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How cruel people can naturally be without an influence being directed towards them. All so often no subliminal message is needed to get one individual or a group of individuals to be unkind towards another person or groups of people. Sometimes children can be forgiven to a degree for not knowing better, adults however, they have no excuse.

Adults who are being cruel and unkind to other adults ... well that is one thing; when adults are being cruel and unkind towards a child or children ... such a thing is inexcusable and unforgiveable especially when that cruelty is unprovoked and unwarranted, even worse yet is when the target of cruelty is only out to help. What if a child could be known to be offspring of Satan? Would directed unkindness always be a given?

Imagine a five-year-old child asking her father 'is there something wrong with me?' No child should have to consider asking 'am I a bad person?'

Dad would do the best he could, comforting his daughter and telling her 'no honey, people don't understand, that's all ... and they are frightened by what they don't understand.'

Majella Smith may have been created from darkness though she was raised with love and light. She can be considered an anomaly. She was born a little premature, born a little over a month before the rest of the daughters of Darkness who were all born in turn, one day after the other.

With all of the Devil's best laid plans there was indeed an anomaly. He never had her ear as he had with the others but was this meant to be the case or was it something that just ... happened? Majella grew up without direct influence from the dark entity himself, he kept his distance and only revealed himself to her when she was sixteen years of age and free from an asylum he uses as a kind of base of operations.

Still, a darkness of sorts was always with her. Majella, like all of her darkened sisters, had a gift, if anything she had more than one ... gift. With life being full of temptation she did on occasion use her gift, her gifts, as she saw fit rather than only always for the good of others.

At five years of age, Majella was an innocent little girl who knew no difference. She knew not of the many evils that this world or the next could and do hold. Soon she would begin to learn of such things. In 2005 Majella turned five years old, her sister Lisa turned eight and eldest sister Abigail turned ten.

It would be a year or so from this point when Abigail would begin cooking for the family, only being allowed to use the cooker under dad's supervision at first then it would be a further year when Abigail would further take on a dual role going out by herself to do such things as shopping and the likes.

As it is of course, mum didn't make it on the day Majella was born so a father refused to back away from the challenge of raising three daughters alone. The point in time did come when eldest blood sister would do the bulk of the shopping especially when it came to choosing the clothing for all three girls, adding to the responsibilities of making sure her sisters would be up in time for school in the mornings and she made sure they all would head home together too, ensuring they would remain a tight unit, though before all that and in 2005 a change of address became necessary.

Between September 2007 and November 2009 Cassandra White, with nothing but goodness in her heart, would face accusations of being a witch for doing nothing other than be on one end of some good things. It began when another girl at school fell over in the yard and scraped her knees. On gut instinct Cassandra made her way to that girl and placed her own hands on that other girls' knees.

The knees were healed instantly. Instead of been treated as a miracle, which she was by only a few, people were scared, frightened even, if a seven-year-old girl could heal scraped knees with a simple touch then what else could she do?

How un-accepting adults can be. How suspecting adults can be. How quick adults can be to assume a good act, a supernatural act, is the work of the Devil. And this could come from those who neither believe in heaven nor hell. Instead of feeling blesses to have such a child living in their midst, they would rather have her gone.

A child at the age Cassandra had been, she could have no ulterior motive to perform an act of kindness, yet for her kindness she had to pay with an attack on her home and pay with the loss of the lives of both her parents.

It may have occurred a little earlier for Majella Smith or at least began a little earlier for Majella, but the lasting effects would be different in some ways and just the same in others, though an outcome at the end would bring the two girls together. Neither child a witch, despite their true origins, still they would be and were accused of being such.

For Majella there were warnings, her warnings and this is what brought accusations her way. With her ability to see harm coming to others she acted upon what she saw. A five-year-old knows no better. A five-year-old cannot know of when to hold back and when to act and a five-year-old should not have to pay for any attempt to aid others.

As with Cassandra, for Majella there is an incident at school that begins the suspicion. A child moves to an out of bounds area where no child is allowed to go and play, an area which comes with a twenty-foot drop. Ever so close to a ledge right by that drop, the child slips and Majella reached out, grabbing said child, preventing a fall from occurring. A five-year-old Majella Smith saved the life of another five-year-old child.

Adults, teachers at the school, could not understand how Majella knew where to be. Suspicion arose and grew when other events occurred. Instead of being praised, rumours run riot and soon people wanted a little girl to be locked up, being accused of setting something up. Indeed, only being half a decade old, Majella never had done a single bad thing. She had to learn such from the acts of others.

It got to the point that people began camping out close by the Smith home so that the girl under suspicion could be watched twenty-four seven. A change of address became necessary, the saving grace difference being the fact that an attempt to burn the Smith family at the stake had not been made.

For Cassandra White, this witch business came to a head when she was nine years of age, culminating with the deaths of her parents ... burned at the stake ... For Majella Smith, the move brought about an end to the accusations. She may have been young, but she learned how to keep quiet and for her trouble she would be taken away.

Yeah, a time would come where Majella would be taken from her new home not long after she had turned thirteen years of age. She had been taken by force by five unknown men, one wear a suit and four others wearing white uniformed clothing. When she was loaded into a vehicle, the man who would drive the vehicle away would so happen to be a man by the name Samuel Fontaine.

With what came Majella's way, how did a boy named Arthur Billingsworth get away Scot free? He may not have a power or an unusual ability but there certainly was an evil in his heart more than there could ever be in Majella's. Committing his atrocities, he went unseen though the result often were unfairly credited to Majella including the instance of a local dog being found hung from a tree. The witch would be to blame and not the child who carried out the act.

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