Chapter ten

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A sound could be heard from the outside. " I suppose that's their reinforcements." Tudi chuckled, as he saw a squad of Wurmple slowly march their way inside with weird war helmets on. It was a cute attempt, but it would take more than a bunch of slimy good for eating bugs than to stop Tudi.

" Is this seriously the backup?" Witness asked. Tudi shrugged. " With Good Pokemon you can never tell." He responded as Witness grinned up at him. He ran down the halls crying out swear words with Tisa's name added to it at the end, acting as if adding that would help him in his search. He honestly thought this was a dumb search, but it was to destroy that bastard of a Popplio and his feeble squad of friends as well. And that fucking dumb Umbreon too.

Tudi didn't know he was clenching his fists into his skin. Not until Witness pointed it out. " Are you okay?" She asked with a bigger heart than anyone he had ever heard from before.

" Outlaws have no time for weak emotions like pity." He responded as he ripped a cage that had Tisa in it. She looked grateful. He glared at her. She averted her attention at her paws. Her fangs were showing and she seemed to be having an argument with herself because her face went from snarling to pathetic back to snarling.

Over and over again. " Humph. Just because I saved you two lousy female doesn't mean that we are friends, get it?" He growled. Tisa nodded. Witness only grinned. " Yeah! We're family!" She seemed to cheer. Tudi slapped her. She let out a small yelp. " No we are not family! I am certainly not any of your family! We are not close. We are only allies until I get what I want and you get what you want." He seemed to spit.

Tisa only nodded. " There they are! Now do it like the boss done told ya!" A Cascoon said. Somehow the Cascoon was moving despite being a cocoon.

" Charge!!" All the Wurmple cutely chanted. Tudi rolled his eyes. " Ready to get out of here, female assistants?" He asked. " Sure, Whatever you crazy asshole." Tisa said rolling her eyes.

" To changing the world!" Witness cried happily, somehow obtaining a spear. She was heading in the wrong direction. At the Wurmple. She was poking them pretty good too with the spear.

Tudi glared at her menacingly. " Wrong way. We're not going to fight our way, yet." He said, his evil smirk contagious. " So we're running away? What a weak move!" Tisa growled. She was probably still pissed at him for leaving the two on their own.

" I think Tudi has the right idea, I mean he is the one who didn't get caught after all." Witness seemed to reason. " Kid..." Tudi began. Witness looked up at him, expectantly. She had really grown to seeing him. She knew that despite what he said, she knew he wanted her around.

" When we get out of this dump, I'm going to show you personally how to defeat the Starter squad. Goes for you too, foxy." He addressed. Tisa growled. He wasn't catcalling her, he was just addressing her to what she was. A fox Pokémon.

" Really?" She asked, her eyes full of adoration for this bad Pokémon. " Sure. But, you've got to learn that being nice will never get you anything nice in return." He told her harshly. " But Boulder-" the Togepi began.

" I'm going to stop you right there." He growled, a claw on her mouth. " Not all Pokémon are like this Boulder. You need to forget about them. Whoever they are." Tudi told her. She nodded in understanding.

The Wurmple were almost on top of them. Literally. " Ah! Get 'em off! Get 'em off!" Tisa screeched, as she shook some from her beautiful fur coat. " We've got to run, now! It doesn't matter if running is a fools move, these Wurmple are going to attack us if we stay here. Maybe." Tudi said, as he stabbed one and she died immediately.

The three fanned out of there as fast as they could. Pokémon were begging them to take them with them. Especially this weird female Pokémon who seemed to fancy Tudi. He wanted to punch her in the face to be honest. It seemed Tisa and Witness were also pissed at the Pokémon.

Tisa set her on fire. Her specialty. And Witness just stuck out her tongue like that was suppose to do anything. The Pokémon poked her in the eyes. She screeched. Tudi glared at the Pokémon who still seemed smitten with him, and he used Poison sting on the funnily similar Pokemon's eyes.

The sharp clawed female reeled in pain. Her quills flattened. The three quickly left after that little skirmish. She laughed sadisically after they got out of earshot.

" You will be mine." She laughed, shaking the bars as the silly slow Wurmple Squad made their way past her. She shook the bars, waiting for the help to come. He works alone, but she supposed that he would come if she sent the letter. After all, they did go to a behavior school when they were younger.

And they did both hate it. She rattled the cage she was in. She wanted that Sandslash. She was going to have him. No matter how bad he was or how much he didn't want anyone.

" Buscar! Fancy seeing you here. I had to fool that dumb Tudi in order to get here." A Skyarmory sinisterly growled, using Steel Wing to bust her out of the cage.

" Thanks. That's what I want to discuss with you. I want you to help me win him over." Buscar sighed. Bucky looked grossed out. " Fine, but what's in it for me?" He asked her.

" You could become the number one feared Pokémon in the world." She told him. That seemed to fancy him as he stopped moving it seemed. " Deal. What can I do to help?" He asked.

Authors note: Buscar: Galician for Getter according to Google translate. Liar, but I'm going with it.

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