- M O V I E N I G H T -

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so this is a short lil' filler chapter and there's some jealous conflicted junie in here too

happy reading!!

Juniper walked out of the candy store slightly bewildered. None of Teddy's girls had ever even acknowledged her presence. Usually, they didn't interact with her at all, throwing her the occasional squinty side eye, or judgmental once over. This, this was unlike anything that had happened before. Her and Madison couldn't be more different, but she'd never had anything against her, at least until she started hanging around Teddy.

It was easy to hate her, especially if Juniper didn't take the time to have a conversation with her. It was a lot harder to hate someone you got to know, which was why Juniper had avoided her since that first night.

Madison was definitely one of those people who needed to be friends with everyone, and on top of that she hated confrontation, like any true Hufflepuff. It must've taken her a lot of courage to talk to Juniper like that.

All of these thoughts were running through Juniper's head as she journeyed down the cobblestone pathways. Her ams were still piled high with sweets, she could barely see over the top of her bags.

"Oof!" Her toe caught on a rough patch of ground, and she bumped into an elderly wizard. She nearly toppled over, but just before she hit the ground a pair of hands caught her.

"Whoa!" The voice exclaimed, helping her steady herself.

Juniper looked up to the owner of the voice, Jesse McLaggen. He smirked with a cocky air, "Falling for me Potter?"

"Does that line usually work for you?" Juniper rolled her eyes, dusting herself off.

"You tell me." He winked, and Juniper felt a little bile rise in the back of her throat.

"Right, she pursed her lips, well I should be going."

"Aw c'mon Potter, I was just having a little fun."

"Goodbye McLaggen."

"Guess I'll just have to watch you walk away then." Jesse called from behind her.

God, what a prat, Juniper thought to herself, waving over Leo and Charlie who'd finally emerged from Zonko's.

"Were you talking to McLaggen again?" Charlie asked, furrowing his brow.

"Yeah, what of it?"

"If he's bothering you-" Leo started, giving her a concerned look.

"Jesse may be a prick but he doesn't mean any harm." Juniper brushed their worries away, flapping her hands airily, "Where's that brother of mine?"

"He went to grab Lupin." Charlie replied, pointing at the Three Broomsticks, "There he is now."

"Ready to go?" Juniper questioned, handing part of her load off to James, "Where's Teddy?"

"They're coming now." James immediately started rifling through the bags for food, and Juniper smacked his hand away.

"They?" Leo tilted his head in confusion, "Who's they?"

Leo's question answered itself as Teddy and Madison approached with their arms linked.

"Hey guys, Teddy smiled brightly, we heading up to the castle now?"

"Hi!" Madison fluttered her fingers delicately, "So what are we going to be watching? Teddy told me all about your movie nights, it sounded so fun I thought I'd tag along."

"That's alright isn't it guys?" Teddy made it seem like he was directing the question at the whole group, but his eyes were locked with Juniper's, "She's really excited."

"I don't want to intrude, or step on anyone's toes." Now Madison was also looking at Juniper.

"Of course it's fine." Juniper laughed weakly, trying to get the attention off of her. After several moments of silence it had become clear that the boys were going to follow her lead, and they were waiting for her answer.

The group of six began to trudge up to the castle, the awkward tension between Madison and Juniper was very obviously showing. The walk up to the Gryffindor tower was very...quiet, to say the least. James was his usual oblivious self, cracking jokes and entertaining Madison with the latest of his prank ideas. It helped take the pressure off Juniper, and in that moment she was grateful for her twin brother.

You're welcome

How'd you-

I can read your mind dum dum

Juniper's eyes widened, did that mean that James knew she- that she liked- used to like* Teddy?

Do you and Madison have bad blood or something?

Juniper sighed in relief, her brother was just as clueless as always.


Well then why're you being weird?

I'm not being weird! You're weird!

Nice comeback Junie

Shut up James

Not technically talking


"So, Leo cleared his throat loudly, bringing Juniper and James back to the present, I hope you like horror Madison."

Juniper could tell by the look on Madison's face that she was a not a fan of the horror genre, but she had to commend the girl for the wide smile she mustered. Looks like James wouldn't be the only one cowering in terror tonight. The rest of them them did pretty good with horror films, blood and gore rarely fazed Juniper, it was only the truly creepy supernatural stuff that got her. Charlie and Teddy could stomach it for the most part, and Leo, well, Leo watched these movies like they were Charms hack videos.

Juniper set the snacks on the nearest bed when they got up to the boys' room, while they busied themselves creating the makeshift fort. Madison just stood there, slightly overwhelmed, and not knowing what to do with herself.

"Teddy where's my-" Juniper searched for the spare clothing she kept in the boys' dorm for instances just like this.

"Top drawer like always." He gestured to the wardrobe, escorting Madison to a place in the now fully constructed viewing area.

"Leo-" Juniper started, it was chilly at night and his Holyhead Harpies jumper (or as Juniper liked to call it, their Holyhead Harpies jumper), was very comfortable.

"Already on the bathroom counter." Leo knew what she was asking before she had to say it.

Charlie tossed her a hair tie as she went into the bathroom to change. After that horrid month in fourth year when all the boys competed for who could grow their hair the longest, they always had some on hand. To be honest, Teddy looked kinda hot with long hair...

"I've trained you all so well." Juniper smiled from the bathroom doorway proudly, patting Charlie on the head.

Madison watched this whole scene unfold with wide eyes, "Wow, you guys are really- close."

"Understatement of the year." Leo grinned, slipping the DVD into the player. "Hurry up Junie! You don't have to spend time on your hair for us love, we were all there for the perm incident of 2009!"

"I will Avada your arse right now if you don't shut up!" Juniper yelled, unlocking the bathroom door and coming out as she tied her hair up into a hasty top knot. She paused before stepping over to the bed, realizing her feet were bare and her socks are on Charlie's bed. "Help!"

"What's the matter?" Madison queried worriedly.

"James has a very particular way he likes the pillows set up on the floor, Juniper explained, you can't cross it without socks because apparently that messes up his art." She said the last part with a heaping of sarcasm

"Nobody wants your musty toes walking all over my perfectly made fort!" James flipped his sister off.

"As you can see my brothers mental age is firmly planted at five." Juniper laughed, earning her a raspberry from James.

"Coming Junie." Teddy chuckled, "I've got socks on James don't get your knickers in a twist."

Teddy knelt down and Juniper hopped on his back. He placed her down in her usual spot, and then made to sit down beside her.

Madison stood awkwardly to the side, unsure of where to sit. Juniper scooted away from Teddy immediately, beckoning Madison to her spot.

"Where are you going?"

"I think I'm gonna go sit with Leo."

"But- you always sit here."

"Yes but I think Madison- I mean Maddie, the girl gave Juniper a grateful smile, should probably sit here, since she's your..." Juniper trailed off, not knowing what to say. The word girlfriend was sure to set Teddy off. Thankfully, she didn't have to finish her sentence because Teddy finally got the picture.

Juniper plopped down next to Leo, this was certainly going to be an interesting movie night.

"That was nice of you." He whispered as the movie began to play.

"You don't have to sound so surprised." She whispered back indignantly. Leo raised an eyebrow.

"What?" Juniper put her hands on her hips.

"You know what." Leo rubbed her shoulder comfortingly, "You're hiding the jealousy very well."

"What jealousy?"

Leo only shook his head, amused by her obvious denial, "Shhhh it's starting."

The sound of an axe slicing clean through flesh filled the dorm room, the sickening spurt of blood splattering across the camera instantly. Leo leaned forward eagerly, while James groaned, "It didn't even start out happy!"

Juniper just could not get into the movie. First of all, horror was never her thing, but she was just too on edge to enjoy anything on the screen in front of her. All she could focus on was Teddy and Madison on the bed beside her, she was watching them more intently than the movie. Though to be fair, Madison wasn't really watching the movie either. She was spending most of the night buried in Teddy's shoulder. Covering her eyes, and shrieking whenever there was blood, after the second decapitating she looked as though she might vomit.

It was very distracting. Juniper was uncomfortable, this didn't feel like movie night at all. Movie night was supposed to be relaxing, fun, someplace where she could just be herself and not worry about anything. This was anything but that.

About three quarters of the way through the movie, Madison stood very abruptly, legs a little shaky, "I think I'd better get going, I've got patrol duty."

"I thought you got someone to cover that." Teddy said, standing as well.

"Yes, but well, it's getting late, and- horror really isn't my cup of tea." Madison gulped, averting her eyes from the massacre occurring on screen.

"If you're sure." Teddy hugged her.

"I'm sure." Madison gave him quick kiss on the cheek and practically bolted out of the dorm.

Juniper stifled a giggle, clapping her hand over her mouth, and Leo swatted her on the arm.

"I take back what I said about you being nice."

"I was laughing about something in the movie, it had nothing to do with her." Juniper tried to stop the smile on her face from spreading.

"Yes because mass murderers are so hilarious."

"I'm tired of pretending they aren't" Juniper laughed, nudging Leo, "I'm glad we have the same opinion." She leaned her head on his shoulder tiredly as he rolled his eyes at her.

"Junie come over here! Leave Leo. I'm lonely now!" Teddy whispered loudly from across the way.

"I think you're being summoned." Leo gave her a wry smile, nodding to where Teddy sat.

"Do I have to? I really don't want to move." She yawned, sighing heavily.

"You don't have to, but we both you're going to." Leo shoved her in the direction of Teddy lightly.

"Shut up Leo." Juniper glared at him, before rising and carefully stepping around Charlie and James's sleeping bodies.

"What's up Lupin?" She mumbled, seating herself beside him, but leaving a good nine or so inches between them.

"What are you doing way over there?" Teddy peered at her through half lidded eyes, stretching, "Come over here."

"I'm good where I am Teddy." Juniper tucked the blanket a little tighter around her.

There was a beat of silence.

"I don't think Maddie's going to be coming to any other movie nights." Teddy mulled quietly, setting his gaze on Juniper.

"Think we scared her off that bad?" Juniper snickered softly.

"No- I mean yes- but I don't know, I think that some things should just be the five of us. Her being here...changes things. It was different tonight, and I don't want any of us to be uncomfortable-"

"If you're doing this because of us Teddy, don't, you could try again, maybe-"

"No." Teddy cut her off, "This is my decision. Some things...don't need to be shared." He smiled and Juniper's heart gave little flutter, which she squashed instantly. "Besides, don't think she could handle another horror night, did you see how fast sh ran out of here?" He laughed.

"Speaking of, Juniper mentioned, rubbing her eyes, I should probably go too, wait any longer and I might fall asleep." She hopped out of the bed, picking up her converse and heading to the door.

"I still don't understand why you won't sleepover here anymore." Teddy called out after her.

"I know Teddy." Juniper chuckled to herself, "Goodnight."

"Goodnight Junie."




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