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It was almost like Shell Cottage knew they were leaving. Grey clouds darkened the sky, the sea swirling with raging waves of foam. The ocean was a dull, dishwater colour outside Juniper and Rory's balcony window as they packed up the last few things.

"Have you seen my --?" Juniper started, but before she even finished her sentence Rory tossed her the exact t-shirt she was looking for. Juniper caught it gratefully, shoving it in her duffel bag. She smiled, "What would I do without you?"

Rory blew her a kiss, lifting a careless shoulder, "Perish."

"She's right you know," Teddy said from the doorway, tugging on Juniper's ponytail as she passed.

"Whatever," Juniper swatted his hand away, scowling. "It's not as if you're any better."

"True," Teddy agreed jovially. He winked at Rory, "We love you babes."

"Junie, can you kindly tell your boyfriend to fuck off and stop calling me babes?"

"With pleasure," Juniper smirked evilly. She turned to Teddy, lips curving sweetly, "Fuck off."

Teddy shook his head, grin creeping up his face, "You're going to pay for that, Potter."

"I highly doubt that," Juniper challenged, never one to back down. She tilted her chin upwards, daring him to test her.

"Really want me to prove it?" Teddy whispered, low and dangerous. "Because I will." The tension between them radiated heat, so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"Still in the fucking room guys," Rory pressed her lips together, blinking at them. She raised her eyebrows pointedly, "Do I need to remind you every five seconds that the two of you are not, in fact, the only people in the world?"

Teddy and Juniper payed no mind to her, kissing lengthily. His hands were secure around her waist, and Juniper sighed into him. She didn't think she'd ever get tired of kissing Teddy Lupin.

Thankfully, Rory had a few tricks of her own up her sleeve. "Potter!" she called, smiling smugly.

Teddy groaned, "You're the worst, Ror."

James ducked into the room, expression souring when he found his sister and best friend snogging with an absurd amount of passion. He sighed, "Teddy, you know--I'd really hate to hit you right now, mate. I love you, bubs. But--let's maybe unglue your lips from my twin sister's. Just a thought." Teddy reluctantly obliged, and Juniper rolled her eyes. Her stupid brother. What a cock block. Honestly.

"Thank you, mate. I appreciate that," James nodded in respect, then focused his full attention on Rory. "Hey beautiful," he said, walking over to her.

"Hi," Rory answered shyly, looking up at him beneath long lashes. Her voice was soft, containing an almost dreamlike quality. The girl was positively lovesick. Juniper could barely stand the two of them.

"I like this hat, Wood," James lightly flicked the top of of his own red baseball cap, which had been perched atop Rory's head for days. "Whoever gave it to you has excellent taste." The pair proceeded to gaze at each other all moony eyed. Juniper did her best to block out their conversation.

Juniper retched, whispering to Teddy, "If we ever end up like them I'm going to break up with you."

"Agreed," Teddy said with a chuckle, slapping her a high five. "Imagine you being nice."

She growled. How dare he?! It was true. But how dare he?! Juniper punched him in the arm, "You love it."

Teddy sighed, shaking his head. He grinned at her wryly, dipping his head for a kiss, "I know."

"Disgusting," James coughed out very obviously, pulling a face.

"Not as much as you," Juniper retorted in the same manner, eyes narrowing. So this was how her brother wanted to play it?


"All four of you are revolting and none of us can stand you so you should both shut up so we can catch the bus," Leo coughed, running out of air by the end of his sarcastic response. He choked a little, hacking as he gulped mouthfuls of air. "Now I actually have to cough."

"Yeah get your lazy, lovesick arses moving, dipshits," Charlie echoed whole heartedly, pounding Leo's back. "My mum's gonna kill me if we're late."

James conceded, taking Rory's hand and heading for the door with the bags. "So will ours," he added, glancing at Juniper.

"If she's even there," Juniper scoffed bitterly. She wasn't holding out any hope. Miranda had been on a mission for practically the entire summer. Juniper hadn't heard but a peep from her either. No letter, nothing. Not even on her birthday. Sure, her name was signed on the card that Nessa brought from the family, but Juniper could spot her dad's messy chicken scratch anywhere.

"Junie," James chastised, folding his arms.

"I'm just saying- given her recent track record—"

"Ju-nie!" James repeated sternly. He was such a mummy's boy that one. Forever defending her. While Juniper called her out every single time.

"Whatever," Juniper gave up. This was the one argument she could never win. She just wanted her mother around more. Was that too much to ask? I mean, how important was her job really? Surely there were an abundance of Aurors on call. She didn't have to work as much as she did. That was her choice.

Secretly, Juniper was really worried about her, but she covered it up by being angry at her. It worked most of the time. Anything was better than constantly wondering if her mum was dead or alive.

"She's okay, Potter," Teddy murmured as they carted their own trunks down the stairs, placing a large hand on the small of her back. "Don't worry."

Juniper glowered. She hated how well Teddy could read her. She was basically an open book to him. It was extremely irritating. "I know, Lupin," she ran her teeth over her bottom lip. "I know." Teddy kissed her on the cheek, grip solid on her back. It was a tiny gesture. But exactly what Juniper needed. Not that she'd ever let him know that.

"Hey speaking of your mum," Teddy remarked, trekking up the hill to the bus stop after they'd said their goodbyes to Victoire. She was on her way back to France for the last few dregs of summer, before they all went back to Hogwarts. "Are we telling your parents, Potter?"

Juniper groaned, "Mmmph."

"Unfortunately I'm not fluent in 'mmph', love." Teddy ruffled her hair. "Care to elaborate?"


"Thank you, that clears everything up," he deadpanned, giving her a look. "I understand perfectly now."

Juniper flashed him a corny thumbs up. "Excellent." If you couldn't tell already, Juniper was not a fan of this particular topic. In fact, it was one she'd tried to forget about most of the time.

"Juniper," Teddy raised his eyebrows. Evidently he was not dropping this.

"The-o-dore," Juniper drew out the syllables when she said it, knowing how much he hated to be called by his full name. When he stayed silent, she relented, "Ugh—I just—I don't know. They're gonna be weird about it I already know. They are weird, you know that. And I just—I want to tell them...but like—I also really really don't. So it's just..." Juniper trailed off, gesturing her hands aimlessly. She didn't know if any of what she had just uttered was coherent or not.

Teddy's mouth crinkled at the edges, viewing her with love, "Hence the 'mmmph'."

Juniper nodded, glad he got it. Teddy always got it. "Hence the 'mmmph'," she heaved her shoulders, exhaling tiredly.

The bus was not here yet, Juniper noted, as they came to a halt in front of the stop. Well that wasn't great, given that the sky had turned a very foreboding shade of dark grey, bordering on black. Thick storm clouds gathered above them, threatening to burst at any moment. Suddenly, thunder rumbled above them. James jumped at the noise and Rory stifled a giggle.

It was all over then, a torrential downpour dousing them in a heavy onslaught of rain. They all attempted to dive for cover under the flimsy awning but ti wa virtually no use. They were getting positively drenched. And Juniper found that she didn't particularly care.

The rain had a soothing effect, cool and calm on her skin. She smiled, turning to Rory. Juniper indicated the wide expanse of open road before them, the rapidly growing puddles and pounding rain. She held out a hand in question.

Rory beamed, linking hands with her. Now this was why they were best friends. They charged smack dab into the middle of the rainstorm, giddily dancing around and lifting their faces upwards.

Teddy and James whipped their heads towards each other, confusion written across their faces.

"What are the two of you doing?!" Teddy called, covering his head with a duffel bag.

"Having fun, princess," Juniper called back, poking her tongue out at him. "Ever heard of it?"

James shouted, "You're going to get run over, or hypothermia. Probably both!"

"You are crazy!" Teddy said, snickering as her and Rory continued to dance in the rain. They were soaked to the bone, clothing clinging to their bodies. The girls laughed, twirling each other through deep pools of fallen rain drops. "Mad!"

"We're totally going out there with them, aren't we?" James asked, nudging Teddy.

"Oh yeah," Teddy smirked, him and James careening after Juniper and Rory.

Eventually, all six of them were gallivanting in the storm, flinging water droplets every which way.  It was an exceedingly soggy ride back home, to say the least.

Teddy pushed a damp curl off Juniper's forehead as the Knight Bus's bumpy gears grinded to an ear piercing end, stalling in front of the sidewalk. They all hopped out of the vehicle, grabbing their wet luggage and sloshing to their respective homes. Juniper waved goodbye to Charlie and Leo, the remaining four traipsing up the path to the Potter's house.

"You're back!" Their father exclaimed, Harry and Miranda had been waiting at the gate.

"And- wet," Miranda added, hugging them.

I told you so. She's here.

Great. I wonder how long it'll be for this time?

Will you stop it?

Why are you always defending her? Dad is lonely all the time I know you see it too.

She saves lives, Juniper. She's a good mother.

Mummy's boy.

Right back at you, Daddy's girl.

"We missed you, kiddos," Harry said, holding them so tight Juniper was having trouble getting air into her lungs. Why was he so embarrassing? "I can't believe my little Junebug is seventeen," he sniffed sentimentally, adjusting his glasses on the bridge of hid nose.

"Daddd," Juniper groaned, wriggling out of his grasp. "Mum make him stop!"

Miranda smiled, squeezing her husband's shoulder, "If only I could."

"This is bullying," her father huffed, planting a kiss on her mother's cheek.

"Hey you took me for better or for worse, Harry James Potter," her mother pointed out, opening the door to their house. "Don't you forget that."

"Never, Mandy," Harry grinned, dipping his wife backwards for a swoon worthy kiss. Rory made an 'awwww' sound, while James and Juniper pretended to vomit. "Just like you never forgot I promised I'd change all the diapers."

Vanessa, who'd just come down the stairs, snorted, "Dad- you didn't."

"Hey!" Harry protested, "I was a starry eyed sixteen year old. Could you blame me? Your mum was the most beautiful thing I'd ever-"

Miranda interrupted him, eyes narrowing, "Was?"

"Is," Harry corrected himself quickly, "is the most beautiful thing I've ever laid eyes on."

"Watch yourself, Potter." Juniper's mother threatened teasingly, swatting him lightly across the chest with a stray dishtowel.

"You and the hitting, Mandy," Harry wrapped his arms around Miranda's waist, propping his chin on her shoulder.

Although it was kind of gross, it was also really sweet. It was nice to see her parents back to their normal lovey dovey selves. Juniper was relieved slightly, they really would never stop loving one another.

Teddy bent to whisper in Juniper's ear, "She's a lot like you, you know."

"What?" Juniper frowned, elbowing him in the ribs. "No she isn't!"

He arched a brow, eyes flicking down to where she had just elbowed him, "Okay, trouble."

"I hate you."

"You love me."

"Well, that's debatable."

"Didn't seem so debatable last night when you were moaning my name. Very loudly, I might add," Teddy murmured dirtily, tone low. "I've certainly gotten lot better at silencing charms." This caused Juniper to turn into a giant tomato, pulse skyrocketing. Why did he do this to her? Why?!

"Did you get sunburned over there, Juniper?" Miranda clucked worriedly, pinching her cheeks. "I told James to make sure you wore sunscreen."

Teddy nearly choked on his own spit trying to cover up his laughter and Juniper glared at him. He cleared his throat, "Nah, Miranda. She's probably just a little...overheated." Juniper had half a mind to punch him in the nose. She was going to kill him. She really was.  "I can take her upstairs if you'd like? We've had a long day, and I'm sure she just needs to cool down."

"Always so considerate, Teddy," Harry commended, oblivious to the boy's somewhat less considerate intentions.

"Yes, considerate," James pursed his lips, throwing Teddy a pointed look. "That's exactly the word I would use."

"Oh-!" Miranda remembered, standing on her tiptoes to reach a cabinet. Juniper was again calmed by the normalcy of her mother around the house, wearing her favorite pair of jeans and worn Gryffindor jumper. She felt safer, seeing her mother there for once, dirty blonde hair loose. It reminded her of old times, better times, when her mom didn't live in her dark Auror's cloak and tight bun. When Miranda danced around the kitchen with Harry at midnight, and there was always a pot of coffee when Juniper awoke. "Rory, dear, your father should be by to pick you up soon. He owled he was running late."

"Thanks," Rory replied, already dreading her return home.

"Leaving me so soon, Wood?" James pouted, lacing his fingers through hers. "However will I survive?'

"You won't," Rory smiled, forgetting that his parents didn't know yet. She kissed him gently.

When they broke apart, James scratched his head sheepishly, "So...yeah."

"Finally!" Miranda exclaimed, embracing him, then Rory. "Ohhhhh Jamie, I'm so proud of you," the woman was a little misty eyed. "I was starting to think you'd never make a move!"

Rory raised a guilty hand, "Actually- I kissed him."

Miranda grinned even wider, high fiving her, "I knew I liked you." She wagged a finger at her son, "If you lose her I'll disown you."

"Thanks mum," James chuckled, slipping an arm around Rory. "Good to know. Fortunately, I'm not planning on losing her." Rory blushed profusely, heart warmed by James' sweet words.

"Good man," Harry clapped his son on the back. "Treat her well, will you?"

James nodded solemnly, then winked, "I did learn from the best."

Harry smirked, "Indeed you did."

Miranda snorted, "Debatable." While Juniper's father made a mock display of hurt.

Teddy clapped a hand to his mouth, struggling not to burst out laughing on the spot. "Same person," he muttered to Juniper mischievously.

"I'm legitimately going to kill you," Juniper hissed.

There was a knock at the door. "I'll get it," Miranda bustled towards the entryway. "It's probably Oliver." Snippets of muffled conversation drifted from the foyer, and Juniper noticed Rory's tight expression.

"Guess this is goodbye," Rory spoke quietly, keeping her mood light. Juniper tackled her with a huge bear hug, shoving James out of the way without any regard.

"What am I going to do without you?" Juniper mumbled grumpily. "I hope you understand what you're leaving me with." She loved having Rory around. It was really nice having another girl in the mix. Usually, her summers were boys, boys, and more boys. It was exhausting, and Juniper had had the best summer of her life this year, which had a lot to do with Rory herself.

Rory giggled, "Try not to get into too much trouble." She nudged Teddy, "Looking at you, Lupin."

Teddy saluted, "Sir, yes sir."

James led the girl to another room, pausing for a moment alone with her. "I'm really going to miss you," he whispered, cupping her face in his large hands. "Like a lot."

"I'm going to miss you like a lot too," Rory told him, standing on her tiptoes so her lips met his. She buried her head in James' firm chest, soaking up every last bit of him as he held her tight. "I wish I didn't have to go, believe me." It was a loaded statement. Rory desperately wished she could stay here, secure in James' arms. Anything so that she wouldn't have to return to that miserable house with her dad, counting down the days until school started again and she didn't have to hear his drunken tales about his former glory. That house where her mother barely lived, and every room reeked with the stench of whiskey and regret. She hated it there, with every inch of her soul.

"Want me to walk you down?" James asked hopefully, expression like that of a puppy dog who wanted a treat. "I'd like to introduce myself to your father if that's okay. He likes Quidditch too, right-?"

"Oh- no- I think- I think we better wait on that one," Rory quelled his question in a rush. Her father? Meeting James? Oh hell no. Rory was planning on sharing as little about her family life as possible. Her father was beyond embarrassing, and not in the cute, funny way Harry was. In a sad, depressing, washed up loser kind of way. She didn't want James to see that. She didn't want anyone to see that. "He's- er- I mean that would be a whole conversation and- just not today. Okay?"

"Right. Of course," James replied easily. "I get it, don't worry." But James was a little worried. Was Rory ashamed of him? Did she not want to introduce him to her family? No- he was just being crazy. Right?

Rory gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and headed for the door, praying her father wasn't babbling on to Miranda and Harry.

"Hey, Wood!" James called after her, boyish grin lighting up his face. "I love you!"

Rory couldn't believe it took her six years to see what had been in front of her all along. He really was perfect. She smiled, "I love you too, idiot."

Back in the the kitchen, Juniper and Teddy had been left to their own devices. And I'm sure by now you all know what that meant. Rory was always right, after all, they truly couldn't keep it in their pants for more than five seconds.

"Guess what?" Teddy breathed in Juniper's ear, goosebumps prickling up her spine. "We're alone, trouble."

"Are we?" Juniper faked false innocence, knowing it would get a rise out of him. "I hadn't noticed."

"Shut up," Teddy kissed her, hard and fast and wonderful all at once. So powerful it nearly knocked her off her feet. He pushed her up against the nearest wall, sucking at the smooth skin of her neck. Then he returned to her mouth, taking his time, teeth nipping her bottom lip. Juniper dug her hands into his curls, and Teddy groaned, hands sliding under the fabric of her shirt. His hands moved slowly, back and forth, along Juniper lower back, and they were both too caught up in lust to notice when someone else entered the room.

There was a strangled sound of horror behind them. Interrupted, Teddy and Juniper turned to see where the noise had originated from and were greeted with the terrified face of none other than her father.

Juniper clapped a hand over her mouth, panic shooting through her like ice.

"Oh shit," Teddy blanched, running a hand through his hair. He took a deep breath, "Harry I can expla--"

"I think I need some air," Harry squeaked weakly, and then promptly fainted. There was a crash as he hit the kitchen floor, wire rimmed glasses scattering across the tiles.

"Oh my god- Dad!" Juniper covered her face in her hands. The thump had alerted her mother, and Miranda came dashing in.

"Harry? What in the world-?" Miranda's eyes zeroed in on Teddy and Juniper. Their flushed faces, the rapidly growing hickey near Juniper's collarbone, and their mussed hair. It was a state of disarray she was all too familiar with. There was no explaining anymore. "Juniper Lily Potter," her mother started dangerously.

"Oh my god," Juniper could not have imagined this going worse. "Mum- don't-!" Harry was beginning to return to consciousness.

"Theodore," Miranda was eerily calm, "why don't you take Harry into the parlor? Now." She turned to Juniper, lips pressed in a thin line, "My daughter and I need to have a little chat."

Juniper held on to Teddy's arm, her mother would not force him out of the room. "Mum-!" she protested indignantly, "He doesn't have to-"

"Miranda- I- I promise there's an-" Teddy scrambled to explain himself. Miranda and Harry were like parents to him. He was always welcome at the Potter house, always.


"Yes ma'am," Teddy obeyed without another word. Miranda was not a person he wanted to mess with right now. Ironically, her "don't test me" face was almost identical to Juniper's. Something Teddy probably would've made fun of Junie for under different circumstances. He supported Harry, who was still getting his bearings, and led him to the next room.

Unfortunately, both Miranda and Juniper had voices that carried, with meant practically the whole house could hear what was going down. Harry and Teddy sat awkwardly together in the parlor, silent, listening to the fight resounding through the walls.

"Juniper, how did this happen?!" Miranda whirled her head around incredulously, arms crossed. "We talked about this!"

Juniper's blood boiled. She clenched her fists, "It's different this time! I swear- he's-"

"He's the same boy you were devastated over, Juniper!" Miranda retorted, throwing her hands up in the air. "I know you love him, Junebug- I know you do- but you have to-"

"He loves me too!" Juniper cried out, green eyes flashing with anger. Why didn't her mother understand? She never understood. "I know you find that hard to believe, but he loves me! It's not like it was before! He's different. We're different! "

"I picked you up from a party where you were drunk out of your mind," her mother shouted. Her gaze was steely and unforgiving. "You lay on that bathroom floor for hours in pain. Sobbing, over him. Do you remember that? I do, Juniper. I'd never ever seen you like that before. Do you remember what you said, Juniper? 'What did I do wrong?' 'Why doesn't he like me?' You repeated those words over and over again, my beautiful strong girl, shattered." Miranda's eyes shone with tears, "So forgive me, if I never want my daughter to hurt like that again!"

"You are such a hypocrite!" Juniper shrieked, fury building inside her. "James told you about Rory and you were overjoyed! Why can't you ever support me like you support him?! You have always been harder on me! It's a double standard and it's not fucking fair!"

"Juniper it is not the same-"

Juniper couldn't take it anymore, her temper bubbling over. The rage burst out of her like a geyser. "IT'S EXACTLY THE SAME!"  she thundered. "I hate you!" And with that, she spun on her heel and ran up the stairs, slamming the door to her room with a satisfying bang.

Miranda cursed under her breath, clenching the countertop tightly, her knuckles white. She never got it right with Juniper. She could never get it right. A single tear ran down her cheek. Her daughter hated her.

The woman inhaled shakily, uncurling her hands. She sniffed, wiping the lone tear off her cheek, and closed her eyes, taking deep breaths. Miranda just wanted to protect Juniper. That's all she ever wanted. It's all any parent wants, better for their child. She messed that up too. Some mother she was.

Miranda let out another exhale, smoothing her hair. She would be strong. She would not let them see her weakness, how the words had affected her. She had to be strong, for everyone. But mostly, for her Juniper. Stoically, Miranda walked into the parlor.

"Miranda--" Teddy leaped up from his seat to apologize, having heard their heated conversation.

"Sit down, it's okay," Miranda placed a hand on the boy' shoulder. He'd grown up so much. It seemed like just yesterday he had been a tiny, blue haired infant, making funny faces with Harry. "We love you, Teddy, you know that. You taught us how to be parents. But she's my daughter. She's- I hurt when she hurts."

"I understand," Teddy said genuinely. He bit his lip, looking from Harry to Miranda, "I do love her, though. And I know that I wasn't always- but it's real. I love her."

"I believe him," Harry piped up abruptly.

"I do too." Miranda smiled softly, "Don't break her heart, Theodore."

"I'll try," Teddy promised. He knew that wasn't good enough. He'd never be good enough for Juniper, but he could certainly try. And Miranda knew he would.

Teddy would try.

sorry the chap was kinda on the shorter side, it was mostly filler but there were some good moments i hope!!

the parents know nowwwww

back to hogwarts next what lies in store for their seventh year?

nearing the end guyssss :(((

as always lmk what you thought (and anything else you'd like to say) ---------------->

ooh! and are you a james x rory fan or a juniper x teddy fan?? personally, i'm a juniper x rory fan but don't tell james and teddy



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