- S U M M E R PT. 1 -

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Juniper rolled over, fumbling for her glasses on the bedside table. The birds tweeted annoyingly high pitched outside her balcony window, and she had half a mind to chuck one of Rory's massive books at them. Dark circles rimmed her eyes, it had been a late night...to say the least. There had been quite a few of those since their return home, given that Teddy was literally right in the next room.

Hey, they'd been careful! Mostly... Charlie may have had to cover for them, two mornings ago when they both fell asleep on the attic couch. And Juniper was forever grateful for Rory's adept Glamour charm, keeping the numerous hickeys Teddy gave her well concealed.

He was just so hard to resist. He looked...how he looked, and that alone was enough to make Juniper weak in the knees. But he was also constantly whispering things in her ear, sweet compliments, teasing comments, dirty remarks...very dirty. Teddy knew exactly was he did to her too, milked it for all it was worth when they were in a situation where she couldn't rip off his shirt and kiss him right there. Juniper hated him. Him and his little smirk, the naughty gleam of his eye, how he smiled at her.

She yawned, rolling her neck around, littered with love bites from the previous night. Teddy marked her with such tenderness, and yet with so much fire. Juniper didn't think she'd ever truly been kissed, until she'd been kissed by Teddy.

Her eyes adjusted to the light as she swung her legs out of bed, walking over to the mirror above her dresser so she could twist her hair into a careless bun. Juniper didn't feel like changing out of her pajamas to go get a cup of coffee from downstairs. If there even was coffee. Her father preferred tea, and accurate to Juniper's suspicions, her mother had left for a mission a couple of days ago.

She hoped there was coffee. She needed at least one cup before taking a shower, she was going to need it too, today was shaping up to be a long day. Since most of them weren't of age yet, damn summer birthdays, they had to take the Knight Bus to the beach house. Which was quite a lengthy trip, and as you might have guessed, Juniper had not started packing yet.

After she'd gotten her coffee, she went back upstairs to take a shower, which hopefully was free. She hated sharing a bathroom with her brother, she really did. He was probably working out though, or out for a run, something health conscious and boring.

"Ness!" she called from the bathroom, unable to find a towel, "where are the fucking towels?"

"I don't have yours!" Vanessa yelled back. "I couldn't take a shower because someone was using up all the water pressure in my bathroom!" James, it had to be James. "Are you sure it's not dirty?"

"No! I could've sworn I just washed it!" Juniper mulled to herself. Doing her own laundry was a necessity in the Potter house. In a family with four children, plus any frequent guests like Teddy or their cousins, the hampers were chronically full. And you basically wore whatever you could find- or more ilke steal. Half of Juniper's wardrobe was stuff she knicked off her brothers or cousins, and with basic necessities, like washcloths or towels, if you weren't careful you'd lose them.

"Ugh!" Juniper groaned, searching the steamy room for anything she could use to dry herself.

"What's up Junie?" Rory's voice echoed from behind the door, questioning. She'd gotten up several hours earlier, already packed and ready to go in her typical Rory fashion. Hair pulled back in a claw clip, she was even partly dressed, wearing dark blue athletic leggings and a cream tank top. Comfortable, functional, yet pretty. Everyhing Rory was.

"I DON'T HAVE A TOWEL!" Juniper shouted in frustration, shaking her damp curls.

"One sec, babes!" Rory replied, heading to the opposite bathroom across the hall to see if there was one in there. She skidded slightly on the smooth hardwood floors, her pink socks not providing much traction, also trying to simultaneously put her earrings in without stabbing herself.

Junior tapped her foot impatiently, pools of water gathering at her feet and soaking the fluffy gray bath mat. This was certainly not ideal.

Rory knocked on the bathroom door, she was pretty sure Vanessa was currently showering. "Hello?" Rory said, knocking again. She heard the water shut off, "Hello? Ness? Junie needs a towel and-"

The door swung open abruptly, steam flooding out, "Not Ness."

Rory stopped short, gold hoop falling to the floor with a light thud. Oxygen failed to reach her brain. Her breath was quite literally taken away from her. Because the person standing in front of her, very very close, was definitely not Vanessa. Before her was James, black hair damp and yet somehow still an utter, attractive mess. Rory inhaled sharply, eyes traveling down James' muscular torso, his well defined abs, and the line that dipped further down than she should be able to see. Only a towel hung loosely around his waist, looking as though it was freshly put on. For fuck's sake. Nobody should be allowed to be this fit.

"Oh- er- sorry I thought..." Rory stared pointedly at a blank space on the wall. This was helpful since her eye line put her directly at James' chest, seeing as he basically towered over her.

"S'alright," James ran a hand through his hair, towel slipping a bit as he did so. Rory nearly died. "You dropped something, Wood," he gestured to the floor at the earring lying between them.

Rory had almost forgotten about that. "Right-"  she bent to pick it up, at exactly the same time James did. They bumped heads immediately, Rory knocked a bit off balance. "Sorry- sorry- I- sorry!" Rory nearly slapped herself in the face. What was happening to her?! She was basically melting. To make matters worse, her socks slid and she tripped over her own two feet...smack dab into James' bare chest.

"Whoa- careful," James caught her, putting a steadying hand on her shoulder. "Okay, Wood?" She was so short, he thought to himself. All he wanted to do was scoop her up in his arms.

His touch was electrifying, sending sparks of heat though Rory's veins. She blushed furiously, his lingering hand on her skin causing her adrenaline to pump. She felt his gaze brush over her, a glance at her now partially wet white tank top, falling carelessly off her shoulder.

"Yup! Mmhmmm, yeah, yup. Perfectly fine," Rory didn't even know what she was saying anymore. "Just dandy." Dandy?! What the fuck was wrong with her?! Who uses the word dandy?!

James delicately lifted the strap of her shirt back over her shoulder, and Rory inhaled sharply. He bent to get the discarded earring again, alone this time. The towel loosened even further. Godric hated her. He really did. "Here," he put the earring back in the palm of her hand, and Rory briefly wished he'd hold her hand.

"Er- thanks," Rory said, heat crawling up the back of her neck as James continued to gaze at her. James was trying desperately to contain himself as well, not that she had any idea. He'd gotten a glimpse down her shirt when they'd both bent over, and he was currently thinking of anything he could to distract his mind. "I should- I should go- Junie's waiting- er- yeah I'm gonna- and you should- er- put some clothes on- probably." Rory stammered, turning to go down the hall.

James chuckled slightly, dark blue eyes full of mischief, "Okay, Wood." He went to his room. And Rory couldn't help but watch him walk away.


Juniper decided she couldn't wait for Rory any longer. I mean honestly, what was taking that girl so long? She was soaking, uncomfortable, and starting to shiver. Drastic times called for drastic measures. There was a raggedy only hand towel on the counter, that did nothing to cover her whatsoever. But what could she do? She attempted to wrap the minuscule thing around her, at least enough to stop the dripping.

Someone came in the door. Thank merlin, maybe it was Rory with a towel. "Potter, do you still need a-" No such luck. Teddy paused, taking in her attire.

"Don't you dare laugh," Juniper said darkly, crossing her arms over her chest protectively. She felt extremely exposed.

"Me? Laugh? At you?" Teddy gasped, clutching the towel in his hands. "Wouldn't dream of it."

"Shut up."

"I think it's a very bold fashion choice, Potter," Teddy teased, flashing her a smirk. Juniper wanted to hit him, but her hand towel would fall down, and he was holding actual towel hostage. Juniper didn't think he should judge her fashion choices when he was barely dressed himself. Basketball shorts did not count as an outfit. He didn't even have a shirt on!

Juniper glared at him, "Just give me the fucking towel, Lupin!"


"Excuse me?" Juniper sucked in her cheeks. He was the absolute worst. Why in the world did she fall for this prick?

"Please, give me the towel, O Teddy the love of my life, god like attractive man, best I've ever had in bed, with a massive-"

"What about, give me the towel right now or else I won't let you see what's under it." Juniper challenged, arching an eyebrow.

"You make a fair point," Teddy conceded quickly, handing the towel over.

Juniper smiled smugly, wrapping the towel around her body, "Oh, do I?"

Teddy kissed her softly on the nose, drawing her near so their hips met. He dropped his head to murmur in her ear, "For the record, I wouldn't have minded if you walked out in nothing but a hand towel." He nipped at the skin just below her earlobe, lips traveling a path towards her mouth.

Juniper felt the strong grip of his arms on the small of her back, and her own hands traced his bare chest, relishing in his touch. "If you give me another hickey, Rory's going to murder you," she whispered between kisses.

Teddy hooked her legs around his hips, hoisting her in one swift, rough move onto the counter. "I'll risk it," Teddy replied, letting loose a low groan. Juniper's thighs clenched, skin covered in goosebumps against the cool press of the marble. She threaded his hair through her hands, softly moaning as he continued to suck his way down her neck, deeper and deeper.

They heard footsteps outside and begrudgingly separated, breaths ragged and faces flushed. Juniper was hot and tense all over, aching for Teddy tp part her legs again and-

"For fuck's sake can the two of you not keep it in your pants for five bloody minutes?!!" Rory cried, bursting in the bathroom looking extremely flustered.

Juniper went to go get changed before Rory could see the marks on her neck, thinking it was best not to agitate her best friend when she was in this state. She threw on a pair of cutoff shorts and a thin band shirt that had been her mum's. Rory still berating Teddy as they exited the bathroom.

Juniper winced when she saw the fresh scratches down Teddy's back, put there by her own nails just last night.

"Does nobody in this house wear clothing?!" Rory shouted, throwing her hands up exasperatedly.

"How else are we supposed to gift you all with these works of art?" James poked his head in the room, still only wearing a towel, and he and Teddy high fived. "Hey, Wood," he winked as he turned to go, and Juniper pretended to vomit.

Rory collapsed onto the bed with a heavy sigh. "He's so hot," her words were muffled in the bedspread.

Teddy grinned, patting her on the back. "I know, babes," he consoled smugly.

"I told you to stop calling me that," Rory said grumpily, sitting up. She stared wistfully at the doorway where Janes had been leaning, lamenting, "It's not even that he 's fit..." She buried her face in her hands, thinking about their exchange in the hallway, "but like- he is. With the abs and the- oh god He's so so so hot, Teddy!" Rory whimpered, "I don't what to do! He just makes me- and christ he's so hot- and-"

Juniper made a retching noise, plugging her ears in nauseation. "At least do me the courtesy and warn me before you start calling my brother," she visibly shuddered, "hot." The word left a bad taste in her mouth when she thought about it being associated with James.

"Trouble, you realize you're twins, right?" Teddy snickered, tugging on her dripping ponytail.

Juniper swatted him across the arm, "Do you want me to withhold sex again?"

Teddy leaned in, voice low and teasing, mouth quirking devilishly, "You could never." She bit her lip, shaking her head at his antics, but secretly felt her heart beat faster. Both Teddy and Juniper lived for this tension.

Rory gagged this time, waving a hand in front of their faces sternly, "The two of you are filthy. And, yes. Hi. I am still, in fact, in this room. Present. So please save the eye fucking for another more appropriate time." Juniper snorted, and Teddy settled for placing a hand on her thigh instead. Rory rolled her eyes at Teddy, "I miss when you and I were miserable together."

"Can't say the same, babes," Teddy clucked his tongue sympathetically, then pushed it into Juniper's mouth, kissing her lengthily.

Rory blinked, slowly sticking the middle finger at Teddy. "What happened to 'those bloody Potters'? I thought we were in this together, Lupin."

"Well, this bloody Potter decided she loved me," Teddy smiled, lips meeting Juniper's cheek, soft and warm.

"You disgust me," Rory stuck out her tongue at him. "I want miserable Teddy back."

"Miserable?" Juniper raised her eyebrows, delighted at this new bit of information.

"Pining," Teddy fired back, giving her a look.

"Good talk," she cut him off hurriedly, hating that Charlie had spilled her secrets. Definitely did not want to get into just how badly she'd had it for him. No, he would enjoy that far too much.

After Juniper had rushed to pack anything she thought she might need, mostly an array of swimsuits, ratty t-shirts, camisoles, and comfy wear. Rory reminds her that she needed shoes, toiletries, bras, and socks. Honestly, Juniper didn't know what she would do without that girl. Rory also threw in some cute sundresses, party clothes, and other things Juniper hadn't thought of.

The bus ride was lengthy, and Juniper commended Teddy and Rory for coming with them, seeing as both of them had their license for Apparition. She couldn't believe Teddy was nearly 18, and she and James were almost adults themselves. Crazy.

Then again, she suspected Rory didn't mind all that much, basing off the fact that she'd spent the majority of the journey asleep on James' shoulder. Juniper had to admit, they were pretty cute. Kind of the cutest not couple couple she'd ever seen. She was one hundred percent certain that no one would ever describe her and Teddy as cute.

Had he stared at her the whole way? Sitting as close as he possibly could so that their thighs touched and leaning back to sling his arm over the seats? Yes. Yes he had. Was it cute? No. No it wasn't. It was- how had Rory described it earlier? Eye fucking? Yes that was it. And Juniper was kind of obsessed with it. Okay she was obsessed with him. With Teddy. And how not cute the way he was gazing at her was.

James and Rory were each sad when the bus came to a jolting stop, but didn't think the other was, of course. They really were the worst.

"Do we need to run to the market before we go?" Leo asked, as they all unloaded their things.

"Nah," Juniper answered, shouldering her duffel bag, "Vic's been there since yesterday, she said everything's covered. But we'll have market lists going throughout the weeks, I guess."

Charlie dragged one of his bags out onto the road, a distinct clicking sound coming from inside. Rory zeroed in on the noise, eyes narrowing, "Charles Arthur Granger Weasley, is that what I think it is?"

"Good on you, mate," Teddy pounded him on the back proudly, while Rory tsked.

Charlie nudged Rory, "Aw come off it, Wood. Teddy's basically legal, and fake ID's shouldn't be so easy to make."

"That's your excuse, really?" Rory pressed her fingers to hr temple wearily, "What on earth am I going to do with the five- six of you? There's only one me."

"Don't worry, Wood," James grinned from up ahead, walking up the road. "I'll be good for you."

Rory smiled cheekily, "That's not much consolation, Potter."

They all laughed, climbing down the sandy stairs to the well cared for cottage. It looked as though it had been updated in the past few years, a second story addition with a pretty balcony overlooking a pool. The sea sparkled in the setting sun, Cornwall was truly a beautiful place. There was a miniature garden, white flower blossoms surrounding a small headstone. A vintage car was parked in the gravel driveway. Juniper didn't know how to drive. Rory did, and Charlie. James and Teddy said they knew how to drive but really didn't. Victoire knew too.

Speaking of, "You made it!" Victoire flew out of the house and under the pretty vine covered archway, dressed in a simple white shirt and loose, wide legged denim overalls. Her ice blond hair was cropped shorter than when Juniper had last seen her, choppy layers and bangs just barely reaching her chin. The ends were violet, her signature, and Juniper noted she had a new septum piercing.

Barefoot, she tackled Juniper with a hug, kissing her on both cheeks. "Come in, come in everyone," she ushered animatedly, bracelets jangling. She showed them around the impressively large house. "Kitchen, breakfast nook, dining room, parlor is this way," she directed, then lead them up the stairs, "There's five bedrooms, six if you count the attic, I don't know how you want to divide them up. Maman added that second floor with the balcony patio and the pool and everything a couple years ago, there's the rooftop. Oh- there's a sunroom there, and another common space downstairs. We've got surfboards and all sorts of water shit no one ever uses. Outdoor patio and fire pit, and you all are free to use the car whenever...if you know how, that is." She stopped and smiled, "Welcome to Shell Cottage!"

Juniper was already excited. This was going to be excellent, she could already tell. The house was gorgeous for one, and surprisingly spacious, and she could immediately tell that Fleur had designed it. It was so utterly European, and the balconies were stunning. It was like something out of a movie.

Her and Rory claimed one of the bedrooms with a big bay window and small balcony, perfectly content with sharing. Teddy and James were bunking together of course, as were Leo and Charlie. Victoire was in the master, she was the host after all. Which left one room for guest purposes, Juniper wondered if the band would be coming round at all, Victoire had mentioned the possibility of them going on tour.

Juniper awoke the next morning after a late night. Not what you're thinking. They'd all unpacked for hours, partially taking so long because they were drinking copious amounts of wine and eating takeaway from one of the local fish and chips places. Their chips were the perfect amount of greasy.

Out in the hall, Leo was still unpacking some things. He tapped Teddy on the shoulder, holding a purple bra with tiny lace detailing in the back between his fingers gingerly, "I found this in with our stuff. I assume it belongs to one of your lovers?" Leo pursed his lips, turning up his nose.

It wasn't. It was Juniper's. She'd probably forgotten after they'd...well- you know. And somehow it had gotten packed. But Teddy couldn't let Leo know that. He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, "Oh- er- right. Yeah.  I'll take that."

Leo began to hand them back, "In the future could you please make sure your lady friends remember all their personal-"

This was when Juniper came upon the scene. She spotted her bra in Leo's hands, completely oblivious to the conversation that had transpired. "You found it!" she exclaimed, grabbing it from Leo. "Where was it? I've been looking everywhere."

"You have?" Leo raised an extremely suspicious eyebrow, looking between Teddy and Juniper. Teddy visibly gulped, Adam's apple bobbing nervously.

"I thought I'd lost it," Juniper hugged Leo, "it's one of my favourites. Thanks Leo!" She took it back to her and Rory's room, while Leo frowned at Teddy, expression searching.

"So how are you going to explain this one?" Leo asked, folding his arms. "I'm very interested to hear-"

Rory to the rescue, "Teddy, Vic needs you downstairs." Rory herself had been watching from the stairs, ready to swoop in as soon as Leo made that face he always did when he was figuring something out.

"Sorry, mate, gotta run," Teddy hightailed it out of there, mouthing a grateful "thank you" to Rory.

Leo rounded on Rory the minute she was up the stairs, like a relentless detective, he pressed, "Okay- wait did you not just hear that? Something is going on between them-"

"It's mine," Rory blurted, desperate to throw Leo off their trail.

"What?" he said, furrowing his brow. "What do you mean-?"

"The bra is mine," Rory hissed, pulling him into a corner. She couldn't get out of this now, she was in too far for that. "Junie was just covering for me. It's mine."

"Covering for you?" Leo's confusion deepened. "Why- why would she need to- and why did Teddy have-" Realization washed over his features, jaw dropping open, "No-!" he intoned disbelief, eyes wide. "No- you didn't- no- you couldn't have- with- no-"

Rory was going to kill Teddy and Juniper. "Look," Rory continued, "we were both drunk- it was a one time mistake. And it will never happen again. Only Junie knows."

"You're lying," Leo clutched his head, mind blown.

No shit, Rory thought to herself, gritting her teeth. "Just don't tell anyone, Leo. Okay?" He nodded in agreement. He was good at keeping secrets...if he wanted to. Rory hoped this wouldn't spread. Jesus. The things she did for her friends. She sighed, glad she'd gotten away with it, and went to the kitchen.

Juniper folded her bra and put it in the dresser, looking happily out at the sky blue ocean. There was still a heavy marine layer on the horizon, gray clouds ding nothing to dampen her mood, however.

"Rory," she called, hustling down the stairs, "Ror is there coffee?"

"Morning babes," Rory gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, fully dressed for the day in a low hanging pair of cutoffs and a cute summery top. Her hair was perfectly done in a bouncy ponytail, skin dewy. She looked like a lifestyle ad. "No coffee, but I made a-"

"If you say kale smoothie I will be forced to take the blender away from you," Juniper warned. Who in the world would choose kale over caffeine?

Rory harrumphed, spooning some mixture into a bowl, "Actually it's an açaí bowl, but you don't get any anymore." She poured some granola over it.

"Oh, darn," Juniper said sarcastically, taking the coffee beans out of the cupboard, "I'm devastated."

"You should be," Rory replied haughtily, taking a bite of the purply smoothie. She was almost done with her breakfast by the time Juniper's coffee was done.

Juniper took a sip of her coffee, nodding to Rory who was lingering in the kitchen, "Aren't you coming? I thought you were going swimming with Vic and I."

"I am," Rory answered, still unmoving from her spot by the tiled kitchen island. Her eyes were trained on the door.

"Well- come on then," Juniper laughed, tilting her head at her friend. Why was she acting so oddly?

"She can't," Teddy commented with a broad grin, popping in.

"Why not?" Juniper questioned, leaning back against his chest.

Teddy smirked, "Because James hasn't come in from his morning run yet."

Juniper pulled a face, "Really Ror?" She shook her head in disappointment. She would never understand the allure James had with girls- or anybody for that matter.

"Shut up!" Rory growled, punching Teddy in the gut. "The two of you cannot say a single word, you owe me so big right now."

"And why is that?"

"Tell you later," Rory muttered, spying James running along the sand. He entered the kitchen, and Juniper distanced herself from Teddy, much to his displeasure.  James chugged a glass of water, brushing past Rory to do so, and Juniper could've sworn her friend almost fainted. For Chrissakes, what was Juniper going to do with her? The both of them, really. Since all of James' thoughts revolved around Rory.

I'm crazy about her. God her hair is pretty.

You are like a lovesick puppy.

Bitch, get out of my head

I don't have to be in your head to know what you're thinking about arsehole.

She touched me. On the arm.

Should I alert the wedding planner?!

Shut up. Not like I would ever let you hire a wedding planner- please. Could you imagine?

Hey! I mean it's true- but hey!

Teddy whispered in Juniper's ear softly, "Meet me upstairs." Juniper's stomach fluttered with butterflies, the space between her thighs slick with anticipation. Her and Teddy disappeared up the stairs, not at all as inconspicuously as they'd thought.  They didn't think anyone would notice they were missing...heads up- they were wrong. Very wrong.

In the kitchen, left alone, were Rory and James. Rory shuffled nervously from foot to foot, looking anywhere but at James' shirtless figure.

"Reckon I'd go for a swim in a couple," James remarked casually, "you?"

"Er- yeah, Junie and I were planning on it too," Rory responded. That was fucking fantastic. Just what she needed. More shirtless James.

"Brilliant." James cleared his throat, messing with his hair.  A sure sign he was nervous. "Erm- I actually wanted to talk to you about something..."

Rory felt her breath catch in the back of her throat. What did he mean? Was this- could it be-? "Fire away, Potter," she tried to sound nonchalant.

"So I don't what you and Mum talked about- but I just wanted to check in and make sure- er-" James chewed on the corner of his cheek. "Just- er- I hope she didn't make you uncomfortable with that wedding joke because really-"

"She didn't," Rory said, before she could stop herself. A faint blush rose to her cheeks. Of course he was checking in. God he really was the sweetest guy ever to exist on the planet. Disney princes could take notes from him.

"Oh?" James looked up, locking eyes with Rory. "Well- you should know that Mum exaggerates- like a lot."

"Does she now?" Rory was flirting. Definitely flirting, but she was pretty sure James was flirting with her too. She really liked it. A lot.

"Mmmhhmm," James couldn't keep his grin from spreading. "I'm gonna go change, so I'll see you?"

Rory's lips curved, "Maybe you will." She waited 'til James was safely out of earshot before letting out a small squeal, doing a little happy dance around the kitchen.

Back upstairs, Juniper and Teddy were passionately kissing. Teddy had her pinned up against the wall, pressing their bodies tightly together. Juniper dragged him toward her by the collar of his t shirt, walking in a haze of desire to the bed. He knelt on the floor, tracing his fingers up her thighs.

"We never did get to finish what we started the other morning," Teddy murmured, as Juniper covered her hand with her mouth to silence a moan.


"Yes, trouble?" Teddy viewed her with fiery craving, love overflowing from his gaze. Juniper threw her head back against the sheets, clutching the bedspread in a tight fist. He dragged his tongue along his lower lip, and Juniper felt dizzy.

Remember when I said they hadn't been as discreet as they thought? That someone had noticed they were gone? Yeah.

They were shortly interrupted by Leo, who had noticed they were missing after fifteen minutes. He'd asked Rory, who gave a very vague answer. So he'd just opened very door until he found the right one to confirm his suspicions. He opened the door. "MY EYES! MY EYES! OH- MY EYES!" he shrieked overdramatically.

Juniper and Teddy groaned in unison, "You've got to be fucking kidding me?!" Rory alerted to the noise, raced into the room, "Shit- did he-?"

"MY EYES! MY EYES! AAAHHH!" Leo continued to perform, gasping with as much drama he could muster.

They both adjusted their clothes, sitting up straight and glaring at Leo. Juniper glowered, "You can stop now, Phoebe Buffay."

Leo bowed, "And scene." Juniper just eyed him stonily. "What? No applause?"

"How'd you figure it out, smart guy?" Teddy asked, covering his bottom half with a pillow. They had been very rudely interrupted, if you remember.

Leo scoffed, "I've been suspicious for a while, Charlie knows too right?" They all nodded. "But James doesn't?" They nodded again. "And then I knew something was fishy when Rory said she slept with Teddy-"

"WHAT?!" Juniper and Teddy shouted.

"I told you you owed me!" Rory reminded them hotly, whacking Leo on the arm. "It's not true."

"Thank god," Leo put a hand over his heart in mock relief, "I'm glad you have standards, Ror."

"Hey!" Juniper and Teddy chorused, not sure who should be more offended.

"At least everyone knows now," Rory mentioned, shrugging. "Keeping your secret has been exhausting. Especially for me."

"Well James doesn't know," Juniper said, wincing. "And we'd like to keep it that way."

Leo grimaced guiltily, rubbing his jaw, "Er- about that..."

Juniper gasped, horrified, "You told him about us?!"

"Nope-" Juniper relaxed. "Not about you..." Leo trailed off, squirming. Rory paled, mouth parting in fear.

"No-" she whispered in panic, brown eyes wild and frantic.


kinda cliffhanger mood huh?

told ya the angst wasnt over ;)

also there were some hints about characters that may appear in the next chapter, give me ur guesses

the summer chapters are so much fun to write ngl






(doesn't even have to be abt the fic literally u can just rant about life, your day, whatever)

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