- F I R S T D A T E -

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Juniper stood in front of her closet. She was stumped, frozen, staring at the array of clothes. She needed-

"Viv!" She called, if anyone could help her it was her pink haired best friend.

Vivian flew into the room, breathless, "Thank god! I was wondering when you'd ask me."

"I haven't actually-"

"Shh!" Vivian silenced, immediately tearing clothes out of the closet. Juniper saw a tight black mini skirt fly by and paled in horror.

"V..." Juniper warned, hands on her hips, "Simple. Please."

Vivian scoffed, "Simple? You've come to the wrong place babe." She continued rifling through the dresser and crouching down to pull shoe options.

"I'm starting to realize that." Juniper shook her head, laughing.

A half an hour of styling, primping, and fretting later, Juniper was deemed ready to go by each of her friends. Vivian had coaxed her into wearing a skirt, pleated though, like their uniforms, and not too short. Though, it was still showing far too much of her legs in Juniper's opinion. Now Viv had wanted her to wear a very revealing corset style top, but Rory and Jade came in to save her. Rory picked out a very nice maroon jumper and Jade suggested she wear sheer stockings so her legs wouldn't feel quite as exposed. They wrapped all this up with the oversized leather jacket she'd been gifted by Victoire and Juniper insisted she wear her black converses. ("We're going to be walking in Hogsmeade!")

Jade, who was the best at makeup in their year, despite hardly wearing any, put a touch of blush on her cheeks and a swipe of mascara on her lashes. Vivian managed to contain Juniper's hair in a messy but cute messy low bun, and Rory lent her a pair of small gold hoops.

Juniper twisted and turned in front of the mirror, doing a full 360 for the girls. She was actually pretty satisfied with how she looked. He would definitely notice she put effort in, but not so much it looked like she was trying too hard. She tucked a wayward strand of hair behind her ear, waving goodbye to her friends and heading down the stairs. Xavier was meeting her outside Hogwarts in five minutes.

Juniper was about to clamber out of the portrait hole when it swung open, Teddy Lupin on the other side. He was the last person Juniper wanted to see right now. She hadn't exactly told anyone besides Viv, Jade, and Rory that she was going on the date, Teddy only knew because he read the note over her shoulder. Immediately, all of her insecurities raced to the surface. She felt like a child playing dress up, the gold earrings which had moments before seems sophisticated were now garish.

Teddy's eyes widened, "Whoa- Junie you look-"

Juniper braced herself, waiting for his comment, "Let me have it Lupin." She sighed, exhaling, "How bad is it?"

Teddy was taken aback, his brow furrowed in confusion, "That's not what I- I was going to say beautiful. You look beautiful Junie." His voice was soft as he ran a hand through his blond curls sheepishly.

"Oh- erm...thanks." Juniper blushed, caught off guard. She cringed silently at her error, why was she always expecting the worst from him> Beautiful. He'd never called her that before. At least she didn't think he had. Beautiful.

Did that mean he thought she was beautiful right now, just at this particular moment? Or did it mean he always thought she was beautiful? Or was he simply saying it for the sake of a compliment? Or- NOPE. She needed to stop devoting her time to analyzing Teddy Lupin, all she wanted was to go on this date and not think about how odd he was acting these days.

Juniper cleared her throat, "Well- I should be going..."

"Right." Teddy nodded quickly, glancing down at the floor as Juniper left.

He didn't ask where she was going and Juniper didn't tell him. Some things were better left unsaid, and Juniper wanted to convey as little information as possible. Her nosy family would be all over Xavier in five seconds flat. Speaking of.

"Junebug!" Her dad accosted her right as she was about to exit the castle, flagging her down.

"What's up Dad?" Juniper rubbed her head, this night was not off to a good start. First Teddy, now her father, she was going to be late.

"Just wanted to let you know I've heard from your mum." He exclaimed, a relaxed smile on his face that Juniper hadn't seen since her mother left. "Her and your uncle are in Norway. They're fine, going to be back soon. She's sorry for not calling."

"She's ok?" Juniper let out a relieved breath, feeling a weight lift from her shoulders

"She's ok Junebug." Her dad replied, ruffling her hair, "Told you she would be." Harry was back to being cheery, but Juniper knew he'd been really worried. More worried than usual. And Juniper saw that his smile didn't quite reach his eyes, almost as if he was trying to hide the fact that he was still worried. Her mum was safe. She was coming back. What could he still be worried about?

Harry frowned, just noticing his daughter's attire, "Where are you going?"

Juniper gulped, stammering out, "Hogsmeade."

"Oh." Harry tilted his head, "By yourself?"

Juniper wracked her brain for a plausible lie, "Er- James and I are going to get some Quidditch supplies?" She made a mental note to tell her brother if Harry decided to ask him about this so called trip she'd concocted. She snuck a glance at her father, waiting to see if he bought it or not.

"Alright then." He seemed satisfied with that answer and then paused, "Is it a special occasion or something? You look awfully dressed up for-"

"Dad!" Juniper just started walking away, praying he wouldn't follow her.

"Bye honey!" Thankfully, her father went on his way, probably up to the Headmaster's Tower, he'd been staying there while Grace was on business.

Juniper groaned. So far, there had been no perks to having her father work at Hogwarts. Honestly, he was around 24/7.

"Juniper!" Xavier said, eyes bright. He was dressed impeccably, per usual, not a hair out of place. The Zabini's were a very well bred family, and they liked to show it.

"Hey Xavier." Juniper smiled, hugging him, albeit a bit awkwardly. "Sorry I'm late. I got caught up with family. You know how it goes."

"Sure. It's no problem really." Xavier dismissed her concerns, offering his arm out to her as they made the journey to Hogsmeade.

The conversation was a bit stilted at first, but soon they became more comfortable, chattering merrily as they approached the Three Broomsticks. Xavier took her coat for her, the rush of hot air hitting their faces when they stepped into the crowded bar. Poor middle aged Madam Rosmerta was rushed off her feet as she tended to the influx of students and teachers occupying the long tables.

Xavier chuckled, clearing an empty space at a small table in the corner, "I didn't know it would be quite this crowded."

"It's always like this on Fridays."

"Oh yeah?" Xavier looked surprised, "Come here a lot then?"

"Kind of." Juniper shrugged, ordering herself and Xavier a Butterbeer, "The guys and come here to skive off on the weekends, and sometimes we can wheedle Rosmerta into serving us Firewhis-" She bit her lip, stopping herself, "...and you're Head Boy this year...aren't you?" She winced, palming her forehead.

"I am, yeah." Xavier smirked, "Don't worry, I would've expected nothing less."

"Got a bit of reputation huh?" Juniper giggled, taking a sip of the drink Madam Rosmerta had just handed her.

"Just a bit." Xavier snickered, "You lot are really attached at the hip aren't you?"

"I guess."

"Ever dated one of them?" Xavier asked, seemingly innocent.

Juniper choked on her drink, and Butterbeer nearly snorted out of her nose. She coughed loudly, cheeks burning a bright red and eyes watering. She sputtered, "No!"

"Not even Lupin?" Xavier raised a disbelieving eyebrow.

"Teddy?!" Juniper cried, still struggling to breathe, "Definitely not. No. No. Not."

"Alright then." Xavier almost looked relieved. He put a hand over hers, "Easy, don't want you to die on our first date." He joked, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"First?" Juniper said mischievously. "Who said I was going on another one?"

"Aw c'mon Potter. You like me."


They spent the rest of the evening talking about school, and Xavier's plans for after Hogwarts. Apparently, he was going to be working for his dad in the family business. Whatever that meant. She also learned a lot of things about him she hadn't before. He went to Durmstrang for the first two years of school and then transferred. He spoke fluent French and his best subject was Arithmancy. She could tell he was a good brother by the way he talked about Cordelia. She appreciated that in a guy. She also could tell that he valued his family very highly, and wanted to meet their standards.

The next wave of bar goers streamed in around 9:30, mostly interns, and young Ministry workers eager to take a load off. Xavier watched with wide eyes, "Good Godric, there's more?! I would've expected it too thin out by now!" He exclaimed, pulling his coat back on before they went outside.

Juniper laughed, "Have you even been to the Three Broomsticks before?"

"Yes!" Xavier replied sheepishly, "Like once...or twice, maybe three times." He trailed off, trying to remember.

Juniper gasped, swatting him with her hand, "Once?!"

"Maybe three times!"

"How is that possible?!"

"I dunno." Xavier ducked his head, rubbing a hand over his jaw, "I guess I was last studying, or reading, or practicing piano..."

"Piano? I- Xavier Zabini are you secret nerd?!" Juniper teased, as he interlaced his fingers with hers. She inhaled sharply, feeling the soft touch of his thumb on the back of her hand.

"Didn't think it was that much of a secret."

Juniper shook her head, still in awe, "Seriously you've only been to Three Broomsticks once? In all of your seven years you-"

"Oh shut up." Xavier wrapped an arm around her waist, gently cupping her cheek with one of his hands. He paused, chewing on his lower lip. Just do it. Juniper wanted to say. Just kiss me.

"Erm Juniper- er- is it alright if I- I mean can I-" He murmured shyly.

Juniper took matters into her own hands, encircling her arms around his neck and kissing him. Sh felt his hand tighten it's grip on her waist and deepened the kiss, lips parting. When they finally broke apart, Xavier was grinning.

"Guess it was alright then." He quipped cheekily.

Juniper reddened, rolling her eyes, "Ok now it's your turn to shut up."

"Gladly." Xavier replied, tilting her chin up for another kiss.

awwwwwwww they're so cute:))))))) sorry it was short...
tell me what you think————————————>

also! i've had an *idea*

how would y'all feel about a little bonus chapter featuring your faves...


lmk <33



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