Chapter nine

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Tudi watched as a Lapras came up to the shore. He approached her. She got startled. " M-may I Help you?" She stutters out of fear. Tudi holds out a claw. " You will take me to the prison on the nearest island, or you will meet your doom." He told her.

She seemed to be shaking despite having a shell. " I-i can't do that, sir. Sorry." The Lapras addressed, looking as if she was going to turn around.

" Don't you Sorry me!" He growled as he slapped her in the face harshly. A red claw mark was there now. She gasped. Tudi didn't care if she was a lady. She was the key to helping him destroy the Starter Squad. He was weak to water, so he couldn't just swim across.

" You will take me across to the prison!" He harshly told her. " Why would you want to go there, jerk?!" She asked, receiving another slap to the face.

" None of your business, ugly." He growled to her. " Fine! Just hope on, you dumb outlaw." She growled. He slapped her one more time before getting on her shell. She huffed.

" Can't believe I'm helping an outlaw." She muttered to herself as she swam. " Are you always this slow? Go faster!" He ordered her, kicking her shell a little bit.

Lapras huffed again and went as fast as she could, so the slimy outlaw wouldn't touch her again besides the occasional grabbing on to her neck so he wouldn't fall off. She honestly wished he would so she could race away and not she to deal with an idiot such as himself.

She went to a halt as they reached the Dumb crook's destination. " Is this it?" He asked her, aware she might have just sent him to be captured.

" Yes. Now get your filthy claws off my shell!" She yelled at him, tears coming out of her eyes. She was really scared. Tudi rolled his eyes. " Women." He commented as he got off.

He looked up at the prison in front of him. " In order for me not to bested by that bitchy Tyranitar and his accompany Charizard, who looks like Paarthurnax for some reason, I must get my minions back." He stated.

A laugh filled the air. " Hello there, Tudi!" A silver-gray speck from the sky said, as it landed. It was a Skyarmory. " Oh hey, it's the new dumb outlaw I hear about. How'd you get the name Bucky, huh?" He began to laugh.

" Shut it, fool!" The Skyarmory growled loudly. " You're big on talk. You're named Tudi." Bucky said, his wings a flappin.'

" And I wouldn't have my name be any other way." He boasted proudly. " Okay, Ground." Bucky teased. Tudi curled his claws together. " Bucky's the man. Look at how perfect he lands." Tudi teased back. " Take that back! I'm not a cheerleader!" He shouted. " You look like one." Tudi said, with a wicked smirk on his smug face.

" Whatever. It was stupid to talk with an ancient Pokémon like you. Bye bye, Mr. old man." Bucky insults. Tudi grabbed his wings and started trying to tear them for that remark.

Bucky cried out, and tried flying away. It didn't work because Tudi had a tight hold on the now frightened outlaw. Tudi wasn't surprised by how stupidly weak he was. He was after all only level 15 compared to his level. That's pretty weak. Especially for a dumb outlaw like him.

Bucky kicked him with his feet, and zipped through the skies as fast as he could. Then turned around to look down on the extremely bad pokemon. He growled lowly. " I will get back at you for trying to tear my wings, bitch!" Bucky called. Tudi rolled his eyes. " Not before I remove your spleen." He grumbled as he stared the prison in front of him.

" Those brats are stupid and weak. No wonder they already got captured." He snorted as he walked in. The police in the area all gasped at the sight of the bad guy. They were probably all wondering if Tudi was trying to turn himself in. Highly unlikely, but a cop could dream.

A Braixen greeted him. " May I-I help y-you?" He stuttered. Tudi grabbed the Fox by the throat and killed him with one blow to the head. A shit could be heard from a Growlithe.

All the other cops ran away, scared to die. How selfish. Oh well, it made Tudi's job easier. He cruised through the jail, looking through the bars at the delinquents.

When one tried to grab him, he cut off the arm with ease, making the Pokémon scream in pain. " Don't touch me, captured idiot." He laughed. All the other Pokémon backed into their cages, more scared than ever.

Tudi raced and continued looking. As soon as some others of the Pokémon took a glance at him, they all turned around and snorted. One said, " Wow. So he's the villain they can't capture? And he can kill too? How stupid. He looks weaker than a Chikorita." One said. That made him stop.

He gritted his teeth. And he glared at the Hawlucha. Harshly, he reached in and punched him until he didn't move. " You all deserve to die. You're the ones who are weak. Weak enough to be captured." He laughed. The rest just glared at him.

He strutted until he found the cage with Witness in it. She had her body turned and tears down her face. " Hey, kid. I'm here to get you out of here." He said. She turned around and grinned widely.

" Those bullies of cops called me names." She whined. " Then they're wrong. They're the ones who aren't special." Tudi said, as he unlocked the cage with a claw.

" Where is Tisa?" He asked her. " Down the hall. But how'd you get in here?" She asked. " Let's just say those jerks if cops couldn't handle me." Tudi said. " You mean they ran away after you killed someone?" She asked. He nodded. She laughed. " Serves them right for punching me." She said. " Now let's get Tisa!" She cheered.

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