- H O L Y S H I T -

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The days passed quickly, yet leisurely at Shell Cottage. The time ticking down til summer's end in a series of sunsets, sand, and secret kisses in the depths of night. Juniper's life felt like something out of a movie. Everything was just so- perfect.

This place was perfect. Her friends were perfect. Teddy was perfect.

Juniper was the happiest she'd been in a long time, and damn did it feel good. Her birthday was tomorrow, well- her and James' birthday she supposed. They were going to be of age. Legally considered adults in the Wizarding World. Heavy shit, that was for sure. Juniper still had no idea what she was going to do once Hogwarts was over. She'd quite like to become a professional Quidditch player, but didn't know if she had the skill set to accomplish it. Thinking about the future made her stomach feel all funny, so she didn't want to dwell on it much.

Instead, she'd rather focus on...

"I'm a good kisser, aren't I?" Teddy murmured lazily against her lips, hands firm around her waist. He'd dragged her into a Muggle phone booth ten minutes ago, apparently not having been able to stand her walking around town with everyone in the midday heat and prevented from touching her in the way he wanted to.

Yes. Juniper thought to herself. Instead she said, "What sort of a question is that?"

"That means yes," Teddy smirked, roaming hands slipping under her thin, white tank top.

Juniper sighed, resisting the urge to blush. Her cheeks were already flushed, of course, but Juniper was choosing to believe it was from the weather. "You are impossible, Theodore Lupin."

"Oi!" Teddy cried, nipping at her neck. "That's my line, trouble."

"Whatever you say, princess," Juniper lifted an airy shoulder, scrunching her nose up at him. She knew Teddy loved when she did that. He often referred to it as her angry face. It drove him absolutely insane, as Juniper had soon learned. And she used it to her advantage at every possible moment.

Teddy pouted, like he always did at that nickname, "Shut up, Junie."

"And now we're even," Juniper giggled, planting a kiss on his jaw, rough with the shadow of stubble. Grey clouds gathered overhead, it was that typical muggy summer day in the U.K. and the air was thick with moisture. Juniper's hair had been standing on end since the morning, frizzy and virtually untamable. "Someone's going to notice we're gone soon," she remarked.

"You mean James," Teddy reminded her with a laugh. It was true, everybody knew now. Well, not Victoire. But everyone else. "And let's be honest," Teddy continued, "he's not going to notice." This was true as well. It had been...awkward, to say the least, between Rory, Teddy, and James.

James still thought that they'd slept together, but he didn't know that they knew he thought that. And he was unsure of how to act around both of them. James was at a loss, Rory was distraught, Leo was apologetic, Charlie was sitting back and watching it all happen, and Juniper and Teddy had gained the perfect cover. There was no way James would even suspect anything was going on between them. He was far too preoccupied with the whole Teddy and Rory mess...which was, of course, a complete fabrication.

He threaded his fingers through her wild curls, "But if I must." Teddy placed a kiss on her forehead, leading her out of the phone booth reluctantly.

It had begun to drizzle overhead, and Juniper groaned. At this rate, she was on her way to looking like a lion. She tried to pull her hair back into a ponytail, but the image had already been done. She couldn't even get all of it contained with a rubber band.

Teddy snickered, "Medusa's back."

Juniper flipped him off, "Fuck you."

"Isn't that your job, trouble?" Teddy asked with a devilish quirk of his mouth.

Juniper gasped, whacking him over the shoulder with one of her wet shopping bags. It was really starting to rain now, and goosebumps plagued her skin, the soaked fabric of her, at this point, nearly see through tank top, sticking to her torso. Teddy's eyes drifted downwards, mischief playing on his lips. Juniper knew exactly what he was thinking, and she was going to strangle him for giving her that melt into a puddle of mush gaze.

"Get your mind out of the fucking gutter, Lupin!" Juniper crossed her arms over her chest pointedly, running hot even in the cold.

Teddy blew her a kiss, "I was only admiring the view."

The pair continued through the small town. It was all very picturesque, even in the rain. Apparently, they'd been gone longer than they thought, because they were having to make quite the trek to catch up with their group.

A group of Muggles passed by in a car, cat calling out their windows at Juniper.

"ARSEHOLES!" Juniper shouted, letting loose a string of rather vulgar curse words.

Teddy growled when the Muggles continued to wolf whistle, fists curling. He tore off his jumper and put it on Juniper.

Juniper rolled her eyes, "What happened to admiring the view?"

"They don't get to," he said disgustedly. Teddy slid his arm around her waist protectively. "No one else deserves to."

"Protective motherfucker," Juniper muttered, rolling her eyes for a second time. "I can handle myself just fine, thank you."

"I know, stubborn girl, but-" Teddy's argument was cut short, a figure approaching them. A Muggle from the looks of it, male, with brown hair and a scruffy beard. Teddy pushed Juniper behind him, obviously thinking that it was one of the cat callers coming back to harass her again. "Stay the fuck away from-" Teddy started, advancing on the boy aggressively.

"Juniper?" the boy asked, putting his hands up in peace.

Juniper's eyes widened in recognition, "Pierre?!" She pushed past Teddy, "It's okay, Teddy. I know him."

"You- what?" Teddy steeped back, confused.

Meanwhile, Juniper and Pierre embraced. "What are you doing here?!" Juniper exclaimed excitedly. "Is the rest of the band with you?"

Pierre nodded. He was still attractive as ever, which seemed to piss Teddy off to no end. "Vic got us a gig in town tonight." He tilted his head at Teddy, "Who is this?"

"That's-" Juniper began to answer.

"I'm her boyfriend," Teddy cut her off, voice gruff. "Teddy Lupin."

Pierre's eyebrows shot up. He bit his lip, "So that's why you never called."

Teddy's mouth fell open, turning to Juniper with murder written all over his face. "Wha-"

Juniper clapped a hand over his mouth, dragging him up the street hurriedly. "Really nice seeing you Pierre! I'll tell Victoire you're here. I've gotta go!" Pierre waved an amused goodbye, Teddy struggling against Juniper's iron clad grip. That Quidditch strength was coming in handy right about now.

"Who," Teddy spat, flecks of saliva flying out of his mouth, he was practically apoplectic, "was that?"

Juniper tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, keeping her tone light and unconcerned, "I told you, just Pierre." She shrugged, playing innocent.

"Do not 'just Pierre' me, Potter!" Teddy implored, vein in his head throbbing.

"Easy, Lupin," Juniper thumbed the side of his cheek with exasperation. "He gave me his number ages ago, when I was in Paris. I didn't even kiss him. We just flirted a little. It was literally nothing."

"But-" Teddy protested, as they approached their group of friends. Juniper sighed in relief, she had a way out. She held her finger to her lips, indicating to Teddy that they couldn't talk about it in present company...or ever again, hopefully. Juniper had her fingers crossed he would just forget about it.

"We are not done with this conversation!" Teddy mouthed at her, gesturing wildly with his hands. Juniper slipped into the group beside Rory, feigning confusion as she pointed to her ears like she couldn't hear him.

Rory raised an eyebrow. "And where have you been?" she whispered.

"Hush, you," Juniper whispered back, linking arms with her best friend. "Vic!" she yelled, beckoning the girl over, who was currently clad in a huge button up cardigan. She was easily the most fashionable of them, typical for her Ravenclaw personality. And also, because she was so uniquely Victoire, she was wearing a massive pair of sunglasses and a wide brimmed floppy hat. Remember, it was not sunny in the slightest. Her piercings sparkled with rain droplets, and it almost made Juniper want to get her nose pierced too. ...almost.

"The band's here," she told her. "They're looking for you."

"Seriously?" Victoire cheered, mood brightening. "Wait- how do you know?"

"Ran into Pierre," Juniper answered quickly, praying Victoire would drop it. But she also knew there had never been a time when Victoire Weasley had "dropped something".

Sure enough, Vivian waggled her eyebrows suggestively. Her shoulder shimmied, "Ooooh, and how was that darling?" Victoire nudged Juniper's shoulder, "You have no idea how sad he was when you didn't call."

Behind them, Teddy's expression soured.

"I'm sure he was heartbroken," Juniper deadpanned, words dripping with sarcasm.

"Is Pierre Hot French Guy?!" Rory came to a moment of realization, tugging on Juniper's arm. Juniper groaned, sneaking a glance at Teddy, whose face was akin to a tomato. "I wanna see!!"

"You'll get to, tonight," Victoire said cheerfully, turning to the whole group of them. "All of you are coming to Scarlet Bloom's gig! No fucking exceptions!"

The group headed back to the house so Victoire could get ready for her performance, James very deliberately straying away from where Rory and Teddy were.

"Okay how hot is he?" Rory pressed, unaware of the intensely infuriated Teddy growing next to her. "Like on a scale from fit to Milo Ventimiglia in Gilmore Girls?"

"Ro-ry!" Juniper hissed, jabbing her thumb at Teddy, whose vein was about to burst.

Rory winced, laughing slightly, "Oops- sorry, Teddy." She patted his shoulder consolingly, making sure to keep her voice low.

"You're on thin ice, babes," Teddy warned, folding his arms.

Unfortunately, James heard the entire conversation. And, in expected James fashion, totally misinterpreted the situation. Which only worsened his perception that Rory and Teddy were in some sort of relationship. He visibly stiffened as they turned up the lane to the cottage, his heart crumbling by the second. Why hadn't Teddy told him? Or Rory? Why were they lying to him?

They rounded the corner, and entered the house. Everyone set down their bags in the kitchen, most filled with food and laundry detergent. James was quite the house mother, and the sole reason they hadn't been eating greasy takeaway for the past week. He'd discovered a farmer's market that past weekend, and wouldn't shut up about getting fresh produce, bread, and honey on the upcoming Saturday. Needles to say, he was subject to lots of teasing, but not too much, lest he stop cooking for them all.

"Could you maybe help me put away the groceries?" Rory ventured to James with hope. If she could just talk to him for five seconds... He'd been avoiding her for days, and Rory was in a state of panic. Also- she really missed him. "I can't reach some of the top shelves, and I don't really want to fall of a chair again," she laughed weakly, "though I suppose you were there to catch me last time." She gulped, silently reprimanding herself. This was pathetic. She was pathetic.

James rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, not making eye contact, "Er- I- well- er..." He was desperately fighting the urge to help her without a second thought, something he would usually jump at the chance to do. Everything at his core screamed that he should help her, but his burning jealousy and hurt said otherwise. Guess what won out? "Erm- I think I'm actually gonna go for a run. I'll- er- see you later. Sorry." And then he basically bolted out of the kitchen, not in running clothes at all.

He hadn't even called her Wood. Rory missed him calling her Wood. It felt wrong that he wasn't. It made her heart ache just a little. The poor girl buried her face in her hands, distressed.

"He's never going to speak to me again," she whimpered into Teddy' shoulder, while Juniper just shook her head at the tiny running figure off her brother out the window. That stupid prick, Juniper thought to herself. When would he get it through his thick skull?

"Aw babes," Teddy pooched out his lower lip.

"Call me babes one more time, Lupin," she threatened. Rory glared at him, eyes narrowing.

"Just call him princess," Juniper offered, pinching his cheek. "That'll shut him up real fast."

"JUNIPER!" Teddy yelled reproachfully, tackling her to the floor and tickling her. Juniper giggled as Teddy smothered her in kisses Rory, Charlie, and Leo all gagged, making over the top displays of loathing.

Victoire descended down the stairs then, ams laden with piles of sequins and leather, and boots. "I need help deciding-." She stopped, and Juniper and Teddy froze, leaping to their feet. Maybe she hadn't seen anything?

"Oh no, don't stop on my account," Victoire cocked her head, smiling.

Juniper threw her head back, "You knew?!"

The towering French girl made a little noise of derision in the back of her throat, as she tossed her short platinum hair. She pointed at Teddy, "Pro tip Theodore, if you're trying to keep it a secret- it probably would've be helpful if you could go five seconds without checking out your girlfriend's ass." She paused and winked at Juniper, "Not that I blame him darling, it's a damn good ass." Juniper blushed.

"Also- you looked as though you had some sort of horrible rash the entire time we were talking about Pierre."

Rory, Charlie, and Leo snorted simultaneously.

"It's ok," Victoire managed through her laughter, "subtlety's not for everyone." Teddy hung his head low, the entire kitchen exploding into peals of hilarity. They were giddy with amusement. Rory clutched her stomach, gasping for breath.

Juniper wrapped her arms around him, sinking into his chest comfortingly. "Ohhh buck up, princess."

"You're lucky I love you," Teddy mumbled grumpily, kissing the top of her head tenderly.

"Pretty sure it's the other way around, Lupin," Juniper teased, as Teddy tucked his chin over her her head.

"Don't I know it, trouble."

After they helped Vic decide on an outfit, well- more like Victoire asked their opinions until she heard the answer she wanted, and James returned from his run, the all went their separate ways to change for the gig. It was at a local pub, and Juniper was really excited to hear them play again. Teddy was... less excited.

Juniper was about to head up the stairs too when Victoire held her back. She was dressed to the nines. Ready to go meet the band for set up in a brown satin midi skirt, chunky black boots, and a loose, washed grey Bowie band t-shirt. Her wrists were filled with various bracelets, and Juniper couldn't even count how many rings adorned her delicate fingers. Her hair was in a messy ponytail, bangs and shorter layers falling out gracefully. Thick eyeliner completed the look, setting off her crystalline irises. It was like if young Fleur had been into punk or grunge in the 90's.

"What's up Vic?" Juniper questioned, "Shouldn't you be going?"

"Yeah- but," Vivian motioned her closer, "I have to tell you something..." she trailed off. The girl chewed on her lower lip, "Before I knew about you and Teddy- which I am super happy about by the way! In case you thought I wasn't- I know that I was against the surrogate girlfriend thing last year but you guys seem really great together! I knew something wasn't right about him preventing you from dating. It always bothered me, but of course now- I'm like duh he was jealous! And now I'm getting off topic!" Victoire took a deep breath, "So- what I wanted to tell you- was that before I knew, I sort of...invited Alex to your birthday party tomorrow?"

They were having a big blowout party tomorrow for the twins' birthday. Scarlet Bloom was going to play, and some of their siblings were coming down. Friends from school, like Scar and the Pippa and Phoebe. Jade was coming too, of course. Juniper had even invited Maddie. She- hands heard back from Vivian...yet. But she hadn't invited Alex or Leah, with the sole purpose of keeping Alex and Teddy away from each other. Teddy didn't know that she'd had a kinda sorta boyfriend before Xavier. Or that they were still good friends. And she was one hundred percent sure he was not going to take it well.

"I'm sorry," Victoire apologized, grimacing at Juniper's horrified expression. 'I just- you talk about him all the time. I knew you were really good friends- James too- and okay maybe I was playing Cupid..."

"It's okay," Juniper reassured. "I'll deal with Teddy." And she would. And you know what? Juniper was happy Victoire had done it. Now she and James got to see Alex on their birthday. He was such a fun spirit to have around. Everyone would instantly love him. Well- maybe not everyone...

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! Of course," Juniper rushed Victoire at the door. "Now go on! You're going to be late."

"I know," Victoire blew her a kiss goodbye, drumsticks twirling in her hand. "Pierre'll have my head."

Juniper stood in front of the mirror in her and Rorys' shared room, debating what to wear. Rory was sat on the vanity, lining her eyes with a brown pencil. She looked beautiful in a tie back yellow camisole and a pair of flared jeans. Her hair was in pretty pigtails. Two gold hoops, lip gloss, and a simple pearl necklace completed the look. Neat, put together, fresh, and very Rory.

After rummaging through their closet, Juniper decided on black jeans and a cropped wrap top, showing just enough skin to drive Teddy mad for the entirety of the night. Which Juniper was immensely looking forward to. She wore her converse of course, she would probably be forced to wear heels tomorrow so there was no way Juniper was wearing them today. She only put on some mascara, no jewelry for her, too much work in her opinion.

"Ready?" Rory asked, shouldering her bag.

"Mmhmm," Juniper responded, following the brunette down the hall. She rapped on the doors of all the boys, "Hurry your arses up, beauty queens!"

"You know perfection takes time!" James shouted, poking his head out of his room. He spotted Rory, and opened his mouth to make a comment about how pretty she looked, but closed it at the last minute. He set his eyes on the carpet, slinking back in the room, "We'll be out in a minute."

Rory had been all prepared to call him "idiot". She felt tears prick her eyes and sniffed forcefully, pasting a bright smile on her face. "I'm going to go get Weasley and McGonagall."

Teddy popped out of the room, catching sight of Juniper and coming to a a full stop. He gazed at her openly, and Juniper felt warmth travel down to the tips of her toes.

"Erm- hi." he ran a hand through his hair, then stepped towards her.

"Hi," Juniper whispered softly, suddenly feeling shy. Something about the way Teddy was looking at her- god he was perfect.

Teddy slipped his fingers through her belt loops and drew her to him, "So- you look really pretty."

Juniper bit her lip, reaching her arms around his neck. "Yeah?" she said.

Teddy nodded vigorously, "Yeah." He traced the edge of her top, skimming her skin as he did so and sending shivers down Juniper's spine. "I like this shirt, trouble."

"Do you now?" Juniper laced their hands together, eyeing him coyly. He looked almost- flustered. She loved that she could make Teddy Lupin flustered. It was one of her favorite things in the whole world. Besides Teddy Lupin himself, of course.

Teddy gifted her with a soft object, "I do. And you know what it would look really great with?" He put the garment over her shoulders, covering her snugly, "My jean jacket."

"I hate you," Juniper swatted him lightly with the jacket, shrugging it off. She liked it actually- the jacket. It smelled like him and it was oversized. And Teddy's protective nature. Though she'd never admit it...it was sort of hot when he was jealous. A little jealousy was okay. However a Xavier level of jealousy bordered on obsessive and she would not be tolerating any of that.

"Hey," Teddy explained, "if I like the top that means Marie Antoinette's gonna like it too. And I can't have that."

"Pierre is not- he is just a friend," Juniper reminded him irritably. "Barely even a friend, more like a friend of a friend. I hardly know him." When Teddy's mulish expression still didn't change, Juniper took his face in her hands, "I love you, you stupid fucker, okay? Can't you get that through your head?"

"Hmmph," Teddy harrumphed, secretly pleased as Juniper's lips met his for a firm kiss. "I'm still bringing the jacket, trouble. I know you get cold."

"I'm not going to need it!" Juniper argued staunchly. "This is a long sleeve!"

"Stubborn as ever," Teddy smirked, kissing her neck. 'Still bringing it."

When they finally arrived at the pub, it was packed to the brim with Muggles. James charmed the hostess into getting them a booth near the front, while Teddy ordered them all a round of drinks. Scarlet Bloom was fantastic, and Victoire's drum skills were unmatched. They had the crowd screaming and stomping their feet in no time. Even Teddy begrudging admitted that Pierre was a good singer.

Both Rory and James were drowning their sorrows in alcohol. Rory's was tequila shots while James had chosen copious amounts of beer. Neither was doing a very good job remaining upright. Juniper remembered her own heartbreak alcohol infused night way back over holiday and she got sympathy hangover pains just thinking about James and Rory come morning. They would be wrecked.

Juniper had, in fact, needed Teddy's jacket. They were walking- staggering back to the house, and it was freezing, at least- by Juniper's standards. The night air blew her hair wildly, and the tiny sliver of moon casting an eerie glow on the crashing waves. The sound was soothing, and Juniper wanted to fall asleep on Teddy's shoulder right there in the middle of the road.

"I love you," she murmured sleepily, yawning.

Teddy smiled, "Sleepy Junie is almost as good as Angry Junie."

"I'm too tired to argue with you right now," Juniper leaned against him, glad she was wearing sneakers.

Charlie, who'd had a bit too much to drink himself, was tipsily singing- no- shrieking God Save the Queen at the top of his lungs, doing a little jig in the street. He tripped on an uneven bit of pavement and nearly cracked his head open.

Juniper heaved a sigh, trudging up to make sure he didn't severely injure himself, "On it!" No sooner had she said that, Charlie toppled into a mass of beach grasses.

:"Long live our noble- AAH!"

Meanwhile, Rory had taken off her heels, blisters already starting to form. It had been a crap night for Rory. She'd tried to make the best out of it though. A game, if you will. You see, every time James brushed her off, avoided eye contact, or scooched away from her, Rory would take a tequila shot. It was fun for the five seconds after she took the tequila shot, and then she was sad again. If you couldn't tell, Rory lost track of how many tequila shots she took.

"What do I do?" she moaned miserably to Teddy, legs wobbly. "What do I dooooo?" They were nearing the cottage now.

Teddy steadied her, slinging an arm around her shoulders for support, "Oh, Ror. I don't know. I really don't. He's mad at me too. I can tell."

"I don't want to out you guys but I just- ugh!" Rory whined. "I really like him. Really really like him- maybe even- you know..."

"I know, Ror." Teddy squeezed her shoulder sympathetically.

"I'm worried I've ruined it," Rory said fearfully. "What if-"

James, exceedingly drunk, was unable to take it anymore. He had been watching Rory and Teddy the entire time. And what he saw, with she beer goggles on and the not in that Rory and Teddy had slept together, was this: Teddy nuzzling Rory affectionately and the two of them with their heads bent closely together whispering what he was quite sure were sweet nothings or dirty talk. He saw Teddy taking care of her. Like he wanted to. He saw all of that and he just couldn't take it. He couldn't take it anymore.

And James Potter, burst. "You know what you guys?! I CAN'T FUCKING DO THIS ANYMORE!" he bellowed drunkenly, red in the face. The alcohol pouring through his veins was not helping his anger level. "I'm not going to fucking pretend I don't know! I KNOW! I know, you guys!"

"James-" Leo started, trying to calm him down. But James was not having it. He threw his arms out, shaking his fist at the sky,

"I know about you, and that you slept together!" James steamrolled ahead, not stopping to take a breath. "That's right! I know all about you and your secret fucking and your secret relationship and-"

"Mate-" Teddy reached out, shaking his head, "that's not at all what's happening here. I swear- if you just let us explain-"

"NO!" James roared, swinging his arms wildly. None of them had ever seen him this way. He was easy going James Sirius Potter. Not right now. "No! I won't be fucking lied to anymore! You don't think I see you and your little glances at each other? You call her babe for Chrissakes! You're always having whispered conversations! I know what's going on here! I'm not fucking stupid! I thought you knew that Rory, but I guess I'm still the same old James huh? To dumb to figure it out." Rory's heart cracked a little at that statement.

"And I'm not mad about the fact that you slept together- I'm mad that you didn't even have the decency to tell me. You just lied. To my fucking face. Some friends you are." He scoffed bitterly, locking eyes with Teddy, "You knew- you knew how I felt about her. You could have had any other girl but-" he broke off, voice cracking, "you knew."

"James-" Teddy's face fell. He would never do that to him. Never.

"Look- I'm going to be happy for you- I will be-" James gritted his teeth together, eyes dark and dangerous, "but only if this is real. I swear to god Teddy if you treat her like one of your quick fucks- I will never speak to you again. If she doesn't mean something to you- she doesn't deserve that. She is- she doesn't deserve that." He clutched his head, choking out in a crestfallen yell, "I can't believe this- I thought- how could you do this to me? Do you know what you did?! How could you-!"

"I DIDN'T SLEEP WITH TEDDY!" Rory cried out in a rush. She inhaled deeply, "I didn't- I didn't sleep with Teddy."

James blinked, stuttering, "You didn't- what-? Well then why- all the whispering and the spending time to-?"

Juniper and Teddy looked to each other nervously. Was this it? Was this how James found out?

"I was talking to him about- about you." Rory gulped. "He was the only one who knew- we were talking about you. I don't like Teddy, James. I like-" Rory struggled for the words.

James furrowed his brow. What was she saying? He didn't understand. Was he wrong? Why would they be talking about him? Why was she so pretty? "You don't have to say that just to make me feel better, " James said, still angry and bewildered. "You can like Teddy, date him, sleep with him, I don't c-"

Now It was Rory who couldn't take it anymore. She flung herself into James' arms and kissed him full on the mouth, her legs wrapped around his hips. Their lips melted together tenderly, sweetly, a long awaited connection. James caught completely off guard, didn't hesitate to kiss her back, threading his fingers through her hair. It was perfect, it was so much more than he'd imagined. Kissing her was everything.

They broke apart, James slack jawed and a bit pale, while Rory's eyes shined with tears.

She was still holding his face in her hands. "You really are an idiot," Rory said, lump building in the back of her throat. A single tear slid down her face as she turned and ran down to the beach..

James was stunned, unmoving, gaping like a cod fish. Everyone else was equally shocked. Had that really just happened? James touched a finger to his lips dazedly. "Er- I- I should probably..." he gestured in the direction Rory had tore off in.

"Probably," Teddy shared a grin with Juniper as they watched James disappear over the hills of sand

Holy shit.





i hope you liked the chapter!!!!

only two summer chapters left y'all
then seventh year!!




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