-D I F F E R E N T-

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juniper's pov:

I can pinpoint the exact time I realized things were different between me and Teddy. It was during fourth year, I was 14, he was 15. Fourth year was a changing period for all of us. Puberty, hormones, you know the deal. Girls were getting curvier, guys were getting taller. Their voices had stopped cracking every second of the day, their chests were getting broader. There was a certain level of awkwardness when interacting with the opposite sex, as if we didn't quite know what to do with ourselves now that things had been altered.

All the boys could talk about was snogging, or shagging, which girls were the hottest in our year. It was not a fun time for me, ugh I want to vomit just thinking about it. I was glad that year that I had other friends, female friends, that understood when I had period cramps and didn't call me a girl if I felt like doing something new with my hair.

We were having our monthly Muggle movie night in the boys' dorm, otherwise know as the Triple M. Charlie named it, not me. We would push all the beds together and pile it with blankets and pillows, using the curtains to create a sort of fort. Then project the movie onto the wall. James loved forts, I swear that boy will never grow up. Charlie and Leo were fast asleep as was James, the three of them sprawled out across the four beds in a tangle of lanky limbs. I remember wondering how they had gotten so tall in just the span of a year. James and I used to be the same height, and Leo had only been a few inches taller than me. But they had all sprouted up, leaving me behind at my pitiful 5'2 existence.

Teddy and I were the only ones still awake as Pretty in Pink came to a close. I love old movies, especially from the 80's and 90's, it had been my pick that night. The boys had moaned and whined about it being a chick flick, but I didn't care. Surprisingly enough, Teddy had been in my favor, he was a big 80's fan too. Something Charlie, Leo, and James teased him about constantly.

I was wearing my standard nighttime attire of an oversized t shirt, most likely my brother's or Leo's, a haphazard bun, my glasses, and sweatpants. It was colder at the time so the boys had shirts on, thank god for that, because Teddy without a shirt on...oh boy. The whole year I had been becoming increasingly aware of Teddy. How is hair fell in front of eyes when he read a book, the way his forearms looked when he rolled his sleeves up, the muscles he was getting from Quidditch, the electric shock I felt when he tugged my ponytail or nudged my shoulder, sometimes even the sound of his voice made me blush.

Fourth year was very trying to say the least.

Before, he was cute and yes I had a silly little crush on him, but that was playground stuff. This was...something else. I had slept over in the boys' dorm dozens of times before, and it had never been a problem, never seemed odd. I had been doing it since I was a baby, but tonight, tonight was different

Teddy was sitting right next to me, so, so close. I could barely breathe, my thigh grazed his, and suddenly I was extremely conscious of every move we made. A million thoughts ran through my head. Had this t-shirt always been so thin? Oh god, I wasn't wearing a bra, and the shirt was slipping off my shoulder on one side. Why did Teddy's biceps look so good in that top? Merlin we were sitting so close together, has he always sat this close to me? Is it hot in here? Am I sweating? What if he sees me sweating? WHY ARE WE SO GOD DAMN CLOSE?!

The credits rolled slowly, and Teddy had yawned, stretching his arms above his head. Which of course caused his shirt to ride up, exposing his defined v line. You have got to be fucking kidding me. I had flushed, looking away. But wait, it gets worse. Teddy pulled a blanket around the two of us, and looked at me with a quizzical smile as he asked, "Ready for bed?"

I had almost passed away. I'm not kidding, I thought there was going to have to be a funeral. Here lies Juniper Lily Potter, killed by Teddy Lupin's sleepy voice, may she rest in peace. Quickly, before he could realize I was flustered, I leaped out of the bed.

Teddy was yawning again as he frowned, "Where are you going?"

"Back up to my dorm." I had cleared my throat loudly, hoping he would just drop it.

"But you always sleep over here after movie night."

"Well I just- I think- I think I'd better sleep in my own room from now on."


"Because Teddy! We're getting older- and you know- I shouldn't sleep here anymore."

"What are you talking about?"

"We're teenagers now Teddy, we-"

"What does that have to do with anything?"

Oh my merlin why was he so thick? This had to be the most embarrassing conversation of my entire life. Worse than when mum and dad taught us about proper protective charms.

"We're just too old for this Teddy ok? Its...different now. I'm going to sleep in my dorm after movie nights."

"Ok I guess..."

A feeling of immense relief had washed over me then as I sighed and walked to the door.

"Junie wait!" Teddy had whispered, jumping out of bed.

Bloody hell what now? I had almost made it out the door.

"What Teddy?"

"Here, he had placed the fuzzy blanket into my hands, take it. I know you get cold at night, and we've got enough."

My heart had nearly melted, why did he have to be so sweet? He knew me so well, better than anyone besides maybe James.

"Thank you Teddy." I had taken the blanket gratefully, knowing all too well that as soon as I reached the privacy of my dorm I would inhale the scent Teddy had left on it.

"Goodnight Potter." He had murmured tiredly, pulling me in for a one arm hug

"Goodnight Lupin." I closed the door softly behind me, tiptoeing up to my dorm. Being careful not to wake any of my friends. Rory could be cranky as hell if she didn't get enough sleep. Maybe I should tell James that, make him a little less obsessed. Though knowing him, he's probably think it was adorable and proceed to crush even harder.

Anyways, that was the precise moment I knew that things between me and Teddy were not like they were between the rest of the boys. It was also the moment I realized that Teddy didn't see me the same way I saw him. To him, I was just one of the guys, he couldn't even imagine the possibility of me being someone he was attracted to. And man did that sting. That night I promised myself I would get over Teddy Lupin, and so far it's been going really well. Oh who am I kidding, but honestly I don't like him. I really don't. I swear.






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