower because all of you reek, and be quick about it, tonight's Triple M and we have to back in time to watch whatever horror film Leo's got us watching."

"Aw man, James pouted, is it really Leo's pick?"

"You know it, Leo elbowed him, I think this one you're really going to enjoy James."

"Who are you punishing here McGonagall, James or me?" Teddy walked over, "You know it's my bed he crawls into when he has nightmares."

"Two birds with one stone, Leo grinned broadly, tussling with James, it's a perfect crime."

"See, if anyone's a serial killer it's him." Teddy whispered to me as the rest of the boys walked to the dorm to clean up, slinging an arm around my shoulders.

I shoved him off, making a face "You reek too Lupin, hit the showers!"

He inhaled his muddy jersey deeply, "That's the stench of a champion Potter, take a whiff." He leaned in close to me, trying to get me to smell his shirt.

"Pretty sure that's the stench of boy who hasn't showered." I giggled as he chased me around with his jersey.

"Maddie didn't say anything about me smelling." He replied haughtily.

I rolled my eyes

"Well Madison wants to get into your pants. Oh wait she already has." I quipped snarkily, giving him mischievous smile.

"Damn Junie, someone's in a mood." He snickered, tugging my ponytail.

"I am most certainly not in a mood!"

"Is it that time of the month?" He joked, eyes twinkling with mirth.

I gasped, how dare he? The nerve of that stupidly attractive boy. "Of all the misogynistic, idiotic-"

"Relax Potter, he teased, tickling me to try and make me laugh, I was only joking."

"Fuck you." I said, wriggling out of his grasp, a smile spreading across my face

"Oh don't worry as you previously pointed out, Madison's already taken care of that." Teddy sauntered away, heading back up to the Gryffindor tower, with what I can only guess was a very smug expression on his face.

My jaw had dropped. HE DID NOT- That boy made my blood boil sometimes, and other times he was the sweetest guy in the world. It absolutely baffled me how he could switch his personas so easily. It was like there were two Teddy's, one who would stay up with me late into the night just talking, who carried me up to my dorm when I fell asleep in odd places, who gave me blankets because he knew I got cold. And then there was the other Teddy, the one who played girls like a deck of cards, and would argue with me just for the fun of it. And I do admit, sometimes the bantering was pretty fun.

"You coming J?" Vivian yelled for me from the castle.

"Yeah, I'll be up soon!"

"Good, I've already picked out some outfit options for you all."

When I got back up to the girls' dorm Vivian had already ransacked our closet, I just shook my head, laughing at poor Jade who was Viv's current victim. I took a quick shower, and was subsequently attacked with a blowdryer by my best friend.

"V!" I exclaimed, "I was just going to-"

"Put it in a ponytail! I know!" Vivian yelled over the roar of the hot air, looking at me with begging eyes, "Please Juniperrrrr, for me?"

"Ugh, I groaned, fine."

"Yaaaayyyy!!" She clapped her hands with excitement, "Thank you darling!"

"But I can't promise you it will cooperate." I warned, 'My hair has a mind of it's own."

"I've been preparing for this my whole life." She replied with determination, Rory, Jade and I viewing her with skepticism.

Rory is already dressed of course, the organized person she is. She's wearing a cute cardigan and a pair of jeans, looking extremely put together as she secures her headband around her hair.

Jade's soft beauty radiated, the green fluttery top and the pleated skirt complimenting each other nicely. She fastened her pearl earrings and brushed her straight hair delicately.

Vivian was half dressed, she really is absolute shit at deciding things. Currently, she's sporting a sports bra, an open flannel shirt, her athletic shorts she wears underneath her Quidditch uniform, long socks, and a bandana tied around her curls. Not to mention her perfectly applied red lipstick.

Vivian was still trying to yank a brush through my hair, "It snapped, she said in disbelief, holding the broken brush, your hair snapped it!"

"I told you Viv." I shrugged, and she finally released me from the chair. I checked the clock and realized we should probably get down to Hogsmeade, quickly pulling on a pair of jeans and a jumper.

Vivian was finally ready to go, with an outfit that could kill. Maroon cami, flannel, low rise jeans that hung perfectly off her hips, and chunky boots, making her a good two inches taller than me, and the same height as Jade, who was surprisingly tall.

We met the boys in front of Zonkos, but they were one short, "Where's the fourth Musketeer?" I asked, looking around the town square.

"He's on a date." Charlie wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, and I furrowed my brow in confusion.

"You're joking." I said, eyes wide.

"Definitely not joking." Leo pointed at Teddy and Madison, who had their heads bent close together at a table in the Three Broomsticks.

"But Teddy doesn't do dates."

"Apparently he does now." James gestured his hands as if to say who knows? "Say Wood, he grinned, do you fancy a- "

"Bye." Rory rolled her eyes, taking Jade by the arm and dragging her into the nearest store.

"I'm going to go into Honeydukes to get snacks for tonight." I told Vivian, leaving her with the boys as they go into the joke shop. I swung open the door to the candy haven and inhale deeply, the overpowering scent of chocolate and sugar hitting me like warm hug.

I peruse the shelves slowly, making sure to stock up on the chocolate, the boys eat like a pack of wolves, and Charlie is kind of obsessed with Honeydukes' chocolate. I tucked a few sugar quills in a separate bag for myself, if I don't hide food they'll eat it. I learned that the hard way.

As I bent down to get a box of jellybeans, my hand knocked over a row of pumpkin pasties, "Shit." I muttered under my breath, trying to pick them all up.

"Here, let me help." Another person began to clean up the mess I made.

"Thank- oh! Madison, thank you." I look up into the velvety brown eyes of the Hufflepuff Head Girl with surprise, "I thought you were with Teddy...?"

"I was, I just popped out to use the ladies, she smiled wide, the one at Three Broomsticks had a massive line." She rose, dusting her jeans off, and tucking her hair behind her ear. She really was gorgeous.

"Right, well I should be- " I turned to go, not particularly wanting to make conversation.

"Juniper, she grabbed my arm, wait. I- erm wanted to talk to you."

"You know I really should-"

"Please?" She asked softly. God damn it why did she have to be so nice, it was making it very hard to hate her.

"Alright Madison, what did you want to talk to me about?" I sighed, sealing my fate.

"First of all, call me Maddie, everybody does."

"Okay Madison."

Now it was her turn to sigh, "I get the feeling you don't- like me very much."

"I- I-" How was I supposed to respond to that? True, I hadn't exactly sent a muffin basket, but I hadn't been that hostile. Had I?

"You don't have to say anything, and I'm sure I'm probably just misreading the situation, but I should like us to be friends."

I narrowed my eyes, what was she playing at? She looked sincere, earnest even.

"And why is that?"

"You're important to Teddy, and Teddy is important to me, I figured we'll probably see a lot of each other."

"I didn't realize the two of you had gotten so close."

"I actually had a few questions about that for you."

"Me?" I pointed to myself incredulously.

"Well you're the expert, everyone says so."

"The expert on what?"

"On Teddy of course, she said it like I should've known this already, I know he talks to you, like really talks to you. You know him, you're practically inseparable, that's why I need your advice."

"Advice?" This was not the direction I thought this conversation was going to go.

"Look, I know his reputation, all the girls do. But do you think- do you think he could actually hold a steady girlfriend."


She looked taken aback, and I felt a small pang of guilt. This would be so much easier if she was a horrible person, and I really desperately wanted to give her bad advice, but I just couldn't. Damn conscience.

"That was blunt, I'm sorry, but you're right I do know him, and he's just not a commitment kind of guy. If it's any consolation, he seems to care about you more than anyone else he sees. He also took you out on a date, he's never done that before, so who knows."

"Well, she said, with an expression of hope on her face, I'm nothing if not determined."

Poor girl, "Good luck I guess." I patted her lightly, gathering my bags and making my way to the door.

"Hey Juniper!" She called out, "Thank you."

ok i like this chapter better:)))

i am also very tired

oh well who needs sleep, all i need is caffeine

i also have no concept of time anymore lmao

lmk any idea you have for coming chapter, things you wanna see etc.

also should the next chapter be about their movie night? cuz i have an idea but i'm not sure if i wanna use it

goodnight lovelies,


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