Enter The Fray

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3rd POV

It was quiet throughout the city of Vale, nothing was happening, no street performers putting on shows, no bustling bullheads moving people in and out of the city, and no one bothering with anybody else's business. Well, all xcept for an oddly named shop, called
From Dust Till Dawn


That's the only sound that could be heard throughout the silence if the night, as a man with a black suit, orange glasses, and a similarly black hat was sent through the window of said shop.

Next we see the supposed boss of the grunt that had been thrown through window, seemingly being very impatient with her employees.

Boss: Well, get them

The boss of the goons was a young woman, seemingly in her early to mid twenties. She was slim, with flowing orange hair, deep emerald green eyes, a fashionable white coat, with a walking can and bowler hat to boot.

As she had watched her goons fight with their 'assailants', she managed to male out the image of the first one.

It was a girl, with a red combat skirt, an unfolding scythe for a weapon, with black hair that ended with red tips, and... silver eyes.

As she watched her goons in their struggle with their combatants, she took notice of her other assailant, the one to really look out for, an unknown.

The unknown person appeared to be male, but that was it. She couldn't make out any distinct features about his face, because he had a helmet like mask covering the entirety of his head, and wore a black cloak, hiding any semblance of a significant feature to distinguish him.

As the boss watched the fight, she had a growing interest in the unknown character in which she had been facing, watching intently, until a grunt came flying towards her from an impact delivered by the unknown.

Boss: You were worth every cent, truly you were.

Intent on what she just witnessed, she decided to flee the scene, but only after noticing that grunt, before being launched like a rag doll, had managed to knock the hood off of the unknown, revealing a pair of black rabbit ears.

Boss:*whispering* So, he's a faunus, huh?

As she watched the battle continue, she had realized that she had a short window of time left to escape, so she decided to make an exit, a grand exit.

Boss: Well, as much as I'd love to stick around, mainly for you Bunny, this is where we part ways.

As she had shouted that, she lifted up her walking cane and pointed the bottom at the two, revealing that it was actually a concealed gun, firing a non-lethal dust explosive, because she was interested in the rabbit.

As the blast was powerful, it pushed the two away from their places, but the one in red simply used a back flip to get back to her original position, while the faunus kicked his feet into the ground, keeping himself in place.

Once they had noticed that the criminal was escaping, the girl in red ran over to the old man who owns the store.

Red: You don't mind if we go after her, do you?

At this question, the old man simply nodded his head, and off the girl went, using the recoil of her gun to launch herself up towards the rooftop in which the woman had fled, while the rabbit simply watched, crouched down towards the ground, and launched himself towards the roof, landing with a roll.

Red: Hey!

Boss: Persistent, but I might as well get one last look at Bunny while I'm at it.

As the woman muttered to herself, she soon had an escape route, a bullhead that had came up behind her. She quickly climbed into the open door that was directly behind her.

Boss: End of the line Red!

At that, she tossed a red dust crystal at the girl, and fired a bullet at the crystal, creating a large explosion. As the faunus had been seeing this, he dashed in front of the girl, grabbing her, and acting as a shield to protect her from the blast, but the blast never came.

Boss: Woo hoo hoo hooo!

The criminal woman began laughing at her believed success in taking the girl's life. Then she noticed that both the girl and the faunus were alright, protected by a purple glyph, cast by a newcomer, a beautiful woman with lovely blonde hair, and her weapon of choice... A riding crop?

It didn't exactly matter from her strange weapon choice, because instantly after forming the glyph, she began to cast purple projectiles towards the fleeing bullhead, knocking it around while still in the air.

Boss: We got a huntress!

The woman had called out to the driver of the bullhead, switching places with them, as the driver is revealed to be another woman, but it is impossible to make out any features of her face because of the darkness, only showing her glowing, orange eyes, and her blood red dress.

Boss:Now what?

Before the two had finished switching places, the blonde newcomer had created a storm above the bullhead, striking it with large ice shards.

As the two had finished switching, the mysterious woman began to create and hurl large balls of fire at the blonde huntress, which were blocked, and then creating a large explosion where she was standing.

Using the rubble created by the explosion, she formed a large javelin, launching it at the bullhead, inevitably being blasted apart before reaching its target, and reforming again to hit the bullhead, but bouncing off of it, forming three more serpent like javelins of rubble, which were once again blasted apart by the mysterious woman.

Bunny thoughts: This is going on a long time, I might as well do something about it to even the odds.

As Bunny had been thinking of ways to do so, the girl in red had begun to help out the huntress in an attempt to take down the bullhead by firing bullets at them, which were once again blocked and deflected by the mysterious woman, melting before they reached their target.

As they were both fighting, Bunny was standing there, watching the fight continue, until the unknown woman in the bullhead had created a large wall of fire where the huntress and her had been standing, with the huntress shifting the girl out of the path of the blast.

Bunny thoughts: Well, now's a good a time as any.

With that notion in mind, the faunus, who had not done much of anything during the fight, had immediately joined the fray, crouching down, aiming his body towards the escaping bullhead, and launching himself in a incredibly powerful leap towards them.

??? POV

I watched in interest at the male rabbit faunus who had launched himself at the bullhead. To be honest, I felt a bit of pity towards him, throwing his own life away, not only by what I would have to do to him anyways, but that he had leaped to his death, undoubtedly plumetting to his own demise.

Well, that is what I had thought, but all I did was blink. Blink, and he was gone.
I couldn't tell what had happened to him, so I looked down towards the ground in order to see if I could spot him. I couldn't see him, I had no idea where he was, but what I had seen next was one of the most terrifying things I could ever have witnessed in my entire life, not even the queen of the grimm would match up to it, or stand there and not be scared herself.

When I had looked back up, the faunus that I had thought had fallen to his death, was standing right in front of me, his metal encased face looking straight at me. I couldn't understand why, but I felt as though he was peering right through me, digging and clawing at my soul. I could feel my sins crawling on my back.

At that point, time seemingly stood still, I couldnt move, frozen by the sensation of unimaginable fear.


I couldn't make out anything he was saying, but I could hear it, whispering, like millions of whispering voices speaking in a cold, demonic tongue inside my very mind.

As I began hearing them, I began to feel pain, a searing pain, like something was crawling inside my brain, tearing me apart from the inside out. I could hear scratching inside my head, then silence, only to be interrupted by a shrill, ear piercing shriek, and a deafeningly loud, high pitched noise, reverberating inside my skull. All I could do was stare at his covered head, as he clearly said, with an ominous and dark tone.


I fell to the ground, unable to stop myself from trembling, not from the temperature seemingly plummeting to the negatives, but from the fear I had felt. I was terrified, I could feel chills down my spine, I could feel my sins crawling on my back, and I could even see my own breath. What kind of monster could be capable of doing something like this.

???: ...Damn...it...

It was all I could say, I could barely breathe, but as I had spoken, the rabbit had begun to remove his mask, revealing his face.

A/N- Combining multiple pictures, incoming.

It showed that the monster before me was just a kid, only 16 to 18 years of age. He had black hair, with a large white streak, and dark purple tips along the edges. He had a pair of nice, black, soft looking bunny ears. But his eyes, what I noticed about his eyes was that he had heterochomia, but even then it was terrifying.

His right eye resembled that of a type of clock, it used Roman numerals, and it appeared that it actually was ticking, but it was also surrounded by strange symbols, markings I have never seen before.

His left eye appeared to be entirely black, with a glowing, pure white iris in the center, empty, hollow, and void aid all living sanity.

As he noticed I had been looking, I had realised that a large portion of his head was wrapped in bandages, covered in blood, just like his hand

He took notice, and it look like he intentionally showing me his features, but I beg to ask the question, why?
Without a second moment, he grabbed me by the throat, not strangling me, but gripping me tightly, as his form began to shift and change. His appearance largely stayed the same, but his form had shifted, and he quietly asked me the question.

Bunny: Was it me?

His face now began to leak blood much more, but he was still smiling, grinning, watching as I struggle,... as he suffers.

Romana: What is going on back there?!

All I could do was scream, as my subordinate had called out to me in frustration, and then in terror, the person... No, the Thing in front of me, began to reach towards it's face, grabbing the sides of its head as I continued to scream, while Romana was sprinting towards me, not caring about the bullhead crashing, nor about the huntress that we were facing, but it was to late.

????:..... Cinder..... Fall.... It's.... Me...

The sight I was witnessing could only be described by one word...Nightmare. 

I could only watch, and scream in terror at what I was seeing, I have never seen anything like this.

All I could do was look at the monstrosity in front of me, as a large explosion occurred, launching the thing out of the doorway. As it had closed, I had passed out from fear.

3rd POV

As the rabbit faunus had been launched out of the bullhead, he began to fall from the high up point that the bullhead had been, only to slowly descend down towards the ground.

???: I'm glad, what a reckless person, but I'm glad it wasn't anything to ba-

The person, the blonde huntress from before had come to rescue the rabbit faunus, but it appears that she was too late, or so it seems.

Cinder POV

Cinder: Ughh, my head hurts.

I couldn't help but groan at the aching pain I was feeling, my mind is a bit foggy, I can't think straight.

Romana: Hey, Cinder, you doing alright?

I woke up in what appears to be a hospital bed, with Romana leaning her head over to look at me, with a very concerned look on her face.

Cinder: Of course, why wouldn't I be?

Cinder was confused, because she couldn't really recall anything, it was all, quite fuzzy.

Romana: Good, so, did you know that thing back there?

Cinder: What do you mean?

Romana: Well it did say "It's Me" to you back there, so I assumed that you had some kind of relationship with it. Right?

3rd POV

From those two simple words, Cinder had remembered what she had so desperately tried to forget. What the huntress had seen in the alleyway that she had gone to to retrieve the male faunus. Something indescribable. Something horrible.

IT'S ME...

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