Chapter five

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" Let's go and force two Dodou to make out!" Witness said. " No. I told you, we're going to destroy the starter squad! Not make Pokémon make out." Tudi said, facepalming himself. She's a dimwit.

" Why?!! What did they ever do to you? Ooh! Did they steal your hearts?" She asked. " That's pretty accurate." Tisa commented. " Stop getting distracted, you two. We have a mission now." Tudi said. His eyes wandered off.

He spotted an Umbreon. " Eon!" He suddenly shouted. He started racing after the Pokémon. " has blue rings, Blindeyes!" Tisa yelled, tackling him to the ground.

" Yeah! It's a shiny! Stupid shinies. Get to be different colored, but not be bullied for it." Witness said, grinning before her eyes turned dull and her grin turned into a frown.

The Umbreon turned around. He just stared at them. " If you're looking for Eon," the shiny began, seeming to not know that he was talking to a murderer. " He went that way." The shiny said with a paw. " Why are you helping us?" Tudi asked him.

" Oh. Why? You asking because you're an outlaw?" The shiny asked. Tudi gave him an odd look. " Let me explain. He has this creepy vibe going about him. I talked to him once, and he spoke of a great time is coming. One where every legendary will fall because of this Pokémon. That's what he said anyways. That's a bunch of dumb stuff though," The shiny umbreon explained.

Tudi only nodded. " In return for telling you where he is, will you spare me?" The umbreon asked. " Tell me exactly where he is." Tudi growled. " He went to some dance or something. Saying something about good music that he likes that is there. I don't know. He's too stupid to follow." The shiny said. " Now, are you going to spare me?" He asked.

Tudi chuckled. " Do you honestly think I would let any umbreon, especially an umbreon like yourself live?" He asked slowly and dangerously. The shiny started to back away in fear.

Tudi grabbed his throat. The umbreon then tried to call for help. What an annoying move. Tudi slammed the Umbreon's head against a nearby tree. The Umbreon screamed. A very loud snap of bones could be heard. Tudi pulled the Umbreon back away from the tree, and then slammed his head so hard, bones jutted out of the head of the Umbreon.

In fact, you could practically see the dripping blood on the brain. Actually, the brain was destroyed. Tudi laughed maniacally. Witness clapped her paws together. She looked Winnie the Pooh when she did it. Really creepy if you asked Tudi.

" So, are we going on a mission? A secret mission?!" The little Togepi asked him, trying to seem cool. " Yes." Tudi said, weirded out. " Do we get cool costumes to hide ourselves in?!" The Togepi asked.

Tudi shrugged. It would keep Pokémon from knowing who he was. " Sure." He said. " Great!" She said. " But I get to create them." Tisa said. " What?! Why?!" Tudi shouted at her.

" Because I'm obviously the best at fashion around here. Look at you. You're covered in blood. And that Togepi probably doesn't know how to make anything." Tisa said. " I know how to make stuff!" Witness said. Then she grabbed scissors and made angels out of a piece of paper.

She showed the two fully evolved Pokémon the angels. Tudi then ripped them. " Why'd you do that?!" The Togepi asked, her eyes filled with tears. " Angels will get you nowhere, runt. Listen to us and only us, and you can be appreciated!" Tudi roared in her face.

" But I like angels!" She said. " Well, growl to hate them. They bring nothing but death and destruction." Tudi harshly told her.

" Do they really?" She asked, confused. " Yes. Everything they do is for this eviler being called Arceus. And it's the worst of them all. Forcing us Pokémon to be abandoned, having different colors on our bodies, making sure we don't have as much authority to rule over the world as it does!" Tudi exclaimed, in exaggeration.

" I thought it was Giratina who was the bad guy." She said. " Then you're parents lied to you. They're the real evil, not being able to stop you from being hated on. Just because you're a little different than everyone else." Tudi said.

" While you two were busy being stupid tails, not having as great tails or no tails, I have been making our costumes!" Tisa said. " Fuck you." Tudi said, his eyes half closed. " I would, but it would look weird." Tisa said.

" At least I didn't make it look stupid." She said. She showed them the costumes. " Why do they look like they're meant for super heroes?" Tudi asked. " Because then they won't expect us." Tisa responded. " That'd wouldn't trick them. That would make them more suspicious!" Tudi roared in her face.

" Ooh! Is that mine?" Witness asked, taking one from Tisa while she argued with the Sandslash. " Yes. But just wait." Tisa said. " While I rip out this lunatics throat! We can totally do it! No one will suspect us." She told him. " No. this is a very bad idea." He said, his arms folded in annoyance.

" But it will help you get revenge on Eon. Don't you want to avenge your dead friend who I don't know of?" She asked, shoving the garments in his face. " What exactly is this?" He asked, giving it a disgusted look.

" I call it, Shrewface." She said. " Seriously? Why'd you call it that? That's a horrible name!" He yelled in her face. " Just wear it. Mines called Nineflame." She said. " What's mine called?!" Togepi asked, now in pants.

" Spearow." Tisa told her, disappointing the Togepi. " Well, not all can be as coolly named as mine." The Ninetales proudly said.

" It's not the name. That's cool." Witness said. " It's the pants." She said. " What about them?" Tisa asked her. Then Witness ripped them off. " You just ripped off something that was really awesome!! Why?!" Tisa yowled.

" There. That's better." She said, admiring her cape and her sparkling shoes. " Uhh...Okay. Now we're all set!" Tisa said. " Let's go catch ourselves an predictable Eon." Tudi said, cracking his knuckles as they all walked toward a building that was supposedly the dance the building was in.

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