Two: "Preppy Bitch"

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Warning: lol get use to these...this chapter will contain drug use and very strong language.

8:35 P.M. Ottawa, Canada

Gwen's POV
I was leaning against my mother's car as she talked to Tristen. I saw my father was inside talking to his old friends, plus a few other people. I was debating going into to the diner and saying anything. My father glanced out and saw me just standing here. I saw Bridgette, Duncan, Noah, and Geoff sitting there...then shook my head and got into my mother's car. I started honking her horn and both her and Tristen looked at me.

  "Can we fucking go?" I asked and my mother gave my older brother a look.

"Just me a minute Gwendolyn." My mother said and I groaned throwing my head back.

       I just sat there waiting for her to shut up. I was literally about to steal her keys and drive off myself. After ten minutes conversation, she got in the car and we drove home. When we arrived home, I grabbed my bags and went straight up to my room. I slammed and locked my door, then threw my things down. I grabbed my duffel bag and started getting ready to dissolve my heroin. After I finished I grabbed filled up my needle and took my sock off, and started injecting the heroin into my toe.

Tuesday, September 2nd
6:20 A.M.  Vellum, Canada

Courtney's POV
        My alarm went off and I sat up. Yes...the first day of senior year, I'm so ready! I got up, took a shower, got dressed and then made my way downstairs. I quickly ate breakfast and then ran out to my car and drove to school. I arrived around 7:00 A.M. and was ready for everything. I parked my car and walked straight into the office as well, I'm student council president and I had to make sure everything was ready for the freshman council election.

  "Good morning Courtney" Principal Morris said and I smiled at him.

  "Good morning" I said with a bright smile.

      He walked into his office and I went back to what I was doing. Soon Noah walked in, as he was vice president of the student council and started helping me. It only took four minutes, and then I watched Noah look at me and then outside the office. He looked up a student's name and schedule and I looked at him.

  "Holy shit, she actually is coming here." He said to himself.

I glanced over his shoulder and saw the name Gwendolyn Ingrid-Rousseau. She must be the daughter of Alec, the guy we met at the diner last night. Great his drug addict daughter, is actually coming to school here. Well, if she's anything like how her father described her, I don't see her actually coming for more than three days a week.

The door opened and I glanced up to see Bridgette walk in with Geoff and Duncan. Noah showed him her schedule and I looked for myself. I noticed how she was in three AP classes, an honors class, taking two different art electives, and a study hall. I was kinda shocked actually..for a heroin addict she's extremely smart. The two of us had like four classes together.

"Well I have no classes with her." Duncan said and Geoff laughed agreeing.

"We have Honor Physics together." Bridgette said and I looked.

"I have AP English, AP History, AP Calculus BC, and Art 2." I said and they all looked at me.

  "What the fuck is AP Calculus BC?" Duncan asked and I looked at him.

  "Look it up" I said and he rolled his eyes.

I was seriously shocked about how this heroin addict was in all AP or honors classes. Well, just because she's in the classes doesn't mean she'll stay in them. I give her a week before she drops out. Noah mentioned having three classes with her and right when we were all about to leave the office, the door opened. I glanced and a goth girl walked into the office and I looked at us, and then the our office lady Mrs. Ambrose. None of us said anything, we all just watched her. She was actually kinda cute, I wonder who she is.

"Hi my name's Gwendolyn Ingrid-Rousseau...I'm supposed to have a meeting with my guidance counselor." She said and I was shocked.

"First door on your left, she's all ready for you." Mrs. Ambrose said and she smiled and walked by all of us.

The really cute goth girl, the heroin addict, and the extremely smart AP/honors student are all the same I looked at everyone and they were more shocked than I was.

Gwen's POV
I yawned while walking towards my guidance counselor's office. I recognized everyone that was in office, as my old friends from my childhood. Did I say, I just kept walking. When I made it to the room I sat down and my counselor looked at me and then her clipboard.

  " must be Gwen, welcome back." She said and I laughed.

  "Back...I went her for like three weeks my freshman year." I said and she shrugged.

   "You're still you know why you're in here?" She asked and I looked around

   "My father probably told you I'm addicted to drugs, which I'm not...because look at me. Now what are you doing to do...drug test me every morning before I come here or...?" I asked and she laughed.

   "No...unless I find out you're using." She said and I sighed.

   "How would you even find out?" I asked and she shrugged.

   "I have my ways." She said and I rose my eyebrow.

       I sighed and looked around. She just told about how "drug use is bad", "I can't balance school and drugs at the same time", and a bunch of middle school bullshit. We finished the conversation off with her telling me about trying to find a friend to get through the first few weeks. I denied, but that only made her push it the point where she called some girl in. I rolled my eyes and she looked at me.

"Courtney, this is our new senior...I know we usually don't do tours here, but Gwen here needs a friend. You two share about...four classes, and I know for a fact your parents were friends in high school." Mrs. Ambrose said and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't need a babysitter." I said and Courtney rose her eyebrow.

"I didn't say you needed one, Courtney is your friend here." Mrs. Ambrose said and I groaned.

I looked at the girl and she shyly smiled at me. I just sat there with an annoyed look on my face and then looked at my guidance counselor. Fuck it...fine, I'll take a babysitter over a goddamn drug test everyday...whatever.

"You know what...fine." I said and she smiled.

"Good discussion, now Gwen you may go...Courtney I need to talk to about something." Mrs. Ambrose said and I got up and left.

I hate guidance counselors. They don't care about people like me, they're only paid to act like they care. I groaned and turned the corner. I noticed my old friends again and they all looked at me.

"Welcome back Gwen." Bridgette said and I glanced at the four of them.

  "....thanks, but I really wish I wasn't here." I said and walked out of the office.

       Was that a bitch move...oh well I don't care. I still blame the four of them for the death of my brother. I walked to my homeroom class and sat down. Thank god my first class was a pottery class, and hopefully things would work well there.

Courtney's POV
        I was sitting with Mrs. Ambrose and she was telling about keeping an eye on Gwen. I mean my mother told me to do the same last night, so I was already planning on doing it. I pretty sure she was going to be resilient towards me, so I was going to try and keep my distance. I left the office and I saw an upset Bridgette, standing there.

"What happened?" I asked

"She still hasn't forgiven us...she...she hates us." Bridgette said on the verge of tears.

Okay, I had no idea Bridgette was this emotional with anything other than her relationship with Geoff. Maybe, I could help their friendship work out again. I mean I do have to spend the next year with her, why not actually help her instead of being a bother. I don't think she'll like that, but it's worth a try.

1:30 P.M. Vellum, Canada

Gwen's POV
      I walked into AP English and saw Noah sitting in the back and I groaned. I wanted to sit in the back so little Miss Prissy Pants Courtney, couldn't see me. I sat down in the back corner near the teacher's desk, next to Noah and he glanced at me. The two of us didn't say anything to each other, until Courtney walked in and she looked at us. The seats in front, and around me were taken, so that meant preppy had to sit in front...away...from me.

  "Oops sorry, looks like there's no room. I see a spot in the front, over there." I said and she looked at me.

"Fine...we still have three other classes together." She said and I flipped her off as she walked off.

I could finally relax, this class would be fine. Noah doesn't talk much so that's even better. I glanced over at Noah and he was looking at me and then glanced at Courtney.

"Are you still bi-curious?" Noah asked and I looked at him.

  "That's none of your business." I said and he laughed.

       He shrugged and then got up, he called Courtney over and my eyes grew as he switched seats with her. I groaned slamming my head into my table as she walked over to me. This had to be my last class with her. Next is the class I love, the class that I actually came here 2.

2:10 P.M. Vellum, Canada

Courtney's POV
Yeah, well Gwen hates me, more than I thought than she would. She's called me a preppy bitch, about three times today, and I knew she was going to lose it the second I walk into art 2. I knew for a fact that this class is for certain and very experienced art students get in. I only got in since I'm apart of student council, and I'm guessing Gwen was an experienced artist, as there's no other way she would into this class.

"She's literally going to kill you when you walk into that room." Noah said looking at me.

"Yeah, thanks you to switching the seat." I said and he laughed.

"Well, that's kind of a good thing...she always hates people before she makes them her friends. Like she despised Geoff and then they became best friends, same with me and Noah. The only exception is her and well Teresa and Alec basically did everything together when they were kids to they were distended to be friends." Bridgett said and I gave her a nod.

"Hopefully she'll at least get used to me." I said and Bridgette agreed.

We all walked off to our last class of the day. I walked into the art room and saw Gwen sitting at a desk. No one other seniors were in this class, just three juniors. Gwen looked up from her phone and saw me.

"I can't tell if you're following me or our schedules are just this similar at this point." Gwen said actually talking to me, it was weird...she seemed like she was now in a good mood.

", I swear we actually had four classes together from the start." I said and she laughed.

Okay this was getting weird, maybe what Noah and Bridgette said is true. She hates people at first and then becomes their friends. Or maybe she's in a good mood, because her drugs came in early or something, I don't know.

"You seem like you're in an actual good mood." I said and she shrugged.

"I just found out I'm living at my father's friend's house for a bit, instead of my mother's." She said and I nodded. "I think her name is Connie Barlow." She added and I looked at her.

   "As in like...Dr. Connie Barlow?" I asked and she nodded.

        That second I got a text from my mother saying, Gwen is going to stay with us for a bit. I understand you might be against it because she's an addict, but I think we can help her ~Mom. I literally froze. I looked at Gwen and then put down my phone. I was kind of scared of what Gwen's response would be. 

   " that's my mother, and from the text I just're staying at my house." I said and she looked at me.

   "You're kidding?" She asked laughing a bit.

       Okay what...this girl is so...unpredictable. Her mood swing's were literally insane, and then I remembered...mood swings are a symptom of someone on heroin. I ignored that thought and then looked at her.

  "No I'm not kidding, I'd show you the text...but she called you a drug addict." I said and Gwen rolled her eyes. 

  "Is your mom laid back?" Gwen asked and I shrugged.

  "She's a general surgeon, so she's never really home...if that answers your question." I said and Gwen shrugged.

       Before I could say anything else, the bell rang and call started. Gwen pulled out a sketchbook and I glanced over at it and was shocked at her art. I understand why she was in art 2....her work was absolutely amazing. The whole class we ended up going over the syllabus, and all the art projects we were doing, but half the time I caught myself staring at Gwen's sketchbook and being utterly amazed.

       Soon class ended and Gwen looked at me. We both packed up our things and then walked out of class together. We were talking about how Gwen was coming over later tonight, and then randomly started laughing over the juniors in our class. I walked to my locker and she gave me a glance.

   "Oh shit I gotta go, I'll see you later." She said I nodded.

   "Bye see you later." I said, and then smiled while watching her run off.

   "Aww...Courtney has a crush on the heroin addict goth girl, now isn't this just a cute little love story." Heather said coming out of nowhere and I looked at her.

   "Oh...leave me alone Heather." I said and she walked off laughing.

          I rolled my did I ever like her? Ugh whatever...I started grabbing my things and then walked out to my car. I put my things in my car and then drove home.

Lol...yes, at this point you're probably Gwen and Courtney like each other as friends, or is that just the drugs in Gwen's system...who knows. Things will start heating up soon I swear, I'm lowkey trying to take this book slower so more chapters come out. Anyways I hope you all liked this chapter and that I'll see you in the next one!

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