- S A Y A N Y T H I N G -

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Juniper left Vivian alone in the dorm. They both needed some space, some time to think things through, especially Vivian. That talk had positively drained her, emotionally and physically. Juniper felt worn out, wrung dry like a sponge after washing. It had been a lot. A lot. A lot.

Her head was a muddled mess, trying to process everything that had been said, everything that had happened. She couldn't even imagine what Vivian had been going through for these past months, completely on her own. Years of dealing with her unstable home life with no help. Juniper was overcome with guilt and anger all at once. Angry at Vivian for keeping it from her. Guilty for not knowing and supporting her. Vivian had isolated herself, it wasn't Juniper's fault. But it sure as hell felt like it. And it definitely seemed like Vivian thought so too.

Juniper knew the girl just needed someone to blame. It wasn't her fault. But Juniper should have known, she should have tried harder to get her to open up. Maybe subconsciously, she had known that things were going to come out if she pried any further. Things like how Vivian actively tried to sabotage her relationships. Things like the reason they'd become friends was because Vivian wanted her life. Things that Juniper didn't want to hear. Because once they did come out there was no clinging on to the past. Maybe Juniper had prevented Vivian from—

No. Juniper wasn't going to think like that. She wasn't going to beat herself up over something she had no control over. They'd both made mistakes, her and Vivian. Mistakes they couldn't take back. Juniper would be there for her now. Once Vivian figured out what to do, Juniper would be there. What happened after that was yet to be determined. It was a fresh start, for everyone.

Juniper sighed, the frigid air whipping her hair around like an icy knife the second she stepped into the courtyard. She shielded her eyes from the swirling snowflakes, barely able to make out the three figures sitting beneath their spot by the tree. The snow was soft and powdery beneath her boots, her feet sinking into the fresh drifts nearly calf deep as she slogged down the white hill.

"...James control your woman!" Juniper could hear the echoes of her friends, nearing closer to the tree. She pulled her coat tighter around her, shivering.

"...she didn't mean it, bubs."

"Yes, she did," Rory's voice now, sensible and matter of fact.

"Sunshine—" James, trying to be the peacemaker between the two.

Rory didn't let him finish, "Just because your ego is about as fragile as a hummingbird's egg, Lupin—"


"Aww did I hurt your feewings? Poor baby. Ickle Teddykins—"

Juniper watched them for a moment, smiling to herself. Suddenly, a rush of gratitude seeped through her, warm and comforting. These were her people. Her people. And she didn't know what she would do without a single one of them.

Teddy noticed her then, glancing up to meet her eye. "Junie!" he exclaimed, leaping up to greet her. "Thank god you're here!  I am being attacked by this demon." He stuck his tongue out at Rory, who was still sitting in the snow a little ways away.

"Like she'd take your side," Rory scoffed, sticking her tongue right back at him. "In your dreams, Lupin."

"Help me," James pleaded his sister from next to Rory, clasping his hands together.

Teddy growled sulkily, "I'll have you know this is very damaging to my—"

Juniper wrapped her arms around Teddy, burying her face in the wide expanse of his chest. She melted into his body, slowly inhaling his familiar scent. Teddy, though surprised at first by her abrupt affection, held her gently. He tucked his head neatly over hers, stroking her hair.

"Hey," he murmured softly, eyes searching.

Juniper released him, gazing up at the face she knew like the back of her hand. The tiny crease of his brow, and the stubble on his jaw. Faded scars and hazel irises. "Hey."

"What was that for?" Teddy asked, tilting his head.

She lifted a shoulder, "For being you."

Teddy smiled in spite of himself, mouth crinkling up at the edges, "That's very sweet." He paused, "I'm a little scared."

Juniper rolled her eyes, "Don't be scared, you prat. I'm only saying that I love you." She pressed a kiss to his lips, "And I'm lucky to have you."

"I love you too, trouble," Teddy laced his fingers through hers. "Still scared."

She squeezed his hand, "Don't leave me, okay?"

Teddy's eyebrows knit together in confusion, "What—?"

"Just— don't leave me. I need you. I— don't leave me."

"Junie, where is this—?"

"Promise you won't leave me," Juniper whispered, biting her lower lip. "Please, Teddy. Promise me."

"Okay," he nodded. He could tell from the look on her face that this was important to her. That this was serious. "I promise."

She relaxed, again feeling an intense amount of gratitude for all the things she had in life. She had to stop and take stock of everything she had been gifted, that much was becoming clear to her. And Juniper believed him. She believed him with all her heart because it was Teddy and she knew when he was lying and she had no reason not to. Teddy never broke his promises. Never. And he was good, they were good together. Things were good. And she would never take him for granted again. "Okay," she exhaled. "Thank you."

He led her over to the tree, "So like— are you dying? Do you have some horrible disease? Did someone hex you—?"

"Shut up," Juniper swatted him lightly across the shoulder. "Wanker."

"I second that," Rory added cheerfully, glaring at Teddy over her thick textbook. Juniper flopped down onto the snow and hugged her best friend fiercely, not caring about the slush seeping through her jeans. "Mmph," Rory was nearly knocked over by the sheer force, just as surprised as Teddy. She hugged Juniper back however, her expression worried. To Teddy she mouthed, "Is she okay?" Teddy shrugged, he knew as little as she did.

"Erm— hi, Junie?" Rory patted Juniper's back gingerly. "Did she hit her head?"

"I did not hit my head! And I'm not dying! And I am not under a spell!" Juniper cried indignantly, crossing her arms. "Can't people just hug their best friends because they want them to know that they care about them and they are thankful for their love?!"

"Yes, people can," Teddy said, teasing, "you are not people."

Juniper pointedly ignored Teddy and Rory, moving on to her final victim. She practically smothered James to death with her embrace, humming, "You're the best brother and I'm happy you're my twin."

James blinked rapidly, "Should we take her to the infirmary? This is terrifying."

"Maybe she's been addled by the cold," Rory wondered aloud. All three of them were laughing at her now, and Juniper could not care less. She loved them. She loved them all.

"Well excuse me for trying to appreciate you," she huffed, breath steaming out in front of her in white puffs. Snow dotted all of their clothing, the glittering flakes particularly stark against Juniper and James's identical raven hair. It was really coming down now, getting dark too.

"Come on, strange affectionate alien, formerly known as my girlfriend," Teddy tugged at her waist, jerking his thumb at the castle. "Before you turn into an icicle."

"Or she professes her undying love for the tree," Rory goaded, her and James following suit.

The four trudged back up to the Gryffindor towers together, laughing and talking. When they had almost reached the courtyard, James stepped right into a giant pitfall of snow and wiped out, plunging into pile of muddy slush. His trousers were soaked clear through, and Juniper burst into cackles, unable to resist making fun of him. "It looks like you shit yourself." Teddy snorted, and Rory was desperately trying to hold back her own giggles. Juniper snickered, "Couldn't make it to the potty, Jamesie boy?"

James wasn't even mad. He hoisted himself off the ground and hugged Juniper, "Thank Merlin. You're back."

Juniper shoved him away, her brother's muddy handprints soiling her coat, "Ew! Geroff, you prick."

They all cheered, "She's back!"

Juniper walked out of her last exam, yawning. It had gone as well as it could have. She didn't care much about Herbology anyways, and she knew she'd aced Potions and DADA, which was enough for her. Potions had actually gone better than expected, it helped that Rory was determined to beat Teddy out for the top spot this term. Transfiguration had been the most challenging, some students near tears by the end of it. She couldn't even imagine what the N.E.W.T. was going to be like. Let alone how intense Rory was going to be.

It had been two weeks since Vivian had told her about everything. In that time, Juniper had helped her book an appointment at St. Mungo's over holiday. Vivian had decided not to continue with the pregnancy, and Juniper supported her choice. Vivian knew what was in her best interest for her body, and hers was the only opinion that mattered. Vivian still hadn't wanted anyone else to know, especially her family, so Juniper had had to pull a few strings with Alex.

Juniper had offered that Vivian stay with her for Christmas. Not wanting the girl to return to household where she was unsafe, despite the fact that it would be uncomfortable given their current relationship. Vivian had declined, multiple times, but Juniper insisted that she needed somewhere other than Hogwarts to stay after the procedure,  if only for a few nights.

Finally, after much coaxing, and another favor from Alex, honestly Juniper didn't know what she would do without him, Vivian had agreed to stay at Leah and Alex's flat for two days. Then she would spend the rest at Hogwarts. Having a plan put Juniper's mind at ease, and she hoped the same was for Vivian too. The new year would be a chance for a clean slate, a future for Vivian.

"You ready?" Teddy broke Juniper from her thoughts, coming up behind her in the corridor. "T minus ten minutes, Potter."

"I know," Juniper said exasperatedly. "I was just going to find her. Don't get your panties in a bunch, princess." Teddy was, of course, referring to the extremely elaborate, multi step promposal plan James had devised and spent hours drilling into them. Juniper had one job: Bring Rory to the courtyard at the right time.

"It's not my panties you need to worry about," Teddy warned, "it's—"

"Junie?!" James's panicked bellow resounded through the hall. He jogged up to meet them, hair even messier than usual. He bounced from foot to foot, anxiously wringing his hands. James was a bundle of nervous, frenetic energy. "Why are you still here?!" He wheeled around on Teddy, "Why is she still here?! You were supposed to make sure she went to get her. Why is she not with Rory?! You had one job!" He swiveled back to Juniper, "Why are you still here?!"

Teddy chuckled, gesturing at Juniper's brother, "The panties in question."

"Relax, James," she told him, irritated by his distrust in her. Just because she was chronically late didn't mean she couldn't do this. She was perfectly capable of bringing Rory someplace. "I was just about to find her."

"Find her?!?" James cried, "You mean you don't know where she is?! Juniper Lily—"

"She will be there on time, I swear," Juniper interrupted.

James was unrelenting, "Juniper you know how important this—"

"I know, James," Juniper pushed him away, resisting the urge to punch him in the nose. It would be a shame for him to be all bloodied for the performance. "I will have her there. Now go and get yourself ready. Goodbye." She spun on her heel and headed for the Ancient Runes classroom, where she'd last seen Rory.

The halls were filled with students filtering out of their exams, some biting fingernails and other whooping like banshees. Juniper spotted Vanessa and Rose out of the corner of her eye, and waved. "Any idea where Ror is?" she asked the two girls, ruffling Vanessa's blonde hair.

"She was here just a second ago," Vanessa mulled, craning her neck above the throng of people.

Rose pointed to the right, "Pretty sure she headed that way."

Then Juniper found her, honey blond locks swaying a couple yards ahead of her. There she was. And she still had six minutes to spare. Take that, James. She hustled to catch her, "Rory! Ror!"

Her best friend was mumbling to herself, head bent in a sheaf of notecards. "Hey Junie," she said absentmindedly, nearly running into a coat of arms. "How was Herbology?"

Juniper opened her mouth to answer, but Rory kept going, "I think I did all right with Runes. Then again, there were a few I was uncertain about—"

She tried to shake Rory from her internal monologue, the girl continuing to babble on about exams. "Hey, Ror—"

"I studied loads, but perhaps—"


"Did I translate that—?"

"Rory!" Juniper took her by the shoulders. Now she only had four minutes to get her to the courtyard. And she knew her friend well enough to be aware that Rory's long winded rants about her studies could go on forever.

Rory finally tore her eyes away from her notes, "Hm?"

"Erm— why don't we go to the courtyard?" Juniper suggested, doing her best to keep her tone subtle. "The fresh air will do you some good."

"Okay?" Rory threw her a strange look. She always was too perceptive for her own good. Juniper steered her briskly down the corridor. Three minutes. Rory halted, "Actually, could we stop at the dorm first? I should really get my—"

"No!" Juniper burst out, a tad too harshly to be subtle. She looked to the clock on the opposite wall anxiously. Two minutes. James was going to strangle her. "I mean—" she scrambled for an explanation, "I'd really like to go outside. Now."

"Okayyyy," Rory agreed suspiciously, drawing out the vowel. She wasn't walking fast enough. Juniper needed her to walk faster. One minute.

Juniper dragged her forward impatiently, "Come on!"

"You are acting very odd, Junie," Rory peered at her with concern. "Is everything—"

Forty five seconds.

"Hurry!" She could see the courtyard. They were so close.

Thirty seconds.

Rory was baffled, "Juniper slow down! Wait—!"

Fifteen seconds.

Godric. She was never helping with one of James's plans again. Never. Never ever. It was far too stressful. This was very unnecessary pressure. And all for her silly twin brother. Not worth it. So not worth it.

Ten seconds.

Almost there. Just a little further now. Juniper could see the group of boys up ahead. "Junie what on earth has gotten into—?!"

Five, four, three, two—

"James?" Rory stopped short in the courtyard, and Juniper breathed a sigh of relief. Her job was done.

"Hey, Wood," James grinned, and music began to play. A microphone magically appeared in each of the boys' hands, Leo looking extremely disgruntled at being forced to perform. Already, a crowd had started to form around them, James about to sing.

"What are you doing?" Rory asked, shaking her head. But Rory was smiling. She nudged Juniper, "What is he doing?"

And then James was singing. Singing his heart out, eyes never leaving Rory's. Juniper hated the fact that her brother's voice was actually decent. More than decent. He was good. How bothersome. Juniper secretly hoped he'd used an enhancing charm or something, but she knew he probably hadn't. Her annoying brother was just stupidly good at everything he tried. It really sucked.

She did take pleasure in that Teddy was a horrible singer, cracking on the high notes and completely mangling the harmony. Though he was nowhere near as bad as Leo, who was practically talking through the song. Charlie was surprisingly passable, and he was really getting into the choreography. Juniper suspected James had held several practice sessions until they were all perfect.

James crooned the final note, stretching out his hand to Rory, "So, can I steal my girl to the ball tomorrow?"

Rory rolled her eyes, blushing profusely. She took James's hand, "Yes, idiot. I'll go to the ball with you."

James twirled her around excitedly, planting a loving kiss on her lips. He pumped his fist in the air triumphantly, "She said yes!" The entire crowd cheered, Juniper, Teddy, Leo, and Charlie all clapping appreciatively.

James bowed dramatically, and Rory did a dainty curtsy, giggling. Juniper caught Teddy's eyes, and they shared a smile. This was a happy moment.

Then again, Juniper couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed that Teddy hadn't done something like that for her. Sure, he probably just assumed they were. going together, seeing as they's been dating for months. It was a natural assumption to make. No need to ask at all. But Rory had probably assumed the exact same thing, and James had asked despite that. Not only asked, but showed her just how much he loved her with a performance.

And although she made fun of her brother all the time for that exact thing, it was really adorable. James knew that his love for Rory was unspoken, but he did things like this anyways. He made big, over the top, romantic gestures. Juniper hated that sort of thing, always had. She thought they were cheesy and sickeningly sweet, and unrealistic. She didn't like all that lovey dovey stuff. Teddy knew that. Knew her. Which was probably why he wasn't going to ask her to the ball.

It wasn't his fault. At all. She hated romantic gestures. She did. She wished just once, Teddy would do something like that for her. It didn't have to be massive or public, but something. She at least wanted the chance to hate it.

These conflicting thoughts were still cycling through her brain as she got ready for bed. Night had fallen, and Juniper slipped on her warmest pair of sweatpants. It was bone chilling in the dormitory, snow falling so thickly outside that she couldn't make out a single thing through the frosty windows.

She bounded onto Rory's mattress, where the girl was reading, pulling the fuzzy blankets tightly around them. Rory snuggled into her side, swimming in the fabric of James's Quidditch jumper. "Did you hang your suit for tomorrow?"

Her and Rory had gone shopping last week in Diagon Alley with Rose and Nessa for the ball. Juniper absolutely loved what they'd found, and she couldn't wait to see the boys' dresses. "Yes, Ror," Juniper reassured, leaning back against the pillows.

"Because you know that silk wrinkles if—"

Juniper laughed softly, dropping a kiss on the girl's forehead, "I know, Ror."

Rory placed her book down on the bed, dog earring her page. She sighed dreamily, "I'm excited. For tomorrow. Are you excited?"

She nodded. She couldn't believe it was her last ball at Hogwarts. It seemed like it was just yesterday that she was reluctantly picking out a dress in fourth year, refusing to wear anything other than her beat up black converse. No matter how hard her friends tried to convince her otherwise. "So do you think James will roll out a red carpet, leave a trail of rose petals, or—?"

"Oh, hush," Rory elbowed her, cheeks turning red. "He's not that bad."

"He definitely is," Juniper snickered to herself. "Though I do have to admit it's pretty cute too." She chose her words carefully, wanting to express how she was feeling, but not wanting to take away from Rory's happiness. They were different people, different couples, they had different ways of showing their love. Juniper didn't like comparing the two couples side by side, but sometimes she just couldn't help it. "Teddy would never do anything like that." She gnawed on the inner corner of her cheek, wistful.

There was a faint crash in the distance. Weird. Maybe Juniper was hearing things.

"You never know," Rory encouraged, rubbing her back consolingly.

"Yeah, I do," she replied glumly. She leant her head on Rory's shoulder, "It's alright, it's kinda my own fault." There was another barely detectable noise outside, and Juniper frowned. Could Rory not hear it too? Was she going insane?

A secretive expression passed over Rory's face. She shrugged innocently, "He might surprise you. I wouldn't count him out just yet."

Juniper knew Rory was only trying to make her feel better. Which she didn't have to do. Juniper was fine, just venting. She scoffed, "Oh yeah? And why is that?" Another thump. Okay. Three times in a row was too much to be a coincidence. That was it.

Juniper leaped up from the bed and marched over to the window, flinging it open. "What the bloody hell is that—," she stopped short, "Teddy?"

Rory rose as well, nudging Juniper knowingly, "That's why."

Because there Teddy was. Standing in the snow below them with a boombox over his head. In Your Eyes streamed from the speakers, Teddy grinning up at her like a fool.

In your eyes

The light in the heat

In your eyes

I am complete

In your eyes

Juniper buried her face in her hands, running hot even in the cold of night. It was the boombox scene. The boombox scene. The most iconic scene in the movie. Juniper's favorite movie, and her favorite scene of all time. The only part of any film she ever ever cried at. She'd always harbored a secret dream that someone would do it for her, but she'd never voiced it aloud because it seemed so silly. So not Juniper. He had known. Somehow he'd known.

He'd just known.

The song came to a close. And Juniper was irritated to find that she was choked up. She sniffed, blinking back tears, "You did the boombox scene."

Teddy set the boombox down on the snow with a light thud, gazing at her steadily, "I did the boombox scene."

"How—?" Juniper breathed, at a loss for words. Never in a million years did she think Teddy would do this. Theodore Lupin. The player with commitment issues and enough one night stands to staff the Ministry. She was still taken off guard when he casually told her he loved her. This— this was amazing. And she hated him for making her feel all warm and fuzzy and gooey inside. He had turned her into an ineffective, mushy loon with hearts for eyes. Someone who squealed at the sight of puppies and teared up when unicorns were mentioned in conversation. Basically, he'd turned her into James. Very rude of him, in Juniper's opinion. Rude and beautifully perfect.

Teddy's grin grew even wider "Come on, Potter. I always know." The moon shone off the top of his blond head. Juniper opened her mouth, then closed it. She didn't know what to say. She didn't know how to tell him how much it meant to her that he'd diid this. "Left you speechless?" Teddy smirked. "Rather fitting, isn't it? That's alright trouble, you don't have to say anything," he winked, "just go to the ball with me tomorrow."

Juniper bit her lip, she was going to kill him. And Rory looked like the damn Cheshire Cat, delighting in Juniper's reaction. "Goodnight, Teddy," Juniper said, waggling her fingers at him teasingly.

"She means yes!" Rory yelled, and Juniper yanked her away from the window in a flash.

"I know!" Teddy yelled back. He cupped his hands around his mouth to shout one final thing, "Goodnight, Junie, I love you!"

Suffice to say, Juniper went to sleep smiling that night.

The next morning was a haze of preparations for the ball. Mascara and lipstick, high heels and chunky boots strewn about their dorm, bras hanging from the light fixtures. Music blaring from their magicked record player, Taylor Swift's new album, Reputation, playing on repeat. Juniper struggled with her hair for a good two hours, resulting in a curling iron burn and ending with Rory wrestling the brush away from her lest she do more damage.

Juniper stood in front of the mirror, securing her dangly silver earring in place. She was wearing a dark red blazer over a sheer, lacy corset top, trousers pleated and tight in all the right places. Her heels were red, matched perfectly to the current shade of her lips. That had been Rory's idea. And her hair was loose around her shoulders, black curls in their natural, wild form.

Rory clucked her tongue in approval, stepping next to Juniper in the reflection. "Help me?" she indicated the clasp of her necklace, and Juniper obliged. Rory looked positively stunning in her oversized suit jacket, trousers, and silky camisole. Her hair rested in a flawless twist at the nape of neck, relaxed ringlets wisping out and framing her face.

"Hot," Juniper confirmed, blowing her a kiss.

"Right back at you, wifey," Rory squeezed her hand. Both girls took a deep breath, then linked arms and headed down to the boys dorm. The door was ajar when they arrived, and they poked their heads into the room, stifling giggles when they saw what was before them

James and Teddy were extremely busy admiring themselves in front of the mirror, twisting and turning. They strutted around like models, swans preening their feathers. Obsessed with the image before them. "

"Where have you been hiding those legs?" James was saying, as Teddy pointed his toe, hoisting the hem of his dress up. "You're like a magnificent gazelle."

"No, you!" Teddy gushed, "Look at your arse. Now that's impressive, mate."

The boys continued to compliment each other, oblivious to the fact that their girlfriends were watching them.

"That shade compliments your eyes so nicely—"

"...and your—"

"God just make out already," Rory snorted, the girls finally interrupting the two.

Juniper fanned herself, "You lot are going to start a fire with all the sparks flying in here."

James and Teddy were too distracted by the girls' clothing to retort, slack jawed and gaping like trout. James glanced at Teddy, dimples showing, "We got pretty damn lucky, eh?" Juniper's brother pulled Rory into him, murmuring something in her ear that made her cheeks pink, and Juniper could make out a hushed, "Thank you, baby."

Teddy wolf whistled, poking his tongue out at her, and Juniper did her best not to turn as red as her lipstick. She wrinkled her nose at him, "Cut it out!"

Meanwhile, Teddy gripped Juniper's waist, fingering the sheer material of her corset delicately. He licked his lips, and Juniper's abdomen fluttered. The face he was sporting made her toes tingle, longing to hook her thighs around him. Juniper traced the line of his exposed forearm. She parted her mouth, "You look pretty, princess."

Teddy groaned lowly, letting out a rough exhale, "Fuck."

Juniper tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, batting her eyelashes coyly, "You so want to kiss me right now."

"Little cocky now, aren't we?" Teddy raised a mischievous eyebrow, his nose nearly touching hers.

"I remember once you said you shouldn't have kissed me."

He trailed his hands up to her neck, whispering, "Well, I say a lot of stupid things."

"I know."


special appearances will be made by alex, leah, a surprise i'm saving for later and....drum roll please



thats right everyone we are going to be spending some time at grimmauld place


plus marauders content :)))))

btw im so sorry this took FOREVER to publish

it went thru SEVERAL edits

thoughts, predictions, anything——————————>



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