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"Juniper?" Teddy's voice was a faraway sound, drowned out by five words that played through Juniper's mind on a loop.

I cheated on you, Juniper.

I cheated on you, Juniper.

I cheated on you, Juniper.

Her worst nightmare come true. Her mouth felt dry. She couldn't speak, couldn't move. Couldn't even blink.

"Junie, please say something," Teddy begged. He gazed at her imploringly, but her head was elsewhere.

I cheated on you, Juniper.

I cheated on you, Juniper.

I cheated on you, Juniper.

Teddy was still pleading with her, distress plain on his features. "Talk to me, please. Say something. Say anything, Junie. You have to—"

"Who?" Juniper interrupted him flatly. Her eyes were trained on the wall behind him. She feared that if she looked directly at him she would break. And she couldn't break, not in front of him. He would not see her cry. Instead she was numb. Unfeeling. Her heart had shriveled to stone.

Teddy looked pained, "Juniper—"

"Who?" Juniper repeated, jaw clenching. Her tone was eerily calm.

He hesitated, trying to gauge her reaction. Teddy could usually read her like a book, but Juniper wasn't going to give him the chance tonight.

I cheated on you, Juniper.

I cheated on you, Juniper.

I cheated on you, Juniper.

"Cleo," he blurted in a rush, tripping over his sentences to explain himself. "It was just the once— and I swear it didn't mean anything to me. I regretted it as soon as—I'm so sorry, Juniper. It was a stupid mistake and— please, say something."


He'd cheated on her with Clementine Greenwald. Pretty, red haired Cleo, who'd had her sights set on Teddy since the first day of the year. When? She almost asked. How? Where? Details, she wasn't sure she wanted them. But was leaving it to the imagination worse than knowing? Why? Why did he do it? The answer to why would kill her. The one detail she didn't need, because she already knew.

Juniper wasn't enough.

I cheated on you, Juniper.

I cheated on you, Juniper.

I cheated on you, Juniper.


"I think I'm going to be sick," Juniper said abruptly, monotone. She wasn't lying. Her stomach was roiling, waves of betrayal rolling through her, stabbing her in the gut. She clutched her abdomen, room spinning. She need to get out of here.

"Junie, I— trouble are you okay?" Teddy's concern for her overrode anything else, forgetting himself as he reached out for her. "Let me—"

His touch was a white hot poker, searing into her skin. A firebrand, flames licking every inch of her body. The nickname, trouble, slapped her in the face. Pure agony. How dare he use that name against her? He couldn't call her that anymore. Not now. Not after— the name had become a weapon, sharp and grating. It was all too much. She snapped. Juniper jerked away from him, "Don't touch me."

Stricken, Teddy backed away, "Juniper I'm—"

That was it. Juniper had let her emotions get the best of her. They were all bubbling to the surface now, her heart cracked neatly in two. Her eyes began to gloss over. No. No crying. That was the one thing she couldn't do. She would not cry in front of Teddy. Not like this. She would not let him see her vulnerable.

So Juniper did the only thing she could do in the moment; she ran.

She ran as fast as she could, praying he wouldn't follow her. Juniper didn't stop until she was safely inside her dorm.

"Junie?!" Rory leapt up from her bed in alarm. "Junie, what happened?! Did you and Teddy talk—?

Juniper headed straight for the bathroom, knelt on the tile floor, and promptly hurled into the toilet.

"Junie!" Rory exclaimed, rushing in after her. Her hand flew to her mouth, "Junie—  shit."

The fresh taste of vomit burned the back of her throat, and she retched again, tears stinging her eyes. No crying. No crying! Juniper didn't cry. Crying was weak. Juniper was supposed to be strong, but her legs were ready to give out, and her hands were trembling as she wiped her mouth clean. She inhaled shakily, rising to her feet.

Rory was right by her side, expression plain with worry. "Junie, what happened?"

"Not now— Ror I— please," Juniper managed, she screwed her eyes shut, willing the tears not to fall.

Rory rubbed her back soothingly, "Whatever Lupin said— you know he can be a dick about relationships, but he loves you. He'll always love you, nothing can change that. I'm sure whatever happened— it'll be fine because he loves you too much to—"

"If he loves me then why did he cheat on me?!" Juniper whirled around, anger building. Anger and sorrow pumped through her veins, she was on the verge of shattering. "Tell me that Ror? He can't love me and sleep with fucking Cleo?! Explain that. How can it be fine when he cheated on me?" Her voice was breaking. She cried out in anguish, "It can't be fine! Nothing is fine, Rory. And it's never going to be fine again."

Rory's mouth parted in soft disbelief, "He cheated on you?"

Juniper nodded, swallowing hard. She couldn't say, Yes. Yes he cheated on me. I wasn't enough for him anymore. She couldn't talk at all. A tear threatened to break loose, and she sniffed, gritting her teeth.

"Oh, Junie...." Rory's face fell with gentle distress.

"That's why— I— I can't, Rory," Juniper collapsed onto her bed, muffled once she pulled the covers around her. Everything hurt. "I just can't."

Rory clambered right into bed with her, not to be deterred. She really was the best friend in the entire universe. Juniper could not do life without this girl by her side. And for some reason, Rory's kindness made her want to cry even more. She stroked Juniper's hair, whispering, "It's okay. You don't have to say anything. And, you're allowed to cry. Okay, Junie? Do you hear me? I know you hate it, but you're allowed to cry."

Only then did Juniper give in. She was tired, tired of keeping it in. She burst into tears, sobbing. Horrible, painful sobs that wracked her entire body. Tears poured down in rapid succession, her chest heaving as she tried to get a breath.

"Rory are you in here— oh my god, Junie!" James who'd barged in their dorm looking for Rory, stopped short when he saw the scene before him. His jaw dropped, gaping at the silent tears streaming down his twin sisters face. "What—?" Rory just shook her head quietly, mouthing, not now.

Great. Now James had seen her crying. She couldn't even picture— when he found out. God he was going to go ballistic. Or would he? Teddy was his best friend, and come to think of it Rory and Teddy had gotten close too. What if— no. Juniper closed her eyes, yearning to shut out everything. It was all so complicated.

Not only had she lost her boyfriend, but Juniper had lost her best friend of near eighteen years. As far back as she could remember, Teddy had been there. Picking her up off the ground when she fell out of a tree, after laughing at her clumsiness of course. Every birthday, every Christmas, he was her everything. And now he was gone. He'd ruined everything. And it couldn't be undone. There was no fixing this.

Juniper didn't remember when she finally fell asleep, but she woke up the next morning, her face sticky with salt, tear stains on her pillow. For a split second, the morning light filtering in through the curtains, Juniper forgot.

A brief moment of peace. That none of it had happened. That she would roll over and Teddy would be resting beside her, give her a kiss and say, "Good morning, Medusa." And she'd punch him, "Shut up." Then she'd kiss him again and say, "I hate you." And he'd say, "I hate you more."

It was gone as soon as her vision registered Rory's chocolate eyes peering down at her, anxious. James, dozing in Vivian's empty bed, it looked as though he'd stayed the night. It all came back to her.

I cheated on you, Juniper.

I cheated on you, Juniper.

I cheated on you, Juniper.

"You're awake!" Rory smiled, then threw a pillow in James's direction. "She's awake, Potter!"

"Hi," she mumbled hoarsely. Juniper's voice was scratchy from all the crying, and probably the throwing up too. "Did James sleep here all night?"

Her brother, who had groggily bounded over, plopped himself down on the other side of her, "Of course I did. You were crying!"

"Potter!" Rory hissed, throwing him a pointed look.

Juniper ran a hand through her knotted hair, "Could we maybe not mention that?"

"Juniper what happened?" James pressed immediately. Juniper was surprised, she thought Rory would've told him already. "Rory said you and Teddy had some fight last night? What happened? She wouldn't give me any details. She said I had to wait for you. Juniper?!"

Juniper ignored her brother and turned to Rory, "You didn't tell him?"

She shook her head, "Figured you'd want to yourself. Besides— I didn't know much either."

"Thanks," Juniper leaned her head against Rory's shoulder.

"Hello!" James tapped his sister's arm impatiently. He was always so frantic when he was worried about someone. "Juniper you have to tell me what happened."

"Are you hungry?" Rory asked. "Or still nauseous?"

"Nauseous?!" James exclaimed, bewildered.

"Hungry," Juniper replied, stomach growling at the mention. It had been emptied of all its contents last night, and now it was craving sugar and salt and grease. Any comfort food really. She wondered if the Great Hall had— the Great Hall. Teddy would be there. No she couldn't— she couldn't face him. Hell, Cleo would be there. She was ashamed of how pathetic s he sounded when she said, "But I— I don't think I can go to breakfast. Not— not today. I can't see him, Ror. I can't."

"Juniper what was the fight about?" James questioned again. "Please just tell me. I'm sure it's something stupid. Let me fix it. Just tell me, and I can help you. I can fix it."

Juniper sighed, her heart aching more and more with each minute that passed. "You can't fix this, James."


Juniper inhaled, this was it. Once she told James, there was no going back. Nothing would ever be the same. And it was all Teddy's fault. How could he do this? To all of them, not just her. He had crushed more hearts than hers in his fist. "Teddy—" her voice wobbled on his name and she hated it, "Teddy— he— he slept with someone else. He— Teddy cheated on me."

James's features contorted from confusion to shock to fury. Raw, unadulterated, fury. His hands curled into fists, tone low and dangerous, "He what?"

"Please don't make me say it again, James," Juniper whimpered, a single tear rolling off of her chin. James had never seen her like that, so not Juniper. So...broken. That was not his sister. And his supposed best friend had done that to her. Teddy had broken his sister. And he would pay.

The boy practically catapulted off the mattress, complexion a mottled purple, "He's dead." James stormed out of the dormitory, and Rory and Juniper looked to each other in horror, both racing after him.

This is what Juniper had been afraid of. James's reaction. It was so much worse than she expected. Damn his overprotectiveness. She loved him for it, but this was not a smart decision. Her bare feet skidded on the cold stone floors, Rory and Juniper had a lot of ground to make up.

James charged into the Great Hall, blue eyes blazing with outrage. Teddy was seated at the Gryffindor table with Leo and Charlie, both blissfully unaware. Little did they know. Teddy shot to his feet the instant he spotted him, holding his hands up, "James—"

"You bastard!" James roared, lunging for him. "After everything!" It took Leo and Charlie to prevent him from murdering Teddy as James continued to shout, words reverberating through the room. Juniper hid behind Rory, waiting for this awful spectacle to be over.

"I trusted you!" James thundered, spit flecks flying from his mouth. Leo and Charlie were putting up an enormous effort attempting to restrain him. James struggled against them. "She is my sister! You were my best friend, you were supposed to be my brother! Traitor! You promised— you SWORE! My sister—!"

Juniper hated this. She hated all of it. She couldn't stand being in a room with Teddy, it hurt so bad. His eyes met hers, and Juniper winced. "James," she muttered, staring at the ground, "James can we please just— James let's go, come on."

Rory took one glance at Juniper's face and knew that she couldn't handle much more of this. She placed a tentative hand on James's forearm, murmuring, "Come on, Potter. That's enough." With Leo and Charlie's help, Rory coaxed James away from the Gryffindor table.

Teddy's expression was tortured as he watched the backs of his four former best friends turn to him. He beseeched Rory, hopeful that maybe she would listen. "Ror—"

Rory whipped her head around, "Don't speak to me."

Juniper quietly filled in Leo and Charlie on the way back to Gryffindor Tower, and each were apoplectic as James had been. When they finally arrived at her dorm, she paused in front of the door, "Erm— I think I'm going to rest for a bit. I'm— sort of tired. So..." She trailed off.

"Are you sure?" Rory's brow wrinkled, reluctant to leave her alone.

"Please, Ror," Juniper said, squeezing her hand.

Rory wavered, "Okay but I'll check in on you in an hour. I'll bring chocolate." She paused, "And Junie, I know that you don't want us to hug you right now, but I think we kind of have to."

"Ror—" Juniper started, but it was too late. Rory and James had already enveloped her in a bone crushing embrace. Her eyes filled with tears for the hundredth time that day. "Love you."

"Love you too."

When they finally released her, Juniper shut the door behind her, retreating into the safety of her bed. In her bed she could burrow beneath the blankets and block out everything that was going on.

Out in the hall, Rory and James lingered. Rory was distraught. She wanted to make it all better for Juniper, but she didn't know how. She didn't know how Teddy could have done that to her. Rory thought she knew him, thought that Teddy would never do such a thing. It seemed impossible. Nothing made sense.

James wrapped her tight in his arms, pressing a kiss to the top of her head, "I hate this."

"Me too," Rory's response was muffled by James's chest. She pulled away from him, solemn.

"What is it, sunshine?"

"If you ever cheat on me, I'll kill you," she told him, arms crossed.

James's lips twitched, "Okay."

"Promise," Rory said, chin upturned.

James took her tiny, plaintive face in both hands, "I'll never cheat on you."

The next week was utter torture. They passed agonizingly slow. Juniper avoided Teddy like a plague. He kept trying to talk to her, approach her during their shared classes. Juniper couldn't bear it. Thankfully, she was always flanked by a brigade of family and friends. They walked her to and from class, keeping a firm barricade between her and Teddy at all times. If it wasn't Rory and James, which it often was, it was Leo  nd Charlie. Or it was Vic and Henry. Vanessa, Rose, Evie, Ethan, even Scarlett Jordan.

She had a village.

Teddy had no one.

Rory and James fussed over her day and night. Constantly asking her if she was okay, how she was doing. She could never get a moment to herself. They were like overbearing mothers with personal space issues. She knew they meant well and she loved them to death, but sometimes they had to back off. She was not going to have a mental breakdown if she went to the Quidditch pitch by herself.

For instance, right now, Juniper had been sitting on her bed, reading an article about tailspin techniques. Doing her best not to think about the T word. Then, before she knew it she was packed in the middle of a Rory and James sandwich. "Hi guys," she waved resignedly.

"Hey," James peered at her balefully. "How are you?"


"Do you need anything?" he interjected, scooting closer to her. If that was even humanly possible.


"James!" Rory chastised. "You're smothering her. Sweetie, do you want some tea? Toast? James go get her some tea!"

Juniper rolled her eyes and groaned, "Actually you're both smothering me." She put an arm around each of them, "I love you both, I do. But, I am going down to the pitch to fly." With more emphasis, "By myself."

They both began to protest, "But—"

"I will be fine," Juniper assure them firmly, wiggling out of their grasp. She shooed them away, "Begone with you. Go snog each other or something, stare at each other, whatever you guys do when you aren't berating me about my feelings."

And Juniper was fine. Flying always made her feel better. The sense of unbridled freedom took her mind away from what was happening on the ground. All she knew was the sky and the clouds and the rush of wind through her hair. She was fine.

Juniper was fine until her feet touched the grass, and standing across from her was the one person she'd been trying to forget. She was alone now, no one to block or run interference. No one to usher her away. No protection. She was entirely exposed. Juniper discarded her broom on the ground, "No."

"Junie wait— please," Teddy stepped in front of her. "I have to talk to you."

"No," Juniper said again, trying to brush past him. He was making this so hard. Why couldn't he just leave her alone? Hadn't he done enough?

"Junie I have to explain— please just let me—"

"No!" Juniper shrieked, eyes flashing. "No! You don't get to explain, Teddy! You lost your right to explain when you slept with someone else!"

"I'm so sorry, Junie please—"

"I don't care if you're sorry!" Juniper cried out, "Don't you see?!" Anger had consumed sorrow, and Juniper had exploded. "You promised you wouldn't leave, Teddy. You promised!" She remembered when she'd asked him. It seemed so long ago now, like a dream she'd once had. She'd been so happy, with him. Teddy had never broken a promise to her. Never.  "I asked you— and you— you promised. You promised Teddy. You left me. You said you wouldn't but you did. You left me." 

Teddy was utterly heartbroken, speechless, "Junie—"

"Go away!" Juniper shouted.  "I need you to leave now or I'm going to start to cry and I cannot do that so please just leave. That's what you do best, isn't it? Leave!"

Slowly, Teddy retreated, head hung low. Juniper didn't wait for him to go before she tore up to her dormitory, tears streaming down her face. God, she was so tired of crying over him. Juniper lay in bed the rest of the day, staring up at her ceiling.

Later that night, Rory clambered into bed with her, holding up two spoons in question, "Ice cream? I nicked it from the kitchens."

"Head Girl Rory Wood stole something?" Juniper gasped dramatically. She pulled back the covers in invitation, patting the space next to her.

Rory clambered in next to her, "What can I say? You've been a bad influence." She popped the lid off of the pint of mint chip, and both girls dug in.

Juniper took a spoonful of ice cream, "Teddy tried to talk to me today." She swallowed, the sweet taste masking the bitter taste her rant had left in her mouth. "I told him to leave me alone."

"Are you okay?" Rory asked softly.

Juniper shook her head, biting her lip, "No." Tears gathered on her lower lashes. "I miss him, Ror. I really miss him."

Rory sighed, placing the half empty ice cream carton on the night table. She snuggled into Juniper, resting her head on her shoulder, "Top Five Saddest Things. My mom used to play this game with me when I was little. Because no matter how sad you are, there are always sadder things. And at least you're no that sad." Rory nudged her, "Go ahead, think of some. I'll start. Wrongfully sentenced prisoners in Azkaban."

Juniper thought for a moment, "Homeless bowtruckles."

"The last piece of pie that no one wants."

"James's haircut third year."

Rory giggled, happy that Juniper had cracked a joke. "One more," she reminded her.

Juniper smiled. A real smile. Not one that she forced, or a weak half tilt of her mouth. A real, honest to god smile. That stretched her cheeks and lit up her green irises. She kissed Rory on the cheek, "People who don't have sisters like you."

Rory's eyes went wide, "Did you just call me your sister?!"

Juniper shrugged nonchalantly, "Figure you're already going to be one day." She wasn't lying. James had wanted to marry that girl since first year. She hoped they'd get married. She'd never seen them as happy as they were when they were together. In fact, she could barely remark the time when they hadn't been James and Rory. Rory and James. It was just— meant to be

Once she'd thought her and Teddy were meant to be.

"I always wanted a sister," Rory hugged Juniper tightly. And both girls went to bed happy that night.

The next day, Rory was woken by the sound of distinct rapping on the door. She swung her legs off the bed, tiptoeing across the rug. She didn't want to wake Juniper. Her best friend hadn't gotten good night's sleep in a week. Who could it be this early? Or not early, rather late. Her and Juniper had slept in, it seemed. It was nearly four in the afternoon.

She'd told James that she had it handled. He was so crazy when it came to protecting Juniper. Rory sort of loved him even more for it though, he was such a good big brother.

She swung open the door exasperatedly, "James I told you— what are you doing here?" Her blood boiled at the mere sight of him. She passed her back against the door, barring him entrance. "Get out!" she commanded lowly. "You cannot be here."

Teddy clasped his hands together pleadingly, "Ror— please let me in, please. I have to talk to her. I have to. I'm going crazy here."

"You're going crazy?!" Roy dragged him by his ear to an alcove. A safe enough distance away that she could raise her voice and not alert Juniper. "She is heartbroken. She is dying inside, and you're going crazy?! You are not allowed to—"

"That's why I need to talk to her!" Teddy exclaimed. "I never meant—"

"What?" Rory sniped scathingly. She was not holding back, ripping into him mercilessly. "You never meant to shag Cleo? It was an accident? That's not how it fucking works, Lupin." She paced back and forth feverishly, finally speaking her mind. Teddy had never seen Rory lose her cool, be this incensed. "I trusted you! I believed in you! I always thought that despite everything you were— I defended you every time! Christ,  I confided in you. I thought you were my friend." Rory scoffed bitterly, "Those bloody Potters deserve far better than you Thedore Lupin. Do not ever speak to me again. And if I catch you harassing Juniper, I will not hesitate to sic James on you." And with that parting blow, Rory stalked back into her dorm.

Teddy, left alone in the hall, had never felt more isolated. He had to keep reminding himself that this was what he had wanted. He had hurt her to help her. He'd made this choice himself. This was what he had wanted. So why did it feel so wrong?

It had worked. Juniper hated him. He should be celebrating. Instead, he was miserable. Teddy was miserable all the time. Juniper hated him, and so did everyone else. He'd lost the only family he'd ever had.

James couldn't even look at him and Rory had made her feelings clear. She had been his last hope. If anyone would listen it would have been Rory. No one cared about Teddy Lupin any longer. He couldn't hurt them anymore. He couldn't disappoint them. Because no one cared.

No one loved him.

That was they way it always should have been. No one should ever love a monster.

He was free.

Finally, truly, alone.

And the pack couldn't destroy his relationships anymore, because he'd done that himself. No more threats. They had no more leverage. Hooray. He'd saved her. He'd saved them all. But at what cost?

This was the first full moon he'd experienced where he'd have nowhere to go after. Maybe he should join the pack, Teddy thought to himself bitterly. There was nothing left for him here anyways. So, with Rory's sharp words ringing in his ears, and the sun setting steadily on the horizon, Teddy journeyed down to the Shrieking Shack.

He made his way through the dank tunnel, nose registering an unfamiliar scent. There were new prints on the dirt floor, and his wolf senses perked up on high alert. Suspiciously, he crept through the opening. His heart stopped, "What are you doing here?"

Two pairs of yellow eyes glowed in the dark, "How I've missed you, darling."

A menacing growl, "Nice to finally meet you, son."

The next day...

James dashed through the corridors of the castle, taking out some unsuspecting first years in the process. He'd gotten a very strange message from Rory to come to the Room of Requirement. That was their place. The first time she'd ever truly smiled at him was in that room. He was worried that something had happened with Juniper. James was always worried about his sister these days.

He saw the door appear on the blank brick and burst in, "Wood why did you— holy shit!" James's jaw dropped at the scene before him.

"I— I didn't know what to do, I just—" Rory looked up at him helplessly from where she knelt on the floor.

Because it was Teddy. Teddy lying motionless on the ground, spread eagled. He was bloodied and bruised, and looked as though he'd ben torn to pieces by a rabid animal. His breathing was shallow, as he coughed for a breath.

Rory babbled on, "I went out to study this morning and— and I just found him like this— James—" She broke off, trying to repair his wounds, "He wouldn't let me take him to the infirmary, he won't tell me what happened— I know some healing spells but— James, I couldn't just leave him there."

Teddy coughed again, choking on his own blood. He reached a red stained hand out to James, straining to talk, "I promised you—" he choked out, "I swore I wouldn't hurt her." His eyes rolled back in exhaustion, consciousness fading. A pool of blood surrounded his golden hair like a macabre halo, "I swore I wouldn't hurt her..."


this is so exciting !!

la di da di da

ranting —————————>


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