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Juniper had always hated Mondays. However, this Monday in particular, was especially bad. It was a dreary April day, foggy and gray, and freezing to high heaven in their dorm. Her and Rory had been shivering the entire night, despite being wrapped in several fleece blankets and multiple layers of clothing (including James's jumper, which Rory had taken to wearing quite frequently these days). Juniper loved to tease her about it, and though Rory and James were spending more and more time together, neither one had made any moves forward. It seemed as though they each were utterly oblivious to the other's affections. Which was literally the most frustrating thing possible for everyone else in the castle.

The tiny first years could see the way James's entire face lit up when he was around or near Rory, the slight pinking of Rory's cheeks when she was trying to stay mad at him. Juniper was certain that the teachers could see it too, plain as day, and even her father, clueless per usual, had heard enough dramatic laments from his son on the subject that he was in on it too.

As for Juniper and Teddy, after that intense moment in the shadows, their relationship was...strained to say the least. Civil, friendly, they were best friends, first and always, but as soon as Selene entered the room it was like everything else disappeared. Juniper included. And she wasn't the only one feeling the wrath of Selene. Teddy was barely around anymore, choosing Selene over his friends more and more with each passing day.

It was almost worse when he was there, because Selene, inevitably, came along. She spent half the time taking subtle, pointed digs at Rory and Juniper (more Juniper than Rory), and the other half wrapping Teddy around her perfectly manicured finger. Also; they snogged- like all the time. In corridors, in the back of classrooms, the common room, closets, corners, the Gryffindor table, Juniper's own dorm for Chrissakes! It was enough to make her want to vomit.

Selene was inescapable.

And Juniper still hadn't found her whistle.

They had a game on Friday too, a big one. It was the last round of playoffs, they were going up against Ravenclaw and Juniper was desperate to retain her winning captain's streak, and you know...beating Rose, who was beyond competitive. Plus, if they won against Ravenclaw, they'd be heading into the championship against Slytherin for the first time since Juniper was in third year. James and Nessa had had a bet going that the loser had to dress up in a wildly outrageous outfit in the other teams colors. Who doesn't love a little family rivalry?

Speaking of Quidditch, Juniper headed down to the pitch, pulling her hair back from her face. Her Quidditch bag was slung over her shoulder, bouncing as she walked. The grass was slick with mud, her trainers plodding through puddles clumsily.

"Careful." Rory said with a laugh, grabbing Juniper's arm to save her from wiping out.

"Thanks, Ror." Juniper replied, steadying herself. She set her gear down on the bleachers, finishing getting her practice stuff on as the rest of the team began to arrive.

"Clumsy Potter," A familiar, teasing voice echoed from behind her. Teddy flashed her a smirk.

"Oh shut up," Juniper chucked a clod of grass at him in retaliation, and Teddy dove out of the way.

"Don't worry, " Teddy grinned, tapping her on the nose, "it's cute."

Juniper whacked him over the head with her broomstick. Rory watched, a slight smile on her face, hiding a laugh behind her hand.

"Oi!" Teddy cried, reproachfully, eyes twinkling, "I said you were cute."

Juniper shook her head, scrunching her nose and looking up to meet his eye, "How many times have I told you not to call me cute?"

"Enough I know it bothers you," Teddy snickered, proud of himself. Juniper punched him in the shoulder. He stepped closer to Juniper, softening, "But you are-"



In an instant, Teddy snapped to attention. He stiffened, forgetting any playfulness and normalcy that had been going on between him and Juniper. All he saw was Selene. And Juniper? Juniper became invisible. Just as she always did when that sugar coated, sing song voice pierced the air like knives. Commanding and possessive, Selene drew Teddy to her, tossing her head haughtily towards Juniper.

Juniper faded into the background with a sigh of resignation. That was all she got now, brief moments of the Teddy she'd once known. Glimpses of a boy she no longer recognized.

With no whistle to blow, Juniper clapped her hands to get the team to attention, forming a huddle off to the side. Rory waved to her from the stands, or maybe to James. Juniper raised an eyebrow her way, and the brunette blushed furiously, burying her nose in a book.

"As you all know, we have a game on Friday against Ravenclaw. They have a fantastic offensive lineup, so we really need to work on our defense, this means- Knox and Velvela please pay attention," Juniper, exasperated, called out the two gossiping girls, heads bent closely together.

Vivian rolled her eyes, and Selene's mouth pinched, eyes flashing. Juniper felt a hot sear of pain in her head, a prickle of fire burning from the inside out. It passed in a second, and Juniper continued her instruction, "Beaters, " she indicated Vivian and Selene, "I need both of you to run drills again and again today with each other, I want your moves flawless and in sync." She sent them to the sky, trying not to feel to hurt when she saw Vivian laughing with the she-devil herself. "Charlie go to goal, and Chasers practice shooting. Rose almost never misses a goal, so your blocking has to be strong."She moved to blow her whistle, forgetting it was not around he neck as usual.

She then mounted her own broom, following her players to the sky and overseeing everything. "For Christ sake!" She shouted, "James would you stop making that ridiculous face, I know you think it's attractive but it's not! Rory isn't even looking over here."

Except, Rory had been, in fact, looking over there. Next to her in the bleachers, Teddy grinned.

James glared at his twin, "And the worst sister of the year award goes to..."

Juniper smiled sweetly, flipping James off with both hands, "Maybe if you weren't so busy messing with your hair, you'd have actually made a goal this practice."

"I'll show you." James stuck his tongue out at her, narrowing his eyes in determination. He raked a hand through his hair, winking at Rory, before hurling the Quaffle towards the hoop. The ball curved, Charlie dived the opposite way, and it went in. James pumped his fist gleefully, "Take that Junie!"

"Wood!" Charlie called from the goal, "We're gonna need you to sit right there during the game." He, James, and Juniper chuckled as Rory shook her head, mouthing something they couldn't quite make out.

"She said idiots didn't she?" Charlie asked wryly, already knowing the answer

James' mouth turned up at the edges, "Yeah...she hates me."

"Nah, she doesn't," Juniper disagreed, chuckling to herself again. She murmured so only she could hear, "She really doesn't." Juniper flew up again, surveying the practice, a quiet heavy felling of remorse settling over her shoulders. If only someone would look at her the way her brother looked at Rory. She wished for it to be Teddy for so long, but obviously that was never going to happen. And Xavier- well Xavier had been a complete disaster.

Meanwhile, James continued to show off for Rory, broom dipping dangerously. He did an impressive backflip, nearly falling off his broom in the process. In the bleachers, Rory covered her face with her book.

"James you wanker!" Juniper yelled, rolling her eyes, "You'll get yourself killed." As soon as the words had left her lips, James took a risky nosedive turn, handle of his broom spinning out of control. Juniper and Charlie shared a look of worry as James careened toward the floor, hitting the ground with a loud thump. Both, zoomed down to see if he was alright, but someone else got there first.

"Oh my godric, James- are you okay?!" Rory exclaimed, rushing to his side. She knelt next to him, cupping his face in her tiny hands, eyes wide with concern. Her honey brown hair hung like a curtain as she bent over him.

James lay flat on his back, staring up at her in pure surprise, "Pretty sure I am now." He replied dreamily, a little in shock.

"Oh for crying out loud!" Rory leaped up, a tad embarrassed as the eagle eyes of her friends viewed the scene before them smugly. "I can't believe you- you could have gotten seriously hurt, Potter!"

James gingerly returned to a standing position, wincing slightly when he attempted to put weight down on his left foot. A bruise steadily purpling near his ankle.

Juniper groaned, beckoning the rest of the team to the ground, "And I think I'll end practice here, before any of you lot do something stupid." She side eyed James.

He shuffled sheepishly, limping, "Sorry, guys."

"Think you can play Friday, mate?" Teddy questioned, clapping the dark haired boy on the back as the players trickled into the locker rooms.

"Yeah," James shrugged offhandedly, calm as can be. "It's not too bad, with a good nights sleep I'll be-"

"Oh no you don't." Rory interrupted sternly, "I'm taking you to the infirmary. Now."

"Whatever you say, Wood."

Rory noticed the expressions on the others' faces and quickly explained, "I'm not- I'm only- For the good of the team of course."

"Of course." Teddy cleared his throat loudly, very pleased with himself for some reason. Again, Juniper got the feeling he knew more than he was letting on.

"I still can't believe you did all that to try and impress me," Rory said, as she took James up the hill.

James grinned devilishly, "Did it work?"

Juniper didn't have to bear Rory's response to know it included the word "idiot" in it.



"Maybe I should act like a prick and fall off my broom." Charlie remarked, popping a chocolate frog in his mouth.from James' bedside table, which was laden with sweets. Juniper's brother had had to stay overnight in the infirmary, advised by Madam Pomfrey and protested by James. He had a slight fracture in his ankle, and a sprained shoulder, but both were on the mend.

"Don't you dare." Juniper warned, swatting him. "I can't be down a Chaser and a Keeper."

"You won't be down a Chaser," James told her confidently. "Cause' I'm getting out of here today, right Poppy?" He called to the bustling nurse, laying on a thick layer of that trademark Potter charm.

"Mmmm," Madam Pomfrey clucked her tongue, wagging a finger at him. "If you're lucky."

"She loves me, really." James whispered loudly, earning himself a loving scolding and pinch on the cheek.

"Who is all this stuff from anyways?" Leo snatched a huge bar of Honeydukes chocolate from the impressive pile of gifts.'

Juniper rolled her eyes, sneaking a bite of the candy bar before Leo could inhale it all, "His fan club." She turned to Teddy mischievously, through a mouthful of chocolate, "Teddy's the president."

"Oi!" Teddy and James said in unison, while Leo and Charlie burst out laughing.

"I'm sorry, am I wrong? Are you and Lydia Bones co- presidents?" She smirked, "My bad."

"Do you have badges? T-shirts?" Leo deadpanned, doing his very best to keep a straight face. Charlie was completely gone, keeled over and clutching his stomach. "You should invest in some merch, don't you think Junie?"

"Definitely." Juniper nodded seriously, delighting in the matching expressions of her brother and Teddy. They hadn't been like this in a while, just laughing and having fun together. She hadn't realized it had been so long. Why hadn't they-


Oh, wait.

That was why.

Selene slinked into the infirmary, dark hair swishing behind her like silk. Her uniform skirt hit at the perfect length on her thigh, showing just enough skin without being too revealing, and the sheer stockings paired with her heels made her lean legs look about ten miles long. Her face was flawless per usual, skin practically iridescent, and red lips pouted in a bow.

Juniper looked down at herself with growing annoyance. Frizzy ponytail, dark eye bags, crooked cardigan and her uniform blouse with a coffee stain near the lapel, and sweatpants beneath her skirt. Hey, it was really cold! And her stockings all had holes in them.

Stupid Selene.

"Darling," Selene purred, dragging her fingernails along his chest slowly, suing her other hand to turn his face towards hers, "I've been waiting in the Great Hall, you said you'd lunch with me."

Teddy's eyes glazed over, enchanted by the throaty command and the haunting yellow gaze, "Yes. Right. Of course." He said stiffly, turning his back to Juniper.

Juniper, Leo, James, and Charlie all looked to each other, this had happened many times before. They were all sick of it, even Charlie, who was so easily enamoured. James coughed pointedly, momentarily breaking Teddy from his trance.

"Er-  I- I'll meet you down in a sec, Sel." Teddy said, kissing her as he extricated himself from her taloned grip.

"Sel?" Juniper pulled a face, the nickname sending disgust crawling through her body. "It's Sel now?"

"Yes." Teddy replied very frankly, voice tight and monotone. "Why?"

"Nothing," Leo mulled, choosing his next words carefully. "It's just- you've spending a lot of time with Sel these days."

"What about it?" Teddy bristled, and Juniper could see his muscles tense from a mile away. She knew exactly what that meant. Teddy was about to shut down, get in the closed off, combative mood when he heard something he didn't like. "I knew it, I knew you had a problem with her." He said angrily, after his friends' silence, "I mean I would've expected it from-" He paused, but Juniper got the message. Loud and clear.

"It's not that we have a problem with her," Charlie pacified, attempting to diffuse the situation. "She just- she's a little...possessive. We hardly see you..." He trailed off, obviously realizing this wasn't helping.

Laughably, Juniper was heavily reminded of this exact conversation between her and the boys months ago, when she'd been dating Xavier. Welcome to my world, she thought to herself. Almost triumphant. Take that, Teddy.

"And you all feel this way?" Teddy surveyed all of them, eyes landing on Juniper last. Charlie and Leo looked to the floor. James scratched his head awkwardly, not sure what to say. Him and Teddy had never really disagreed. Juniper didn't dare cast her eyes upward. "Unbelievable." Teddy scoffed, 'Unbelievable! You know- the only reason she doesn't hang around you lot is because she thinks you don't like her. Guess she was right. I thought you guys were better than that, more welcoming. I guess I was wrong." Teddy staked out of the infirmary, still muttering to himself, "Un-fucking-believable."

"Well..." Charlie grimaced.

"It went better than I expected." Leo shrugged, nudging Juniper with his shoulder.

James stared forlornly after his best friend, "You think he's mad?"

"Probably." Juniper answered, "He'll get over it." She found she was not particularly bothered by this. Maybe Teddy would finally learn his lesson.

"I think we might want to have someone go talk to him, though. You know he gets." Leo mused, referencing the way Teddy tended to close himself off and put up walls when he felt threatened by change.

"Sounds like a good idea." Juniper murmured, zoning out of the conversation. Then she realized everyone was staring at her. "What? Why are you all-?" Realization washed over her, "No. No!"

"Junie..." Leo threw up his hands as if to say, what can you do?

"No!" She pleaded, groaning. "Why me? Why not James? I'm not-"

"Yeah. You are." Leo interjected knowingly, "It has to be you."

"James?" Juniper turned to her brother hopefully.

"As much as I hate to admit it, you're the only one who can talk to him when he gets all in his head." James said honestly, lifting his shoulder, "You're the only one he'll listen to."

"Hate to break it you Junie, but you're the Teddy whisperer." Charlie joked.

Juniper sighed in defeat, "Ugh!" She buried her face in her hands, already dreading it. The last time her and Teddy had been alone together, she'd made a fool of herself. God it was so humiliating- she hated thinking about it. And she was afraid of what she might do this time. There was just something about him when they were alone together. A smile meant just for her, or a gentle squeeze of his hand, hugs that went on longer than appropriate. It was utterly maddening.

Tuesday wasn't turning out any better than Monday had. Briefly Juniper thought perhaps she'd been too hard on Monday, when Selene and Teddy decided to snog all through dinner. Needless to say, Juniper wasn't feeling very hungry.

Juniper retired to the common room early with Rory, who was grumpy. Why was she grumpy you ask? Well, maybe it was because Lydia Bones had been very loudly discussing at dinner how she visited James in the hospital, and was "basically his girlfriend".

"You saw him today?" Rory poked her head up from her Transfiguration notes, tugging on Juniper's fuzzy socked foot.

"Who? James?" Juniper stopped scribbling her composition for Potions, "Yeah. He's fine. He's James...why?"

Rory went crimson, "I was just- I wasn't worried or- I was just wondering what that meant for Quidditch on Thursday." Rory was blatantly lying, and Juniper knew it. Rory hadn't given a single damn about Quidditch since the day she was born, but apparently she was now giving a damn about James Potter. Tonight, however, Juniper decided to let her off the hook.

"Well, he should be out today, I don't know if he can play yet. But physically- he's not hurt. If you were worried- which you aren't- you shouldn't be." Juniper patted her arm, "But you aren't, so it doesn't matter does it?"

"Right." Rory said softly, and Juniper could see the weight lift from her shoulders. It was adorable.

The two girls studied for a while longer, until the common room had emptied out completely and the fire in the hearth grew dimmer with each passing second. Juniper yawned, words blurring on the page in front of her. She glanced to her left and saw Rory sprawled out on the couch, fast asleep and covered in books and parchment.

Juniper decided to head up to their dorm and get some rest, Rory would probably follow soon. It had been a long day, and Teddy could wait. As Juniper traipsed up the stairs, the portrait hole swung open, James entering the common room.

Her twin smiled when he saw Rory asleep in front of him, eyes full of love. James tiptoed over to the couch, carefully moving the numerous books and everything else out of the way. He grabbed a nearby blanket and placed it over her slumbering form, finally managing to slip her tightly clenched quill out of her fist.

For some reason, Juniper felt tears clog the back of her throat, threatening to spill over. Rory and James didn't even know how lucky they could be. They didn't even know who they could have. Who decides who gets a fairytale and who gets- whatever the hell Juniper was going through. She sniffed from her place on the stairs, resuming her journey to the dorm, and trying not to think about how much James loved Rory, despite the fact that she'd turned him down a thousand times. He'd do anything for her. It broke Juniper's heart.

It was probably just as well that Juniper didn't stick around to see what happened next, because what she missed....was this: James turned to go, leave Rory to sleep in peace, but he felt a delicate hand on his, pulling him back.

"Stay." Rory whispered into the empty room, and James's strong hand closed over her own.

Barely breathing, and completely dumbstruck, James lowered himself to the couch, resting beside her. His heart was beating so fast he thought it might burst as she layed her head on his chest. He couldn't believe his luck. He was also in pure agony. He was finally friends with Rory, finally, finally, she genuinely liked him as a person. But he loved her.

He loved her so much he didn't know what to do with himself. He wanted more than friendship, but he didn't think she did. The moment was bittersweet, but James was going to savour it for all it was worth. Because, platonic as it may be, Rory Wood was in his arms. And that's more than anything he could have dreamed of.

Upstairs, Juniper blinked back tears, waiting to flop down on her bed and- voices, girlish and light echoing behind her door. Vivian and Selene. Juniper's stomach went sour. There was no way she could go in there. Her own bloody dorm wasn't safe anymore. Nothing was safe from Selene. No one was safe from Selene.

Where was she supposed to go?

She could go back down to the common room, but she wasn't sure she could handle and more James and Rory being James and Rory. But- the guys' dorm. That might be empty. Teddy was probably with Selene, and Leo was with Henry sometimes, and even if Leo was in there he wouldn't bother her. Plan in mind, Juniper pivoted back down the stairs, pushing open the door to the boys' room.

She exhaled slowly, it was empty. Thank Godric.

Juniper sank down on James's freshly made bed, he was such a neat freak sometimes. She hung her head low and just let the tears fall, finally alone. Silently they dripped down her face, pattering on the sheets with a quiet plop. She was- defeated.

"Hello?" The door creaked open, and Juniper went on high alert.


Quickly, she dried her eyes, scrubbing her face and turning her head towards the window to gather herself.

"Junie?" Teddy hesitated before entering, voice sounding very far away. He was almost- discombobulated.

Juniper managed a small wave, internally cursing at his poor timing. He always caught her at her worst, most vulnerable moments. Exposed, raw, Teddy saw it all, and Juniper hated feeling so weak. She was supposed to be the strong one, and right now she was anything but. "Hey Lupin," She covered her face with the side of her hand, tone hoarse.

Teddy blinked slowly, information registering in his mind, pieces clicking into place. He shook his head, like a dog trying to rid water from its fur, and his eyes cleared. Where his expression had once been hazy, barely looking at Juniper, it was now direct, and Juniper no longer felt invisible. He moved towards her, sitting in the space beside her.

Juniper tilted her chin way from him, but he pulled it back, whisking a straggling teardrop off of her face in one genre motion, His expression was soft, searching. "Were you crying?"

Juniper frowned at him, "Nice Lupin, real subtle."

A smile played on Teddy's lips, "I was just asking. Good to see you're fine."

"I'm always fine." Juniper muttered, more to herself than Teddy. I have no other choice, she thought privately. After a minute of silence, "I hate crying."

"I know." Teddy said, bringing her into him. "You're a pretty crier, though."

Juniper just gave him a look.

Teddy waited a beat before speaking again, "It wasn't about Sel- was it- because..."

"Ugh!" Juniper threw her head back and groaned, rising from her seat. "No! Not everything is about- I told you I was fine!"

"Sorry- I just- this relationship stuff is new to me," Teddy said. "And after this morning..." His jaw clenched, reminded of the argument in the infirmary.

Any hope Juniper had had about things returning to normal shriveled to dust as Teddy said the word "relationship". Selene was there to stay, and there was nothing Juniper could do about it.

Juniper sighed, "Look, Teddy, you know I don't like her. She doesn't like me. You didn't like Xavier. He-"

"Zabini was completely different-!" Teddy protested.

"No," Juniper shook her head, "it's exactly the same. I'm dealing with it. And I'll try, we all will. I wasn't given the same courtesy, but I'll try. Not for her, though. For you. You're the one we miss. We miss you, Teddy," She stopped, taking a deep breath, "I miss you, Teddy. I just- I miss you." And with that parting comment, she kissed him just above his jawline, and walked out of the dorm, leaving Teddy more confused than ever.

The confusion quickly turned to fog, however, because Selene- well we all know, Selene Velvela never fails...



So far, Juniper's week had been a bust, and it was only Wednesday. She arose early, in a foul mood, prepared to drag Rory's snoring arse out of bed. But when she flung open the curtains to the girl's four poster bed, she found it empty. How peculiar.

"Viv, " Juniper poked her head into the bathroom, "have you seen Ror?"

Vivian merely shrugged in response, never tearing her eyes away from her reflection in the mirror, and she resumed curling her eyelashes.

"Selene?" Juniper asked curtly, wishing she didn't have to acknowledge her presence. God knows Selene didn't acknowledge hers.

"No, I do not think she came back last night," Selene replied, brushing her lustrous locks methodically. "Very unseemly if you ask me."

Juniper wanted to rip the hairbrush out of Selene's hand and hit her over the head with it. "I didn't ask," Juniper sniped. "I never do."

Selene only tilted her head, eyes pitying, "You should really get some more rest Juniper, those dark circles are so very bad for your complexion. I am so worried for your health."

"I'm sure." Juniper bit her tongue, before she could say something she'd regret, pulling on her uniform and stomping down the stairs. She did promise Teddy she would try. It was just so hard, because Selene was just so- Selene. And she made Juniper want to scream and slam her fist into a wall all at once.

She marched into the common room, hands on her hips, about to give Rory a piece of her mind for leaving her in there all alone with Selene and her new best friend Vivian, "Rory you cannot just-" She started loudly, but before she could finish she was tackled to the floor, "Mmph-!"

Teddy clapped a hand to her mouth and pinned her to the floor, "Shhh!" He put a finger to her lips, nodding his head to the couch, where James was staring her down with murder in his eyes. And was that- it was. Rory, shifting in her sleep, but curled up next to James like a cat all the same.

Juniper's jaw dropped, wrestling out of Teddy's hold, but he held firm, "Oh my-"

"Shut. Up." James whispered ferociously, "She is sleeping, and if she wakes up and is surrounded by all of you she will freak out and not speak to me for days."

Juniper rolled her eyes, still lying on the floor, "Was all this really necessary?" She gestured to Teddy, on top of her, hands encircling her wrists.


Teddy gazed at her, and Juniper realized with a rush of heat how close they really were, limbs tangled together. There was a throb in her head, and Teddy leaped away from her like she was on fire, body robotic. He rushed over to Selene, who had just arrived, waiting in the doorway.

James was still talking, "Don't say anything, do you hear me? You saw nothing. Nothing."

At this moment, Charlie and Leo appeared in the common room, reacting in the same manner as Juniper had.


At James' direction, and because Teddy was currently occupied with Selene's tongue down his throat, Juniper hopped on Charlie's back, throwing daggers at Leo from her eyes. James shot her a grateful smile and a thumbs up, sometimes having a twin had its perks.

"Breakfast?" She rested her chin on Charlie's shoulder, one hand still clamped over his mouth. He answered with a muffled yes, glaring at her. "Perfect," Juniper released the ginger haired boy, pointing towards the door, "Onwards."

"I feel like a horse." Charlie grumbled crankily as they headed to the Great Hall with Leo, Juniper remaining perched atop his back. He let her off wen they reached the tables, complaining that all the "good bacon" was gone.

Juniper and Leo turned to each other, eyes sparking with an idea. Charlie paled, "Oh no."

"Lassie?" Leo offered to Juniper, "Can't go wrong with a classic."

"Sparkles?" Juniper countered.


"Snowball?" Leo and Juniper were practically rolling on the floor laughing this point. "Oh my god, Carrots!" Juniper was struck by inspiration, snickering, "Or is that too on the nose?"

"I love it." Leo clapped in appreciation.

"You guys suck." Charlie said though a forkful of eggs, disgruntled but more preoccupied with his plate of food than anything else.

The clock chimed, signaling the start of classes. Juniper searched the corridors for Rory, while her and Leo went to their first class of the day, Advanced Potions. Thankfully, Rory was waiting in the classroom when they arrived. Juniper wasn't going to get through the Potions class without her, plus she was also her partner. They had cauldrons out, which could only mean one thing: they were brewing today. Professor Parkinson was already writing something on the board.

"If you ever leave me alone in that room with Viv and Selene again, I will tell James about the snow globe." Juniper threatened in a low voice, joining Rory behind the cauldron.

Rory blanched at the thought, "You wouldn't."

"Don't you kind of want me to?" Juniper teased her best friend, arching an eyebrow, "Because I'm pretty sure you did not sleep in your own bed last night, or alone for that matter."

"Shut up!" Rory hissed, elbowing Juniper in the ribs. "It doesn't mean anything. We're just friends. I don't- He doesn't- we're friends."

"Still can't believe you're calling my brother your friend," Juniper remarked with wonder. "Last year-" But she was cut off as Professor Parkinson began the lesson, calling the class to order.

"Challenge for today," she said, piercing violet eyes commanding attention, "Amortentia." She tapped her wand to the board, the potions name spelled in loopy cursive, "Most powerful love potion in the world. Whichever pair can brew the most effective and accurate replica of mine, " Parkinson indicated the small cauldron on her desk, filled with a pinkish, pearl like substance, and emitting spiraled curls of steam, "will receive fifteen points each for their house and five percent extra credit on the next exam."

The classroom tittered with anticipation, and Rory's eyes gleamed with determination. Despite the fact that she didn't need the extra credit, her and Teddy had been vying for the top spot in the class all year long, both definitively against letting the other win. James and Juniper, their respective partners, were also highly competitive, never backing down from a challenge. Therefore, Potions this year had been especially intense.

"Your time begins...now." Professor Parkinson waved her wand with flourish, starting the timer.

Juniper and Rory each tied their hair back, feverishly cutting their ingredients. Rory peered in the textbook, stirring the cauldron slowly while her and Juniper sneaked peeks at Teddy and James to see if they were ahead or not.

"Doing alright, Wood?" Teddy asked, nonchalantly slicing his lacewing flies, one handed of course.

"You're not winning this one, Lupin," Rory responded defiantly. "Cocky bastard." She muttered under her breath, and Juniper giggled.

"Real classy, Wood."

"Maybe I'd be able to think of better comebacks if Potter's cologne wasn't so bloody strong," Rory griped, plugging her nose. "I mean, honestly what did he do? Bathe in it? It's the only thing I can smell!"

Teddy nearly choked in surprise, exploding into a coughing fit to cover his laughter, James utterly oblivious.

Juniper hid her smile behind the curlicues of smoke. The room was filled with steam, smells wafting from the cauldrons and overpowering Juniper's senses. Then her heart sank when she sorted out all the scents coming at her.

She smelled- Teddy. Well, not Teddy, exactly. But almost everything that reminded her of him. Firewhiskey and cigarette smoke. Sunrises, fleece jumpers, salty sea air, popcorn and coffee. It was him. All him.

How? Still? How could she still- for the second time that week, Juniper's heart cracked in two. Would she ever get over Teddy? Why, after all this time, was her heart betraying her like this. She knew it was impossible, so why was he the only thing she could smell?

She knew by the slight smile on her brother's face that he was smelling Rory. Juniper was right. James smelled parchment paper and books, honey and vanilla. He smelled, without a doubt, Rory Amanda Wood.

Quietly, Juniper wondered to herself what Teddy smelled. Probably Selene, her perfume or some shit. Figured.

Teddy did not smell Selene. Teddy smelled lilies and fresh laundry. He smelled wet hair and hot chocolate. Teddy smelled grass and mud, rain and snow, a summer day and a fire burning in the hearth. Selene saw it all, knew that these were feelings she could not alter. The thought infuriated her. She needed to try harder. She had to. Selene never failed. And what did Selene smell in the Amortentia?




At this point in the week, Juniper was not expecting much out of Thursday. On the brighter side of things, she'd gotten the crying out of the way early, unfortunate it had to happen in front of Teddy, but still. Juniper was trying to find a silver lining. Quidditch was tomorrow, she was looking forward to that.

Juniper was just- done. So over everything. She was done with Selene and Teddy, with Vivian, she was done with feeling this way. It really really sucked. She was mentally, and physically drained, but she knew she had to be at her best for the Quidditch playoffs.

So Juniper dragged herself out of bed at six in the morning, running laps in the cold, misty air until her nose was red from the wind whipping her hair back and forth. She ran up to the Owlery, fed Star, and unclipped two letters from her talons.

One from Alex, the other from her mother.

Juniper slipped the one from Alex in the pocket of her jumper to read later. His letters always found a way to cheer her up.

She opened the one from her mother, though. It really wasn't from her mother at all. It was from the Department of Aurors, letting her know that Miranda would be on a mission later than expected. It must be for her dad, and Star had delivered it or her by mistake.

Juniper's mood darkened. Her mum was supposed to be coming to the playoffs game tomorrow. Although she and Miranda had rekindled their relationship over holiday, Juniper was still bothered that her mother was never around anymore.

Like, Juniper understood, it was her job, but Juniper was her daughter. Surely that was more important?

Juniper climbed the stone steps to the Headmaster's Tower, her father's study in a state of disarray, per usual. "Dad?" She called questioningly, "Dad are you here?" Juniper noted the tea stains on notebooks, the makeshift pullout scattered with robes. He was living here again. She couldn't blame him really, all alone in that empty house without her Mum. Sure, he had Ron, but her uncle was away so often helping his brothers at the shop that he wasn't home as much as you might think.

"Here Junebug," Her father said, stepping into the room. "Something the matter?"

Juniper waved the piece of paper in her hand, "Letter for you."

Harry took it, pushing his glasses up on the bridge of his nose as he read, "Ah- I see." He murmured, a brief moment of worry passing his face. His mouth downturned, obviously displeased by this news, but trying not to show it to his daughter.

"She couldn't even bother to write it herself." Juniper grumbled, irritated.

"You know how it is on a mission. Her and your Uncle Matt are probably busy." Harry pacified, placing a calming hand on her back.

"She was supposed to come tomorrow. She's always gone!" Juniper whined. She knew she sounded like a three year old. "You know I'm right. Why isn't she back yet?"

Harry sighed, eyes tired, "It's nothing out of the ordinary. She'd be here if she could, you know she would. Don't worry. Everything is fine."

Juniper nodded, but she wasn't sure she believed him. And Harry didn't look as though he believed himself either.

She went back up to her dorm to change into her uniform for school, unzipping her jumper and throwing it in the laundry bin. The rest of the girls were beginning to wake up, Selene decidedly absent. And to think yesterday she'd been bashing Rory for staying the night in the common room. What a fucking hypocrite.

"Ror, do you know where my socks are?" Juniper asked, yanking the covers off the slumbering girl's head where she had fashioned a nest of blankets.

Rory stared ta her with half lidded eyes, grunting and throwing her hand in the direction of the closet, "Mmm."

"I looked there."

"Mmm." Rory repeated, now pointing at a pair of red socks on the floor.

"No not those ones. I'm looking for the purple ones-aah!" Juniper's next sentence was muffled as Rory hurled a pillow at her head to shut her up.

"I think I saw them by the dresser." Vivian commented, slipping her blouse over her head.

'Thanks."  But they weren't on the dresser either. Finally, Juniper resorted to crawling on her hands and knees, peering under beds and shelves in hopes that they'd fallen behind something. Suddenly, a hint of silver caught her eye, winking at her. She crawled closer .

"Careful," Vivian said, "thats Selene's stuff. She wouldn't want you snoop-"

"Oh. My. God." Juniper snatched what she had found and held it up in her hand, aghast.

It was her whistle.

Undoubtedly, her whistle.

The telltale J.P. engraved in the side, and the frayed string at the ends.

The whistle she'd thought was lost. That had just so happened to appear among Selene's things. Coincidence? Juniper did not fucking think so.

"She stole my whistle. The bitch stole my fucking whistle." Juniper seethed, gritting her teeth.

"Holy shit." Rory poked her head up in disbelief.

Vivian protested, "You shouldn't jump to conclusions, J. You don't know-"

"Really?! Really, Vivian?!" Juniper yelled, "You're taking her side?! Hell you probably knew it was there, didn't you?! God- some friend you are!"

"I didn't-" Vivian began, but Juniper was already charging out of her dorm, and down the stairs hands clenched in tight fists. She had really tried with that god awful girl, but this, this was over the line. Over the fucking line.

"Selene!" Juniper shouted, voice echoing off the walls.

The unnerving beauty turned around, smiling sweetly, "Juniper you must lower your-"

"I WILL NOT LOWER MY VOICE!" Juniper stormed forward, matching Selene's icy gaze with her own fiery one.  Her eye blazed with anger as she shoved the whistle smack in Selene's face, 'You know I tried to be nice to you. I really fucking did. But I'm not tolerating this shit anymore. You are a lying, backstabbing, thieving snake, and I am done dealing with it." Juniper ranted, voice rising louder and louder. A crows was starting gather, "Do not steal from me. Ever. Do you hear me? If you steal from me again you won't live to regret it."

Selene continued to smile, looking as though she was quite enjoying this. She eyed Juniper like a lion about to ounce on a gazelle, practically licking her lips. "Oh Juniper, you have no idea what I am capable of. Besides, I have already stolen your precious Teddy from you. And you are not getting him back." She lowered her voice to a dangerous whisper, then giggled maniacally, "Did you really think he could ever want you? You over me? How stupid can you be? You should hear the things he tells me about you when we're alone, you-"

Juniper saw red, and before she knew it, she was smacking Selene clear across her cheek. Selene grinned ike a Cheshire Cat, excited. "Excellent." Selene purred, "Let's play."

Juniper's forehead burned, eyes watering at Selene's deep red ones. A stab of pain shot up her arm, and she found the girl had scratched her. A long, deep gash imprinted in her arm. The pain was almost excruciating, but Juniper wouldn't give up. The two girls lunged for each other, landing on the floor as they tussled. Selene bared her teeth, animalistic thirst overtaking her expression as she pounced for the swoop of Juniper's neck.

Before Selene could sink her teeth into flesh, Charlie and James wrenched the girls' apart. Leo helping to restrain Juniper.

"Break it up!" James commanded, blocking Selene's path to Juniper forcefully. "Before you hurt yourselves."

"James-" Juniper resisted Charlie and Leo's hold, kicking them in the shins when they lifted her feet off the ground.

"Christ- Junie you're bleeding!" James palmed his forehead, muttering, "Dad's gonna kill me."

James was right, a trickle of blood slid down her arm, dripping to the floor. Juniper winced, and Charlie pressed his sleep to the wound to stem the blood.

"Did you do this to her?" Leo directed his question toward Selene, jaw tightening. His words were threatening.

"Whoa what's going on here?" Teddy happened on the scene, drawn instantly to Juniper when he saw the blood on her arm. "Junie-"

"Teddy!"  Selene ordered, eyes flashing.

Teddy's irises clouded, torn between Selene and Juniper.

"It was so scary, darling." Selene whimpered, cowering in the blonde's arms. "She accused me of stealing, and then *sniff* attacked me." Selene let out a carefully practiced sob, burying her head in Teddy's chest.

Teddy frowned, "Is this true?"

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Juniper exclaimed, incredulous. Was he serious? How could he-

Selene forced her lip to quiver, a singular tear expertly falling from her eye, "I told you she hated me, darling. That she was jealous. I was just trying to be her friend. I told you they'd never *sniff* accept me."

"You stole my whistle!" Juniper shouted, "I am not fucking jealous of you, you self absorbed bitch!"

Selene gasped, then on cue, promptly burst into tears, "You see, " She blubbered pitifully, "you see how she treats me, darling? I thought I could handle it, but it's too much abuse."

Teddy consoled her, softly caressing her head. Juniper wanted to throw up. "Sel, did you take her whistle?" He asked.

Selene looked affronted he was even asking, but replied in a small, sad voice, "I swear I didn't, darling. I'd never."

Teddy's eyes flicked to Juniper, who was still in shock.

"You don't seriously believe her do you?" Juniper cried, "Teddy!"

"You said you'd try, Junie," Teddy told her plaintively, monotone. "You promised."

"She stole my whistle!" Juniper repeated, for what must've been the hundredth time, "She's been nothing but horrible to me since the day we met. I tried, Teddy."

"She says she didn't take it." Teddy stated.

"You believe her? Over me? You- Teddy!"

"I-" He hesitated, wavering

"I'm done Teddy." Juniper said, "I'm so done."

He'd made his choice. That much was clear. No one chose Juniper.

Selene was right all along.



Juniper took a deep breath, captain's badge secure on her uniform, and her newly found whistle around her neck. It was finally Friday, and despite the fact that her week had been an entire shit show, she was holding out a sliver of hope for today's playoff game. It was Quidditch after all, the thing she loved best.

Thunderous clouds were inky overhead, foreshadowing the rain that was to come. It was alright, though. Juniper quiet liked playing in the rain, as hard as it was to see the Snitch in a downpour, it was exhilarating to fly in a storm.

There was no way Juniper was losing this match. Nothing else could go wrong this week. She was sure of it.

"Ready?" James nudged her with his shoulder, the rest of the team appearing behind her. They could all hear the students tittering above them in their seats.

Juniper nodded, striding out on to the pitch to meet Madam Hooch.

"Captains shake hands." Hooch instructed, "3, 2, 1..." The shrill tweet of her whistle pierced the cool air.

"AND THEY'RE OFF!" Scarlett Jordan's voice blared through the megaphone.

Juniper glided up, up, up to the sky, and she bit her lip when the steadily falling rain hit the scratch on her arm, sharply stinging. Juniper was determined not to let it affect her. She needed a clear mind if she was going to win this thing.

It was hard though. Selene's voice forever in the back of her mind, you should hear what he tells me about you when we're alone...

No. No. Juniper pushed the voice out of her mind. She wasn't focusing on that right now. It wasn't true. It couldn't be. It was just Selene ring to mess with her. Juniper had taken her attention away from the game a second too long.

"...RAVENCLAW SCORES! FUCK YOU GUYS GET IT TOGETHER! I'm sorry professor!" Scarlett cursed, as the Ravenclaw section cheered, Rose sticking her tongue out cheekily at her brother after her Quaffle sailed through the hoop.

Damn it. Juniper thought. Get your head in the game, Potter!

"Gryffindor back in possession, McGonagall twins flying down the field. Damn their mother must be proud!"

"She is!" Juniper heard her aunt bellow from the stands, red hair flying as she jumped up and down in support of her children. Leo, sitting next to her, hid himself in his scarf, thoroughly embarrassed.

"Evelyn passes to Potter, Jesus the squealing has got to stop ladies! You're going to blow out my bloody eardrums. Yes, we all know he's fit, he's got good genes- what professor- I'm only saying that- how is it inappropriate? It's a compliment professor, he's a DILF- what do you mean I can't- she's a MILF too- but I was only- yes professor. Sorry professor. Oh bugger, Ravenclaw's back in possession!" Scarlett said glumly, "I'm trying to be unbiased professor!"

"Knox sends a bludger, and YES! Gryffindor has the Quaffle! Go James go! Potter shoots- HE SCORES! FIFTY POINTS TO GRYFFINDOR!" The Gryffindor spectators roar in appreciation, stamping their feet.

James pumped his fist, sending a flirtatious wink Rory's way. However, Lydia Bones, who was sitting in the seats below Rory and Teddy, mistook it as directed towards her.

"Lot of support for James Potter today," Scarlett commented, "Is that a sign I see?"

It was, in fact, a sign. A massive, hot pink sign with an emblem of James' face and the words JAMES #1 FAN on it. Lydia Bones squeal was his pitched as she showed off her sign, waving at James each time he passed.

Rory glared, and Teddy, with an expert flick of his wand, sent a spark of fire out the tip. It landed on the very corner of Lydia's sign, and in an instant, the sign turned to ash.

"Sorry Lydia!" Teddy apologized innocently, "My warming spell went awry."  He shared a conspiratorial smile with Rory, squeezing her arm.

"GRYFFINDOR SCORES AGAIN! WE ARE ON FIRE TODAY!" Scarlett screamed into the megaphone, along with the rets of the house, "Just like Lydia's sign..."

Juniper searched the drizzly skies for the Snitch, she was so close to the Championship she could nearly taste it. Her clothes were damp, clinging to her like plastic wrap, but she didn't care. All of her energy was focused on that feisty gold ball.

Lighting cracked above her, illuminating up the sky with a brilliant flare. Suddenly, her head scorched with an intense pain. The same one she'd been feeling all week, but a thousand times more powerful. She screwed her eyes tight, praying too would pass. Everything was burning, her body charring as the torturous flames licked her insides. The pain was crippling, debilitating.

Juniper was struggling to fly, and the rain continued to pound down, unrelenting as the pain. Juniper was in sheer agony, contorting to keep herself upright on her broom. Her vision blurred. It hurt so bad, it hurt so so bad.

"Potter wobbling a bit up there." Scarlett followed everyone's eyes up to where Juniper was. "Shit is she okay?"

"Help!" Juniper croaked, weakly. Selene was nearby, watching her carefully, muttering something under her breath. "Selene- help-!"

Selene raised her Beater's bat, and with a resounding hit, sent a Bludger hurtling straight at Juniper. The bludger flew at her with impressive speed, and Juniper tried to dodge out of its way. It only continued to follow her. Juniper couldn't escape it. She couldn't get away. It was right on her tail, faster than she could fly. What was happening?!

"Is that- what's wrong with that Bludger?!" Scarlett said worriedly, "We've got a rogue Bludger on our hands professor! Juniper watch out!"

In the stands, every spectator was silent, holding their breath. Teddy and Rory stood up in anguish, hands p]over their mouths. Charlie abandoned the goal post, him and James zooming to reach Juniper.

They were too late.

The Bludger struck Juniper with such strength it catapulted her off her broom. Juniper tumbled through the air, Bludger pressing up against her chest, arms and legs pinwheeling wildly. She screamed, plummeting closer and closer to the ground. The Black Lake loomed late ahead of her, its murky depths just inches from her face.

The bludger drove her down forcefully, compressing her ability to breathe. She plunged into the water, dragged down by the Bludger. Juniper kicked frantically, desperate to get to the surface, but the Bludger's weight thrust her steadily downward.

Juniper was pinned on the sandy bottom, gasping for air. She screamed again, but no one could hear her. Choking, seeing stars, Juniper fought against the pressure. Her lungs burned. Air, she needed air.

The surface looked so far away.

There was so much water.

No one was coming. She was drowning.

Would anyone really care if she was gone?

No. No one loves you. He will never love you.

You're alone

Water flooded her lungs, consuming Juniper whole.

And Juniper stopped fighting.

i'm just gonna leave this here...


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