*VERY* Important Announcement

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So, for a long time, I've been struggling with Clouded Skies, which is probably obvious seeing on how slow my uploads are. I love this story so much, and I have so much of it planned. From the start, I've known Ravenpaw and Rowanpaw's stories from beginning to end. Maybe some things have changed, some storylines were fleshed out, but their primary stories have always had the same arc, the same plotline. I love all that it has come to be, and I want to continue writing it for as long as possible, continuing to different points in the story I'm so excited and anxious for I wish I could write them now.

But, no matter how much I love this story, I am constantly aware of its flaws. Rowanpaw's story went fast, Ravenpaw's story has so many plotlines left behind it's not even funny, and Blossompaw's important storyline has been so sidelined it barely appears. I remember most things from the story pretty clearly, but it's hard to remember I've been writing this story for years and for you, the readers, it's probably harder to remember what has happened.

And I know that right now, I don't have many readers, and I don't know if any of you will respond to this, but I have a question I would really, really like an answer to:

Should I start over?

I'm so conflicted with the thought I can't even stand it. I love the idea of it, of fixing the story and making it so much better, but it would take so long, I would have to wait even longer to get to the future. But plotholes would be fixed, storylines would be stretched and fixed appropriately, characters would get deeper stories even from the start, and we would eventually get back to this point.

But it would take. so. long. I started writing the first book of the story in 2018. It's been four years (wow, just wow), and I really, really don't want the new time around to take that long, because it would be so incredibly exhausting.

Or, I can continue from where I'm at now. I could figure out closing plotholes smoothly throughout the story, and though I will admit that though I have most of the storyline planned out (Ravenpaw's entire life, actually...), I do have a time gap coming up soon that I have no idea how to fill. With restarting the story, I could fix that gap.

But I don't know. It's so much work either way, and so much time either way.

So that question: Should I start over?

Yeah, I'm going give some time for you guys to decide. I know there's only a few of you, but any feedback would be so greatly appreciated, even if it's just a "yes start over" or a "no keep the story". Though, honestly, even if most people chose one option (honestly I don't expect anything over like three answers, and it's fine if you're not interested in responding), I might go with the other, it really just depends on the feedback and how my feelings develop over the next few days. I'm already setting it up as if I was restarting the story just to see how I feel about it, and I do like it more, but wow, the time I know it would take, it puts the far-off future so much farther.

Okay, I'm just repeating myself now, so I'll stop with this last addition: Underneath is a list of all the side books I have planned for this series, mostly super editions with two novellas. I just figured I'd put them all here to see if any of you have feedback of which ones you like the idea of the best and least, or if there's any that you wouldn't care much about either way. So yeah, again, thanks for any possible feedback you give. The writing for all these books are really slow mostly because I just use them when I want to write Warriors but can't think of what to put in the main series, and they usually help my inspiration.

SE: Super Edition (longer than a regular book, around 40 chapters)

N: Novella (shorter than a regular book, around 10 chapters)

Brookstar's Promise (SE) - Before Brookstar became known as EchoClan's dangerous, tyrannical leader, Brookstar had been an innocent kit, just like any other. Perhaps, there was once hope for her, but the same path that can make the best hero can also make for the worst villain.

Acornstar's Misery (SE): Acornstar has led EchoClan for many moons as their harsh, unpredictable leader. But before her mind was torn, before her sanity was taken, Acornpaw was a simple apprentice wanting to do anything to protect her Clan and family.

Leafstorm's Agony (SE): NightClan reigns as a terror over the forest, a shadow in the minds of all who live near their borders. Inside their harsh, cruel territory, young Leafkit is born into a terrifying life, and must fight every day to prove she is worthy to be one of their great warriors.

Robinstike's Fate (SE): For as long as she remembers, Robinstrike has been fighting--fighting for her life, or fighting for the lives of her suffering Clanmates. But even as time goes on, even as she is torn down again and again, Robinstrike will always stand strong for those who need it, even when her world crumbles around her.

Boulderclaw's Secret (SE): After his father's death, Boulderpaw is desperate to become strong enough to defend his Clan and keep his family safe, but a shattering mental state begins to lead him down the wrong path.

Silverstrike's Loyalty (SE): Silverstrike has fought his entire life for what he believes in, and none of his Clanmates have ever questioned his loyalty. Only he knows when it faltered.

Hail's Sorrow (N): Even though Hail liked to adventure, he knew he was a kittypet at heart. But after a meeting with a wild loner named Bell, Hail had to question whether he really knew what living meant.

Newt's Shadow (N): After the death of his mother, young Newt is suddenly introduced to a father he had never met and a half-brother desperate to get rid of him. 

EDIT: I made the decision to restart the series. Next part will go into more detail if you're interested.

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