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"Hi, Teddy said, I need to talk to you."

Her jaw dropped open. Teddy looked...terrible. He was bruised and beaten beyond belief, and his face was encrusted with grime. Her hand flew to her mouth instinctually as she gasped.

"Teddy-!" She ushered him inside, but he held a bloodied hand up to stop her.

"Not here, they're sleeping. We can go to my dorm, the boys fell asleep in the common room." He limped forward, motioning for her to follow him.

"Teddy what happened?" She whispered with deep concern in her eyes, "Are you ok?"

Once they were safely inside Teddy's dorm, he practically collapsed onto the four poster bed. His eyes were bloodshot, and the right one was swelling rapidly. It brought tears to her eyes, she'd never seen him look more defeated.

She rushed to the bathroom and grabbed a couple of bandages, grateful her wand was still tucked into her back pocket. Quietly, without saying a single word, she began to perform simple healing charms, wrapping bandages around the worst wounds.

Teddy's head lolled back on the headboard, closing his eyes until she was finished, hoarsely he mumbled, "Thank you Junie."

"Teddy what- who did this to you?" Juniper asked, eyes flashing, "Because I'll-"

"I did this to me." He replied, trying to sit up straighter.

Juniper put a hand on his chest softly, "Don't try to move." Then she frowned, confused, "What do you mean? Why would you do this to yourself?"

"It wasn't exactly my choice, Teddy hacked out a weak laugh, and groaned from the hurt it caused, I'm a werewolf Junie."

"What, she drew back from shock, but there are potions for that, there are ways you can-"

Teddy shook his head, "Don't work for me, cause I'm a Metamorphagus too." He chuckled wryly, "Tonight was my first transformation." He gestured to his figure, "As you can see it didn't go very well." A trickle of fresh blood ran down from the gash near his black eye.

"Shit." Juniper said, grabbing a damp cloth, "This might sting a bit." Carefully, she held the cloth up to his eye, dabbing lightly at the abrasion.

Teddy inhaled sharply, and Juniper felt him take her hand. A tingly feeling spread through her body at his touch. She expected him to let go, but he didn't. His hand felt warm in hers.

"I'm sorry." She apologized while he winced, "I just don't want it to get infected."

"It's fine Junie, he mustered a smile, I can take it."

"You don't have to put on a brave face for me Teddy, Juniper teased, pressing the fabric to his skin to stem the bleeding, I was there when you and James cried hysterically because of that tiny little garden spider."

Teddy bit back a grin, knowing if he lifted his lips in the slightest it would hurt like hell, "James was the one who was afraid of it! It's called crying in solidarity!"

"Mmm sureee."

"Shut up."

"Teddy, she paused, why- why didn't you tell me? Or James? Or-"

"Because maybe if I didn't talk about it, it wasn't real. And the more time that passed that I didn't tell anyone, the more paranoid I became that...well... that-"

"We'd stop being friends with you?" Juniper said incredulously, "Are you daft? We don't care."

"But Junie, I'm not- me. I'm- I'm a monster. I never ever want you- or anyone to see me like that. I could hurt you...badly. I don't want-" He is cut off as Juniper hugged him fiercely.

"You're always you ok? Do you hear me? Werewolf or no werewolf you're my- friend, my best friend, and nothing can take that away." Juniper mumbled to herself in disbelief, "Madison was right, well I'll be. She knew something was wrong even when I didn't see it. Wait- why aren't you talking with her? She figured it out, I didn't- I-"

"I didn't want to talk to her." Teddy responded very simply.

There was a beat of silence, both staring into each other's eyes. His hazel eyes were locked with her green ones in a gaze so intense Juniper had to shy away. She cleared her throat, thankful for the darkness that was concealing the blush she knew was on her cheeks.

"It's late, she made to get up from the bed, I should be going."

"Wait, Teddy didn't relinquish his hold on her hand, I...don't really want to be alone right now."

"I can go wake up the guys in the common room, and send them if you-"

"I don't- I- I want- can you just- stay, Junie? Please?"

His face was so pleading, so open and unabashed. The last thing Juniper could do in that moment was say no. She sighed, settling back down on the bed beside him. He looked up at her thankfully through half lidded eyes, tiredly resting his head on her shoulder. Teddy still hadn't let go of her hand. She listened to his even breathing. Teddy was getting a good night's sleep for the first time in months.

Juniper's heart stopped as she felt Teddy gently tracing the back of her hand with his thumb. She didn't think he was even aware he was doing it, seeing as he was already asleep, but she was aware. She was extremely aware. Juniper took her free hand and removed her glasses, it looked like she was going to be there for a while, she should get some rest too. After all, they had to be up bright and early for the prank tomorrow.

The morning sunlight streamed though the windows, making Juniper wake up sooner than she would've liked. She grumbled, rubbing her eyes and reaching for her glasses, but finding that she was slightly...trapped. She blinked, letting her eyes adjust to the light and then the events of last night came rushing back to her. Well that explained why she was in Teddy's bed.

It did not, however, explain why her head was currently buried in his chest, and their limbs were wrapped around each other. Oh this was bad. This was very, very bad. This was exactly why she'd stopped sleeping over. How exactly had she gotten herself in this position? She had been so careful this year, but he had been so sweet last night. Her heart beat faster just thinking about it.

Thankfully, Teddy was still out cold, giving Juniper the time she needed to extricate herself from their entanglement and slip out the door. She tiptoed up the stairs and back into her own dorm, praying her friends were still sleeping.

Apparently, she couldn't get that lucky twice in a row.

"Well, well, well, Rory folded her arms, look who the cat dragged in." Her and Jade were each sporting wide smirks, viewing Juniper knowingly.

"And just where have you been all night?" Jade questioned, eyebrows raised.

Juniper tried to remain neutral, "Must've fallen asleep detailing the pran- plan for today with the boys."

"Mmm right, right, Jade nodded, rolling her eyes, so that's why Teddy was at the door last night, and you followed him out."

Juniper shuffled sheepishly to the closet, pulling out a sweater, not making direct eye contact with Rory or Jade, "Saw that did you?"

"Yup." Rory popped the p, pursing her lips, "Mind explaining that to us?"

Juniper put on a puffy jacket over her sweater, hopping into some comfortable snow boots in preparation for the days activities, "Look, he was having a rough time, he needed someone to talk to. He asked me to stay. It didn't...mean anything."

"So then why did he ask you and not his girlfriend?" Jade stared at her pointedly.

"First of all, Teddy doesn't have girlfriends, Juniper laced up her boots, and as for the answer to your question, I don't know why he chose me. He just did."

"Junieeee!!" Her brother's bellow came from down below.

She smiled with anticipation, this was going to be their best prank yet. "I gotta go you guys, see you later?"

"Juniper, Rory called after her warningly, what are you guys planning?"

Juniper's lips curved up mischievously as she walked out the door, "Dress warmly." And with that she leaped down the stairs, meeting the boys in the common room. Teddy joined the group right after, the boys gaping at his appearance

"Bloody hell mate are you alright?" James's eyes were wide.

"I hope you won." Leo said, patting him lightly on the shoulder.

"Seriously Lupin, what the fuck happened to you?"

Juniper gave him an encouraging smile, gesturing for him to tell.

Teddy hesitated, "Well, erm- I'm sort of a- werewolf." He looked up, trying to gauge the groups' reaction.

"Wicked!" James exclaimed, high fiving Teddy, who high fives him back in surprise.

The rest of the boys began to pepper Teddy with questions, and the boy looked so immensely relieved that Juniper refrained from telling him I told you so.

She clapped to get their attention back, "As much as I appreciate this sweet moment going on, she winked at her brother, we've got a prank to pull off people!"
The guys agreed, each splitting up to do their necessary tasks. First, Teddy and Leo had to clear the professors from the area. Leo rushed into the Great Hall, yelling loudly to catch everyone attention. Teddy was the diversion, he had morphed into Filch and was making a spectacle of himself in one of the corridors. Leo used his prefect respect to convince the professors that Filch was in dire need of assistance, innocent angel Leo lying? No the professors loved him, they'd believe any word he said.

Juniper, Charlie, and James would use this time to cast the charm of their own creation, niveous firn, and get the snowing started. By the time the real Filch showed up, Leo had already distracted everyone by pointing out the snow falling thickly inside the castle, and Teddy had covertly morphed into random student.

It was a seamless prank, one of the most perfectly executed in Juniper's opinion. The uproar that followed was the most glorious thing she'd ever seen, and it was also a fantastic cover for her, Charlie, and James to slip back into the fold undetected.

They were almost too good at pulling pranks, they never got caught unless they wanted to.

The students cheered, flinging themselves into the drifts of white that were already piling on every desk and table.

Rory clucked her tongue with mock disappointment, "I would like to believe you didn't help them Leo."

"What ever do you mean?" Leo feigned confusion, "I was right here the whole time."

"Are you insinuating we had something to do with this?" Juniper clutched her heart in a display of over the top hurt.

"C'mon Wood, I thought you knew me better than that." James joked cheekily, grinning.

"Idiot." Rory muttered under her breath, and then she picked up a handful of snow and chucked it straight at James's face. It him squarely on the nose, and Rory giggled.

James's mouth hung open like a fish, and then slowly broadened into large smile, "Are you sure you want to start this Wood? I'm warning you."

"Bring it on Potter."

And before Juniper knew it they were having a full fledged snowball fight, shrieking and screaming like little kids as they dodged the flying slush. Jade tripped and landed on top of Charlie, immediately blushing. Juniper and Rory shared a smile at that. Leo and Charlie teamed up and tackled Juniper to the ground on multiple occasions.

The professors weren't even trying to stop it anymore. In fact, they were playing along, McGonagall and Neville were in a rather intense snowball battle with Hagrid and Professor Flitwick. Professor Parkinson was making snow angels, and even Filch and Mrs. Norris were having a good time.

Vanessa slid over to where Juniper was  hiding from the snow attacks, "Nice one Junie."

"I don't know what you're referring to." Juniper smirked, and her sister rolled her eyes, moving back to where her friends had made a makeshift ice skating rink.

By the end of the day, all the students' cheeks were flushed, and their noses red, thoroughly exhausted from playing in the snow all day. Juniper, James, Charlie, Teddy and Leo had done them the courtesy of keeping the respective houses' towers snow free, and the rest of it would vanish by morning anyhow. Juniper had not stopped smiling all day, as it always did, her mind drifted back to Teddy. She wondered where he was, he had wandered off during the snowball fight and she hadn't seen him since.

She thought back to that moment last night when he looked in her eyes, he chose her, not Maddie. But why? He held her hand, he danced with her, he confided in her, he acted like she meant something to him. But in what way? That was what she had to figure out.

An idea struck her suddenly, a bold one, but one that she just might be able to pull off. What if she asked him to the ball as friends? Like the rest of the guys and Rory had done. He usually went to these things alone anyways, and it seemed like he was done with Madison. It would be the perfect opportunity.

If the events of last night hadn't gone they way they had, Juniper most likely wouldn't even considered this, but something seemed different. And she was more afraid of not knowing than being wrong about it.

Juniper searched the corridors for him, spotting that familiar head of blonde hair. She went forward, but she heard another voice.

"Teddy!" Madison's lilting tone echoed in the high ceilinged hall, she reached up and hugged him joyfully, "I'd love to go to the ball with you! I thought you'd never ask!"

Juniper's heart sank, dashing back to her dorm before anyone could spot her. She clenched her fists, hitting her pillow aggressively. Jade and Rory watched warily.

"Babe, Jade placed a calming hand on Juniper's shoulder, want to tell us what happened?"

Juniper growled between punches, "Teddy. Madison. Ball."

"I see." Rory sat down next to her, "And you're upset about that?" Rory took the pillow out of Juniper's grasp gingerly, waiting for her response.

"It's not- I'm not mad about- I'm happy for Maddie she deserves this- and if this is what makes Teddy happy well then fine- but- but- after last night- I mean he- he held my hand, he made me stay! I thought- I thought- well, obviously I was delusional- but to just turn around- and- and ask her after he- and- ugh!" She flops down on the bed and presses her fingertips to her temples wearily, heaving a great sigh.

"I think I just need some air you guys." She said in calmer tone, tying her shoelaces and journeying down to the courtyard below. It was dark outside, the stars twinkling in the inky wash of the sky.

Juniper paced back and forth, trying to rationalize the situation. It was her own fault really, she probably built up the whole thing last night in her head. Stupid. Stupid. Stup-

"Oi Potter!" Jesse McLaggen bounded over, "What are you doing out here?"

"Thinking, she didn't have the patience to deal with Jesse right now, ever heard of it?"

"Little feisty tonight aren't we?" Jesse grinned, leaning in close to whisper in her ear, "Don't worry I like them feisty, keeps things interesting."

"Did you need something McLaggen, or do you just take pleasure in annoying me?" Juniper rolled her eyes.

"Both." Jesse winked, "But now that you mention it, it's a good thing I ran into you, I've got a question, Junie."


"You. Me. Ball. How's that sound?" Jesse puffed out his chest arrogantly.

Juniper was about to refuse, but then thought about Teddy and Madison. If he was going to have date, there was no reason she couldn't, even if it was with Jesse. Who knows, maybe he'd surprise her.

"Alright." She nodded

"Wait really?"

"Sure." Juniper turned to go, " I'll meet you in the Great Hall at 8."

Jesse did not surprise her.

Juniper had spent the whole day preparing for the dance. This was not her decision, rather her mum, aunt Ginny, and aunt Mione had shanghaied them early that morning and insisted they all get ready together. Juniper's mum had been overjoyed when she found out she had a date, however Juniper hadn't told her it was McLaggen. She just kept referring to him as Jesse, their family wasn't the biggest fan of the McLaggens.

Juniper was wearing her perfect red dress, and Vanessa had convinced her to wear the metallic gold block heels with it. At least they were more stable than the spiky black stilettos Vanessa was sporting with her black and silver ensemble.

Rose looked positively stunning in her dress, her short hair dotted with miniature, bejeweled flower pins. Vanessa's hair was curled loosely, and Evie's was in a sophisticated ponytail. Juniper had relented and let her mother straighten her own dark mane, and she had to admit it looked nice.

Hermione, Ginny, and Miranda looked beautiful as well. Miranda in a charcoal grey cocktail sheath, Ginny in a silky green jumpsuit, and Hermione in a tasteful power suit.

Juniper walked down the steps with Rory and Jade, feeling very powerful in their ball gowns. Jade took Charlie's arm immediately, and he pulled her to the dance floor, while Rory and Leo talked quietly at one of the tables. Juniper saw Teddy dancing closely with Maddie and her gut twisted.

"Bloody hell, Jesse whistled long and low, who knew you were so hot."

Juniper sighed, letting Jesse take her hand in his cold vise, it was going to be a long night. She could feel Teddy's eyes on her as she swayed awkwardly with McLaggen. Serves him right.

Jesse was nowhere near a good a dancer as Teddy was. His feet fumbled out of sync as he attempted to make himself look attractive. No. No. She would not think about him tonight. Tonight was not about him.

"Have I told you how fit you look tonight?" He whispered into her ear, his moist breath hot on her neck.

"Yes." She inched away from him, "Several times in fact."

"Well have I told you how tight your ass looks in this dress?" Jesse began to let his hands drift down below her waist, something he'd done at least a thousand times that night.

"Jesse..." Juniper moved his hands back warningly, and he scoffed. He was starting get annoyed that his advances on her weren't having the effect he'd like them to.

"C'mon Potter don't be such a tease." He moved his hands downward again, trying to grope her ass.

"Stop it!" She exclaimed, ripping his hands off of her indignantly. She didn't want to make a scene.

He was really irritated now as he grabbed her ass again, yanking her face close to his for a kiss, "You know you want it."

"I'm not going to say it again Jesse! Hands off!" Juniper cried, shoving him away.

"You want it. Stop playing hard to get, it's a turn off."

Juniper's nostrils flared, and she dropped his hands like a hot stone, "This was a mistake." She pushed his chest, hard, and spun on her heel. She didn't know where she was going, but she needed to get away from him as fast as she could.

"Come back here!" She heard Jesse hot on her heels as she ran for the door.

He grabbed her arm, holding her back, Juniper struggled in his tight hold, "Get off of me!" He was a big guy, she may be strong, but he was so much larger than her that she couldn't get out.

"I'll-" Jesse started, cupping her chin menacingly.

"Is there a problem here?" A deep voice boomed from the doorway.

Juniper nearly fainted from thankfulness. Xavier Zabini stood before them, eyeing Jesse with a stare that would make grown men cower.

"I said, is there a problem here?" Xavier repeated, stepping forward.

Slowly, Jesse released his grip on Juniper's arm, "No." He sneered, I was just leaving. He strutted back into the Great Hall, probably to prey on another girl.

"Are you ok?" Xavier asked with concern, all the hatred gone from his eyes.

"Yeah." Juniper shivered, wishing she'd brought a coat out here with her.

"Here." Xavier handed her his own suit jacket, throwing it over her shoulders very gallantly.

"Thanks." Juniper replied gratefully, "For the coat and for..well you know."

"No problem." Xavier paused, "Can I- ask why you went with him? You did know he was a total-"


"Well yeah." Xavier chuckled.

"I'm about to sound really pathetic, Juniper put her face in her hands embarrassedly, but no one else asked me. All my friends had dates and I didn't want to go alone." She shook her head, "Told you it was pathetic, of course the only guy on the face of the earth who fancies me is a piece of shit."

"Are you joking?" Xavier gazed at her in disbelief, "Do you have any idea how many blokes here fancy you? I know at least fifteen of them who wanted to ask you to the ball. Hell, I wanted to ask you to the ball. I would've too if-" He stopped suddenly, as if he had said something he shouldn't.

"If what?" Juniper pried suspiciously, eyes narrowing.

"I- I didn't-"

"Yes you did, Juniper prodded, if what, Xavier?!"

"If it wasn't for Teddy." Xavier blurted in one big breath, and then clapped a hand over his mouth.

"What the fuck does Teddy have to do with this?" Juniper did not like where this was headed.

"I mean, all of them are super protective of you. I'm sure you know that. And that alone is enough to scare a mate away, but Teddy, well let's just say Teddy's made sure that no one dares ask you out. He's been warning anyone off since third year, threatening them, you get the gist. Most guys don't want to cross him, McLaggen just has a big enough ego he doesn't care." 

"HE WHAT?!" Juniper roared, and Xavier winced.

"Yeah that's sort of how I figured you'd react, he scratched his head sheepishly, it's why I didn't want to tell you."

"Junie!" Rory poked her head out of the door, "You've got to take the picture for the Prophet now."

"Coming!" She shrugs Xavier's jacket off and hands it back to him, "Thank you Xavier, you have no idea how much you've cleared things up for me." Her voice was eerily calm as she entered the Great Hall, but in her mind she was still seeing red.

She walked over to where her parents and siblings are standing and held still patiently while her mother fussed with her hair.

"Mum really, this is as good as it gets."

"There's just this one part in the back that won't-"

"Trust me I know, but you won't be able to fix it."

"I wasn't able to fix your brother's either, her mother huffed, giving Harry the evil eye, I blame your father."

"Well I think it gives us character." Her dad winked at Juniper and James, running a hand through his own messy black hair.

"Harry!" Her mother groans in frustration, "I just brushed yours!"

"Sorry love." Harry pecked Miranda on the cheek, smiling. He stage whispered conspiratorially to his children, "I think it looks better this way don't you?"

"Where's Vanessa?" James looked around dramatically, scouting the hall like he's on a mission.

"Right here idiot." Vanessa rolled her eyes, "This joke is getting really-"

"Oh!" James acted shocked, "I didn't see you there, you're just so short, I thought you were a house elf for a second."

"Ha ha ha, Vanessa glared at James, I know, my height is just so hilarious." She flips her brother off, muttering under her breath, "Wanker."

"Vanessa Draco Potter I heard that! Oh dear Calista did you spill something on your top?" Miranda is momentarily distracted as she covers her youngest with a cardigan to hide a water stain on the collar. Miranda has completely given up trying to make her family look presentable, wearily, she presses a hand to her head, "Let's just get this over with."

"That's the spirit, Mandy." Harry chuckled, placing a hand on the small of her back comfortingly, "Hermione better get us a big present for Christmas next year, she is literally the only reason we're doing this."

A sharp woman with platinum blond hair and angular features muttered under her breath unsubtly, tapping a plumed pen to her chin as her beady eyes roved judgmentally. "Potter family not so perfect? Chosen One still harboring secret love for future Minister of Magic? Hmmmm, eyes still shining with the ghost of his past..."

"Bloody beetle, Hermione should have kept that woman in a jar." Juniper's dad growled, tightening his grip on her mum's waist, who looked like she was about to go punch the reporter in the jaw. "Easy, Mandy."

"Well that wouldn't look too good for her campaign would it?" Her uncle, Mateo, sidled up beside them, his family in tow, "Though I suppose it's not any worse than confunding Mclaggen our sixth year." The adults share a look, laughing to themselves.

"I can see the headline now, Ginny continued, taking her husband's hand after she finished messing with Ethan's tie,  Confunded: Hermione Granger-Weasley's Downfall."

"I've got a better one, the Granger Weasleys are the last to arrive for the group photo, Hermione pacing agitatedly, checking and double checking her hair while Ron goofed off, Hermione Granger-Weasley and the Bird Attacks. How Much Do We Really Know About The Wizarding World's Golden Girl?"

Their parents all burst out into laughter, except for Hermione who glared at all of them, "She is going to hear you!"

"I've got a jar." Ron joked, elbowing his wife as the others try to hide their obvious smiles. The children also stifle snickers.

"Would you like me to sic the birds on you again Ronald? Because I will." Hermione arched an eyebrow, shaking her head.

"There she is." Ron kissed Hermione softly, Charlie and Rose gagging in disgust. Much to the kids' chagrin, the rest of their parents took this as a cue to be affectionate with each other. Mateo whispering something in Ginny's  ear to make her blush, and Harry wrapping his arms around Miranda.

Juniper's murderous thoughts regarding Teddy were interrupted by the photographer, who instructed them all to pose. "Everyone ready?"

"James you're elbowing me!"

"Sorry Nessa, I thought you were an arm rest."

"You absolute-"


"Ronald please don't make that ridiculous smirk."

"What are you talking about"

"Seriously Weasley, you look like you've just had a stroke."

"I think I look like a ginger James Bond."

"Dad you've just ruined James Bond for me."

"Junie your hair is-"

"I swear to Godric, Leo I will dump your books in the Black Lake."

"Mum! Charlie-"

"SMILE!" Hermione yelled shrilly as the camera flashes, Juniper's blood was boiling. Her forced smile not doing anything to contain the anger she felt rising at her fingertips.

As soon as the photo was done they devolved back into their private conversations, Juniper still seething. James tapped her on the shoulder, "Hey Junie, Teddy was looking for you."

Just his name made Juniper want to hit someone over the head with a hammer, "Well tell him not to bother, because I don't want to see him." She tightened her jaw, "Better yet just tell him to cease speaking me to me altogether." With that closing remark, she stalked away, back up the stairs and into the corridor. Fucking Teddy.

"Junie! Junie! Wait up Junie!"

She knew who it was without having to turn around, "Did you not get the message Lupin?"

Teddy laughed, unaware of her fury, "You're really committed to his joke huh? C'mon Potter, I know you could never actually-"

"Not joking actually." She turned around to face him, eyes icy. She regarded him with stony silence.

Teddy was taken aback, "Wha- er- did I do something wrong?" Juniper had never spoken to him this way before, never looked at him with such unforgivingness.

"I don't know Teddy did you?" Juniper rolled her eyes, lips set in firm line.

"I've obviously done something to make you act like this."

"Something? Something? You've done a lot of things that I've put up with, but this, this I can't. I can't believe you Teddy. How could you? How could you?" Her words are barbed with thorns.

"I don't know what you're-" Teddy stammered.

"Yeah you do, Juniper lashed out, raising her voice, you know exactly what you did, and you've been getting away it with it. No one had the balls to tell me until tonight." Juniper began to rant, steamrolling onward, "It's one thing to be protective of me, to look out for me, but it's quite another to physically prevent me from dating at all! That's right I know what you did. Who the fuck do you think you are Teddy? You don't get to control my relationships! You're not my fucking keeper! You're in no position to regulate what I do or don't do!" She was full on screaming now.

"Junie I'm-"

"NO!" She silenced him, voice breaking, she could feel tears stinging her eyes, "You had me thinking it was my fault! That I was just so disgusting no guy could ever fancy me. I thought that there was something wrong with me! Fuck you Teddy! I never want to speak to you again."




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