Chapter Fifteen

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"Okay, now flex out your claws--get your leg all stretched."

Willowpaw winced as she curled her claws into the air, pulling the muscles of her front leg. A sharp flare came from the small bite wound marking her thin white fur. "It still hurts," she admitted, keeping her leg tense and trying to fight the persisting sting.

Mossrain tilted his head curiously, running his delicate paw along her leg. "It seems mostly healed, so the pain should be light. Go ahead and relax, I'll make a poultice and see if it helps the pain. Any other of your wounds bothering you?"

"My neck still hurts a little," she admitted. Mossrain leaned over her, carefully pulling back the cobwebs with his small claws.

"The bite was messy, and it's in a bad spot, so I'm not too surprised the healing is slow. I'll get a poultice for that, too. Just try not to move your head around too much and you should be fine."

Willowpaw thanked Mossrain as he headed off, his response a simple tail flick over her ear. She shifted in her moss, thankful that though she had many different bites and scratches over her coat, most no longer bothered her, despite only three days having passed since the battle with the stoats. It was the one good thing about stoats--though they fought fast and inflicted a lot of wounds, they were all shallow and small, easily healed as long as they were cleaned.

"Mossrain, would you come look at Brightflower when you have the chance? I think the wound on her chest is bleeding again."

The pretty tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat paused the licking of her shoulder, turning her exasperated gaze to her littermate with a sigh. "Petaldust, I'm fine. Wounds bleed, it happens."

"I just want to be sure," Petaldust argued, shifting in the nest he had pulled up next to Brightflower's. "Your wounds are some of the worst."

Willowpaw couldn't help but agree with her friend, and silently acknowledged Brightflower seemed to have bad luck when it came to battles--even in the fight against SageClan, honorable warriors who didn't fight to kill, she had gained a long, deep wound down her side that even now, over a moon later, was still slightly visible under her tortoiseshell fur.

"Let me check Willowpaw then I'll come over--I need to check everyone again anyways." Mossrain pulled together a few herbs and gathered them in his jaws, padding back to Willowpaw while chewing awkwardly, bits of leaves falling from the sides of his mouth. He sat down and after a few moments, he raised one paw and spat the chewed pulp out. Then he licked small amounts from the pile and applied it to her wound on her leg with the tip of his tongue.

The poultice didn't sting on her leg, but it did on her neck. Only after he had finished and grabbed cobwebs did Mossrain decide to explain as he covered her injuries. "With the wounds closing the juices don't enter as well, but hopefully they'll help enough. Here, eat this." He displayed a tiny seed on his pad, and after a moment hesitation Willowpaw leaned forward and took it. "It'll help block the pain for now, though you might become a little sleepy."

Willowpaw tried to clean her fur when Mossrain headed away to Brightflower, but when it pulled on her neck and sent a small flare of pain out, she sighed and rested her head on the edge of her nest. Her eyes found Snowfern, settled in a large nest with Lark and Pine curled up in front of her. They slept soundly despite their wounds, with the black and white warrior cleaning Lark's light tabby fur.

Jealousy searched Willowpaw's heart, but she couldn't take her eyes off the scene. She knew Lark and Pine had been through a lot, going through such a violent battle after being in the Clan for barely half a moon, but continuously seeing her mother treat them like her own sent a tightness into her chest. They need it, you don't. She didn't need her mother to smother her, she just needed to continue to train and ignore the rejection steadily growing in her heart.

"Stop pushing me!"

Willowpaw turned her head to the den entrance at the sound of the harsh voice. After a moment two brown tabbies entered the den--Thorntail was first, fur ruffled and a growl in his throat as Oakcloud blocked the escape he obviously wanted to disappear through.

"Mossrain, Thorntail opened his wound on patrol, would you come look at it?" Oakcloud called. Thorntail let out a soft hiss.

"I'm fine," the young warrior growled, then turned his head away, looking at the ground, and mumbled, "not that you actually care."

Mossrain's tail flicked and he didn't look up from where he was checking Brightflower's stomach. "Thorntail, get in a nest, I'll come by in a few minutes."

The grumpy tom hesitated, but when Oakcloud nudged him, he gave a hiss and limped across the den, sitting down in an empty nest while stretching out his injured back leg. "I'll come by later," Oakcloud meowed to his son.

Thorntail flicked an ear. "Don't bother."

Obvious disappointment touched Oakcloud's eyes, and he seemed unwilling to leave the den, staring at his son with a pleading look.

A small white and silver shape stomped into the den, frustration radiating from her lithe frame. Pieces of moss stuck out from her claws. "You said we were going out once I finished cleaning the apprentices' den! Well, it's been clean for ages."

"I was out on patrol, you know that." Oakcloud cast a glance at Blossompaw, his eyes switching from pained to complete calm in a heartbeat. "Did you clean the nursery as well?"

"Maskdapple was sleeping, and Goldenpool wouldn't get out of her stupid nest. Dappletail said to just leave." Blossompaw uncaringly flicked her tail, ears flattened back. "So, can we get going? Don't tell me I have to wait longer!"

Oakcloud's eyes narrowed. "Is Goldenpool all right?" he asked.

Blossompaw groaned. "Why should I know?"

The brown warrior scuffed a paw over the ground, tail flicking softly. Worry was obvious in his expression--in the corner of her eye, Willowpaw saw Thorntail turn his head away, hurt glistening in his young gaze. 

"I should check on Goldenpool--she might need me to watch the kits." Oakcloud's eyes were dark in thought.

"Oh, come on!" Blossompaw sighed. "I've been stuck in camp the last three days doing nothing!"

"Goldenpool needs me right now," Oakcloud told her firmly, "and you need to learn some patience."

"Patience isn't the problem," Blossompaw growled, "I've barely gotten to train at all, and I've been an apprentice for two moons! Those two have trained more than I have, and they've only been here for half a moon!" Her tail lashed in the direction of Lark and Pine, who had begun to stir because of Blossompaw's loud voice. Snowfern turned a hard gaze on her daughter.

"Rock, Lark, and Pine are trained because we know they want to protect their Clan. You just want to protect yourself, you selfish kit!" Snowfern hissed.

Willowpaw winced at the words, suddenly grateful that she hadn't confronted Snowfern on not paying attention to her--better to be ignored than scolded.

Blossompaw's fur began to rise, her eyes filled with rejection. She opened her jaws to snap at her mother, but Mossrain's voice sounded. "Enough! You're disturbing my patients. Either take it outside or knock it off--next cat to raise their voice will find enough poppy seeds to knock out a badger in their next meal."

Even Blossompaw quieted, her tail twitching softly. Her ear flicked, and if Willowpaw didn't know better, she would've thought Blossompaw was listening to a cat speak--but everyone was silent at the moment. "I'm sorry, Mossrain."

Willowpaw thought she had misheard her sister and stared blankly. Mossrain was silent for a moment, staring at her with a deep, thoughtful expression. Then he finally looked back at Brightflower. "Good, you should be."

Blossompaw looked down, but Willowpaw thought she saw a brief flash of resentment in her eyes, mixed with the awkwardness that reminded Willowpaw of a scolded kit--a look Blossompaw had never shown before. "I'll wait outside," the reckless apprentice sighed. "We can leave after you spend time with Goldenpool."

Willowpaw couldn't help a surge of sympathy for her sister, and she decided give her sister the chance she needed. "I can check in on Goldenpool for you."

Oakcloud looked hesitant, while Mossrain meowed, "as long as you don't play with the kits or put too much pressure on your paw, you should be fine."

Willowpaw looked at Oakcloud for confirmation. The tom was quiet at first, looking uncertain. It was obvious he wanted to be with his mate, but he cast a glance at Blossompaw, who was looking back and forth between Willowpaw and Oakcloud with obvious excitement, the brightest look Willowpaw had seen on her for a long time. 

"Okay," the senior warrior finally decided, turning his brown eyes back on Willowpaw. "Just make sure she has everything she needs. If... if something seems wrong, come get me, okay?" There was something in his eyes, something that suggested he saw a dark outlook on his mate's future.

A tingle of anxiety ran down Willowpaw's spine, but she forced her gaze to be strong, watching as Oakcloud and Blossompaw left the den. She got to her paws carefully, briefly stretching out her muscles despite them painfully protesting. 

"Hold on a moment, Willowpaw," Mossrain meowed. He was softly packing cobwebs into Brightflower's belly fur, then left his sister after giving her cheek a lick and headed to his herb storage. Curious, Willowpaw limped a few steps toward him. "I have some herbs I want Goldenpool to take--she's not allowed to say no, so make sure she takes them."

"Yeah, yeah, I can do that." Willowpaw tilted her head, peering at Mossrain's paws as he took a few herbs from his storage, sniffing at them and picking out certain ones.

"Hmmm..." Mossrain seemed to be thinking, tugging out a pile of rounded yellow flowers. "I might have you bring some of this to Dappletail, too. It would be good for both of them to have it."

"What is it?" Willowpaw took another step over, taking an interested sniff.

Mossrain sent her an amused look. "You remind me of Ravenpaw, you know." A soft fondness sparked in his eyes, memories swirling warm and strong. He looked back at the yellow flowers, not giving a chance for response. "This is tansy--good for coughs, or to stop them before they come. They're both weak right now, and sickness threatens the vulnerable. But it's still pretty fresh so it should work well, though if it doesn't, I have other herbs. There has to be other herbs... I'll figure it out, I'm sure! It's just best to catch it early, you know? Longer it's left untreated, worse it gets and weaker the cat gets, right?"

A worm of worry tugged its way through Willowpaw, and her mind briefly fluttered to Rowanpaw--because of the fight with the stoats, she hadn't been able to go see him. Would he be okay all alone out there? If he got sick, who would care for him? Anxiety tugged at her paws. "Is that the best herb for whitecough?" she asked, trying to keep her tone even. 

"No, catmint is far better, but I only have so much, so I need to save it. It doesn't grow all that commonly, we only have a small patch near the tunnel in the forest, the one we take to the Gathering? Luckily, it's quite sheltered there, so I might even be able to pick some of the leaves if needed, not that I think we'll have an outbreak or anything, I just want to be safe, you know? Anyways, uh... what were we talking about before?" Mossrain's eyes clouded over in confusion, and he stared at the herbs in front of him.

"Herbs for Goldenpool and Dappletail?" Willowpaw suggested softly.

"Right!" Mossrain's whiskers twitched brightly. "Burnet and coltsfoot should be good enough to add as well, though I wish I had honey, it would be great for her throat!" He gave a soft sigh. "I wish I knew what herbs to use to help her..." He looked downcast for a moment, then sat up straight. "Well, better keep trying! I'll figure it out eventually."

He piled the three herbs into a bundle inside a large leaf, then made another of just tansy. "The small one goes to Dappletail, the bigger one to Goldenpool. Come back if there's any trouble or anybody needs something."

"Okay, Mossrain." Willowpaw picked up the bundles and limped the den, holding her injured paw off the ground to the best of her ability. The clearing outside was washed white with a cold sun shining down, small flakes of snow fluttering from the sky to cool her pelt. For a moment she took in the wild, fresh air, letting it fill her chest. The waterfall seemed louder with a coat of snow over the ground, and she decided to skirt the mist because she was already cold enough.

But as always, the nursery felt warm and comforting, curling around her coat and reminding of her peaceful, play-filled days. Maskdapple was asleep, as Blossompaw had claimed, curled up in her nest with her nose under her tail. Her stomach seemed to be getting bigger every day, and Willowpaw wondered how many kits the old queen would have--and how many would end up surviving. Willowpaw knew leaf-bare was dangerous for kits, but at least by the time they were born there would only be a moon left of the cold season.

Dappletail was awake with Dustkit and Maple curled at her side, her elderly eyes watching them fondly. She briefly looked up when Willowpaw entered and gave a simple nod of greeting before looking back at the kits.

Heatherkit and Stormkit were with Goldenpool, and Willowpaw's heart thudded with sympathy as she watched them. The queen was thin, and extremely so--she wasn't just leaf-bare thin, either. Her body was practically skeletal, with each rib visible, legs thin as sticks, and cheeks shallow with eyes dull and tired. She had been refusing meals recently, claiming she didn't feel hungry, and it was obviously affecting her harshly.

Yet she stared strongly at her young daughters curled against her sunken flank. "Just wait for greenleaf," the exhausted queen was saying in a dry, hoarse voice. "The air is so warm, and the forest--oh, it's the most beautiful thing to be seen. The leaves are so bright and green, and the sun shining through the trees, it's indescribably wonderful. It makes you feel, just... free. So, unbelievably free."

The kits shivered and asked excited questions, and Willowpaw couldn't help but picture the sight as Goldenpool described; she had never seen a greenleaf forest--she only got a brief look at leaf-fall before the snow came. By the time greenleaf came, Willowpaw would likely be a warrior--she couldn't stop the shiver of excitement and anxiety swirling together inside her chest.

"I'll be the greatest apprentice ever!" Stormkit decided happily. "I'll learn every fighting move, and I'll come back to camp and show you what I've learned!" she added to her mother.

Goldenpool blinked softly. "That sounds wonderful, dear." She ran her tail along the young kit's back.

Willowpaw watched Goldenpool for a few moments. Despite the fact that she was thinner than ever, she seemed better than the previous few days. Maybe she could convince the queen to eat. Willowpaw approached the nest softly, and Goldenpool looked over, sniffing the air.

"Tansy? And is that coltsfoot, too? Oh, Mossrain, I'm breathing fine, there's no need for that."

Willowpaw was impressed that the she-cat could distinguish the scents--the herbs were hidden in the wrap, just mingled smells that clotted the apprentice's throat. She set the bundles down outside the nest. "Mossrain thought they would help," she explained, setting the bigger bundle inside the nest.

Goldenpool leaned over, nosing the leaf open to look at the herbs there. "Burnet?" the she-cat murmured.

Stormkit leaned close to the herbs, sniffing them curiously. "What does burnet do?" she asked, tilting her head, golden eyes glowing like the setting sun.

"It helps give you strength," Goldenpool rasped in response. "I feel fine, though. No extra strength needed." She gave a soft purr, nosing the bundle back toward Willowpaw. "I don't need the coltsfoot or tansy, either. Give them back to Mossrain, will you, Snowfern?"

It took Willowpaw a moment to realize what Goldenpool had said. "Snowfern?" she asked in confusion.

Goldenpool stared at her for a moment, confused, then she blinked, and a soft realization touched her gaze. "Sorry, Willowpaw, guess you look too much like your mother."

Uncertainty made Willowpaw hesitate, but she gave a heavy swallow and tried to push the moment away. "Are you sure you won't take them? I could bring you something to eat, help you wash them down."

"Oh, I'm not hungry," Goldenpool said faintly, eyes falling on the herbs again. "Tansy--good for coughs--but I haven't been coughing."

"Mossrain wants to make sure you don't get whitecough," Willowpaw explained softly.

Goldenpool was quiet for a few moments, staring at the herbs. "Burnet? Does he think I'm weak?"

"Goldenpool?" Willowpaw asked softly. "Are you okay?"

Goldenpool looked over at her, looking confused for a moment, then her eyes cleared. "I... Yes, I'm okay. I'm sorry, I was just confused for a moment." She looked at the herbs again. "I taught him well," she added softly. "Such precautions--tansy, to stop me from getting whitecough; coltsfoot, to make sure I breathe properly; burnet, to help me keep my strength. He's a good medicine cat, even so young. I couldn't be prouder, you know."

"Then you should do what he wants you to, right?" Willowpaw suggested, nodding her head to the herbs.

Goldenpool stared, looking uncertain.

Stormkit touched her mother's shoulder with her nose. "How about we eat it together?" she suggested brightly. Without waiting, she leaned forward and took one of the tansy leaves, chewing it thoroughly with a disgusted look, but her eyes glowed with determination. She swallowed with a curled muzzle, then looked expectantly at her mother.

Goldenpool's eyes were warm and flooded with love. She leaned down and touched noses with the young kit. "I love you, my dear," she murmured, then licked up not only the tansy but the other herbs as well, swallowing them with a small wince. She looked at Willowpaw. "If you're willing, I'll take some moss soaked in water."

Willowpaw hesitated, then set her mind firm. "Only if you eat."

Goldenpool stared for a moment, then tilted her head. "What?"

"You need to eat before you drink," she said, remembering something Snowfern had once told her. "Drinking on an empty stomach will make you feel sick."

Goldenpool was quiet for a moment, then gave a huff, the beginning of a laugh. "You remind me of Ravenpaw," the she-cat said softly. "You could've been a pretty good medicine cat."

Willowpaw felt honored by the words--she had always respected the medicine cats, and she couldn't be prouder of her brother for following that path. He had changed so much already, becoming more confident with himself. Please come back soon, she prayed. Her heart ached for the days she had been able to see her littermates every day.

"Willowpaw? I said you could get me something to eat," Goldenpool cut through her thoughts. "Just, don't expect me to eat it all. Really, I'm not hungry."

"Don't worry!" Stormkit piped up. "We'll help you eat it--right, Heatherkit?"

"Yeah!" Heatherkit quivered excitedly. "Get a vole! Or a mouse! Or a squirrel! Nothing with feathers!"

Willowpaw purred softly. "I'll do my best."

She gave Dappletail her herb bundle as well, and the elder seemed as enthusiastic as Goldenpool had been. Heading back for the entrance, a soft worm of worry slipped through Willowpaw's chest for Goldenpool. She seemed better in some ways, but worse in others. Hopefully Mossrain would discover a cure soon.

Willowpaw sat near Goldenpool's nest, watching the queen as she cleaned Dustkit's fur. The apprentice had caught a hunting patrol returning from camp and brought the queen and her kits two mice. Goldenpool had but a bite before washing it down with water Willowpaw brought in a moss ball.

Maple still slept against Dappletail's side, while Dustkit, Heatherkit, and Stormkit curled against their mother, bellies full and purrs in their chests.

"Sweet darlings," Goldenpool purred in between licks of her son's dusty brown fur. "They'll grow so strong, I know it."

Willowpaw gave a soft nod. "I'm sure they will."

"But I won't be here to see it."

Willowpaw started, staring at the she-cat in surprise. She opened her mouth, then quickly shut it again. Instead, she looked to Dappletail, hoping the elder had overheard. Her old eyes were locked on Goldenpool, eyes filled with grief and ears drooping. She met Willowpaw's gaze and blinked slowly.

"Don't fret, Willowpaw," Goldenpool added in a murmur. "Everything will work according StarClan's plan. Head on back to Mossrain's den, everything okay here."

Willowpaw hesitated, but Goldenpool watched her firmly. Finally, the apprentice backed away and hurried from the den, her paws itching with anxiety. Her leg burned with pain, but she did her best to ignore it as she went back to the medicine cat's den, slipping inside with a limp.

Mossrain was at his storage, picking through his herbs with every bit of his concentration. He was even muttering to himself, swiping a few leaves on his pad and bringing them to his face, taking a deep breath. With a sigh, he shook them away into a pile of ripped and dead herbs.

"Hey, Willowpaw," Brightflower greeted softly. She was lying on her side with Petaldust squeezed into the nest behind her, head rested on her neck. He was breathing softly, deep in sleep--he looked very peaceful.

"How is the nursery?" Mossrain didn't look up from his herbs, tail flicking in concentration. 

Willowpaw padded over, trying to keep light on her injured leg. "It was, uh," she hesitated with her words. She came up beside Mossrain, lowering her voice to a soft murmur. "Goldenpool seemed... off."

The young medicine cat looked over, worry sharpening his gaze. "Off?" he repeated.

"She said something really strange," Willowpaw breathed. "That she wouldn't see her kits grow up. When she said it, she looked... really peaceful."

The light died in Mossrain's eyes, but he held gaze with the apprentice. He was quiet for a while, then he finally dropped his head and murmured, "thank you, Willowpaw." He reached into his storage with a lost look and dragged out a leaf with a pile of small black seeds. He clawed two free and swept them in front of Willowpaw. "Take these and rest. I'll wake you tonight so you can eat."

Willowpaw didn't complain and obediently licked up the seeds. She started for her nest, then paused. "She... she said something else, too. When she sent me back here, she called it your den. I know it's not uncommon, but how she said it..."

Mossrain was silent for a long time. "Sleep well, Willowpaw," he meowed finally. Then he crossed the den and disappeared into the clearing.

"Is everything okay?" Brightflower asked, eyes sharp with worry.

"I... I hope so," Willowpaw answered back faintly. Then she went to her nest, curled up, and hid her face under her tail. Over and over again, she saw Goldenpool's face, the quiet serenity in her eyes. When blackness fuzzed over her mind, she was still thinking of the sick queen.

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