Chapter three

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A slender paw poked at the Sandslash's muscular legs. Tudi slashes at the figure. A rather ticked off Ninetails was near his face. " Hey!" She growled. Tudi ignored her.

He rolled over onto his feet. " Augh!" He suddenly screeches as he uses Metal Claw. He must have been way more tired than he had expected. The Ninetails dodged the attack. " Woah! Bitch! Watch where you're pointing those claws Skippy!" She growled flexing her body to battle.

" Well you're the fucked up slut who went in my face!" Tudi yells back at her as he swings to kill her.

" How dare you! You were in my way!" She growls. " You could've just let me be!" Tudi growls as he used Earthquake. It sent her off guard and she went flying into a tree.

The Ninetails growls as she gets up as if the Earthquake was nothing. " You bastard!" She screams as she sinks her claws in Tudi's leg. He screams as he kicks her. Then he uses Rollout.

The female Ninetails screeches as well, blood welling up from both their bodies. A scratch lay near the Ninetail's eye while Tudi's leg had a small scratch mark near his toes.

The Ninetail's also was limping, showing signs that Tudi must have done something to hit her leg.

The Ninetails sent scorching flames at Tudi. He dug underground to avoid them, as he was very good at evading attacks from all different sorts of dumb and crazy Pokémon.

He went up and slammed into the regular Ninetails, sending her crashing into the trees. Tudi laughed at her struggles. " Looking good up there." He laughed.

" Help me get down!" She screamed, anger flames covering up the sound. " What was that? You were spitting fire I couldn't hear you. Did you say to leave you? Okay." Tudi says, laughing super hard.

" No! I order you to help me, you bitch! You super fucked up Pokemon!" She yelled. " I don't help sluts like you, sweetheart." He told her.

" I'm not a slut you dumbass!" She screamed. " Good luck getting down!" He taunted, waving a teasing goodbye to the dumb Ninetails.

He had a good evil hearty laugh. That was of course until someone startled him and he jumped back. It was a Togekiss dive bombing him? What the hell.

Luckily he was prepared for this. He swung his claw, and caught a wing tip of this older, more childish lady. The Togekiss screamed in intense pain. " Fuck off! Fuck off you fat assed freak!" He yells as he rips off part of the tip.

She screamed as flew off. " I really need flying repellant." He says.

He strolls onward, ignoring the bitchy cries for help by the Ninetails. " Now. My next goal..." He says as he draws in the dirt. He drew an inaccurate photo of a Riolu. " Aura Pokemon are gonna be a nuisance. I have to kill them all. But how?" He asks himself.

He flinched as he felt something drop on his nose. " Not now, fucking dumb Zekrom!" He yelled at the sky. Thunder boomed and lightning flashed. " I never liked you anyways!" He yelled. He then was struck by lightning. " Hah! That didn't affect me! Typing is ground!" He yells.

Then more rain pours. " What next? Grass?" He asks. He then sighs as he walks through the wet. He tried to reach the cave. The rain was harsh and he was moving slowly because wind had started. You can't punish me, Zekrom. I will punish you. You legendaries get noticed too much.

A weak cry rang out. Well at least I'm not the only one weak to water. He thought. Then he saw it was that same crazy Ninetails. " Well, I guess I should help her get down from that tree. So she can at least die on solid ground." He decided. He approached her. " Finally you come back! I thought if I waited any longer I would have to haunt you after I died." She growled sarcastically.

Tudi grabs her by one of her tails. " Hey!" She yelps. He ignores it. " I will curse you! You're touching one of my tails! My beautiful tail!" She wailed. " You're getting your mud claws all over it!" She cried.

" Shut up bitch. Would you rather me leave you here to die in this hell hole called life?" He asked her. She went silent after that. He then tugs her harshly and sets her free. " Now get out of here." He growled, punching her with his claws. However that's supposed to work.

She growls. " You don't punch a lady it's illegal!" She says. " So is killing a Mudkip, why should you matter any more than him? You should really leave before I kill you." He growls with a hint of a sadist smile creeping up on his face.

" No. I deserve better treatment. Especially from a fat shrew!" She yells at him. " Oh, honey. I'm more than just a fat shrew. I'm a criminal. So leave." Tudi told her. " But..." She began before Tudi slashes her face. She lands with a thud. She shakily gets up.

" Y-you aren't listening to me. I'm that Vulpix!" She screamed in his face. " There are a million Pokémon who look exactly like you. I don't know who you are. Or what Vulpix." Tudi said.

" I killed my human family! I came here to join you! To become You partner Pokémon in crime! Let me or do I need to show you?" She growled. He laughed.

" Is that a challenge? I barely did anything and you got your pathetic butt stuck in a tree." He harshly reminds her.

" Then teach me. I know your teacher died. So make me your apprentice. Please. I'm an outcast myself and I have nowhere else to go!" She tried to plead. " Oh boo, hoo for you." He says. " Please? It's better to team up because of your weakness to grass. Don't forget the squad." She told him.

" I haven't." He growled, thinking a bit. " Fine. But you need to learn moves that will actually hurt an enemy. And I know exactly how to show you." He said with an evil grin.

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