- C H A N G E -

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Rory yawned, blinking her eyes in the morning light. There was a warm, soothingly strong, weight crossing her body. Then she remembered where she was, sleepy haze beginning to lift from her mind. James's bed was somehow more comfortable then her own, and it smelled like him. She inhaled deeply, rolling over to face James, and she was surprised to find he was already awake.

"Morning, Wood," James said, gazing down at her with a look that made Rory's heart soar and her toes curl.

She blushed, "Have you just been staring at me all this time?"

"In my defense," James pushed a lock of hair off her forehead, drawing her closer, "you are a very pretty sleeper." He pressed a soft kiss to her lips, mouth traveling across her collarbone.

Rory let out a small noise of content, "And you are using flattery to try and get me to stay longer."

James glanced up from her neck, smirking, "Is it working?"

Rory dragged her nails across his broad chest, exhaling, "Unfortunately, yes."

"Excellent," James murmured into her ear. A dark tone that made Rory's exposed skin crawl with heat.

She shifted, snuggling deeper into him. Rory would stay there forever if she could. Wrapped in James's arms. They were safe and loving, and all the kissing didn't hurt either. She groaned, "I don't want to get out of bed."

And she really didn't. Once she got out of bed, if she was even able to walk properly...she would have to pack. Or rather, latch her trunk, and do Juniper's packing for her. Then she would have to get on the Hogwarts Express. Which would send her home. Home to her mother and father. Amy and Oliver. Who did not speak to each other, or Rory if she could help it. The odds that they would be celebrating Christmas were less than unlikely. The odds that she would have to pick her drunk father off of the rug so he didn't choke on his now vomit were staggering.

Home was very far away from James Potter.

But right now, right now, she didn't have to think about any of that. Right now she was happy and secure. Right now James was here. James was next to her. And the second she left the room, she'd have to think about all of it. Right now she just wanted to kiss her beautiful, wonderful boyfriend.

"Then don't," James said simply, smothering her in more sweet kisses. His fingers were tangled in her hair, a pleasant sensation that Rory was going to miss dearly the next three weeks.

Rory rolled on top of him, straddling him between her thighs as she attempted to resist him. She swatted him, "I have to!" He merely pulled her back down to him, kissing her lengthily. James nipped at her bare shoulder, and Rory giggled, "You are not making this any easier."

He grinned at her, "I know."

"You're enjoying this far too much," Rory bit her lip, shaking her head at his antics. He was so cute. And hot. How was he this hot? It shouldn't be allowed. His hotness. It should be against the law for one person to make someone turn red ninety percent of the time.

James's grin only grew wider, "I know."

"Fifteen minutes and then I absolutely have to— " his mouth met hers, and Rory's train of thought was stolen away. Because James's hands were on her waist and she couldn't think when James's hands were on her waist. She could barely breathe.

James Potter took her breath away.

By the time she managed to bring herself to leave James, the sun had risen high in the sky. He was very convincing, with those big doe eyes, and golden retriever expression. Rory was very bad at saying no. Mostly because she didn't want to. At all. Funny, considering that was all she'd done for the past six years. Making up for lost time, she supposed.

She closed the door quietly behind her, shoes in hand. James's clothes were huge on her, but she hadn't felt like putting her dress from the previous night on, and she rather liked wearing his clothing. Besides, James had made a comment about how she ought to start keeping a spare set of clothes in his dorm, and Rory died a little inside from sheer happiness.

Rory realized then that she probably looked a mess. Black rings beneath her bloodshot eyes, and remnants of her makeup smeared all across her face. She knew for a fact that her hair was matted and knotted in all sorts of places, still slightly stiff with hairspray. Thank god she'd had a hair tie, or— James had had a hair tie. He always kept one on hand for her. Another thing Rory loved about him. In short, she resembled a doll that had been melted in a microwave, yet James had still looked at her like she was the most gorgeous thing he'd ever laid eyes on. He made her feel pretty.

She couldn't help herself, she smiled. A brilliant, unburdened smile, the kind that lit up her entire face. It remained as she walked steadily up the stone steps.

"Walk of shame, eh Wood?" The booming voice of Teddy Lupin reached her ears, and Rory didn't have to look up to know he was sporting a shit eating grin.

Rory rolled her eyes, raising her middle finger, "Right back at you, Grandpa." Teddy bowed theatrically, hair sticking up like straw in a haystack. Despite Teddy's goading, she still could not wipe her smile from her face.

There was an audible gasp, and Teddy exclaimed, "You had sex!"

"Shhhh!" Rory cried, cheeks burning.

Teddy did not listen, he repeated, at the same volume, "You had sex!" He pointed wildly, gaping.

"Oh my god— SHUT UP!" Rory clamped a hand over Teddy's mouth and dragged him into the nearest alcove. "What is the matter with you?! You are so loud—!"

"You had sex!"

"Will you be quiet?!" Rory hit him repeatedly on the arm, punctuating each of her words with a smack. Teddy ducked for cover, balling himself up into the corner of the ledge.

"Oi!" Teddy attempted to fend her off. There was a beat, and he elbowed her, voice full of wonder, "You and James shagged, no freakin way."

"I have not confirmed or denied anything of the sort," Rory huffed pointedly, crossing her arms.

Teddy just gave her a look. He scoffed, "That's cute Ror. You think I can't tell?"

"You can't!" she said emphatically. She paused, "Can you?"

"Please," Teddy snorted, "it's written all over your face."

Rory was going to murder him. She was going to do it. It would be bloody and painful. He was the worst. How could he tell?! How could he possibly tell? Her face. Was he high? He couldn't tell. He was full of shit. Wasn't he? "My face?" she asked skeptically.

"Yup," Teddy nodded. "You have sex face."

Rory choked on her own spit. Spluttering, "Sex face? I have— sex face? Excuse me?"

"Mmhmmm," Teddy hummed cheerfully. Evil. He was the devil reincarnate.

"Sex face," Rory repeated incredulously. She glared at him, "What even— I do not have— sex face."

"You so do," Teddy sang with glee, delighting in her obvious embarrassment.

She whacked him upside the head, "You're really lecturing me about my sex face? You. Theodore Lupin?" The amount of times she'd caught him with his pants down in their dorm room was astronomical. Honestly, him and Junie were constantly eyeing the other like meat in butcher shop.

Teddy put his hands up in innocence, "Lecture? Never. I'm not here to judge, Wood. In fact, I'm proud."

Rory buried her face in her hands, moaning, "That's even worse."

"My little babies are all grown up," Teddy mimed wiping a tear from his eye, sniffing over dramatically. It was a whole bit. His proud papa act.

Rory shook her head, rubbing her temples with her fingertips. How was Teddy Lupin the first to know? Teddy Lupin who she'd gone out of her way to avoid for a solid four years. "I can't believe you could tell."

"Pro tip, babes," Teddy offered, with a smug quirk of his mouth, "do a more adequate job of concealing your hickeys next time."

Immediately, Rory's hand went to her neck, yanking up the collar of James's jumper. She had forgotten a Glamour Charm this morning, evidently. Sex face, her arse. "Erm— hypocrisy," she gestured to his own neck, where there lay a purplish bruise too.

Teddy chuckled sheepishly, and they compared the marks, marveling in their likeness. "Practically identical," he concurred, tapping the hollow of his throat.

She giggled, "They really are twins." They both burst out laughing, so hard that Rory began to hiccup and Teddy's eyes became watery. 

After the amusement had subsided, each taking big gulps of air to calm themselves, there was a moment of silence. Rory could feel Teddy's gaze on her. "So...?

"So...?" Rory mimicked, unsure what he was getting at.

"So how was it?"

Her eyebrows shot up in surprise, "It? How was— it it?" Was he asking— what she thought he was asking? Did they do this? Was this something her and Teddy did now? What had her life had come to? "Are you serious? Are you being serious right now?" Teddy shrugged unaffectedly. Rory questioned even further, smile creeping up her lips, "You're serious? This is something you want to hear? You really want-?"

He shrugged for a second time, "Come on, Ror. It was your first time, that's a big deal. And I know you have Junie. But it's her brother, so you can't say a lot without risking her vomiting into the nearest toilet. And James and I have no boundaries, so it won't be weird. I'm gonna hear it all from him in a second. If you want to talk about it, you can. I'm serious." Teddy's eyes twinkled mischievously, winking, "I know it had to be at least satisfactory. Actually— are you having difficulty walking because I've seen his—"

"EW!" Rory punched him in the gut, hissing, "Death. I will bury you alive. I swear to god Theodore Remus Lupin."

He barked out a short laugh. Teddy nudged her conspiratorially, "Seriously, though. How'd it go?"

"It was—" Rory gnawed on her inner cheek, resting the urge to break into the silly smile again. "It was fun," she said, folding her hands primly in her lap.

Teddy looked as though he was trying exceedingly hard not to break out into laughter. He was definitely taking pleasure in her facial expressions, lips twitching, "Was it now?" He asked, squinting, "Was it fun for you, Ror? I bet it was fun. I bet you had a lot of fun."

Rory cocked her head, arching a brow, "Speaking from personal experience, or...?"

Teddy's jaw dropped open. He swatted her shoulder, growling. Rory felt laughter bubble up in her throat, shoving him lightly. "I don't think you're supposed to hit girls," she joked, wagging a reprimanding finger at him.

"I make an exception for you, babes," he chuckled. Then he wagged his finger at her, "If you use him for his excellent body, I'll beat you up."

"Oh, I'm special, lucky me."

"Yeah, lucky you."

They dissolved into a stream of hilarity again, peals of laughter echoing through the high ceilings. Rory couldn't remember the last time she'd laughed this hard. And neither could Teddy. The sparrows chirped outside the window, clinging to the snowy eaves. "All jokes aside," Teddy exhaled, leaning back against the glass pane, and causing an icicle to fall in the process, "how are you feeling? You happy, Ror?"

"Yeah," Rory smiled, swinging her legs mindlessly in the space above the carpeted floor. Her feet didn't touch the ground because of her laughably small stature. "Yeah, I'm happy. Really happy. Kind of the happiest I've been in a long time. Maybe ever." It was true. Rory couldn't remember that last time she'd been this unexplainably happy. Life was good. Life was very very good. And Rory was going to relish it for all it was worth, because the second she was home, it would change.

"That's good."

"It is," Rory agreed. True, nearly one hundred percent of the time, she wanted to rip Teddy's head off. He bugged her and he mercilessly made fun of her and he called her out. And she did the same to him, so it was fair game really. But sometimes, especially right now, she was grateful he was her friend. She was grateful that they could tease Junie and James together and that she could talk to him. He was like an annoying, invasive older brother. She patted him on the knee, "And you? You happy, Lupin?"

"What you didn't see my sex face?" he quipped, smirking. Teddy's features grew more serious, "I am though. Happy with her. Really happy, too. Well— as happy as an orphaned werewolf can be." He added drily. Rory's forehead furrowed in confusion, mouth opening. Then Teddy understood what he'd just said, "Oh— right, I've never told you. You didn't know about that, did you?"

Rory swallowed, "Er— no?"

"Well," Teddy lifted a careless shoulder. "I'm a werewolf," he did jazz hands, "surprise!"

She bit back a laugh, "Cheers."

"Yes," Teddy deadpanned, "cheers to being a monster every full moon, and giving myself scars."

"Junie likes the scars," Rory told him, trying to lighten the mood, which had taken a dive off the deep end. Apparently her and Teddy did dark humour now.

Intrigued, Teddy leaned in, "Is that so?"

"Unfortunately I've heard them described in many graphic ways," Rory grimaced at the memory. She covered her mouth, "I am not supposed to tell you these things."

"Hey, we can help each other out here, Wood," Teddy said. He stretched, "For example, I could recommend that you wear your hair in a low bun more often."

"A low bun?" Rory questioned. She used to wear it like that all the time. Especially last year, when her hair was super long.

Teddy tapped his chin sagely, "Trust me." They shared a smile, and there was a minute of quiet before Rory spoke.

"I'm glad you're happy, Lupin."

"I'm glad you're happy too, Ror."

They sat together like that for a few moments more. Just enjoying the other's company. Rory and Teddy were kindred spirits, both a little broken in places.

"Oi!" Juniper called, bouncing into view. James was close behind. "C'mon slowpokes, the train leaves in fifteen minutes." Standing next to each other like that, two bundles of energy and messy black curls, Juniper and James had never looked more like twins.

"If the two of you can stop planning our demise, that is," James said wryly.

"Your demise?" Rory rose from her seat, circling her arms around James's neck as she rested her full body weight against him. She stood on her tiptoes to give him a kiss.

Juniper plopped herself down in Teddy's lap, "The two of you are spending time together voluntarily and not arguing, you're obviously up to something nefarious."

"You got us," Teddy threw his hands up, hanging his head in mock guilt. "We're plotting to off you both."

"I knew it." Juniper played with the collar of Teddy' shirt, "Now up, we're going to be late."

Rory in disbelief, asked Juniper, "You're telling me you are fully packed and ready to go?"

Juniper squeaked in protest, affronted at the accusation, "It's actually quite hurtful how little faith you have in me."

The girl rolled her eyes in response. Rory knew her too well, Juniper decided. That much was clear. "Who helped you?" Rory put her hands on her hips, "I know it wasn't Lupin."

"Hey!" Teddy pouted.

"I'm sorry are you packed and ready to go?" Rory retorted with a smug smile.

"I don't know," Teddy directed his question to James, "am I packed and ready to go?"

"Yup," James threw him a thumbs up.


The train ride seemed somehow shorter than usual. Hogwarts Express chugging by the rolling, green hills and coming to a clanking stop at Platform 9 3/4 all too soon. Juniper lugged her trunk off the vehicle with slight difficulty, the metal clasps knocking against her knees. How much crap had James put in this thing? Was there a boulder in it? She stumbled down the ramp, nearly wiping out.

Teddy held out his hand to help and she frowned at him. "I'm fine, Lupin."

"Can I least carry your trunk for you?" he pleaded. "It's bigger than you are, trouble."

"No," Juniper staunchly refused. "I don't need any help." As soon as the sentence left her mouth she tripped on an uneven piece of pavement, Teddy catching her in the nick of time.

"Stubborn and clumsy," Teddy said with a smile, shaking his head at her. "That's a dangerous combination, Potter."

Juniper reluctantly allowed him to assist her in the carrying of the hefty bag. "Lucky I have you, then." She spotted her Uncle Ron up ahead, along with her sisters and cousins. He was on pickup duty this year, it seemed. "James," she called, glancing over her shoulder. "Over here."

Her brother waved her on. "Give me one second," he replied, subtly indicating to Rory. "I'll catch you up."  James turned his full attention to Rory. They were about to part ways. Rory was apparating home, since her mother wouldn't come and her father couldn't. Not that she'd told James any of that. It was easier not to. She'd rather keep that part of her life hidden. Imperfection, that was what it was.

"Hi," James murmured. "You sure you don't want me to come with you?"

"Potter," Rory cupped his face in her hands. "We talked about this. I can get home on my own."

"I know you can, sweetheart. But I also thought it might be an opportunity for me to meet your dad or your mum, or—"

"Potter—" Rory started, wanting to nip this in the bud. So far she'd managed to avoid this. James meeting her parents. Especially her dad. There was no way she could introduce him. No way. What would he think? If he saw Oliver. If he saw Amy. Rory couldn't have that. No that wouldn't do at all.

James steamrolled right ahead, "I know you weren't ready during summer, since we'd just started dating. But it's been a couple months now, and—"

"Potter— hold on—"

"It doesn't have to be right now— like I get that this is abrupt." James rushed to explain himself. He was like a dog with a bone. "I was thinking I could visit for a day or two over holiday, get to know your family. Spend time with—"

Rory's veins turned to ice at the thought, complexion paling in horror. Under no circumstances could James come to her house. "Oh— no, Potter. I don't— I don't want to to go to of your way. Don't go to the trouble of that, you should spend time with your family. I don't want you—"

"It's no trouble at all," James insisted, looking appalled at the very thought. He just cared so much. He cared so much about her. He didn't understand why she was so averse to this, and he was starting to feel a little insecure. He desperately wanted to meet her parents, and Rory wished he could. She wished it was possible. She wished she had normal parents. A dad who'd jokingly intimidate James, and a mum who'd fuss over him like a pet. Parents like James had.

"James, I—" Rory was at a loss. She didn't know how to tell him. How could she tell him? "The holidays are so chaotic— it just— it wouldn't be a good time. I don't want you missing out on your family stuff. I—"

"Okay," James nodded, features pensive. He struggled for a minute, deciding whether or not he should tell her how it felt to him. "Okay, I just— I— we've been dating for a while now. I love you. I don't know— I just feel— I feel like maybe you don't want me to meet your parents?" he trailed off, scratching his head. His voice was husky with emotion, "And I don't want you to feel like you can't introduce me— I know I can be immature sometimes— but I promise— this is important. I want to make a good impression, it really matters to me— and I don't know. I don't know— I just I feel like you're embarrassed of me and—"

Rory put a hand over her heart, guilt flooding her senses. "James— no, no. Baby, no, I would never— you aren't embarrassing," she paused, "I mean you are embarrassing." James chuckled. "But I'm not embarrassed of you. Never." Her heart was practically breaking at the sight of him. She'd done that. She'd made him feel like that. God. What was the matter with her? She squeezed his hand, "James, of course I want to introduce you to my parents. Of course I do, baby. I promise. I want to show you off so so bad. It's just— I don't think it's the best time. You're going to be so busy I don't want to take you away from— your mum's gonna be there. I know you've missed her, and you should be with her. I don't want to be the one that..."

"I understand." James sighed, "It's Christmas, y'know?" He stroked her cheekbone with his thumb, "I want to be with you. I'm gonna miss you."

"I'm gonna miss you too," Rory heaved a sigh as well. A lump was building in the back of her throat.

James planted a lingering kiss on her forehead, watching her disappear into the crowds of passengers before he made his way over to where Ron and everyone were waiting.

Ron was busy doing a head count, muttering to himself, "Six, seven— oh bollocks I've lost count. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven? Ten? Nine? How many of you are there supposed to be anyways? Bloody hell, Hermione's going to kill me."

Meanwhile, Juniper and Teddy kept eyeing James furtively, whispering to one another. Aside from the fact that she could literally hear James's thoughts if she wanted to, Juniper could always tell when something was bothering her brother. As could Teddy. It was one of the unfortunately fortunate consequences of growing up so closely.

"Hey, buddy," Juniper sidled up to him as they walked to the fireplaces, Teddy in tow.

Teddy peered at his best friend in concern, "You alright, bubs?"

"That obvious, am I?" James slung an arm each around Teddy and Juniper, sandwiching himself between them.

You look like you just saw a butterfly's wing get crushed.

Piss off.

You gonna tell us what happened?


So mysterious.

Are you making fun of me?

You have to ask?

Wow, way to kick a man when he's down, sis.

Man? Now that's funny.

And again.

This is just the way I am.

I know.

You're stuck with me.

I know.

"Are you guys doing the freaky mind thing?" Teddy said, waving his hand back and forth in front of their faces. They were nearing the front of the Floo network line.

Juniper's mouth fell open, whipping her head around to confront James, "He knows?!"

He's my best friend

Mine too, and my boyfriend. You don't see me blabbing.

For your information, I told him when we first found out. Before you guys started canoodling.

Do not ever use that word again. I'm begging you. Especially since you've now had sex.

You know?!

She's my best friend.


"You're doing it again, aren't you?" Teddy took a handful of Floo powder, stepping forward. "Padfoot was right, it is annoying." He shouted his destination and disappeared into the flickering green flames.

Juniper was still coughing up ash as they made their way up the lane to the Potter house. She hoped her dad was already there and had started dinner, she was starving. On cue, her stomach grumbled.

"Cute," Vanessa smirked. Her younger sister had somehow managed not to get a speck of soot on her body.

"Cut it out, Ness," Juniper tugged on Vanessa's complicated blond braid. That must be Rose's work, despite the fact that the strawberry blond wore her own curls cropped short to her scalp, she was a whiz at whipping up hairstyles. Once she'd done Juniper's hair in some sort of elaborate updo.

"You nervous?"

"For what?" Juniper was bewildered by the query. What could she be nervous about?

"You know," Vanessa said, gesturing her hands aimlessly. James fumbled with the key to the gate, and Vanessa stopped what she was saying to goad, "Use magic, you big oaf! You have a wand for a reason."

She refocused her attention on Juniper, "You and Goldilocks are public now, and—."

"Sorry—" Teddy interrupted, "what did you just call me?"

Vanessa ignored him, "Like everyone knows and shit."

"And...?" Juniper failed to see her sister's point. Did she have one? It was unlike Vanessa to not have a point.

"And he's staying with us right?"

"He stays with us every year, Evelyn and Sirius come down. That's tradition." Juniper was only growing more and more confused. "Why would I be nervous about that?"

"But it's different now," Vanessa clarified, irritated that Juniper wasn't catching on. She had no patience for ignorance. "You and Goldilocks are dating—"

"Sticking with that nickname then, huh?" Teddy grimaced.

Vanessa ignored him once again, "You're together. An item. In a relationship."


"So, aren't you worried about the adults? Didn't you and mum have a horrible row about it before school? Aren't you worried about what she's going to say?"

Juniper's insides turned over. She hadn't even thought about that. The last time she'd spoken to her mother had not gone well, to say the least. If you remember correctly, it had ended with her slamming a door and screaming 'I hate you'. Not her finest moment. But she had been mad. And she was going to be mad again if her mum said something about Teddy staying at the house. In fact she was going to be mad if her mum said absolutely anything negative or judgmental regarding her relationship. Hopefully they could smooth things over. Fingers crossed.

"Let alone Goldilocks's sleeping arrangements," Vanessa was still talking, as they crossed into the entryway. "I'm assuming James's adjoining room won't be just right."

Teddy glared at her, "Really committed to the nickname, aren't you Ness?"

"Welcome home, kiddos!" Harry's bellowed greeting cut their conversation short. "I'm in the kitchen getting dinner up and running."

"Thank Godric," Juniper groaned in relief. She shed her winter coat and headed in the kitchen. "I'm starving." Everything would be fine, she reassured herself. Harry loved Teddy, nothing would change just because— everything would be fine. Juniper sniffed the air, hopping up on the kitchen island, "Whatcha making, Dad?"

Before Harry could answer, James frowned, surveying the room, "Dad...where's mum?"

"Ah," Harry adjusted his glasses nervously, fiddling with the ties of his apron. He stared fixedly into the crackling pan. His mouth had pinched into a thin, tight line. "Well, you see— your mother's line of work is highly unpredictable. Aurors don't have a fixed schedule, and— missions sometimes take longer than expected..."

"Guess I don't have to worry after all," Juniper said under her breath. She noticed then how down her father looked. "You're saying she's not here. That's what you're saying, Dad." Juniper sucked in her cheeks, palms pressing into the cold marble. "Just say it. She's not here. She chose work over us. Again."

"Junie!" James hissed, giving her a wanting look. "Don't." He could never see the faults in their mum. Never.

Juniper was sick of it. She was sick of James defending her. She was sick of Harry defending her. Her mother didn't deserve their defense.  She was done. Juniper paid no heed to her brother's advice, "But Uncle Matt is here. Isn't he? He's here. He's an Auror, but he's here."

Harry pinched the bridge of his nose, "Yes, your uncle Matt is here, but Aurors— they all have different cases. I have as much information as you do, it just worked out that—"

"She'll be here for Christmas, though. Won't she?" Juniper prodded and poked relentlessly. She already knew the answer to her question.

"Junebug," Harry attempted to calm her down, "why don't we just eat and we can—"

"Because Christmas is important. Families spend Christmas together. Together, Dad. There's no way she's missing Christmas, right? How could she possibly do that? Will she at least be here on Christmas, Dad?" Juniper snapped, words barbed with poisonous venom. Her father was silent. Juniper scoffed bitterly, "That's what I thought."

The raven haired girl spun her heel and stormed upstairs, fists clenched.

"Junie—!" Harry shouted after her. "Junebug, let's talk about this. Come back here, dinner is almost ready."

"I'm not hungry anymore!" Juniper yelled, slamming her bedroom door with a satisfying crash.

By the time Juniper ventured back downstairs, night had fallen. She tiptoed through the halls in her fuzzy socks, careful not to make a sound in case her father was asleep. There was a plate waiting for her on the counter, covered with a protective warming charm and a message that read: Saved some stir fry for you, Junebug. I'm sorry. She'd be here if she could.

Juniper broke the enchantment with a flick of her wand, summoning a fork from the nearest drawer. She didn't want her dad's apology. He didn't owe her one. He wasn't absent. He taught at her bloody school for Chrissakes. He couldn't possibly be any more involved.

She carried her food to the living room. Her mother wasn't here? Fine, then she'd eat on the couch. Take that, mum. She was pleasantly surprised to find that James and Teddy were sitting in there already, deep in conversation.

"Look who's finally decided to grace us with her presence," Teddy said, patting the seat beside him. Juniper curled up against him, propping her feet on top of the coffee table.

"Over your temper tantrum, Junie?" James sniped, obviously still holding a grudge.

She rolled her eyes. "Oh grow up, James," Juniper stuck her tongue out at her brother, showing her chewed up food to make him gag, "you big Mummy's boy."

Teddy choked on a laugh, "What a convincing display of your own maturity, Potter." Juniper turned laser eyes on him, boring a hole through his head, and Teddy shrunk back, "You love me. Keep that in mind."

"Hm," Juniper turned her chin up haughtily.

"James is having issues too, if that helps," Teddy kissed her on the cheek, prodding James with his foot. After much wheedling on Teddy's part, they finally coaxed the story out of Juniper's brother.

Apparently, James seemed to think that Rory didn't want him to meet her parents. Juniper thought this was ridiculous, of course, because she knew exactly how much Rory loved her idiot brother. She had to hear about it at least fifty times a day. Juniper spent a good twenty minutes convincing him that he was probably blowing it out of proportion, and as Juniper had some experience with over thinking, she knew how easy it was to make things bigger than they actually were.

"I don't know, you guys," James was finishing, expression mopey, "she kept saying that she didn't want it to be an inconvenience for me. Even though I promised her that it was something I really wanted to do. I just don't get it."

"I'm sorry, mate," Teddy clapped him on the back consolingly. "I'm sure it's nothing. If she really doesn't want you to meet her parents, she definitely has a good reason. Wood always has a good reason."

"She's probably just looking out for you," Juniper added with a yawn. Her eyelids were drooping, on the verge of being shut. The fire was dimming in the hearth, the lingering flames crackling orange. "And on that note," she yawned again, rising from the couch, "I'm going to bed."

"You're staying here," James growled threateningly at Teddy, pinning him to the cushions before he could get up and follow her.

Teddy put his hands up in innocence, "I didn't do anything!"

"And you won't!"

"Goodnight, James," Juniper said from the staircase. Idiots. The both of them. "Goodnight, Goldilocks."

"I'm going to kill Nessa!"

The next day...

Juniper awoke to the smell of sausage and eggs. Her father was obviously overcompensating, the man made smiley faced, chocolate chip waffles for crying out loud. But no amount of whipped cream and happy breakfast food could fill the gaping hole left by her mother.

Everything was the same. Christmas with the Potters. Vanessa renouncing anything merry or jolly, refusing to participate in traditions, and taunting James. Cali and James, Christmas lovers they were, hanging tinsel everywhere and singing carols at the top of their lungs. Snowball fights to the death with their cousins, cinnamon hot chocolate waiting for them courtesy of Harry and Ron. Ginny making eggnog with more bourbon than anything else, and the adults coming over to swap stories over a cup of tea.

Everything was the same.

Except that everything was different.

Everything was different because Miranda wasn't there to sneak attack Vanessa with James, covering her in Christmasy decor. Miranda wasn't there to swat Harry across the arm when he made mistletoe magically appear wherever they were. Miranda wasn't there to reprimand Juniper for sneaking a peek in the stockings. She wasn't there to mock Ron for burning the tarts, and mock Matt for being such lightweight when he drank Ginny's eggnog. Juniper's mother wasn't there. And everything was different.

Thankfully, Juniper had something to take her mind off of her mum's absence. Or rather, someone. She sighed happily, lifting her face up for another kiss from Teddy. His lips met hers, a soft brush at first, and then firmer, deeper. Teddy's hands slid up her neck and Juniper shivered.

"How are you possibly cold right now?" Teddy broke away from her.

"It's snowing out!" she protested defensively.

"We're inside!" he reminded her, but he tucked the blanket closer around them anyways. Even though Juniper was sure he must be boiling.

Juniper nestled into him, tucking her legs into his lap, "Well not all of us can be human saunas." Teddy was constantly radiating heat, always warm to the touch. Sometimes Juniper wondered if he had sparks woven through his veins.

"I lead a privileged life," Teddy said solemnly, kissing Juniper's scrunched up nose.

Harry's bespectacled figure popped into the room. "Junebug, do you—" her father stopped short, "oh— erm— hello there, Teddy." Harry shuffled awkwardly in place, scratching his head.

"Hey, Harry," Teddy waved.

"What's up, Dad?" Juniper asked, as her father continued to hem and haw, looking pointedly at his shoes.

"Er- well, I was going to—" Harry seemingly lost his train of thought, gaze flicking from Teddy to Juniper, then back to Teddy.

"Dad?" Juniper tilted her head, confused. "You good?"

Harry rubbed a hand across his jaw, exhaling, "What are you doing in here Teddy? I think James is still outside with Charlie and Leo, if you want to—."

"Dad— what in the world—?"

"What are those hands doing under that blanket, Theodore?" Her father had never called Teddy, Theodore, in his life. Teddy immediately withdrew them, holding them high in the air.


"Junebug don't you think there should be some space between the two of you?" Harry crossed his arms. "Let's leave room for—"

"Oh my god, Dad!" Juniper cried, humiliated. "What is with the third degree? You're acting like Mum!"

Harry gasped in over the top offense, "Now Junie you know I love your mother, but that was a low blow." The man exhaled slowly, eyes tired, but smiling, "Alright Junebug, just go get your brother, I want to talk to you about something."

So Juniper hopped up from her seat, Teddy taking her hand and following along. Harry gave him a resigned look of exasperation, "Oh, guess he's going too."

"Da-ad!" Juniper groaned, begging him to be quiet.

"I think I'm scared of your father," Teddy whispered in her ear as they went to fetch James, tone more frightened than Juniper had ever heard of it. It was very cute. He continued lowly, "I thought your mother was the scary one."

"She is," Juniper giggled, then her mood soured. "I guess someone has to fill in for her. Seeing as she's not here."

Once they had brought James inside, Harry sat the three of them at the kitchen table, "So, kiddos, you may have noticed that Sirius and Evelyn aren't here yet."

"Yeah," James echoed, "why is that? They come every year."

"This year we're trying something a little different..."

Juniper nearly flinched at the mention of the word. Different. Why did things have to be different? Why did things have to change? Change was stupid. Things were good. Very good. Change was bad. Very bad. She stood up abruptly, "Dad you can't send Teddy away, don't make him stay at Grimmauld Place just because he's my boyfriend now! That's not fair, he always stays with us on Christmas, and you can't—"

Harry held his daughter by the shoulder, guiding her back into the chair, "Juniper I'm not sending Teddy away to Grimmauld Place."

"You're not?"

"No," Harry answered, "I'm sending all of you to Grimmauld Place. "

"What?" James, Teddy, and Juniper chorused in unison. "Why?"

"Well, Nessa and Cali have been invited to Luna and Neville's for Christmas, and I was on the fence about it, but with your mother not being here..." he cleared his throat, explaining, "I have some busywork to do for Hogwarts anyways, and Sirius and Evelyn were delighted by the idea. So you're spending Christmas with them this year."

"What about you?" Juniper questioned, not sure how much she liked this "idea" of her father's. It was very odd to her that he was being so cavalier, and letting them go off. Especially on Christmas. Harry's favorite family traditions revolved around the holiday.

"I'll swing by for Christmas Day, don't worry." Her dad dusted his hands off airily, "Now go get packed we're heading outta here tomorrow."

Juniper trudged up to her room, mulling over the bomb her father had just dropped. What was he hiding? There had to be another reason he was doing this. Harry hated change almost as much as she did. Something else was going on. It had to be.

James pulled her and Teddy aside just before she reached her room, "I'm going to see Rory."

"You're what?"

"Shhhh," James put a finger to his lips. He said in a hushed voice, "I'm going to see Rory. To surprise her. I want to spend Christmas with her, if I'm not spending it here. There's no reason for me not to go."

"Let me get this straight," Juniper scanned her brother's features "you're going to see Rory. Deceiving Dad, and taking off before we leave tomorrow?"

James nodded excitedly, "Yes."

Teddy squinted at him, "Even though she expressly told you not to come?"

"Yes," James repeated insistently. "Look, you guys, she told me not to come because she wanted me to spend time here with Mum. Who is not here. We're not having our regular family Christmas anyway. It makes perfect sense."

Juniper knew there was no talking him out of this. James was dead set on his decision, and he was probably right. Rory would be thrilled and pleased with his unexpected visit, his great romantic Christmas gesture. Like something out of a movie. Very on the nose for James. And Rory deserved that. So she was going to help her sap of a brother, for Rory's sake of course. Not because she cared about her twin. No. Never. Impossible. "I'll cover for you with dad as long as I can. Teddy will help because I kiss him and he has to listen to me."

"True," Teddy grinned.

"Thanks little sis," James said, hugging her.

"Three minutes!"

writing this is literally making me nostalgic for the holidays

i love the family chapters more than anything

also i love rory and teddy's dynamic

miranda is missing :( very sad...i wonder why?

rory doesn't want james to meet her parents

james is going without telling her

what will happen next?

who knows

oh wait i do :)



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