One. "Back to Hell"

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Disclaimer: I don't know own any Total Drama characters only any OC's that may or may not be in this story. Btw: families' of the characters play a big role in this story. Warning: this story has been set to mature for the following: violence, strong language, sexual references, homophobia, triggering events, drug use, underage...everything, and more.

Tuesday, September 13th
5:00 P.M.  Vellum, Canada

Gwen's POV
       I was sitting in the middle of my house at the funeral reception. I was sitting alone and people kept touching my shoulder telling me they were sorry for my lose. There were so many people I didn't know...and that's so weird as this town is extremely small and everyone basically knows everyone. My father and older brother were suppose to be here, but my father's lawyer called the both of them away from the reception as my mother was trying to fight against him for custody of me.

I stared at a picture of me, my mother, and James or Jimmy as we would often call him. I blinked as my eyes started watering. I got up and ran up to my room and slammed the door behind me. I just wanted to be left alone, I felt horrible. I slide down the side of the door sobbing.

    "Gwen!" Bridgette said from outside. 

       Last Friday my mother and little brother had gotten in a car accident, on their way to pick up from a football game that I didn't even want to go to. My mother was fine, but I can't say the same for well, look the fuck around. The only reason I went, was because my friends told me I'd miss out on the "high experience" whatever the hell that meant. If I had gone home earlier that day, I wouldn't be having a funeral for my brother. I blame all of this Bridgette, Geoff, Noah, and Duncan...the four people that wanted to me to go to that stupid game. Sure they didn't know this would happen, but I still blame them.

"Gwen we're all here for you." Geoff said and I put my head against the door.

"Oh fuck off." I said with tears flooding from my eyes.

I sat against the door shoving my head between my legs, while I cried.

Courtney's POV
I had just moved to this very...very small town, around two weeks ago. Right now I was at the funeral for the son of my mother's old friend. All I know is that a twelve year old died in a car accident. I was standing awkwardly around with my two older brothers as my mother talked with her old high school friends. I watched four people, who I remember seeing at freshman orientation last Tuesday. The four of them started talking, as one of the women my mother was talking to turned around. I have a class with each one of them and I'm pretty sure their names were Geoff, Bridgette, Duncan, and Noah.

  "How is she?" One of them asked.

"She blames us for Jimmy's death, she's never going to talk to any of us again!" Bridgette said, in a worried tone.

"Honey no, give her time...she'll forgive you all." The woman said and hugging her daughter.

The four guys glanced at each other, as I stood there awkwardly. After like twenty minutes of awkwardly standing next to my brothers, my mother finally introduced the three of us, to the people was talking to and their kids. I smiled a bit and they all looked at each other, and then started talking to me.

        After about an hour of talking, I had to use the bathroom. I walked to the downstairs one, but it was occupied. I remember someone saying there was a bathroom upstairs, so I made my way up the stairs. I opened the door and saw a girl crying while whipping makeup off her face.

"Oh, my gosh...I'm so sorry." I said and walked out.

That must of been Mary and Alec's daughter, and the sister the kid. I think her name was Gwendolyn...or Gwen, I don't really know. I was waited for her to get out of the bathroom. When the door opened, again she looked at me and I noticed makeup smuggles all under her eyes. She didn't say anything, just looked at me confused, at who I was.

  "I'm uh...sorry for your lose." I said and she sighed.

  "....whatever." She said starting to tear up, and I looked around awkwardly.

      She looked at me and then walked off without saying anything else. I felt so bad for her...I couldn't imagine loosing either one of my brothers. I may hate Brandon, but I don't wish death upon him...he is still my brother at the end of the day. I walked into the bathroom, looked around, and sighed.


Monday, September 1st
7:00 P.M. Vellum, Canada

Courtney's POV
I was sitting in my room making sure everything was ready for school, since it started tomorrow. I was on a video chat with Ducnan, Noah, Bridgette and Geoff talking about how we were all finally seniors. My three years here have in been pretty good, like becoming student council president, making big changes to our school, and finding out I'm into girls. I haven't found the right girl yet, but I've tried with one...her name's Heather, and well..we didn't really work out.

  "So who wants to meet up at Russell's Diner tonight?" Geoff asked.

"I could eat." I said.

"Sure, better than staying in this shit hole." Noah said looking around his room.

  "I'm in" Bridgette said and we all glanced at Duncan's screen.

  "Yeah...I gotta do something, so I'll be a little late." Duncan said and then we all signed off.

I changed, and then walked downstairs. My mother was at work, and my two older brothers were laying on the couch. They sadly don't go back to college for another two weeks. I didn't say anything to them, as I walked outside and threw my things inside my car. I started driving to the diner, and when I arrived I noticed Bridgette, Geoff, and Noah were already there. We all walked inside and I saw a bunch of people from our school. Like Geoff's jock friends, the cheerleaders, and even the outcasts. We got our own booth and I looked at them.

Gwen's POV
I was fucking back in this godforsaken town, as my custody trial was finally ending. I've been living in Paris for the past three years it was great, and I truly hope my father wins. A lot about me has changed since my brother died...that shit really fucked me up. For instance, I started smoking weed to relax and take the pain's been working, until the actual goddamn trial started. Later on I was put on antidepressants, and they worked in the beginning...but like everything else in my life...they stopped.

Now, I'm trying out other drugs like...crack, meth, heroin...honestly anything I can get my hands on. I'm not an addict, I'm just trying to make the pain to go away. Right now I was stocking up on drugs, as starting tonight I'm moving in with Satan also known as my mother. I was meeting my new dealer at the park right now, and hopefully he has something strong. I turned into an alleyway and saw shoes hanging on a power line and smirked. I'm surprised this shit town even had drug dealers...I wonder if I'll recognize whoever the fuck this is. I grabbed my wallet and started looking at the money I had, as I made my way towards the guy.

"What do you have?" I asked and he looked at me.

"Depends on how much money you have, sweetheart." A familiar smug voice said.

Wait...the drug dealer is Duncan? I looked at him and it definitely was him. I could tell by the piercings and the same lime green died hair from when we were kids. I moved my hood over my head more so he wouldn't notice me. I scratched my arm, as I waited to see what he had. I showed him my wallet and he laughed.

  "Geez, you must be new here...nobody's shit is that much." Duncan said and I rolled my eyes.

"What do you have?" I asked again and he moved his jacket.

I saw a bunch of marijuana, cigarettes, and plain shit burning like that.

  "Do you have any heroin?" I asked and he looked at me, and then showed me a gram baggie. "How much?" I asked.

  "Depends on how much do you want." He said and I looked around.

" five grams." I said and he laughed.

"Twenty each" he said and I looked at him.

I gave him a hundred bucks and basically ripped the baggies out of his hand when he handed them to me. I quickly walked off and didn't say anything else. I have no idea if he noticed it was me, but I didn't care. I ran off to my car that I parked a block away. I was going to dissolve it instead of just snorting powder, so I started driving home fast. When I arrived, I hid three bags in my car and put the others in my hoodie. I ran into the house and saw my father sitting there.

  "Don't forget we're meeting your mother at the diner." My father said and I looked at him.

  "Yeah...okay, whatever." I said and ran up to my room and closed my door.

       I locked it and sat down at my desk, but before I could anything there was a knock at my door. I groaned and got up to see my father standing there with my older brother Tristen.

"I'm kinda busy...packing and all." I lied and Tristen looked at me.

"Well...hurry up, we don't want to keep your mother waiting." My father said and I nodded.

I walked back to my desk and ground. I was going to leave in this outfit, so I could start getting my lighter, dish, needles, and other shit ready in my drug duffle bag for my mom's house. Soon Tristen started banging on my door, I groaned and got up. I made my way downstairs and my father looked at me.

       I put my head against the glass as my father drove towards this stupid diner. The second we arrived I stayed there and my father told Tristen to watch me, so I didn't do anything "bad". Sure they might know about my love for drugs, but I'm not a fucking addict...they both think I am, but I'm not. I can and will stop......when I want to. I saw my mother's car drive up and I groaned.

8:20 P.M. Vellum, Canada

Courtney's POV
       Duncan arrived at Russell's Diner around 7:40. I knew he was probably selling drugs to some loser, as that's his so called "job" or whatever. Five minutes later, our families came in. I honestly don't know why they were here, but they were. They sat in the booths next to us and I looked at everyone, as we went back to comparing our schedules. Around 8:10 our food was served to us and we all started eating.

Ten minutes into eating, the bell that was hooked up to the door rung and I glanced over to see who was coming in. A man walked in and he looked around. I don't know why, but he..for some reason looked familiar.

"Oh my god..." Duncan's mother said looking at him

        Everyone else at the table looked over and saw the guy standing there. He didn't notice any of us and I looked at my mother, and noticed how shocked she was. Brandon and Connor were just as confused as I was. We all looked back at the man as he looked turned around, he noticed at us and made a face.

   "Alec!" My mother said and the man looked over.

        He walked over and all our parents got up one by one and hugged him. They all started talking and I sat there watching with everyone else. I couldn't quite hear, what they were saying so I just finished my meal. When I finished I turned to see our parents still talking to this man.

"So...what brings you back here?" Duncan's mother asked.

"The custody trial for Gwen is finally ending, so Gwen has the rest of the time with her mother." He said and then it clicked.

This was the father of the child, who had died when I first moved here. I remember only seeing him in the beginning of the reception. Thinking back, I remembered he had to leave the reception for the custody battle, it's been like three years and it's still going

"Still?" Duncan asked and Alec nodded.

"I don't want to bore you all with the details, but the judge doesn't think I'm stable to raise my daughter...even though I've raised a whole other kid." Alec said and my mother looked at him.

"Speaking of are they?" My mother asked and Alec sighed.

"Well Tristen's great...he turned twenty-four in July. He's a first year resident surgeon somewhere in the US. Gwen...well she's....she's not doing good." Alec said and I glanced over, and noticed everyone confused. "She's still depressed over loosing Jimmy and has a drug addiction.....and it's not pretty." He added and everyone was shocked to hear this.

I sat there and listened to him talk about his daughter. I didn't say much, but now I understood why this trial was taking so long. I'm not calling him a bad parent, I just understand why his ex wife doesn't want him to have full custody of their daughter. I just stayed out of it, as he asked about how she coming to our school tomorrow as well. I remember hearing stories on how close my mother and Alec were in high school, and I just knew my mother going to make me look out for her. Did I want to do that? No, but was my mother probably going to make me...yes.

Well...that's where we'll stop. Please tell me, do you guys like "long" chapters (2900-3200 words range) or "short" (2200-2600 words range)? I'm sorry if this awkward and bad, I'm getting back into my Gwourtney ways and trying to think this through. Anyways thank you all for reading and I hope to see you in the next chapter.

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