- O N E L A S T T I M E -

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"Time's up," Professor McGonagall cleared her throat, stopping the ticking golden timer on her desk. Juniper set her quill down, hand aching from all the frantic scribbling she'd been doing.

The woman moved around the room, gathering the pieces of parchment in a tight bundle. When she had collected all of their exams, she stood at the front of the room, "Congratulations. You're free."

There was a collective cheer from the class, which Juniper participated in excitedly. Her last N.E.W.T. She was really done. No more school, no more tests, no more essays. It was just like Professor McGonagall had said, Juniper was free.

She practically skipped out into the courtyard, summer sun shining on her face. Hogwarts was always so pretty this time of year, trees blossoming and rolling hills greener than Juniper's eyes. It was a pity they got to see so little of it.

Her whole future was in front of her. Last week, they'd found a sizable flat in the city. Just enough space for the four of them. It was right near the Ministry, where Rory had accepted an internship in the Department of International Magical Cooperation. Close enough to Weasley's Wizard's Wheezes, where James and Teddy were working for the summer, and in a prime position to get ice cream daily from Fortescues.

The place was cute too. Lots of windows, and there was even an open field a little ways behind the building, perfect for Quidditch. There was actually a pretty decent kitchen, which James liked. It wasn't a huge selling point for the rest of them, seeing as Teddy would happily eat dry cereal for every meal, Rory lived off of smoothies, and Juniper could probably burn water if she tried. One of the only things she had in common with her mother, she couldn't cook for shit.

Juniper could picture it now, the four of them in the flat. James making pancakes in the morning, staying up late watching movies, getting takeaway at one in the morning, and throwing parties. Summer was going to be awesome. All of them were moving forward, looking ahead into the bright bright future.

Victoire was taking some time to travel with the band, playing all over Europe. Henry was also destined for a year abroad, helping out with the family business. The Scamanders went all over the world in search of endangered animals, and Henry was no exception. Leo would be tagging along, though Magical Law Enforcement had offered him an entry level job when he returned.

Charlie— well, Charlie didn't have many plans, as far as Juniper knew. Maybe he was returning to Romania, or working with James and Teddy for the summer. It had to be something. There was no way Hermione Granger would let her son skive off with no direction to his life.

She felt a tug on her ponytail, and was promptly hoisted in the air. "Teddy!" she shrieked in delight, struggling in his grasp. "Put me down!" she commanded, squealing when he began to tickle her.

"Lupin, what on earth are you doing?" Rory came up behind them, rolling her eyes.

"Kidnapping you," James said, slinging a protesting Rory over his shoulder like she weighed nothing at all.


Both girls giggled, glancing at each other conspiratorially. They knew something the boys didn't. This year, Rory and Juniper had chosen one similar elective. Taught by Alicia Spinnet. They had learned some very valuable lessons. "On three," Juniper mouthed, and Rory nodded.

"One, two, three!" Juniper twisted out of Teddy's strong grip, courtesy of a helpfully placed knee and elbow. Rory followed suit. And soon enough, both boys were lying flat on the ground, wheezing.

The elective had been Practical Self Defense: Using Your Opponent's Strength Against Them. Evidently, Rory and Juniper had both aced the course. Though they technically weren't supposed to practice on their boyfriends. But hey, what else were they good for?

Juniper and Rory stood triumphantly over them, arms folded smugly, "You would make horrible kidnappers."

"I'd try another career path," Rory snickered, as both boys glowered at them. They were still trying to get to their feet.

"Guess we know who wears the pants in those relationships," A nearby group of pimply fourth year boys jeered.

"Literally," one of them sneered, voice cracking, "these were the blokes that wore skirts."

"If you believe in outdated societal gender norms, I suppose," Juniper retorted drily, Teddy and James returning to an upright position.

Unfortunately, since fourteen year old boys are basically the equivalent of snot nosed toddlers, they ignored her, and proceeded to cat call, "How does it feel getting beat by a couple of girls?"

James drew himself up to his full height, turning to Teddy with a wry smile, "Oh, we live comfortably knowing our girlfriends could easily kick our arses."

"Then again," Teddy paused, "you wouldn't know much about having girlfriends would you?"

"Damn right we could," Juniper and Rory high fived each other. "That includes your puny, pre pubescent behinds," Rory added with a raise of her eyebrow. And that was all it took for the boys to scramble away, tails tucked between their legs.

The four of them burst into peals of laughter, amusement not ceasing until they settled under their favourite tree. It had become their spot over the years, summer, winter, spring or fall. Rain, shine or snow. They always sat beneath the same tree, overlooking the vast expanse of the Black Lake.

Today the water glittered a deep blue, mesmerising and rippling with the reflection of the cloudless sky. Juniper leaned back against Teddy's chest contentedly, allowing him to loose her ponytail and braid her mass of raven curls.

Beside them, Rory's head rested in James's lap, fingers busy at work making him a daisy crown.

How many afternoons had they spent exactly like this? Lazing happily in the grass, talking and enjoying each other's company. Reasding or studying, or whatever it was. Just enjoying each other's company.

Juniper was going to miss this.

All of it.

She was going to miss Hogwarts with every inch of her soul.

Her dorm where she'd gotten to know the best friend she'd ever had. Her bed with the lavender comforter and all the pictures they'd hung on the walls. The boy's dorm where she laughed and cried and everything in between.

She would miss eating in the Great Hall, and lounging in the common room. She would miss Peeves dumping water balloons on her head halfway to Charms, and begging Rory for her Potions notes. She'd miss everything. The pillow fights, and the parties, the Quidditch games, insane pranks, and sneaking kisses in empty classrooms.

Hogwarts had been her second home for seven years. This castle had watched her grow up. Watched her make mistakes and learn from them, watched her go out of her mind and be deliriously happy. This was the place where she'd fallen in love with Teddy. Where she'd accomplished all of her greatest achievements, and overcome the most challenges.

Now that it was all ending, it didn't seem real. First years running down the hill caught Juniper's eye. She felt like that had just been her. They had just been wide eyed eleven year olds, completely innocent, with no idea what lay in store. How was it possible that it was all over?

It had gone by too fast.

She remembered their first year like it was yesterday. James making a fool of himself in front of Rory, the excitement of everything. The Sorting and the meeting new people. Seventh year had seemed eons away.

And now— now it was here. Juniper's last day at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. She was all grown up now. They all were.

"Hey," Teddy nudged her, bringing her back to the present. "Where were you?"

"I just—" Juniper sighed wistfully. "It's really over...isn't it? Our last day— sometimes it felt like it would never end, but—"

"It's really over," Teddy finished for her, thoughtful. He whistled long and low, "Crazy."

"Guys—" James started to warn, but it was too late.

"Oh— don't!" Rory whimpered, brown doe eyes filling with tears.

Juniper crawled over and wrapped her arms around Rory, "Awww, Ror."

"Feeling sentimental, Wood?" Teddy smirked, doing a poor job of concealing his laughter.

Rory growled, sniffing haughtily, "Not about you, don't fret."

Teddy stuck his tongue out at her, "I wasn't."

"One last day, eh?" James mulled. "Better make the most of it, then."

"Hell yeah," Juniper agreed heartily. "Go big or go home, right?"

Her brother nodded solemnly, one hand on his heart, "Our family motto,"

If they were going out, they were certainly going to do it with a bang. They always said they were going to rule the school. And now they had. Mission fucking accomplished. Who knew what James had boasted about all those years ago at the train station would come true.

Maybe she should give her brother more credit. On second thought, nope! Not a chance. His head was big enough without her inflating it.

After a full day of hijinks, (running through the halls like maniacs and pissing McGonagall off) it was finally time for the graduation ceremony. This was an iconic, and time honored tradition at Hogwarts. The Headmaster gave a speech, then their graduating class would leave Hogwarts the same way they arrived; on the boats. They'd row out like they had so many years ago, culminating in the release of enchanted lanterns.

Juniper had sort of been looking forward to this moment ever since she heard about it. It sounded awesome. And she was very interested to see if her father could get through his speech without bawling. He'd been a wreck literally all week, blubbering like a baby when she won the Cup. He practically combusted when James and her told him they were moving out.

But most of all, Juniper was wondering if her mother would be there. She hadn't seen her in over nine months. Like— Juniper could have had a baby and her mum would be none the wiser. Also...the last thing Juniper had said to her....well, let's just say it wasn't one of her finer moments.

They were having a graduation party at the Potter house, once they all made their passage over on the boats. Her mother couldn't miss that, right? Her firstborns' graduation? That had to be illegal for her to miss or something. Some law about being a good mum.

Juniper slipped her ceremonial, floor length robes over her silvery, strapless dress, adjusting her red and gold lapels. She gazed at her image n the mirror for a moment, barely recognizing the woman that stared back at her. Another face joined hers in the reflection.

Teddy's lips grazed her earlobe, fumbling with something behind his back.

"What do you got there, Lupin?" Juniper asked suspiciously. He had that shit eating smile on his face that she had learned not to trust.

"A present," he told her, mouth quirking up.

"For me?" she cocked her head, usually she could tell when he was going to surprise her.

Teddy dangled a delicate gold chain in front of her. "Under normal circumstances I would never get you jewelry, but...I think you'll like it."

Juniper held it up the light. The necklace was beautiful, understated and simple. There was a small golden charm hanging in the center. "Is that— is that a T?"

Teddy looked flustered. Juniper loved when he was flustered. It happened so rarely. He ran a hand through his hair nervously, "Yeah." Teddy tried to gauge her reaction, "But— you don't have to wear it on the— I just saw it and thought— if you don't want to wear my—"

Juniper shut him up with a kiss. "No, no— T for Teddy. I love it. I love it." She bit her lip, touched at his gesture. They didn't normally do things like this. It was more James and Rory's area of expertise.

"Yeah?" Teddy's face broke into a wide smile, unburdened.

"Yeah," Juniper nodded, cheeks pink. "Put it on for me?"

Teddy obliged, taking the necklace from her. He lifted the bulk of her hair up, securing the clasp at the nape of her neck. His thumb was cool on her skin as he pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek. "Perfect."

The rough sweetness of his voice sent shivers up Juniper's spine. She fingered the T charm, loving the way it looked around her neck. "I didn't get you anything."

"That's alright," he let his hands drift down her torso. "I know how you can make it up to me," he whispered low into her ear.

Juniper did her best not to melt into a gooey puddle on the floor, pulse racing. "Oh really? Care to enlighten me?" Teddy just kissed her in response, and this time, Juniper really did melt.

In the girls' dorm upstairs, Rory and James were also getting ready. Rory shimmied into her floral printed halter dress, smoothing the satiny material over her waist. "Baby, can you zip me up?"

"Mmmhmm." James wrapped his arms around her waist, propping his chin on her shoulder, "You look gorgeous."

Rory swiveled around to face him, lips curving coyly, "You're not so bad yourself, Potter." He was more than not so bad, he was toe curling attractive in his robes and loosely buttoned white dress shirt. It was like it had been molded to his finely sculpted abs. If she had less self control she'd have jumped his bones right then and there. That's how good James Potter looked. In fact, Rory was considering fanning herself.

She settled instead for trying to smooth his hair, though secretly she liked that it was a little out of control. It looked cute messy, black curls always falling over his forehead, setting off his dark blue irises. His tie was crooked. Like always. And she reached up to fix it, like always. Another secret Rory had, she liked his tie crooked. It was hot for some weird reason, and she usually ended up grabbing it and kissing him.

"How is your tie always done up wrong?" Rory said, adjusting it.

"Can I tell you a secret?" James leaned in, tucking a look of hair behind her ear. "I mess it up on purpose."

"What?" Rory exclaimed, laughing. "Are you serious? Why would you do that?"

James shrugged, grinning, "'Cause then you get all huffy and fix it and it's adorable."

"I cannot believe you," Rory shook her head, suppressing a smile.

"What can I say, Wood?" He kissed her on the nose, "I like when you fix my tie."

"Idiot," Rory fisted the silky material and planted her mouth on his. He did such stupid things for her attention. It sort of reminded her of when he told her he pretended not to know the answers to questions so that he could talk to her. Okay she was in love with it. She was in love with him. As if that wasn't obvious from the sparkling promise ring on her finger.

"But I'm your idiot, " James reminded her, swaying in place with her.

Rory buried herself in his chest, murmuring, "Yes, you are."

There were chairs set up in the courtyard, sections designated by house. Juniper looked out in the crowd and saw so many familiar faces. They'd all be out in the world soon, living their own lives. No longer linked by this place they'd spent the best times of their youth in. She was unequivocally grateful that her, Rory, Teddy, and James were moving in together. Who knows when she'd see them otherwise? She couldn't imagine life without them.

"Your hair looks mussed," Rory hissed under her breath, as they took their seats. "Oh godric..." realization washed over her, "ugh, you guys have to be the horniest people I've ever met."

"Er— pot, meet kettle," Teddy retorted pointedly, from Juniper's other side. "You have a hickey on your neck, Little Miss Ugh."

"What?!" Rory gasped, hand flying to her collar. "I do not!"

Teddy sniggered, "Ha! Gotcha!"

Rory shot him a death glare, "Your boyfriend is a child."

"I know," Juniper squeezed his arm, "I kinda love him though."

James, Rory, and Teddy all threw her surprised expressions.

"What?" Juniper crossed her arms. "I can be sweet...sometimes."

They snorted in perfect unison.

"And you wonder why I'm mean," Juniper grumbled, flipping them off.

"Ahem," Harry coughed, peering over his glasses with mild irritation and amusement. He raised his eyebrows, "I'd like to get us started, everyone. That is— if a certain four Gryffindors are finished with their conversation."

They shrank in their seats, and James called out, "Sorry, Dad!" The students laughed.

Harry held back a grin, "You already interrupted one of my speeches this year, I'd quite like to read this one."

Juniper made a thumbs up, "Go for it!"

"With that endorsement," Harry pointed his wand at his throat, shuffling the sheaf of parchment in front of him.  "Students of Hogwarts, this may very well be the last time you hear those words...." He proceeded to give a very long winded speech about spreading your wings and remembering your roots. To be honest, Juniper kind of zoned out.

Hey, it was hard to focus, when Teddy's hand was— "Theodore Lupin, remove yourself from my daughter's leg immediately."

"Dad!" Juniper's jaw dropped, cheeks burning bright red. She had never been more embarrassed in her life. 

"I don't see you moving, Theodore," Harry ignored his daughters stricken pleas, completely abandoning his speech.

"Oh my god— Dad!" Juniper buried her face in her hands. This was not happening. This could not be happening.

"Don't make me come over there."

Teddy sat pin straight in his seat, raising his hands high in the air like he was being arrested.

"James," Harry ordered, "switch seats with Teddy."

"Da-ad!" All eyes in the courtyard were on Juniper. This right here, this was the worst moment of her life. This topped almost dying last year. It really did.

Harry merely tapped his foot impatiently, staring Teddy down like a mad dog. Teddy tripped over his own feet in his haste to do Harry's bidding, complexion blanched white. Juniper didn't blame him. The look Harry was sporting had knives shooting out of it. Her boyfriends scrambled into the seat beside Rory, who was rightfully irritated.

"Great," Rory rolled her eyes, "lucky me."

"Sorry for that interruption," Harry eyed Teddy testily. "As I was saying. I am undeniably proud of each and every one of you, and I wish you the best of luck in future endeavors. And now without further ado, Hogwarts Class of 2018, I pronounce you...graduated!"

There was a thunder of applause, everyone celebrating and hugging each other. Juniper saw her father wipe a tear away, and groaned inwardly. He was going go be a mess at the party. Thank god he couldn't come on the boats with them.

"I really want to kiss you right now," Teddy mumbled, letting his pinkie brush hers, "but I'm afraid Harry will Avada my arse."

"Come on!" Rory dragged them both down to the lake. "Or all the good boats will be gone." All four of them piled into a vessel, wooden slats wobbling a bit under their weight. Sure, the rule had advised two to a boat, but when had Juniper ever followed the rules?

"Sorry— what are the qualifications of a good boat, Wood?" James teased with a crooked smile.

"Are you making fun of me right now, Potter?" Rory arched an eyebrow, daring James to test her. She was so miniature, that whenever she tried to be intimidating, it usually had the effect of an angry kitten. It was very cute.

James shook his head, coughing to conceal his laughter, "Wouldn't dream of it, sunshine."

"Because, I don't think that would be a very wise decision," Rory walked toward him, sure footed even in the rocking boat. Her voice was low, with dangerous quality about it. She extended her index finger and poked his chest, "Given our current location."

James eyes widened in horror, "Wood— wait—!"

The rest of his words were lost to the water as Rory pushed him headfirst into the lake. Juniper laughed out loud, clapping her hands giddily, "That was amazing." James came up spluttering for air, completely soaked.

"Felt amazing," Rory waggled her fingers at James, who was currently doggy paddling beside the boat.

"Oh yeah?" Juniper slowly spun around, tilting her head at Teddy. Her green eyes glowed with mischief.

Teddy backed away slowly, though there wasn't a lot of space to back into. He shook his head furiously, "No. No. No."


"You don't have to do this," Teddy begged, gaze darting around in search of escape. There was none.

Juniper put her hands on his shoulders, sighing, "Oh— but you know I do." And with that, she shoved Teddy into the lake along with James. Her and Rory giggled, extremely proud of their work.

Professor McGonagall's shrill reprimand reached their ears from across the water, "This is a sacred and time honored tradition, please behave yourselves accordingly."

Rory and Juniper played innocent, batting their eyelashes, "We tried to tell them it was two to a boat, Professor."

Thankfully, the boy's protests were muffled by the water. Juniper lifted a shoulder in mock confusion, "I guess they really wanted to go for a swim."



Professor McGonagall massaged her temples, "It's always you four, isn't it."

"Aw you're gonna miss us, Minnie," they called, and McGonagall just shook her head. Of course she would miss them. It was probably the last generation of Potters, Weasleys, Lupins, and McGonagalls that she'd see go all the way through Hogwarts.

They reminded her so much of students of the past, except they had gotten to be kids. They hadn't lost their youthful innocence too early. Their childhood hadn't been taken from them. And that meant the world to Minerva McGonagall.

The boats finally arrived at the shore, released lanterns dotting the sky like a paint splatter. They mixed amongst the stars, shimmering like the moonlight. Teddy and James were thoroughly drenched, hair dripping with lake water.

And just like that, Juniper's Hogwarts career had ended.

There was a large, booming crash overhead. A rain of sparks lit up against the canvas of darkness. Another boom. Three, four, washing the night in technicolor.

Fireworks. Beautiful, big, fireworks. And Juniper knew exactly who was responsible.

I did say we were going out with a bang.

Dad's going to kill you.

As if. Who do you think helped me set them up?

And Mum isn't even here.


Whatever James.

They made it to the Potter house in quick time, since they could all apparate now. No one was splinched in the process, which was a big upgrade from the last time they'd all tried to apparate somewhere together. Don't worry, James's toe had healed.

Juniper moved to open the door, but was surprised to find it already ajar. Maybe her aunts and uncles had come by early to set up? But her dad had said that they'd be late because they were picking up the rest of the kids at the train station. So that didn't make sense.

"Hello?" Juniper ventured cautiously. "Is someone there?" There was a rustling in the parlor, and Juniper peered inside, mouth falling open. "Mum?"

Miranda was there. In the flesh. She looked— old. Worn down, worry lines gathering at her mouth. She was still in her Auror robes, and Juniper thought she spotted a scratch on her wrist, which Miranda quickly concealed.


"Mum's here?!" James exclaimed, rushing into the room. He hugged Miranda tightly and she let out a surprised "oof."

"Chrissakes, James," Miranda laughed, kissing the top of his head. "Let me breathe, kid."

"Can you blame him?" Juniper said scathingly. "We haven't seen you in almost a year."

"Juniper—" Miranda started, as James frowned at his sister.

Don't. She's here. That's all that matters

Who knows when she'll leave again?

"Miranda," Harry breathed, stepping into the room.


The tension in the room was palpable.

"Are you really here?" Harry looked almost afraid to touch her. "You're real?"

"I'm real," Miranda sniffed, falling into her husband's arms. Harry clutched her close, both forgetting that their children were present.

"Let's give them some space," Rory piped up softly, her and Teddy leading James and Juniper upstairs.

They had to change out of their robes anyways. This was why Juniper and Rory had worn their party dresses under. Made for a quick switch. Her heels were painful, but hot, so they were sort of worth it. Her and Rory danced around her room for a bit as well, and then had to redo their hair.

By the time they'd finished with their fun, the party had already started. Juniper could hear her Aunt Ginny below, and the signature barking laugh of Sirius Black. It was ironic really, their graduation party and her and Rory were holed up in her room doing the same things they did at Hogwarts. Well, the bus were probably downstairs already, and to be honest...Juniper didn't really want to face her mother.

Eventually, however, they headed into the hall, and were met with James and Teddy.

"Why aren't you at the party?" Juniper questioned.

"Why aren't you at the party?"

"Got sidetracked," Rory answered. "Your turn."

"Teddy's scared of mum and dad," James snickered.

Teddy socked him in the arm, "Shut up! I am not!" James gave him a knowing look and he relented, "Fine. I'm totally scared of your parents. I don't know how to make them like me."

"Can't help you there Lupin," Rory pursed her lips, smug. "They love me."

Teddy snarled, "I don't care how much you love her, mate. I swear to god, I'll kill her."

"I'd like to see you try."

"Don't test me, Wood—"

"Okay!" Juniper jumped between them, before things could get dicey. She cupped Teddy's face in her hands, "Killing Rory is not going to win my parents over. Also— they already like you, just be yourself dumbarse."

"No," Teddy corrected her, "they like best friend Teddy. They do not care for Teddy who dates their eldest daughter."

They ended up attending the party anyways. Teddy just avoided Miranda and Harry whenever he could, which worked out well for Juniper, since Harry blubbered every time he saw her and she did not want to talk to her mother.

In fact, Juniper basically pretended her mother didn't exist. So much so, that now she was starting to feel a little guilty. She was moving out soon. She wouldn't live here surrounded by her entire family all the time. Miranda was still her mum, and Juniper wanted her in her life. She wanted to talk to her. She wanted to show her the flat they were going to rent, and go furniture shipping with her. She wanted to talk to her about Teddy, and how she was sort of nervous about living with him. She wanted to ask if her mum had been scared of living with Harry when they were young.

But most of all, she wanted her mother to stay.

So, Juniper resolved to make up with her, apologize for what she had said last summer. Rory was soundly sleeping on Juniper's bed, and Teddy and James were over at Leo's. In her pajamas, Juniper padded down the stairs.

She knew her mother was still awake because she'd heard the coffeepot gurgling in the kitchen. Perfect. They'd have a cup of coffee, and talk things out. Her mum was always more agreeable on caffeine. A trait that Juniper had inherited.

Juniper crept into the kitchen, spotting an untouched coffee mug on the counter. Juniper's brow furrowed, that was odd. Then, she heard voices from the next room. She was about to go in, but then she heard her name.

"Juniper already hates me," her mother was saying, "and if I say no to this you'll hate me too! Harry, I don't—"

Her parents were having a hushed argument. Juniper knew she shouldn't eavesdrop but— for some reason she pressed her back to the wall, peeking through the crack int the door. If she strained, she could make out bits and pieces of what they were saying.

"I don't know what to do anymore!" Miranda was pacing from the sound of it.

"Be here, Miranda!" Harry responded hotly. Juniper had never heard her father raise her voice with her mum before. "Be here. That's all we want."

"I am here! I'm here right now, Harry!"

"For how long? How long this time, Miranda?!" Harry berated her. "How long before you leave us again? You're not really here. I didn't— do you have any idea—? I didn't hear from you for months at a time! I didn't know if you were dead or alive or- or— do you have any idea what that's like? Not being able to tell the kids if you're safe because I don't know! I was going insane. Whenever you leave— it's like I can't breathe."

"You think I can?" Miranda cried out. "You think I want to be away from you? All of you? This is my job, Harry. I can't just—"

"Your job is to be here for this family.  I need you. Your kids need you!"

"Do not pull that shit on me Harry James Potter!" Miranda shouted, forgetting to whisper. "How dare you?! You know I do what I do for them. So they never have to go through what we went through. My job is important—"

"Being a mum should be more important! You used to be around more, you used to—!"

Miranda cut him off, and Juniper heard a thump, "Because I had to! I didn't have a choice, Harry! We didn't plan to have kids so early! I had things I wanted to do, but I couldn't—"

"Now you're saying you regret our children?! I asked you, Miranda, I left it up to you!"

"I couldn't say no! You knew that. Are you fucking kidding me, Harry?!" Miranda's voice broke at the memory. "With you staring at me saying we could do it. Promising that we were in it together. You convinced— I was broken, Harry! We both were. That war— it— it was barely over. I wasn't ready to be a parent— you picked me up off the floor bleeding when I had nightmares, you had a panic attack at the corner store. It was too much, and I can't believe—"

Juniper couldn't listen one second longer. She sprang out from her hiding place, barging into the room, "I knew it!" There were tears in her eyes, to think she'd wanted to apologize. Juniper had never felt more betrayed. "I knew you were had to be a reason you were so hard on me! You resented me— you never wanted me in the first place! Well guess what, mum?! I don't want you either!"

"Juniper—!" Her mother's had flew to her mouth, "Junebug— no, that's not what I meant. If you'd let me finish— I was about to say that the second you were born— I— I wanted to protect you. That's why I took my job— because I looked in your eyes and knew— I knew I had to make the world a safer place for you. I had to be strong for you— of course I wanted you. I wanted you so much— that's why— I never—"

Juniper could hear nothing but the blood rushing in her ears, anger churning though her. "Save it, mum," Juniper scoffed bitterly. "Didn't you hear me? I don't want you either."


"Need me to repeat it?" Juniper yelled, eyes flashing. "I wish you weren't my mother!"


told ya the angst wasn't over

y'all  are not ready for these last few chapters that's all im gonna say

awwwww it's almost overrrrr




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