- R E F U S E -

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"Teddy?" A white light flooded his vision. "Teddy?" His head throbbed with a blinding pain as he slowly blinked his eyes open.

"I—" he started hoarsely, grimacing when he tried to sit up.

"Oh thank god," Rory collapsed into James's arms, teary eyed. "Thank god, thank god, thank god. He's alive. He's alive." She breathed in and out shakily, and Teddy was shocked at how upset she was. The pieces were starting to click together in his mind, the previous night coming back to him in vivid horror.

"Teddy— what— what the bloody hell happened to you?!" James burst out. And Teddy was so relieved that James was speaking to him again that he nearly started weeping on the spot.

They cared about him. Even after— they still loved him. He realized then that he had no choice. He had to tell them. Juniper was the one in immediate danger, she was the only one who couldn't know. And he needed his best friends back. So so bad.

And that's exactly what he did. He told them. Everything. About his plan to get Juniper away from him. When he was finished, there was a beat of silence.

Then, "You absolute idiot!" Rory hit him in the arm.

"Ow!" Teddy cried out, tears stinging his eyes. "Rory!"

"Rory!" James chastised. "He's already injured."

"Because he's an idiot!" Rory reiterated, throwing her hands up in frustration. "We have to tell her, come on James!"

"No!" Teddy attempted to get up and prevent her from leaving, but forgot that literally all of him was beaten up. "You can't!"

"But—" both James and Rory began to protest vehemently.

"I'm serious," Teddy said, "you cannot. This is the only way, trust me." He looked to James, knowing that he would understand this, "This is the only way she doesn't get hurt, or worse— it's the only way. I'm protecting her. I swore I would, and this is how."

Rory was wavering. She loved Juniper just as much as anyone. "Are you sure, Teddy?"

"I'm sure," Teddy replied. "Do you think I would do this to myself— to her, if it wasn't my last option?" He ran his hands through his hair, "Can you guys actually— I'd like to be alone to rest for a bit." He reminded them staunchly, "And under no circumstances are you to tell Juniper anything. Is that clear?"


"NO!" Teddy could not stress the importance of keeping it a secret from Juniper enough.

The pair sighed resignedly, heading out the door. "Fine," Rory huffed. "Idiot," she added in parting.

"Sunshine we don't call people names," James reprimanded, guiding her out the door. Then, under his breath, "Even if it's true."

Teddy winced as he pulled on a fresh shirt. Finally left alone with his thoughts, his mind drifted to the previous night. HIs heart beat faster, howls echoing in his ears. Greyback and his smell, gloating in what he had done, relishing in Teddy's suffering when he brought up Remus.

Selene's whisper when they left him there to die come morning, red nails sharp on his skin, "We'll be back." Teddy shook his head like a dog, screwing his eyes shut. He was alive. Juniper was alive. And she was safe, now and forever. He had made sure of that.

At least Rory and James didn't hate him anymore. That was something. But Juniper— his Juniper, he missed her so much it winded him. He missed her laugh and her crazy hair, and her kisses. God— he missed kissing her. He missed being with her. There was a giant, gaping Juniper shaped hole in his life and there was nothing he could do to fill it.

No amount of meaningless sex or one time hookups could replace what he had lost. And he'd had the opportunity. Word had spread fast around the castle that him and Juniper were no longer an item, and girls had approached him several times. Teddy just couldn't. He wondered how he'd done it before. One girl after another, snog, shag, ditch, repeat. No strings, no commitment, no one gets hurt.That had been his mantra.

He only craved one girl now, but she was the only one he couldn't have. She hated him now anyways, he should move on. That would be the healthy thing to do. His heart shriveled at the thought of Juniper moving on, jealousy bubbling up as the image of some other prick's hands on her waist, in her hair, kissing her lips. He wanted to punch a wall just picturing it.

But this was what he had wanted. Juniper deserved better than him. A nice, stable guy. One she could move in with and marry and have babies. Someone who would treat her better, and not involve her in any of his own shit. Someone who wouldn't be a danger to her very life. Someone safe. Not someone like Teddy. It could never work. He realized that now. Not if he wanted to protect her, and that was all he'd ever wanted to do.

Seeing her bleed made him feel physically ill. In fact, he remembered the first time she'd skinned her knee. It was back when they were five or six, and James had wanted to keep playing, but Teddy stayed behind and made sure Juniper was okay. There was something about seeing Juniper hurt that didn't sit right with him, even at six. She refused to cry, and refused his help, batting him away with her little grubby hands. He might've fallen in love with her right then and there. Because that was Junie. His beautiful, stubborn Juniper.

Except she wasn't his anymore.

There was a faint creak outside the dorm, and Teddy's brow furrowed at the noise. "James?" he ventured, "Rory?" The door swung open. "What are you doing here?" Teddy asked faintly, looking away.

Juniper walked inside, slow and purposeful. Her expression was unreadable, calm like an untouched surface of a lake. But inside, her nerves were bouncing all around. She knew what she had to say. She just didn't know if she could get through it, after everything. She took a deep breath, "I love you."

"What— Juniper—?" Teddy's jaw clenched. He gripped the bedpost tightly.

"I'm in love with you." Juniper repeated firmly. Her green eyes searched for his hazel ones. If she could just get him to look at her, then she would know. Then everything would be okay. Why wouldn't her look at her?  "I never stopped loving you. And I don't want— I want to be together. With you."

"Juniper— we— we broke up," he struggled to get the words out.

"Yeah about that," Juniper crossed her arms, "I don't think that's going to work for me."


Juniper shrugged, raising an eyebrow at him, "I refuse to be broken up with. We're not doing it. Case closed."

"Juniper— I cheated on you," Teddy reminded her, turning away from her.

She rolled her eyes, walking even closer. He backed away. But Juniper wasn't going to let him run away from her, never again. "No, you didn't."

"Yes, I did."

"James and Rory told me everything," Juniper said plainly. Finally, finally, Teddy met her gaze. Juniper breathed out a sigh of relief, he was still there. He still loved her too. Rory and James had told her as much, but Juniper couldn't believe it until she talked to him. Saw him. She waited patiently for his response.

Teddy gritted his teeth. He had been caught. His plan had been foiled. Juniper knew. Juniper knew all of it. His knuckles whitened. He growled, smacking the wooden post so hard the entire bed frame rattled, "Damn it! I told them not to— fucking James and Rory."

"Yeah," Juniper nodded, staring him down intensely. She got right up in Teddy's face, "Fucking James and Rory, who care about you, and never gave up on you." Teddy features softened at that, silent. Juniper placed a gentle hand over his, carefully uncurling his fist. She murmured, "And neither will I."

Teddy recoiled at her touch, jerking his hand away. He paced in the opposite direction, but Juniper only continued to follow him. She was relentless. "I will not let you just push me away anymore!"

Teddy whipped his head around, their noses almost touching. "Why?" Juniper noticed for the first time that his eyes were shining. "Why? I lied to you. I put you in danger. I put everyone in danger. You deserve better. I'm going to let you down, just like I let everyone—"

"Stop— stop!" Juniper put her hands on his chest, her eyes had teared up too. She hated listening to him talk like that. He sounded so defeated, tortured distress hidden deep within his anger. She'd never seen him like this. Never heard his words crack with raw emotion. She hated that he sounded like he believed all those awful, untrue things about himself.  "I love you. And whatever trouble you're in, I want to help you. I'm here."

Juniper reached a tentative hand up to his face, and Teddy jerked away from her fro a second time, "You deserve better. I'm a monster. You don't— you deserve more."

"Don't you see?!" Juniper cried, a single tear slid down her cheek. "I don't care if you think I deserve better! I want you, Teddy. You're all I want." Juniper begged him to understand, to listen to her. She needed him. She was crying in front of him.

Teddy resisted the urge to dry her tears. To cradle her and tell her everything was going to be okay. He shook his head, "You're better off without me."

He tried to push past her, but Juniper stopped him, holding him in place. She held his shoulders tightly, never breaking eye contact, "Okay." She challenged, "Then look at me and tell me you don't love me."

Teddy shut his eyes, looking down. Juniper could hear his heart thumping in his chest. He was breathing heavily, expression pained. He managed in a low voice, "You know I do." Teddy exhaled roughly, drawing those hazel irises back up to her, "You know I love you. I just— my life has always been on this horrible, dangerous path. And now— I don't— I don't want to drag you down with me."

Juniper kissed him then, without a second thought. She pressed her mouth to his and after a moment, Teddy was kissing her back. Their lips were wet with tears, salty and sweet all at once.

With a deep, guttural groan, Teddy's hands slid around her waist, pulling her into him. He murmured desperately against her lips, "I missed you so much."

She melted into him, warmth washing over her at the familiar feel of his body connected with hers. Teddy kissed every inch of her, like he was making up for lost time. He kissed her nose and her cheekbones. Her eyelids and lashes, her neck and her shoulder. Her earlobes, and the hollow of her jaw. Juniper's voice broke, "I missed you so much."

When they finally drew apart, Juniper touched her forehead to Teddy's, lacing his fingers through hers. "If you ever do something as stupid as this again, I'll kill you."

Teddy let out a choked laugh, "It was stupid, wasn't it?"

"Colossally," Rory said from the doorway, leaning against James.

Teddy narrowed his eyes, pointing at the couple, "I seem to remember giving the two of you explicit instructions to say nothing."

Rory lifted a careless shoulder, "Haven't we already concluded that you were being stupid?"

"Thank you, meddlers," Teddy conceded begrudgingly, bending to kiss Juniper.

"We live to serve," James nodded solemnly, eyeing his twin sister and newly reinstated best friend warily. "Nice to see the two of you back to your stomach turning selves." He frowned, "Now step away from my sister."

"Shut up, James," Juniper flipped him off, returning to Teddy's lips. James gagged pointedly in response.

"Oh, leave them be, Potter," Rory circled her arms around his neck, thumbing his cheek. She threw a glance over her shoulder, "We're going now, don't worry." James opened his mouth to protest, but Rory whispered something in his ear and quietly led him away.

"Thank god," Teddy trailed his fingertips along her torso, dragging his teeth along his lower lip. "I mean— I love them, but—"

"Oh, they're the worst, I know," Juniper giggled, flinging herself into Teddy's arms. She had gone long enough without his touch, and she was not waiting a second longer. She hooked her legs around his hips, but Teddy let out a hiss of pain.

Juniper hopped down to the floor, peering at him with concern. "What is it?"

Teddy steeled himself, mustering a smile, "Nothing." But Juniper saw the tightness at the edges of his mouth, the pallor color of his usually glowing skin, and most importantly the hand grasping his abdomen. Rory and James had said he'd gotten hurt, but he was always hurt after a full moon. It was never too bad. Always manageable.

She tugged his shirt up before he could stop her, gasping when she laid eyes upon his battered skin, "Oh my god— Teddy!" His ribs were bruised, a multicolor of purple and blue, green and yellow. Giant, red claw marks crisscrossed his back and stomach, deep gashes imprinted among old scars.

Teddy yanked it back down hurriedly, "It's not that bad."

"Shut up," Juniper said, cupping his face in her hands. "Who did that to you?"

"Greyback," Teddy muttered, "and...Selene."

At the mere mention of the name, Juniper's hair stood on end. Her mood darkened, "I swear to god if I ever see that bitch again, I'll murder her."

Teddy chuckled lightly, "And to think I was worried about putting you in danger. You're scarier than she is."

"You should know by now, I can handle myself, princess," Juniper smirked, hands on her hips. "You can't protect me from everything."

"I can try, trouble," he sighed, hugging her close as he could without injuring himself. "I can certainly try."

Juniper blushed in spite of herself, cheeks pink with delight. She hated that he could do that to her. "You called me trouble."

"I did." Teddy smiled, gingerly making his way to a more comfortable position on the bed.

Juniper lay next to him against the pillows, tucking her head in the crook of his neck, "Don't ever stop."

"Never." Teddy promised. And Juniper believed him. He threaded his fingers through her hair, and Juniper relaxed, tracing her own index finger along his chest. She hadn't realized how much she missed him playing with her curls. "And do stop calling me princess."

Juniper snickered, "Never." She paused, "So you saw Greyback...what— what was that like?"

Teddy swallowed hard, "You don't want to—"

"I do." Juniper looked up at him imploringly. And she did. She wasn't going to let him hide from her anymore. He had to talk to her about these things. It wasn't good to keep them bottle inside. She would know. She sat there patiently as Teddy told her the whole story.

He told her everything. The threats and menacing packages. Why Selene had come to Hogwarts in the first place. How they were trying to recruit him to join the pack, the uprising. Even what they'd done to him when he refused.

He really had been stupid. Juniper couldn't believe he'd thought she'd leave him because he was a werewolf. She didn't care about any of that, and she wanted to help him with any problems he had. That was why he'd acted so weird about moving in with her. Thankfully, she managed to assure him that living together was a good idea, and the four of them had already started look for an affordable flat in Diagon Alley.

The next few weeks passed in a haze of preparations for final exams and N.E.W.T.S. They had graduation rehearsal, for crying out loud. It was terrifying and wonderful all at once, and Juniper was so glad that she was doing it all with Teddy.

Before she knew it, the Quidditch championship was upon them. House Cup just within her reach. It would not only be fantastic for Gryffindor to win, but after last year's fiasco, Juniper wanted it so bad she could taste it. Also, how good would that look to the League? She could see the headline now, "Youngest Female Captain Wins Quidditch House Cup."

Not to mention... she was in seventh year. This was it. This was her last chance. And she was going to make the most of it.

She carefully adjusted her captain's badge, taking her broom out of her locker.

"Ready?" A fully healed Teddy came up behind her, planting his chin on her shoulder.

"Born ready, Lupin." Juniper secured her hair in a tight ponytail, her signature Quidditch look. "Boys?" she indicated Charlie and James.

James and Charlie hesitated, then beckoned over the auburn haired twins, "Evie? Ethan? Care to join us?"

Taken aback, Evie said, "Are you serious."

James helped them each up onto the bench, "Someone has to take over next year."

"Who are we?" James and Evelyn yelled as loud as they could, Charlie and Ethan drumming on the metal lockers.


"Who ARE WE?!"



"GRYFFINDOR HEAR US ROAR!!" Everyone shouted in unison, exploding into cheers. Juniper had heard that cheer more times than she could count, but she never tired of it. It meant more now, now that that was the last time she would hear it. Spirits up, the players all flooded out onto the field, brooms in hand.

Juniper inhaled deeply, taking it all in. These days, she was stopping to smell the roses more and more. She had to, everything was moving so fast.

"AND THEY'RE OFF!" Scarlett Jordan's voice boomed through the pitch. A comforting sound, one that shot excitement through Juniper. She took to the sky, wind rushing through her hair. The crowd cheered beneath, and she relished in it.

"This is a swan song for several of our senior players," Scarlett narrated, "Vera Goldstein, Ravenclaw beater, playing since fourth year. Let's hear a big hand for Vera huh?" A round of applause echoes form the Ravenclaw stands. Scarlett continued, "A bounty of seventh years on the Gryffindor side, seriously guys what the fuck are we supposed to do next year? Sorry professor— yes professor I'll get on with the tributes. Charlie Weasley, Keeper extraordinaire, and everyone's favorite ginger since he joined the team third year. Theodore Lupin— I'M SORRY TEDDY SHE MADE ME USE YOUR FULL NAME— one of the best beaters this house has ever seen, Boy toy Goldilocks— AGAIN SORRY NESS PAID ME TWENTY GALLEONS AND YOU HAVE TO ADMIT IT'S FUNNY— has been gracing Gryffindor with that smoky smolder since third year as well. James Potter— wow those screams just do not stop— local heartthrob and Chaser, another third year addition— AND DATING RORY FREAKIN WOOD STOP SCREAMING IT'S DESPERATE!! Sorry professor, you know I had to." Scarlett paused to send Rory a wink. "And last, but certainly not least, JUNIPER MOTHERFUCKING POTTER. THAT' S RIGHT PEOPLE MAKE SOME NOISE!!!"

There was thunder of appreciation from the Gryffindor stands, Rory cheering loudest of all. Juniper beamed, waving from her perch in the air. She was goign to miss Scar's commentary.

Scarlett was still going, "Youngest ever female player to be made captain, seeker no less, Juniper beat out all of those dumbarse boys I just named when she made the team second year. Can anyone say girl boss? And she is going to WIN!!! It's not jinxing it if it's true professor— but— fine. Anyways let's give one final hand to these seventh years, it's your last chance!!! Goodbye and thank you for your skills!"

Clapping from all sides of the stadium. This right here was why Juniper loved Quidditch. Yes, the freedom, yes the flying and the winning, for sure, But— there was nothing like the camaraderie.

"Are you— are you tearing up professor? Allergies?! Allergies, my arse," Scarlett scoffed. "I'M SORRY PROFESSOR DON'T TAKE THE MICROPHONE AWAY PLEASE I KNOW YOU LOVE THEM ALL VERY DEARLY!"

It was an intense game, raining too. But finally, Juniper spotted that tell tale snitch. With ease, she zoomed forward, inching just ahead of the Ravenclaw seeker. Her hand closed satisfyingly over the fluttering gold sphere, and she pumped her fist in the air triumphantly

"POTTER HAS CAUGHT THE SNITCH!" Scarlett roared, everyone in the stands following suit. "GRYFFINDOR WINS THE CUP!"

Juniper hit the ground, screaming with joy. She caught Teddy's eye, and ran over to him, water droplets flying off her tangled hair. There was definitely mud splattered across half her face, and her uniform was soaked clear through.

She threw herself into his waiting arms, leaning in to kiss him, but withdrew, remembering she was covered in dirt.

"What are you doing?" Teddy frowned

"Don't you want me to clean up first? I've got mud--" Juniper was cut off as Teddy's lips met hers, hand firm on her neck. He pulled her in for a powerful kiss.

Teddy put a thumb to her cheek, kissing her nose, "I'll eat dirt any day if it means I get to kiss you."

Juniper smiled, heart melting. Her face grew hot, and the feeling spreading over her was just as good as winning the championship.

"What?" he chuckled, sliding his hands down to her waist.

Juniper blushed, "Just— I love you Lupin."

"I love you too, you hopeless romantic," Teddy teased, eye twinkling. But Juniper could tell that he was pleased.

"Hey!" Juniper wrinkled her nose, scowling.

Teddy waved a hand in front of his now nose, "Now, you really do need to shower."

"Shut up!" Juniper shoved him, mouth dropping open. He was the worst. The absolute worst.

Teddy was highly enjoying himself, going on and on, "I mean honestly, Potter, you've soiled my spotless—"

Juniper kissed him lengthily, "I said shut up."

"You make a good point," he grinned, kissing her back.

Juniper's lips curved in a coy smile, eyelashes batting. She knew exactly how to make him eat his words. "And if I'm showering, you're coming with me." Juniper watched as Teddy's mouth parted, smug.

"You really are a dirty, dirty girl."

awwwwwww they made up

graduation next!!

the angst is not over yet


um this shit is like almost finished






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