Chapter two

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And just like that the battle between the weak starters and the strong fully evolved Pokémon happened.

The battle was going well. At least Tudi thought. That was before a disgusting smelling human Pokémon showed up and ruined everything according to Tudi. He murdered his father. With help from the runt Popplio too.

Tudi was angry at them. And he chased them for while, but couldn't catch them. " Curse them anyways. I will find them. And when I do..." Tudi laughed sadistically.

He made a crushing sound with his claws. Half-heartily he made his way to his dead comrade. He gently picked up Pulse's body in his claws. He sighed as the kitten tried to attack him. He just swatted him aside. Not like a pathetic thing like that could beat him.

He dragged his father back to his cave. Silently he said, " I promise I will avenge your death. No matter if I have to kill that Umbreon or Popplio or both. Or the squad. I will destroy who got in our way! Everyone needs to be destroyed! That Litten! That retarded boy who sucks at battling. Everyone who gets in my way of revenge."

Tudi then digs a hole. A very large hole at that. He tosses his dad in. Pulse flops and his head twists. Tudi doesn't care. So long as the body is buried and never seen again, that will make him happy.

After he buried the only one he ever had a connection to, Tudi begins to pace the room. " What should I do now?! We always do stuff together! Now he's- he's gone!" Tudi cries to the whole of the cave.

Tudi then growls. " First." He told himself. " I must rid the world of Eevee." He told himself. It was an impossible goal, but Tudi thought maybe that would keep other dumb Pokémon from catching outlaws.

He cracked his claws/ whatever you call those Knuckles of his. " Looks like I have some planning to do." He said.  He started to search down the cave. He looked under rocks, in other rooms, under a table, everywhere he could. Then he found Pokémon paper and a pencil.

Tudi contemplated his options. " In order for me to take out all Eevees and that dumb squad: I need to first find an Eevee and kill him or here, I need to show Pokémon how evil and how dangerous I am, I need food for certain, and most importantly I need my claws and my earth powers." Tudi listed off.

He then crumpled up the paper and tossed it in a nearby stream. " Pulse never wrote anything down." Tudi growled to himself.

Then Tudi walked out the cave, the sunlight was so bright he had to put his paw in front of his face. " It's like Arceus made the sun brighter today." Tudi grumbles. Then he smiles.

" Time for some destruction." He grinned madly as he dashed to the nearest Eevee village. An Espeon was on watch. " Who are you?" He asked his gem glowing.

Then the Espeon gasped and his gem glowed brightly. " You're a criminal!" He realized. Unfortunately for him, Tudi ripped out his throat, his red blood flowing swiftly into a river at Tudi's feet. " Espeons." He just snorted as if that were nothing.

He cruised into the town with ease. The Espeon body left to rot until it got into the distortion world for all Tudi cared.

All the common Eeveelution folk paused as the blood stained Sandslash passed through town. They stared in fright as he made his way to a shabby old house.

A grief filled wail broke through the crowd as a male Vaporeon noticed the Espeon laying in his own blood pool. " Noooo!" Vaporeon wailed. " What pathetic types of Pokémon." Tudi says in amusement.

He saw an egg. A Flareon was standing protectively in front of it. " Leave now!" She hissed. Tudi looked at her in amusement. She can't tell him what to do.

He stepped closer. The Flareon started to flare up her mouth for battle. She sent a Flameflower at the SandSlash. He only blocks it with a Metal Claw and swiftly rips her skull from her body, satisfied when he heard her screams of pain and stops, die down finally.

He took one step forward to the egg in satisfaction. Revenge will be sweet. He thought. That umbreon wont know what hit him when he killed my father. He thought.

He was about to break the egg. Suddenly a small figure darted out and tackled him. A small male Eevee was shivering as he did so. " Leave that egg alone! You murderer! You killed my mother! You deserve to die for all you've done!" The Eevee said.

" It will be you who will die!" Tudi growls, his red claws showing and the little Eevee shivered.

The little Eevee stood his ground. Tudi leaped at him. Before he could kill the poor thing, fangs sank into his hide. He screeches as he swings to get at the Pokémon's neck. The Pokémon tosses him in the air before he could strike though. As if he knew Tudi was going to aim there.

" You!" Tudi suddenly growls as he recognized the Eeveelution. " Me!" The Umbreon says in glee. " You're the one who killed my dad!" He hisses. The poor Eevee didn't know what was going on so he just kept looking back from his savior to his almost murderer.

" Don't point claws, Sandslash. He had it coming for him. He's an outlaw and so are you. I suggest you leave, before your little Pikachu friend comes chasing after you again. After all he is in the Pokémon Squad and I do know him." Umbreon threatens.

Tudi doesn't say anything. " You bitch! I hate that damn Pokémon! Always chasing after me! He's so fucked up he can't ever catch a criminal. I saw him try to capture a Vulpix it didn't go so well." Tudi growls as he turns around and runs off. " Fucked up Umbreon." He grumbles as he collapses from the experience of see him again.

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