-L O V E P O T I O N-

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The four girls entered Flourish and Blotts to find the boys and most of their parents already in there. Calista looked around the store with wide eyed wonder, clutching her new wand tightly in her hand.

Juniper spotted her sister and waved, "Cali! Cali over here!"

Miranda, Harry, and Calista walked over to James and Juniper, "There you are," Juniper's mother exclaimed. "I was beginning to worry."

"We thought you'd stood us up." Her dad huffed dramatically as her mum rolled her eyes.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Potter." Jade, Vivian, and Rory waved politely. Juniper hid a smile. Her friends were always so nervous around her parents, and she found it quite funny.

"Hi girls," Miranda smiled warmly. "It's so nice to see you again. And how many times do I have to tell you? Please, call me Miranda. Mrs. Potter makes me sound so-"

"Beautiful?" Juniper's dad laced his fingers through her mum's, looking at her with a heart melting smile. Guess that's where James gets it from.

"DAD! MUM! PLEASE DON'T!" Juniper cried in horror, James following in suit. Her parents still act like lovesick teenagers sometimes, it's so embarrassing.

"Honestly," James gagged, "we're in public. Nobody wants to see that."

"Gotta agree with my man James on this one," Juniper's uncle, Mateo, piped up from behind them, side eyeing her mum with a reprimanding expression.

Her mother glared at her uncle as they seem to have a wordless communication between them. This happens a lot. Sometimes, Juniper got the sense that they connect with each other on a deeper level. She understands of course, being a twin herself, even her and James can be weirdly in sync at times.

"Where's Gin?" Miranda asked, craning her neck across the throng of shoppers in the store.

"Signing autographs, we were accosted by some fans on the way in." Her uncle mused with mirth, eyes twinkling. Juniper's aunt was a very famous Quidditch player. Juniper admired her persistence, her Aunt Ginny taught her everything she knew about the game, while her dad taught her how to be a Seeker. She'd have to find her later, and tell her about her new position as captain.

"Junie honey, where's Nessa? I didn't see her come in yet." Juniper's mum searched the room worriedly.

"And Rose? I'm assuming they're together." Hermione also surveyed the shop for her red headed daughter.

"Last I heard they were with Axel and Cordelia on the second level." Juniper answered, "They'll probably be down soon, Aunt Mione."

"Axel?" Uncle Ron's eyes narrow, "That sounds like a boy's name."

"Probably because it is." Juniper laughed, "He's in their year, Slytherin like Nessa."

Who said my little Rosie could hang out with boys? Because it certainly wasn't me." Ron glared at his wife accusingly, and then turned to his son and nephews, "What is being done about this? Who is this Axel bloke?"

"Ron, darling, and I mean this in the nicest way possible," Hermione took his hand, "please shut up. Rose can hang out with whoever she pleases."

"You tell him, Mum!" Rose's voice echoed from above them, her short crop of strawberry blond locks shining like a beacon. She stood in between Vanessa and an attractive dark haired boy in flannel. Cordelia Zabini on the other side of Vanessa.

"Is that Axel?" Ron pointed wildly at the balcony. The four boys mirroring his stern expression as they shouted at poor Axel.

"Keep your hands where I can see them Silvers!"

"Don't make us come up there!"

"Stand at least two feet away from my sister at all times!"

"Don't look at Rosie like-"

"Oh my god!" Rosie scowled, cheeks flaming red, "Mum, please tell them to SHUT IT! Axel and I aren't even dating!"

"You better not be!" Ron shouted, "You're not allowed to date until you're thirty. No not even then, forty!"

"Ronald Weasley! Let your daughter live her life! I'm so sorry sweetie, continue shopping, he seems like a very nice boy!" Hermione yelled, giving her daughter a thumbs up while she hit her husband. Juniper stifled a laugh, Ron and the four boys were staring Axel down with murder in their eyes, and he looked like a deer in headlights.

"MUM!" Rose clapped a hand over her mouth.

"It's nice to meet you dear. Axel was it?" Hermione smiled brightly as she waved up at them.

"Yes ma'am." Axel replied politely, maintaining a surprisingly strong resolve after the berating he just got. He was a Slytherin after all.

"Ooh such good manners, you know Axel--" Hermione praised, and Rose groaned.

"OKAY! We're leaving now! Ness, let's get out of here." Rose grabbed Vanessa by the arm and sped out of the shop, Cordelia and Axel close behind.

Ron watched them go mulishly, "He had shifty eyes Hermione! We had to say something right boys?" James, Leo, Charlie, and Teddy all nodded vigorously, equally fired up about this Axel kid.

"We can't take them anywhere can we?" Juniper's aunt shook her head in amazement, a slight smile on her face. Her mum and Aunt Ginny laugh.

"We really can't." Juniper's mum squeezed her husband's arm teasingly when he made a dramatic display of hurt.

"Serves us right for having that many boys." Ginny remarked, "Thank god for you Junie. I don't know how you put up with them."

Juniper laughed out loud, receiving scowls from each of the boys, "I know right, I think I deserve a medal." She stuck her tongue out at James as Leo flipped her off.

"Aw c'mon guys," Juniper's dad put a comforting arm around his best friend. "It's his little girl, he has a right. You have no idea how happy I am we don't have to deal with all that with Junie-"

Juniper's face burned bright red and her brother snickered. Her mum punched her dad in the arm aggressively, scolding him.

"OW! You and the hitting, Mandy. What was that for?" Harry rubbed his arm reproachfully, looking up at his wife with big puppy dog eyes, "I was only saying- mmph!"

Juniper's mum slapped a her palm over her dad's mouth, "Juniper honey, your dad doesn't know what he's talking about-"

"Mum really it's not a-"

"He doesn't know what he's talking about. Right dear?" Her mother gripped her dad's arm tightly. He nodded. "I'm sure you've got lots of boys with crushes on you, Junebug, your dad is just clueless when it comes to this stuff."

"Mum, you-"

"Boys?" James, Leo, Charlie and Teddy snapped to attention.

"Who fancies Juniper?" James growled lowly.

"Someone fancies Juniper?"

"I'll kill him."

"Not if I get to him first."

"Calm down mates, we'll kill him together."

"OH MY GOD!" Juniper threw her hands up with exasperation, rubbing her temples. "Can we please end this conversation? PLEASE!"

Thankfully, Vivian, Jade, and Rory return from the clerk just then, arms filled to the brim with books.

"Thank Merlin." Juniper sent a silent prayer to the heavens, taking her exit as she rushed over to her friends, calling out a goodbye to her parents, "We're going to Uncle Fred and Uncle George's shop, see you there! Bye!" She grabbed Vivian's arm gratefully, whispering into her ear, "Save me."

Jade, Rory, and Vivian giggled as they walked out of the shop and into the summer sun.

"Whatever Junie, Vivian nudged her shoulder, I think that your family's awesome. I'd give anything to have that kind of dynamic in my life. You guys too , she gestures at Jade and Rory, even though your parents aren't in that tight knit group, they all still know each other and went to school together. They were all friends. I think that's so cool."

Juniper rolled her eyes, "Talk to me when your dad expresses his thanks that you are so painfully single, or when you are publicly embarrassed because your best friends are so goddamn over protective."

"Or when someone comes up to you and says didn't your dad date Ginny McGonagall?" Jade raised an eyebrow, shaking her head.

"Or when you're known as the daughter of that crazy intense Quidditch captain." Rory added her own two cents, giving Vivian a wry smile.

Juniper laughed, "We could go on."

"Alright, alright," Vivian conceded. "I get it. Still though, I'm just saying it must be nice. Embarrassing, yeah, but nice. Now who wants to bet on how many things Junie will get from Weasley's Wizards Wheezes?"

"Ooh me!" Jade exclaimed, "I have a good feeling that this year she's going to break her all time record."

"You guys!" Juniper put her hands on her hips, "I do not play that many pranks! That's all James and-"

"Please Junie, you play just as many pranks as they do, usually with them." Vivian gave her a pointed look. "And whose idea was it to turn the teacher's robes pink last year? I don't think it was James's"

Rory plugged her ears, "Don't tell me these things, I'm a prefect now!"

"You're a prefect now?! That's wonderful Rory!" Two voices uttered, perfectly in sync. A mess of caramel curls bounds towards them.

Pippa and Phoebe Johnson-Weasley, bundles of incessant energy, two of the biggest clowns in their year. They were fourteen, Gryffindor of course. Juniper hoped they would try out for Quidditch this year, they certainly had the genes. You could never find one without the other, and they basically finished each other's sentences. They worked the shop in the summers, and Juniper suspected that Fred and George were setting them up to inherit the empire when the time came.

The two girls chattered at rapid fire as they ushered Vivian, Jade, Juniper, and Rory into the store.

"We've just got some new products in-"

"Ooh Juniper's going to like that one-"

"I know should we-"

"See if we've got any in the back?

"Let's show Vivian-"

"The red-"



The girls split off, Phoebe dragging a bewildered Vivian to another shelf and Pippa heading to the storage room.

Jade and Rory get caught up talking to Marie and Landon about some honors course they're all taking this year, so Juniper decided to go find James, Teddy, Leo, and Charlie. She scoured the shop which was full of Hogwarts students, finally spotting Teddy's hair peeking out from behind an aisle. What was he looking at? She turned the corner and sighed heavily. Of course. Pink mist emitted from the display spewing heart shaped bubbles, the small vials of Love Potion nestled in the glass cases. A gaggle of giggling girls twirled their hair around their fingers dreamily, batting their eyelashes at Teddy.


He leaned up against the display casually, quite obviously flirting with his many admirers. Juniper rolled her eyes, this was disgusting. She stomped over, arms crossed as she tapped Teddy on the shoulder impatiently.

"Potter," he whispered through gritted teeth, "I'm kind of in the middle of something here."

"I couldn't care less Lupin, she replied irritably. "I'll let you get back to your little fan club in a second, don't you worry your pretty little head, I'm just looking for James. Do you know where he is?"

"Pretty sure he and Leo went round the back to look for some defective products Fred and George will let them take for free."

"Great." Juniper clipped her words short, not wanting to stick around here a second longer. She started to go, much to the moony eyed girls' happiness.

"Wait," Teddy put a hand on her arm gently, holding her back. "I'll come with you, we can find them together."

The flock of females gave Juniper the evil eye. Their beady eyes zeroing in on Teddy's hand on Juniper's arm. Juniper could've sworn she heard one girl hiss at her.

"I thought you were in the middle of something?" Juniper arched an eyebrow, pursing her lips.

"Teddyyyyy" One girl pleaded, pouting sickeningly, "Stayyyyy."

"See." Juniper nodded at the girl, attempting to walk away again.

Teddy pulled her back again, making direct eye contact, "Junie...c'mon, I'm sorry. Please? We have an idea for a prank I wanna tell you about."

"Mmm." Juniper turned up her nose, murmuring noncommittally, although secretly she really wanted to hear about the prank.

"You know you want to Junie, Teddy grinned, he had her, he dropped his voice to a whisper, besides I'd rather hang out with you than any of these lot, you know that."

"Do I?" Juniper attempted to stop the smile that was slowly spreading across her face.

"Junie!" Teddy groaned, taking her hand and not waiting for an answer as he pulled her through the aisles.

Juniper felt a warm pulse travel down her body, not caring that all these girls were probably plotting all the ways they could cut her throat




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