-N E E D T O T A L K-

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juniper's pov:

I tapped my foot anxiously, staring blankly down at the parchment paper. My eyes began to glaze over and the words blurred together. Ugh, I hate History of Magic. Of course it had to be my last exam. I look up at the clock for the thousandth time, ticking down the minutes until this is over. I've given up trying to answer the questions, I know I've failed. I also didn't study, like, at all. Whatever. Who the fuck needs to know about this stuff? Not me.

Dad and Mum don't care about grades that much anyways, as long as we pull high marks in what Dad calls the "important things" DADA, Potions, and Transfiguration, (Auntie would legitimately kill us if we slacked off in that class).

I sighed, plopping my head down on my desk as I doodled absentmindedly on the edges of the exam. I glanced over at Teddy beside me, and chuckled quietly when I saw he was asleep and drooling all over the desk. Damn, I wish I had a camera right about now.

Of course Leo, Rory, and Jade were already finished. Show offs. James and Charlie had similarly given up answering and were now playing a discreet game of cloak, stone, wand with each other.

Finally, the bells chimed, thank merlin because I don't know how much longer I could've sat there. I practically sprung out of my seat and handed my exam in. I looked back, and realized Teddy still hadn't woke up.

"Teddy, I nudged him gently, oi Teddy! Wake up sleepyhead, exam's over."

Teddy woke with a start, a bewildered, drowsy expression on his face, "Huh?"

I laughed, "Lupin you have to turn in your exam."

"Oh." He rubbed his jaw sleepily and I noticed the deep, dark circles beneath his eyes.

I frowned, "Why are you so tired?"

"Couldn't sleep." I saw his face shut down and knew immediately not to pry any further.

He handed in his paper, which was actually completely finished. Figures, he could put absolutely no effort into something and still be the best. We walked out of the classroom together, meeting James in the corridor. My brother slung an arm around each of our necks, hooting joyfully for all the world to hear.

"Hallelujah! We're freeeee!!!!"

I rolled my eyes, shoving my brother off, "You do realize we have another three days of classes before break is official." This was one my biggest pet peeves about Hogwarts, after exams were over, we had three more days of classes before we could leave. It didn't make any sense, especially because no one cared abut lessons when holiday was so soon.

"Official, schmoffical." James waved his hand, "Exams are over, and it's really only two days because of Operation Snow Day tomorrow." He winked, "And one of those days is the dance so that doesn't really count, and the last day is just for packing and goodbyes, so really it's zero days." He said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Rory and Jade came up behind us, Rory busy shaking her head, "You wouldn't survive a day in Muggle math class."

"Good thing I'm a wizard then, Wood." James grinned widely.

I suppressed a smile, Rory and James would actually be pretty cute together. That is, if she ever gave him a chance. I'd never tell her that though, she'd probably rip my head off. I turn to my left, "Teddy do- " I pause, looking around. He's vanished. I could've sworn he was right next to me a second ago. Oh well, he's probably off snogging Madison somewhere.

The rest of the group settled down in the common room. Jade volunteered to go get lunch from the kitchens, well late lunch because exams finish at 4. I sat down as well, searching through my bag for my glasses. I'm blind as a bat without them, and contacts give me a headache. I palmed my forehead, remembering that I took them off during the exam. Crap. Now I'd have to go back and get them. I rose from my position on the floor, "I'll be back in a sec, left my fucking glasses in the classroom."

I climbed out the portrait hole and wandered down the dimly lit halls. The sun set so early in the day now, I could already see the round moon appearing up above. As soon as I reached the classroom I spotted my glasses, I silently cheered. Mum would murder me if I lost another pair. I slipped them on and began my journey back to the dorm room, when I saw a familiar head of brown hair. Oh no. I turned as quickly as I could, hoping she didn't see me. It was too late.



"Juniper! Over here!"

I wheeled around slowly, tossing Madison a forced smile. Ever since the first time she'd mentioned her concerns about Teddy, Madison had taken it as an open invitation to ask me for advice whenever. And I do mean whenever. She was constantly stopping me in the halls, and to be honest it was getting very tiring. I was trying to be helpful, I really was, but it got on my nerves just a tad.

"What's up Maddie?" I grimaced, the amount of times I'd said those words in the past few days was astronomical.

"I know, I know you don't believe me, Maddie was a little more frenzied than usual as though she'd just run a mile, I know you think I'm like all the other girls who blame the lack of commitment on something else, but something's wrong Juniper. I just know it, Teddy isn't ok."

"Why don't you talk to him about it, instead of me?" I massaged the sides of my head wearily.

"I've tried that!" She wailed, wringing her hands, "He won't, he doesn't talk about real things with me."

"Weren't you just with him?" I asked, "Couldn't you have tried again?"

Madison furrowed her brow, "I haven't seen him all day. See! You have to admit he's acting strangely, I told you he was disappearing at odd times!"

What? Well then where did he go...he didn't usually go somewhere without- NO! I would not get sucked into this Maddie madness, it was just her projecting her worries about the relationship onto something else.

"Maddie, I know you're worried, but if there was something big going on he would have told you." I've told her this at least a hundred times.

"Would he?" Madison murmured dejectedly, not meeting my eyes, "I'm not so sure."

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing it's just sometimes- she closed her eyes and paused- never mind, thank you Juniper, for putting up with me. I'm glad that we're friends, I was so intimidated by you when-"

My eyes widened. She was intimidated by me? Her? Madison Torres, Head Girl, sweetheart of Hufflepuff, was intimidated by...me? That can't be right.

"Intimidated?" I repeated incredulously, "Why ever would you- "
"Are you joking Juniper? Why wouldn't I be intimidated by you? Practically every girl in school is, that or they hate you. Usually both."

"But why?"

"You're his best friend. He talks about you constantly, the two of you are always together. And have you seen the way he looks at you? He talks to you, you're unimaginably close. I saw the two of you at dance practice the other day you know."

I gasped, "That- that wasn't anything- surely you didn't think-."

"I know you're just friends, and it probably didn't mean anything..."

I sighed with relief, feeling a slight pang in my chest when she said just friends.

"But still, I've never seen him smile the way he does when he's around you. He's always happiest when you're with him. It's hard not to feel insecure, even if your relationship is truly platonic." Madison bit her lip nervously, while I was in utter shock.

All this time, while I had been jealous of Madison, Madison had been jealous of me?! I almost burst out laughing from the sheer ridiculousness of it all. I had to admit, my heart fluttered a little when she said he was happiest around me. And I absolutely didn't believe that he looked at me in any special way, I would've noticed that.

"Junie?" I turned around to find Jade approaching, arms laden with baskets of food. Looks like the house elves had gone a bit overboard.

"That's my cue." I waved to Madison, and was caught off guard when she wrapped her arms around me in a bone crushing hug.

I patted her on the back gingerly, carefully extricating myself from the embrace and jogging to catch up with Jade.

"Was that Madison?" Jade queried, handing me a basket.

"Yeah, it's same Teddy bullshit again." I mumbled, taking a bite out of one of the breads.

"I don't know Junie..." Jade shrugged, "What if she's right?"

I groaned, "Don't tell me you believe her now!"

"I do extra time in the greenhouse with her, I've never seen her so upset."

"Trust me, I know she's upset." I replied sarcastically through mouthful of food.

"But she's not the type to be that worked up over nothing. I'm just saying it's worth looking into." Jade offered, "What's the worst that could happen?"

"I guess you're right, I acknowledged as we arrived back at the common, however I'm going to have to find him first..."

teddy's pov:

Yesterday afternoon, post exams...

I trudged down the snowy pathways, pulling my red and gold scarf a little tighter around my neck. Fuck, it was freezing outside. But Madison wanted to meet by the tree, and I wanted to snog Madison so...yeah. We all make sacrifices right? Exams were over for the day, thank god we only had one left. Today had been DADA, dueling of course. Junie had been my partner, and she'd disarmed me in five seconds flat. She'd always been an ace at DADA though, takes after Uncle Harry in that fashion.

I loved watching Junie duel, it was a fantastic sight, even better when you were on the receiving end of it. My hair had almost turned blue, for some reason it always did around her. Sirius told me I was born that way, with blue hair. As soon as I learned how to control my power I put a stop to that. My Metamorphagus abilities were just another thing that made me different, and while I may make it look cool, I'd give anything to be normal.

All my life, all I've ever wanted was to fit in. I was already the kid with the dead parents, add Metamorphagi to the mix and it's just not fair. I used to morph my features all the time, before I realized it was a gateway to a truckload of teasing from my peers. Never James, Charlie, or Leo though, never Juniper either. My wandered back to Juniper. She had wanted to go over the prank one more time tonight withe everyone, but I told her I had plans with Maddie. Looking back on it now, I felt a bit bad. Sometimes it seemed like Juniper didn't like Maddie all that much, which was odd because everybody liked Maddie, so I figured I must be wrong.

I yawned, waiting for Maddie, who hadn't arrived yet. I wasn't sleeping well, hadn't been for a couple of weeks. I knew why, but I couldn't admit that to myself just yet. I'd have to sooner or later though, judging by the calendar, sooner.

"Hey Teddy!!" Madison's voice reached my ears, as she rose to kiss me. I grabbed her hips and pulled her in tighter. We hadn't had a proper snog in a while. She was always trying to talk with me. I knew what she wanted. I just couldn't give it to her. I felt badly about it, but she should know by now, and yet she still got cross when I chatted up other girls.

We break apart and she peers at my face with concern. She'd been doing that a lot lately. Another thing about Maddie was that she was ridiculously intuitive, she'd known something was up instantly, and would not stop prying about it.

"Look at these dark circles, she tutted, are you getting enough rest Teddy?"

I wrench away from her, avoiding eye contact, "I'm fine." I snapped curtly, and then regret it. She didn't deserve that, however much she was irritating me at the present moment, I knew she meant well.

"You can talk to me you know, I wish you would talk to me Teddy..." She has said this many, many times since we started hanging out. I don't know what it is about girls and talking about things, why can't she understand to leave well enough alone.

"I didn't come here to talk, I replied, stone faced, when I shut down, I shut down hard, don't you get it? I don't want to talk to you Maddie."

She recoiled, "Fine then, she grabbed her book bag, I'll see you later Teddy, maybe when you're in a better mood." Her voice was tight as she walked back up the hill.

Ouch. Maybe I was a little too harsh. I said the stupidest shit sometimes. Besides, none of this was her fault. I was just angry, angry at the world. No one could fix it, and it made me angrier when people tried. To be honest, Maddie was probably the best girl I've ever been involved with, in fact if I were the type of person to date, she'd be an obvious choice. Part of me wanted to talk to her, to give in, but there was always something holding me back. Something Maddie didn't have, she wasn't...I don't know. It was something I couldn't put into words. It didn't matter, I'd never get close with girl in that way anyways. I'd promised myself that a long time ago. The closer I was with someone, the more danger they were in.

My stomach grumbled, I was hungrier and hungrier these days, especially for meat. Even the smell of blood made my insides roar like the monster I was. I had felt the stirrings of the lycanthropy for a while now. It started at the end of the summer, and I prayed it would go away. It hadn't. Thankfully, I haven't turned...yet. The next full moon was tomorrow, and I had a bad feeling about it.

The Healers said they wouldn't know the full extent of my lycanthropy until I was older. It was rare to be both a Metamorphagus and a werewolf, a second-generation werewolf at that. Since I wasn't directly bitten, and had been a Metamorphagus since birth, everyone told me I might never become a werewolf, or it would progress as I aged. Guess which one happened? Lucky me. The best part of all this was that the potion to stop the transition each full moon wouldn't work on me because I was a Metamorphagus. The Healers said it could cause an "unknown reaction". So basically, I won the fucking genetic lottery.

I hadn't told anyone beside McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey, and hopefully that's the way it would stay. My symptoms were getting worse, the beast lurking inside me was ready to come out. I needed to make sure I didn't hurt anyone in the process.

-the next day, 4 pm, post History of Magic exam....

Juniper woke me up, and I realized I'd fallen asleep during the exam. I turned in my exam, it had been easy and mind-numbingly dull. Then again, that was the class's trademark.

James slung an arm around each of our necks, celebrating rather boisterously about the end of exams. I mustered a smile. It was hard to be upbeat at the moment. I knew what was coming, I hadn't slept at all last night. Every time I closed my eyes I saw that..thing, teeth gnashing and eyes beady.

I felt a wave of nausea roll through me as James attempted to flirt with Rory. The winter sun was already setting, which meant the moon was steadily on the rise.


Another throb in my head.

I had to get to Madam Pomfrey, and fast. She warned me I could start to change as soon as that moon began to appear. Before anybody could see me go, I bolted to the infirmary, where Pomfrey was waiting for me.

"Good, she ushered me in, you're right on time. Are you feeling any symptoms?"

"Yeah, I nodded, gulping, a bit."

"Okay sweetie, she took me by the arm comfortingly and guided me down to the Whomping Willow, the important thing to remember is that you're going to be fine. Just take deep breaths and do your best to stay calm."

We traveled down narrow passageway. It was dank, and I could tell it hadn't been used in some time as I cleared cobwebs from my eye line.

Madam Pomfrey smiled kindly, "I remember the first time I took your father down here all those years ago."

I felt that familiar pinch in my heart when she mentioned my father. I wished I remembered something, anything about him. But I didn't.

Madam Pomfrey was still talking, "Remus was such a wee thing back then, looked as if the wind might blow him away. He was feisty though, had his fair share of fist fights. He was so strong, lycanthropy...well it did number on him. Luckily for you dear, you probably won't have it quite as bad as he did, maybe a few cuts and scrapes but you won't need medical care after like he did. It will...hurt quite a bit this first time around though, I'm not going to lie to you." Madam Pomfrey winced, recognizing the pale expression Remus had worn like it was yesterday.

"Here we are dear." Madam Pomfrey swept an arm around the Shrieking Shack, and then made her way back down the tunnel, sealing the door behind her.

I looked at the windowless room before me. I could see massive tears in the wallpaper, deep scratches in the creaky wooden floor, and dried blood caked in some of the corners. I shuddered, not wanting to picture what my father might have done in this room, what I would do in this room.

A surge of pain rocked my entire body, forcing me to keel over to the floor. It must be nearly night fall. The wolf was clawing inside of me, it wanted out. My gut felt like it was being split open as a subsequent stab of the dangerous power hit me. Again and again it plunged into me, like a hot poker covered in spikes.

Unconsciously, I clenched my fists, digging my nails into my palms so fiercely that I broke the skin. My eyes clouded over, I could feel my limbs beginning to stretch. Fuck. Fuck. I couldn't think clearly anymore the pain was so bad. There were tears in my eyes, it felt like someone was setting me on fire.

I started to lose focus of the room, my hands turned to claws, scrabbling desperately at the hardwood, as I'm sure my father had done many moons before. My clothes ripped, as my body continued to expand. A howl ripped from my throat, so raw and guttural, I didn't recognize my own voice.

And just like that, I was gone.

I awoke on the cool floor, head pounding like someone had dropped an anvil over it. My cheek was pressed up against the wood and my whole body ached. I was drenched in a cold sweat, and completely naked. Good thing Madam Pomfrey left an extra set of clothes for me in the tunnel.

I groaned, pulling myself up to standing and wobbling a bit. Every inch of me was sore. I felt my face, checking for injuries. I had a nasty cut bleeding from my forehead, but it looked superficial, a lot of scratches, what felt like a bruise blossoming under my right eye, and an array of other wounds on the rest of me.

The snippets of my transformation came back to me and I whimpered at the memories, shaking my head violently. I don't want to relive any of that. It was the worst thing I've ever experienced, I wasn't...human. All I wanted was to kill and bite, and- it was horrible. Tears stung my eyes again while I put on my new clothes, and I angrily brushed them away. I will not be weak. I stumbled on a root as I headed back to the surface, and I face-planted in the dirt. I wanted to cry. I wanted to scream. I wanted to- talk to someone. I stayed on the floor like that for a while, completely overwhelmed. It's too much, it's all too much. I thought I could handle it, I thought I could- but I can't do this on my own. No one could do this on their own. I suddenly missed my father so powerfully it winded me, he would understand. I had never felt so alone in my whole life.

I emerged from the Whomping Willow and was surprised to find that the night was not over. The moon was still out. I guess this was one of those perks, if you could call them perks, of not experiencing full lycanthropy.

One thing was for certain, I need to talk to someone about this. I wouldn't survive it if I didn't. Maddie's words from this afternoon come echoing back to me, "You know you can talk to me Teddy..."

I slowly journeyed up the hill, wincing in pain every few steps, but finally, I got to my detsination.

I took a deep breath, this was good. I needed to talk to someone. I had to. I held my fist up and knocked on the door quietly. The door opened.

"Hi, I said, I need to talk to you."

CLIFFHANGER ALERT!!!!!! :))))))))))






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