Chapter four

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Tudi huffed. " She's seriously still asleep?" He asked himself. " I knew she was fat, but never knew she was lazy." He commented. He rubbed his paws together, and stabbed the Ninetails. She screamed instantly and jumped, totally awake now.

Tudi manically laughed. " Up and at 'em, stupid." He said. " No." Tisa lazily said. She closed her dang eyes again. " Fuck this!" Tudi said, as he grabbed at the Ninetail's throat. He was about to rip her throat out. " I've had enough of your laziness already! Are you an outlaw, or are you a petty thief?!" He asked her, shaking her violently.

She gargled, or chocked or something. " I-"She began, trying to claw her way out of the tough Sandslash's grip. " Let...go!" She yowled in pain. " No. not till you tell me, are you with me or against me?!" He yelled back. " I'm with you! I'm with you! Let me go!" She yowled. Satisfied, he let go.

She darted and turned to face him. " You didn't need to do that!" She snapped in his face. " Your breath stinks." Is all he said. " Shut up!" She growled, menacingly, her teeth showing and drool formed at the edges. " A weak and pathetically unorganized Pokémon like you can't tell me what to do." He said.

" Come." He ordered, simply, sounding like a normal Sandslash for once in his entire life. He raced off into the sunlight. " I hate that Sandslash." Tisa growled under her breath.

Tudi ignored that comment. " You're slow! Why are you a slowpoke?! Do I need to poke you?" He called back to her. " No." She said, then caught up. " What exactly are we doing?" She asked. " We're gonna kill Togepi." He said. " Sounds great!" She chirped, her tail wagging. " I love killing innocents. One time I chased a Ducklett and killed it. I ate it. It was great." She said. " Hah. That's nothing, runt." He said.

" Oh really? I've killed humans." She bragged. " I've killed humans too, anything you can do, I can do better and with greater destruction." He said. He held out his claws to stop her.

" Why'd we stop?!" She asked loudly. " Shut up! Listen." He said, sneaking around. Almost like he was chillin' like a villain. " Is this where I'm gonna train?" She asked loudly. Well, louder than she had intended to.

Suddenly a scream was heard. " It's Tudi!" A Pokémon shouted as they ran away. It was a playground. A green spotted Togepi was shivering in a corner. A Mudkip was approaching her. " No!" She shouted at him. " Don't bother with me now! I'm just a freak! You're at least half shiny, Boulder." The Togepi said. " Isn't that the Sandslash that your mother was trying to catch while dive bombing? She's a part of the Fairy Squad right?" The weirdly colored Mudkip asked her.

She nodded. " How old are you, again? I feel like I have amnesia sometimes." The Togepi asked. " Same age as you. Surprising we're way older than the others." Boulder replied. " I can't take this, Boulder. I want to run away!" She wailed. Tudi suddenly got interested. " Sounds promising." He said.

" But, Witness, you can't!" Boulder replied. " Witness?" Tudi asked with a snort. " Sounds like a song." Tisa says. The two criminals continued to listen. " Yes I can. You just feel sorry for me. You're not really my friend. I'm a freak!" She shouted as she clumsily tried to climb the fence.

" I was planning on killing her, but she sounds like the world has given her hell as well. She will join us." Tudi growled. The Mudkip suddenly saw Tudi and Tisa. " Witness! No! Don't!" He wailed. " There are two criminals over there! Stop!" Boulder cried as he watched as the klutz fell clear over the fence. She hit Tisa, who ompfed when the oddly colored Pokémon hit her.

" Whoa! You caught me! And didn't be a jerk to me!" The Togepi said in awe as she got off the Ninetails. " What kind of a kid tries to climb a fence, you must be brave." Tudi said, thinking each an every word he said to this Witness character he eavesdropped on.

" Why thank you." Witness said. The Mudkip tried yelling at her. She ignored him, despite the red on her cheeks. " Have I got the offer for you. I know what it's like to be rejected by others. What would you say if I asked you to join my team. My team of rejects, huh? How about it?" Tudi asked her. " No!" Boulder shouted. " He can live without me." Witness mumbled under her breath.

She nodded. " Glad to!" She chirped, grabbing Tudi's claws, oblivious to the blood stains on them. Tudi was honestly surprised she accepted his get so fast. It was like a human metal object hit him in the stomach.

" Good." He rumbled darkly. " What is your name?" He asked her, in despite of knowing her name already. It really was a dumb and ridiculous name, but it served a purpose. She would bear witness to all who Tudi, Tisa, and any other bad guy willing enough to help, killed and destroyed.

Tudi was sure of it: this is going to be the Starter Squads finally battle, and the rise of the new. It gave him great excitement that he grinned widely. The little Togepi looked up at the smiling Sandslash and flashed a grin herself. Tisa just snorted. Dumb fox, Tudi thought.

" Just you wait, Eon. I'm coming for you, with tough allies by my side!" He loudly said. " Yeah, Eon! Whoever the fuck you are! Just you wait and see! We're gonna kill you!" Tisa yowled, laughing as sillily as a hyena.

" Look out, world! Here comes Witness! Can I get a Witness?! Eh?! Eh?!" The little Togepi asked, elbowing the two taller Pokémon, gleefully.

What the fuck. Tudi thought. " Just you wait world, we're gonna bite right back. And give back to Pulse what was stolen from him!" Tudi promised proudly. " And we're gonna go to a dance and trick everyone!" Witness said sillily. " No we're not." Tisa said, snarking. " Look out here comes the Murderers!" Tudi cried out. " Okay now we're just saying things." Tisa said with large annoyance.

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