- T H E Y E A R -

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"I can't believe it's our last year," Charlie exclaimed, lounging back on the cushioned train seat, elbows folded behind his head. The six of them were sat in their favorite compartment. There wasn't a separate one for Viv, Jade, Rory, and Juniper this year. Partly because Rory could now tolerate James, more than tolerate him, in fact, one was rarely seen without the other these days. And partly because Jade wasn't returning to Hogwarts, she would be finishing out at Beauxbatons, apparently their Herbology program was one of the best. But mostly, it was due to Vivian's notable absence.

Rory and Juniper had seen her on the train of course, and she mumbled a terse hello, before disappearing into a different compartment. It was all very strange, and unlike Viv in every way possible. First she hadn't come on their trip and now it seemed as though she was going out of her way to avoid Juniper. She didn't know what was happening, but she was not going to let it stop her from having a good first day. Besides, Rory was essentially part of the group now. Juniper could hardly believe there was a time when she wasn't.

"Oh don't!" Rory chastised, pooching out her lower lip. Her eyebrows drew together worriedly, "You'll make me cry, Weasley." The girl was curled up like a cat in Juniper's brother's side, legs tucked underneath her.

James slung an arm around her shoulders, squeezing her tight. He dropped a soft kiss on the top of her head, "You are adorable."

"If I called you adorable you'd end me, right?" Teddy whispered low into Juniper's ear, mindlessly running his fingers through her mass of hair.

Juniper arched an eyebrow, giving Teddy a pointed look, "You have to ask?"

"Just checking, trouble," he bit back a grin, poking her cheek with his index finger.

Juniper stuck her tongue out at him. He was looking extremely attractive right then, the sunlight filtering through the window and washing his face in a golden glow. He'd taken his hands out of her black curls and Juniper missed having them there. With a huff, she dragged his hand back up to her hair, "Braid, please."

"Wow, a please!" Teddy gasped over-dramatically. "I didn't even know that word was included in your vocabulary, Junie. I'm shocked- stunned- ama-."

Juniper scowled, scrunching her nose, "Shut up and braid my hair, you dick."

Teddy loved her angry face more than anything in the world, and he knew exactly how to get it. He smirked in the kind of way that made Juniper's mind travel to some very dirty places. His legendary smirk, even after all the years she'd known him, could still make her positively melt. "There she is." Teddy kissed her wrinkled up nose, beginning to separate the sections, "As you wish, love."

By the time they reached Hogwarts, Juniper's hair was completed, and two perfectly constructed French braids hung down her back. Some flyaway curls sprang out here and there, which Teddy was endlessly frustrated by. "Your hair is as stubborn as you are," he teased, as the six of them clambered into a carriage.

Hogwarts loomed before them, reflection large in the Black Lake, lanterns flickering all around them. Juniper could practically smell the roast chicken and potatoes. She remembered a carriage ride not too long ago, fifth year, when she was kidding herself into believing she was over Teddy. She was angry, hurt, he'd had a girl on his lap and Juniper had never felt worse. Now she was the girl in Teddy's lap. "I hate you," she said, knocking her foot against his.

Teddy tickled her and she giggled, squirming out of his reach. The black carriage hit a bump on the forest floor, sending Juniper hurtling back into Teddy's arms. He caught her deftly, eyes mischievous, "Back so soon?"

"Sometimes I wonder why I put up with you," Juniper reached up to tuck a blond lock of hair behind his ear.

"Because you're madly in love with me, and I'm hot as fuck."

She rolled her eyes, praying to godric he couldn't see the rosy flush passing over her cheeks, "Cocky too," 

"What was that about my cock, Potter?" Teddy raised a devilish eyebrow, dragging his teeth along his lower lip. And electric charge of heat crackled between them, locked in an intense gaze.

There was a loud cough from the opposite side of the carriage, and Juniper and Teddy turned to find four pairs of irritable eyes blinking at them.

"For the record," Rory hid a knowing smile, gesturing a hand at the two of them, "this is what I was talking about."

"I think I need my ears scrubbed with bleach," James added disgustedly, face a distinct greenish colour. Juniper flipped him off, just as the carriage pulled to a stop in front of the courtyard gates. The stream of students filtered into the Great Hall, clad in the oh so familiar Hogwarts uniforms. Juniper felt at peace. Hogwarts had always been her second home, and she loved it just as much her father had. Though, maybe not quite enough to come back and teach, it was still school after all.

The first and second years looked so small, and Juniper couldn't believe that had once been her. It all seemed very far away now, like a story she'd read in a book.

"What's going on up there, Junie?" Teddy broke her thoughts, cool fingers on her arm.

"Pretty sure it's just empty space," Charlie goaded, ribbing Juniper.

She flicked the side of his head, "Fuck off, Charles."

"Like yours hasn't been vacant for the past seventeen years," Leo scoffed. "The only remaining brain cell in this group resides with me, thank you very much."

"Leo!" Rory exclaimed, affronted. "What about me?"

"Sorry, Ror," he shrugged at her. "The minute you snogged that lunk over there you lost custody," he nodded to James, who at least had the decency to look offended. Leo smiled in his distinctly sarcastic McGonagall way, a perfect blend of his mother and father, "Just keeping it real, people."

"He's going to murder all of us one day," Henry came up from behind them, wrapping a gangly, freckled arm around his boyfriend's waist.

Leo made a halfhearted claw with his left hand, rolling his eyes at their antics, "Watch your back, I guess."

Henry chuckled, kissing his boyfriends curled hand, "Rawr."

"Kinky," Victoire commented, the corner of her pink mouth lifting playfully. The silvery, miniature bowtruckle earrings she was wearing caught the light, shimmering like the starry sky above them. She blew Juniper a kiss, "Last year, darlings, although it feels like I've barely begun."

Rory made a whimpering noise and buried her face in James' shoulder. Juniper's brother smiled wryly, stage whispering, "She's a tad bit emotional today."

"You're emotional," Rory retorted childishly, sniffing.

"Whatever you say, sunshine," James grinned, just happy to have Rory nestled as close as she was to him. He was bursting at the seams with glee these days. And Rory had every bit to do with it. Her pretty smile in the morning, the way her hair curled when it rained. The tiny scar on the knuckle of her right pinkie she'd gotten from riding a bike when she was six. The way she always smelled of vanilla and parchment paper. How she fell asleep reading some nights, ink smudged across her cheek, and utterly at peace. James liked those nights best. He'd tuck a blanket over her, and sometimes she'd wake up, just for a second, still in her drowsy state, and lace her finger through his. Her silent ask for him to stay with her. James had gotten very good at reading Rory Wood's signs.

Once the sorting ceremony was through, all the expectant eleven year olds put in their welcoming houses, the food appeared magically in front of them. Charlie, who had been jiggling his knee impatiently throughout the entire sorting in preparation for this event, gave a groan of relief, and dug into the feast. Teddy wolfed down a plate of steak and kidney pie in five seconds flat, then him and James proceeded to have a competition over how many sprouts they can stuff in their mouth at once. A game that had Charlie and Juniper snorting pumpkin juice out of their noses, and Leo and Rory rolling their eyes excessively.

Harry stepped up to the podium, opening his mouth to give the beginning of term speech. Out of the corner of her eye, Juniper spotted her brother take a hearty swig from his goblet, a recognizable gleam in his eye. What was he up to?

You'll see.


James winked, and before Harry could get a word out, he leaped up onto the Gryffindor table. "Sorry, dad." He chuckled, "Sonorus," clearing his throat, voice amplified, "I'm sure it was a great speech, Dad, really. I know he spent a lot of time on it because I live with the man and I found several crumpled up drafts in our library." He glanced at his father, waiting for his permission to continue. Harry nodded resignedly, a small smile on his face.  And James did continue, still standing atop the table, "Esteemed students of Hogwarts, I, James Matthias Potter, am in love."

Juniper shook her head knowingly, she ought to have suspected where this was going. Her bloody brother. He was always one for grand gestures, and a flare for dramatics.

Rory's brows drew together, mouth parting in an incredulous, shy 'o', "Potter," she whispered, voice hushed, "what on earth are you doing?"

He only grinned, "Some of you seventh years may remember a feast a lot like this one, when I climbed on top of this very table just like I'm doing right now. I proclaimed that before we graduated, I would win the hand of one Miss Rory Amanda Wood." There were a few wolf whistles. "For those of you who don't know, I'd like to direct your attention towards the lovely lady sitting right here. The one giving me a very dirty look. She loves me, don't worry. Just look at her, I mean can you blame me? But don't look at her too long or I might have to punch you in the face." That got some laughs.

Rory burned a bright red, all eyes in the hall on her. "Sit your arse down, Potter," she hissed, covering her face in her hands to hide her smile.

"Now, I am proud to say, six years later..." James paused for dramatic effect, "I have made good on my promise. And I'd like everyone here to know, that this, is finally, say it with me guys-"

"THE YEAR!" Juniper, Teddy, Charlie, and Leo chorused in perfect unison, whooping.

James gazed directly at Rory, holding his hand out in question. Softly, he said, "I love you, Wood."

The feeling in his eyes was enough to make the girl swoon on the spot. She just couldn't resist him. Rory took his hand, hopping up onto the table, "I love you too, idiot." When they kissed the entire student body exploded into loud cheers, feet stamping on the floor. The pair sat back down, now that Rory was thoroughly embarrassed and sufficiently starry eyed.

Harry tried not to seem too proud of his son as he returned to his spot at the head of the staff table, adjusting his glasses, "Well, I don't what I could say to top that. Welcome back to Hogwarts everyone." Professor McGonagall patted Harry on the back, murmuring something in his ear that Juniper couldn't make out, but she was sure it had something to do with James' little impromptu speech.

You're insane

Maybe a little bit

You really love her, don't you?

Where have you been the last six years?

Oh fuck off, or I will plan the wedding

The horror

"Arsehole," Juniper said under her breath, forgetting that nobody could hear their silent conversation.

"Who?" Teddy frowned in confusion.


James blew a raspberry at her, "Teddy thinks I'm a prince."

Juniper and Rory burst into giggles, while Teddy glared at them. "Aw princess," Juniper pouted teasingly, pinching his cheek, "have you finally found your Prince Charming?"

"Our fairytale wedding would be beautiful, and all of you would cry," James and Teddy said haughtily, doing a synchronized hair toss. Charlie and Leo began pointedly humming 'Today Was a Fairytale', stifling their snickers poorly.

Their laughter continued into much of the night, until finally they headed up to the common room with the rest of their house. A red headed girl with legs for days brushed past them. Juniper thought she was a fifth year, but couldn't place her name. She gushed, "That was sooooo adorable what James did wasn't it?" The girl nudged a friend of hers, who Juniper knew was named Natalie, she'd tried out for Quidditch a few years back.

Natalie said, "Oh my god, I know. I'd absolutely die."

"I can't believe he's taken," the ginger bemoaned. "Although, I suppose we all saw it coming. He only had eyes for her, but still- he just so fucking fit."

"Merlin, yes," Natalie agreed whole heartedly, and Juniper thought she might puke a bit listening to them. Teddy was on the verge of laughter witnessing her reaction. Natalie made an obscene gesture with her hands, "You just know he's-"

Juniper plugged her ears, muttering, "For Chrissakes."

The redhead, whose name Juniper had remembered was Cleo, noticed that Teddy and Juniper were in earshot. Well- more noticed that Teddy was in earshot. Cleo giggled, twirling an expertly coiled spring of coppery hair around her dainty finger, "Oh my god I'm sooo embarrassed," She smiled at Teddy, batting her eyelashes, "I suppose I shouldn't be too upset. You're not taken, and you're plenty fit." Cleo bit her lip, and Juniper felt her fist curl at her side. Plenty fit? She was going to murder this girl.

"Oh my god, Cle-o!" Natalie exclaimed, scandalized and giddy.

"What?" Cleo inched closer to Teddy and it was all Juniper could do to not to scratch her eyes out. "I'm due for a proper shag," she whispered very loudly, making sure Teddy could hear. The poor boy nearly choked, peering at Juniper with trepidation.

Okay that was it. "Hello," Juniper said brightly, shoving herself into the middle of Teddy and Cleo. Teddy put a hand on her arm, obviously worried about what she might do.

"Oh- hello," Cleo smiled, oblivious, if a little put off by being interrupted. "You're James' sister right?"

"That's me," Juniper stood with her arms folded tightly over her chest, viewing Cleo with a stony expression.

Cleo looked from Juniper to Teddy questioningly. There you go, Juniper thought, put it together and back the fuck off. Please. Instead, Cleo let out another girlish giggle, "Oh my god- I have to tell you something funny. You just reminded me."

Juniper and Teddy shared a frown. Where was this going?

"I- oh my god I can't even say it because it's so funny. Oh my god!" she grabbed Nat's arm. "We used- actually a bunch of us that went out with him thought forever that the two of you were...you know. I mean- you spend soooo much time together and you're always hugging and being all cute and teasing each other. He talks about you alll the time too. And all of us were suuuuper sure that you guys were shagging and we were all proper gutted- and then we met you! And I was just like ohhhh- because you know you're so not his type and I felt soo stupid for even being worried." She giggled for the thousandth time, flipping her hair over her shoulder, "Isn't that just the stupidest thing you've ever heard?"

Juniper clenched her teeth together, fingernails digging into her palms. Don't get detention the first day. Don't get detention the first day. Don't get detention the first day. She swallowed with much difficulty, voice tight, "The stupidest."

Teddy had been growing increasingly angry with each sentence that fell out of Cleo's mouth. His jaw was set, and Juniper noted the tautness of the muscles in his forearms, a sure sign he was filled with rage. In one swift move, and in the middle of the huge crowd of Gryffindors waiting on the moving staircases, Teddy grabbed Juniper's face in his hands and kissed her, his thumbs sliding up her cheekbone and down to the dip of her neck. His lips were firm against hers, and passion coursed through Juniper's entire body, not caring that everybody was watching.

When they finally broke apart, Teddy held her gaze for a moment, swiping his tongue across his lip. The crowd was stunned into silence, and Cleo had gone so pale that her freckles looked like chicken pox. He wrapped an arm around Juniper's waist, staring Cleo down, "Yeah. So not my type." Teddy's nostrils flared and he raised an eyebrow, "Then again there is the fact that I'm hopelessly in love with her."

"As surprising as that might be to you," Juniper said, still a bit woozy from Teddy's kiss. Teddy interlocked their hands and they clambered through the portrait hole.

Teddy couldn't resist adding one last parting comment, "And in case anyone else is wondering, I am very much taken."

Warmth bloomed in Juniper's heart. Taken. Not single. Taken. Not complicated or casual or no strings. Taken.

"That was some display out there," Rory nudged Juniper once they were safely inside their dorm.

"You're one to talk," Juniper replied, swatting her with a pillow. They were making their beds up, putting all their personal items away. Again, Juniper was struck by how this was the last time they'd be doing this. Her dorm contained so much of her, so much of Rory, pictures and post it notes on mirrors, books and writing on the walls.

Rory blushed, folding her uniform skirts neatly in the dresser, "I still can't believe he did that."

"You can't?" Juniper asked, fluffing her lilac comforter. "Because I feel like it was pretty on brand for my brother."

"Well that kiss was certainly on brand for Teddy," Rory waggled her eyebrows suggestively. "I don't think I've ever seen Cleo Greenwald speechless before."

Juniper took moment to feel little proud, her heart racing just at the thought of Teddy's hands on her. "I'm pretty sure I had a mini orgasm from that kiss so- she should be speechless."

"Junie!" Rory cried, clapping a hand over her mouth. "Gross! Lupin's like my brother!"

"Erm- you're shagging my actual brother, like shared a womb- brother," Juniper waved her hands, "so I feel like this is fair game."

"Who says I'm shagging him?" Rory said offhandedly, changing into a pair of sweats.

"Wait-" Juniper cocked her head, not letting Rory get away with that, "the two of you haven't-?"

"No not yet," Rory answered, busying herself with the toiletry cabinet. She glanced up mischievously, "I mean- we've done stuff, but-"

"Nope," Juniper plugged her ears for the second time the evening, desperate to drown our whatever Rory was about to say. "I'm good. I do not want to hear about any of that."

Rory snickered evilly, "You sure? Because-"

"Ror!" Juniper tackled her down to the bed, clamping a hand over her mouth before Juniper was exposed to things she did not want to know about her twin brother. The two girls' laughter rang through the dorm, their chests heaving as they both collapsed on the mattress.

The door opened with a creak, and Vivian stood in the doorway, taking in the scene before her.

Juniper sent her a small wave, rolling over to her stomach, "Hey Viv."

Vivian managed a tight wave back, eyes downcast, "Hey." She set her trunk down on the far bed, methodically unpacking. Her manner was quiet, controlled, nothing like the Vivian Juniper knew.

"Nice to see you, Vivian," Rory added hopefully, trying to reach out. Vivian said nothing in response, merely nodding her head noncommittally. She barely acknowledged Rory was there.

"We missed you this summer," Juniper offered, heartfelt. She really had, but- less than she'd expected. Which saddened Juniper a great deal, because she'd actually had fun this summer, yet- Vivian hadn't been there. 

"Yeah," Vivian stated, devoid of emotion. She took something out of her trunk, "Oh- erm- happy late birthday, I guess." She gave Juniper a small box containing one of those magicked hairbrushes.

"Thanks," Juniper told her, slightly surprised that Vivian had remembered. Another sad fact. She didn't mention that Vanessa had given her a homemade one a year ago.

There was an awkward silence, Rory and Juniper sitting on Rory's bed while Vivian sat two beds away on another. Juniper wasn't sure if she should make a space for Vivian on Rory's bed and invite her over, or if Vivian would even accept the invitation.

"Er- Junie," Rory murmured lowly, once they realized Vivian was done talking to them for the night. "I told James I'd pop downstairs after we were done unpacking."

Juniper rolled her eyes, "Can the two of you not spend more than five seconds apart?"

"Oh so you don't want to come with me and see Lupin?" Rory challenged, pursing her lips. Juniper quieted, knowing Rory had her. Of course she wanted to see Teddy, especially after the kiss. Rory smirked, "That's what I thought."

The two girls linked arms and exited their dorm room, chattering to one another as they went. Rory was wearing James' jumper, which Juniper chose not to tease her about then. Though she'd be getting an earful of it later. Juniper had very purposefully picked a pair of plaid shorts and one of the many giant t shirts in her possession. Teddy had an extremely specific reaction to those shorts, and Juniper was definitely using it to her advantage.

"You know," Rory mentioned, as they journeyed down the stone staircase in their fuzzy socked feet. They had matching ones, adorned with tiny lions for Gryffindor. "We got pretty lucky in the boyfriend department."

"I know," Juniper conceded, "they're sort of awesome."

"We're never telling them that though, right?" Rory queried, twisting her hair into a low bun.

She snorted, "With their egos? God no."

Juniper and Rory were still laughing when they entered the common room. Teddy and James looked up from their place on the couch, where they'd been talking, bemused.

"What are the two of you tittering about?"

"None of your business," The girls fired back in sync.

James grinned, "They were talking about us."

"Contrary to your belief, the world does not revolve around Theodore Lupin and James Potter," Juniper scowled at her brother and boyfriend, her and Rory both knowing full well that they had been talking about James and Teddy just moments before. Hey, they needed someone to keep them humble.

Teddy rose from his seat, nearing Juniper with a sly smile, "Hello, trouble."

"Oi!" James called out from the sofa, "Hands where I can see them!"

Rory sighed contentedly, resting her head on James' shoulder, "Oh leave them be, Potter."

"Hmmph," he huffed, cuddling her close to his chest, but he seemed to have calmed slightly. Rory had that effect on him.

"Don't worry, mate," Teddy reassured, leading Juniper forward. "We're getting out of your hair."

"We are?" Juniper started to ask, but Teddy put a finger to her lips, dragging her out of the common room before James could protest. He led her down the empty corridors, lit only by the dim glow of the crescent moon. The suits of armor reflected that light back at them, did whistling through the paned windows. The quiet was peaceful, and for a moment it was as if Juniper and Teddy were the only people in the world. Juniper eyed him, the dark mask of night casting him in a handsome shadow, "You have a plan, Lupin?"

"Maybe," Teddy said, lifting a careless shoulder. He pulled her into an empty room, pressing her up against the nearest wall. Juniper's breath caught in the back of her throat as she felt his hands close around her wrists, pinning them back.

Teddy reached up to cup the back of her neck, fingers entwined in her hair for a beat, and then his mouth met hers. Juniper ran both hands up his chest, and Teddy gave a small exhaled grunt, hoisting her off the ground. She latched on to him as he kissed her neck, legs hooked around his hips. Her heart beat wildly in her chest, both allowing themselves to get lost in the others touch.

"I knew you wore those shorts on purpose," Teddy groaned lowly, lips at her ear. He traced a finger up the length of her thigh.

"You're so full of yourself," Juniper replied, unable to resist messing with him.

"I saw your face after I kissed you on the stairs," he smirked, puffed up with pride. And Juniper went crimson, which Teddy was unimaginably pleased with. Making Juniper flustered wasn't an easy feat, and when he did...merlin it was one of the best feelings in the world. Then Teddy paused for a second, setting Juniper back down on the floor, just before his hands reached the top of her thigh.

Juniper made a cute noise of irritation, circling her arms around his neck, "Where do you think you're going?"

Teddy chuckled at her reluctance to let him go. "Actually- now that I've brought it up," he lovingly put a piece of mussed hair behind her ear, "I wanted to talk to you about that. Are you okay?" Teddy was afraid of hurting her, especially after hearing Miranda and her's fight a couple weeks ago. He had no idea how much pain he'd caused her. And he never wanted to put her through that again.

She nodded, "Yeah- I'm fine. It wasn't big deal. You don't have to- it would be silly of me to- it's stupid."

"Juniper," Teddy stroked the side of her cheek with his thumb, waiting patiently for her to say more.

Juniper sighed. She could never get away with anything when Teddy knew her so well. "Okay fine- it hurt a little bit," Juniper admitted, "but it's nothing new. I'm used to it by now, Teddy. And she wasn't wrong- I'm not your type-"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Teddy interrupted hotly, brow furrowing.

"Oh come on Teddy," Juniper continued frankly. He didn't have to do that. Protect her. She knew what people thought when they saw them together. "You're Teddy Lupin, Hogwarts resident hottie. You're- perfect. And I'm- well, I'm me."

Teddy's expression was one of utter incredulity. He gazed at her deeply, "I'm not perfect."

"You're perfect for me," Juniper said softly, folding her hands neatly in her lap. It was as honest as she'd ever been.

"Well- see now I'm going to have to rip these clothes off of you and fuck you so hard you forget your name," Teddy stated rather matter of factly, tone dark and dirty enough to make Juniper's skin crawl with anticipation.

She held back a full blown smile, lips curving coyly, "If that's what you want...I suppose I could get on board with that."

The next morning dawned bright and early. Too bright and early, in Juniper's opinion. Rory had to physically remove her from the safety of her bed, so they wouldn't miss breakfast. Juniper laced up her converse, while Rory packed up both of their book bags. Juniper's best friend was (predictably) already stressing about N.E.W.T.S., and had a thick, color coordinated planner dedicated to all of her courses.

Juniper was not stressed, also predictable. She was stressed about Quidditch though, she was pretty sure Vivian wasn't on the list to try out, which meant she was down a Beater. After last year's championship fiasco, there was no way Juniper was letting that cup skip through her fingers this time. It was her last year, and she was winning if it killed her. It almost did last time, so really what did she have to lose?

She gathered her black hair into ponytail, revealing the three purple marks dotting her neck. Hastily, she performed a Glamour Charm, yawning loudly. "It's so early," she complained, rubbing her eyes.

"Well- you did get back awfully late," Rory teased, straightening her Head Girl badge.

"I did not!" Juniper protested.

Rory pointed to a place on her right shoulder, hiding a giggle, "I think you missed a spot." She kissed Juniper on the cheek, adjusting the girl's cardigan so it covered the mark.

Juniper leaned her head on Rory's shoulder as they walked down to the Great Hall, "If anyone asks, I'll tell them you gave it to me."

Rory laughed out loud, throwing her head back, "I bet Lupin would love that."

"Plotting against me, babes?" Teddy asked, through a mouthful of toast and sausage. He slid over on the wooden bench so that Juniper could sit beside him.

"Yeah, I'm stealing your girl," Rory said, plopping down on the seat across from them where James was shoveling eggs into his mouth.

"And I'm stealing yours," Juniper flicked a flake of pastry at her brother, "sorry, bro."

"I'd like to see you try," Teddy stuck his tongue out at Rory. Then, he promptly tugged Juniper into his lap, kissing her like it was his job. He moved deliciously close to her, intensifying the kiss. Juniper's lips parted involuntarily, their tongues dancing together. When they broke apart, Juniper was breathless and exceedingly flustered, her hazel eyes locked with Teddy's green ones.

She tried to play it off, shrugging, "Eh."

"Oh shut up," Teddy growled, angling her head towards his. His hands traveled down to the small of her back, pressing her tight to him until their bodies were flush with one another. Juniper's head knocked back, her own hands knitted in his hair and her thighs straddling him. Her throat was exposed, vulnerable to his lips that smoothed up her skin.

"Honestly, you two," Rory shook her head, wagging the jam knife at them sternly.  "Some of us are trying to eat breakfast, Teddy! For fuck's sake it's barely eight in the morning." She added, "You don't see Potter all over me, do you?"

Juniper's brother coughed, tousling his hair awkwardly. He gave Rory a mischievous grin, "Well, if you wanted-"

Rory kissed him on the cheek, shoving a piece of toast in his mouth to shut him up, "Oh behave, you."

The day moved surprisingly quickly, though Juniper had had a pretty easy schedule. Charms in the morning, followed by DADA and History of Magic. Then she'd had a free. Thank god she didn't have Potions, seventh year honors with Parkinson was supposed to be a bitch and Rory was dead set on beating Teddy and James out for top spot. Her last class was Transfiguration, the only tough course of the day.

"Sit down students," Professor McGonagall said, rising from her desk. "I am pleased to see that most of you are on time," she emphasized most, glancing in the direction of Teddy, James, Leo, Juniper, and surprisingly, Rory. They had snuck into class just a few seconds after the clock had chimed, held up by the fact that Charlie and Teddy had pushed Leo into the Black Lake during their free.

"We'll be doing a partner exercise today, you know the drill," with a flourish of her wand, the tell tale glass bowl with slips of parchment in it appeared on her desk. She shook it around a bit, muddling the pictures together, "You're up first gentleman."

Once everyone had drawn, Juniper and Rory noticed the two boys having a hushed conversation. McGonagall clapped her hands, "Find your partners, please. Get to work."

"What are the odds?" James grinned at Rory, sliding into the seat beside her. He displayed his matching slip of parchment to hers giddily. Across the room, Juniper and Teddy sat beside each other.

"Pretty good, I'd say," Rory rolled her eyes, shaking her head in exasperation. But a smile threatened to reach her lips. "Given you swapped with Teddy."

"How dare you!" James said, mock offended, "So little faith in me, Wood." He scooted closer to her, and Rory leaned in unconsciously. His perpetually messy hair flopped over his forehead, sleeves of his white dress shirt pushed up to his elbows. Those damn forearms. Roy could never resist those.

"Idiot," Rory breathed. She grabbed the tie that hung loosely around his neck, just like she'd longed to do during the entirety of sixth year, and drew him to her for a kiss. He held her face in his hands, and Rory kissed him slower, harder.

Professor McGonagall cleared her throat, "Ahem."

Rory separated from James with a start, stammering in embarrassment, "Professor- oh my god- I'm so-"

But McGonagall only smiled smugly, peering over the top of her glasses at them, "I knew those tutoring sessions would do the trick."

Rory's jaw dropped open, while James grinned broadly, "Thanks, Minnie."

"No, thank you." McGonagall commended, winking, "Longbottom owes me fifteen galleons, and your father owes me twenty five."

"Dad was betting against me!?" James gasped in betrayal, Rory gaping like a fish.

"To be fair, she turned you down an awful lot, Mr. Potter," McGonagall pointed out wryly. "Congratulations to the both of you, and I'd appreciate it if you did some Transfiguration this class," And with that, the professor glided away, leaving them both stunned for the rest of the period.

"I'm loving the fact that Minnie was a secret Jory shipper this whole time," Teddy sniggered, slinging a friendly arm around his best friend's shoulders. School had just let out for the day and they were all heading down to the Quidditch pitch for tryouts. Leo wad reluctantly coming along, coaxed out of the library by Henry.

Meanwhile, Rory was beside herself, wailing to Juniper, "I'm mortified!" She wrung her hands, draping herself on Juniper for support, "This whole time she knew- and she was putting us together on purpose! And I didn't have the slightest idea- god I'm such a fool! There was a betting pool- Junie I think I might die."

"Don't do that," Juniper goaded, rubbing her back, "then James would die too. And then Teddy would die and then I'd have to plan all the funerals!"

They all went to change into their Quidditch gear, while Rory climbed up to the stands to watch, shielding her eyes from the sun. Leo and Henry joined her, Leo's nose stuck in a textbook. Her honey brown hair shone in the light like a beacon, blond streaks standing out.

In the locker room, Juniper secured her whistle around her neck, redoing her ponytail. She felt Teddy's strong arms wrap around her waist, the teasing nip on her neck. "Nice try. I know what you're doing," Juniper chastised, leaning back against him. "No special treatment princess, you have to tryout same as anyone else." She kissed him, tilting her chin back, "This is not going to work on me."

"Really?" Teddy sucked her lower lip, eyebrows raised. "Cause' it kinda seems like it's working."

Juniper elbowed him in the ribs, disentangling herself from his tantalizing grasp, so she could get the tryout list. She glanced over the scribbled names, taking a quick readthrough so she knew who she was dealing with. She was sadly, correct about Vivian. Her name was decidedly absent from the paper. Her heart sank. Then, a name written in loopy cursive caught her eye.

Was that-?

Clementine Greenwald

Oh shit.


im praying the wait was worth it for y'all

lmk what you thought in the comments!!

hope everyone is having a great summer!!

buckle up guys, seventh year is full steam ahead



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