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A lifeless child, something no one ever wants to see, even whether or not said child can be deemed to be evil of the purest kind. There are tears of course and consoling of sorts. Being alone with their child in the Fontaine family home is the last time Jim and Estelle could be any way close to one another. Eventually calls are needed to be made for their daughter cannot stay with them forever ...

At twenty-seven years of age Samuel Fontaine was sure he would never see his mother again, he had even long since accepted this as being fact. For one thing he thought she were dead. He did not know for sure if she were dead or not, he figured that his father had flipped as he had done once before though indeed, he could not know for sure but only suspect. The time he had spent reconnecting with dad, not that they had ever previous had a proper connection, getting a direct answer about mum out of dad had always been something avoided.

How and ever, Sammy was sure that mum, wherever she may or may not be, would never re-enter his life so the shock he felt when she came to pay him a visit at the 'mental health facility' he worked in was unlike anything he had ever experienced before and Sammy, at this point of his life, has experienced more than a thing or two that not many others, if any at all, would have experienced.

He knew his mother straight away. It took a few seconds to believe it when he first caught sight of her and when he did settle, he almost squished her to death with the bear hug he placed upon her. Unlike when he re-connected with his father eight years earlier where it took a moment or two to get used to how his father looked, mum looked a sight and an awesome sight at that. She had aged of course and had gained a little weight though mum was and thankfully still is mum.

Not wanting to wait until his shift ended, Sammy found an unoccupied room he could use to begin re-connecting with mum within. This is joyous, this is overwhelming. If it weren't for how mum was with him when he was a child then Darkness may have completely won out, it might completely have got the better of him. The church going, the sermons, the prayers, the white suit, the Light within himself is there by no small part played by mum.

Before getting to that unoccupied room, after the bear hug was released and after having a few tears shed, Sammy would need a second or two to ensure that this moment he was having was and is real.

'Mother?' he would ask after that moment or two.

'Yes dear, who did you think I was? I'm not the devil, you know.'

Thankfully, she is not that. 'Mother ... you look ... look ...'


'Yeah, that too, though I was gonna say ... fantastic.'

'What did you think I'd be like?'

'I don't know ...' Sammy says while trying to keep his emotions in check and physically suggesting a move, to that unoccupied room they go. 'I never thought I would see you again.'

'Well ... yeah, here I am.'

'Can I ask you where you have been all these years? ... I went to see my father a couple times some years back.'

'And how was your father?'

'Fine mum, he actually looked well but you mum, what happened to you? Where have you been?'

'I've been fine and well, nothing for you to worry about though I was so worried after you left. You were so young, and I knew Darkness had come for you. The only way I knew how to deal was to move on and I always felt you would eventually find your own way too. Look there is something I need to tell you ... maybe your father has said something?'

'About my sister? Yeah, I know. You should have told me ...'

'You were only a child Samuel. Maybe I should have said something, then maybe you would have not gone off with Darkness ... look at you now, huh? Still, we would have at some stage told you. Right now, there is plenty more to say ...'

'Like what?'

'I don't know exactly what your father told you but if he told you all there is then I need to tell you that there is another girl like your sister. This girl would be about sixteen years of age right now. I guarantee you that this girl is evil, and she is not alone ... there are other girls ... all different yet all the same. They are ... evil ...'

'I know mother ...'

'You can't possibly know ...'

'But I do, not entirely but enough ... you must know that I do if you knew to find me here. One of these girls you speak of has been, had been here staying at this facility for three years. She no longer is now for she is to see out her destiny. She is unlike the others. She rejects or at least will reject what she is ...'

'How do you ... how?'

'There is another girl ... separate and different to all the others and she has been here too. I don't know, maybe it is because of the past, because of Ester but I am ... let's say ... involved. I am a part of all there is, all there was and what is yet to come.'

'I believe in this Samuel ... accept it even. With what we have spoken here ... there is someone you need to find. I do not know where he is or where you will find him. This fellow ... his name is Christopher Furlong. He is much older than you but younger than me ... promise me you will find him.'

'I will mother. Dad told me about him ... but there is something else ... there is someone else ...'

Interruption comes as the person who Sammy was about to speak of has gone investigating and is about to make her way into the room Sammy and his mother so happen have moved to. Something within her own room told her or rather informed her that someone noteworthy has come to this facility.

'You ...'speaks this visitor. 'You are the plant lady, aren't you? You failed him ... you know that don't you?'

'Now, now Missus Ellis ... you shouldn't be wandering' Sammy says while getting up to deal with the visitor before things get out of hand.

Missus Ellis looks at Sammy with distain. 'She is your mother, isn't she?'

'C'mon Lacey, we'll get you back to your room.'

'What did you call her?' Sammy's mother asks, for she remembers a child who came to her a few times while Estelle herself had been pregnant with Ester. 'Ellis ... Lacey Ellis? Are you the girl from the park? Wait ... you have a daughter ...?'

Lacey Ellis laughs, Sammy looks to his mother for a moment then returns Lacey Ellis to her room. Less than sixteen months after this moment, on the first day of 2018 Samuel Fontaine makes contact with Christopher Furlong. Chris has a warning to offer and despite this fellow sounding crazy, Sammy knows that he isn't, not completely at any rate and soon questions his own sanity for Chris vanished suddenly from having been in Sammy's company.

The dream Chris had on a number of occasions, the dark-haired girl and the blonde-haired girl in an open white place with gold-coloured gates. Then the plume of black smoke which he is sure can only lead to utter destruction. Those girls were both at the facility Sammy works within, one is still there. Majella Smith and Cassandra White ... Majella Smith ... the dark-haired girl ... no matter what, she must not go through those gates.

As for Ester Fontaine ... Sammy's sister ... it is that very same facility in which Samuel is employed, that Chris Furlong had intended for Ester to go and of course that never happened.

The first day of 2018 is only a matter of mere months away from a gathering; it is mere months away from when things are set to really take off. Darkness may think it is about to win, and despite a confidence, Darkness is also not completely oblivious to a Light rising. Indeed, it all has been building for some time. A full-on kickoff is imminent.

During that visit, of mother with son, she hadn't really said where it had been that she had been in recent years or during any other time since the moment Sammy had left home. That is not something for a son to question, though perhaps maybe it is something that should be questioned.

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