Chapter Seven | iSpy

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"No, no plans. Let's just cut it off." I said to Phoebe.

"You can't just let him get away with cheating." Phoebe said.

"But I don't c-"

"Just hear me out for a second. The plan has 3 steps.
Step 1 : Tomorrow at school, act as you would normally do. If he tries to talk to you ask what he was doing with her, he'll most likely apologize and you are going to accept it.

Step 2 : Tom will ask you out but he has to hear it. So he'll ask you out in front of his classroom in a volume that he can hear, and you'll reject him, and say that you have someone else you like. He'll feel even more guilty,

Part 3: Tomorrow after school, we get Tom's car and follow him to his house. He probably won't spend Friday night alone, we'll spy on him and see what he's doing. If you catch him with her again, it's over.  " She said looking at me proudly.

"We're invading his privacy. That's a crime."


"The same thing."

"I promise, no breaking in, no stealing just investigation for research purposes."

"No way and Tom doesn't know about him."



"No, well yes bu-"


"A few hours ago. I thought it'd speed up the process."

"Just for once, ask me before you tell something."

"He was cool with it."

"He's cool with everything. Okay, I'm still not doing it."

"Then I will."


"You heard me, I'll go to his classroom and embarrass him in front of everyone."

"Just stop with the ideas, okay I'll."

"Yayyy. Okay tomorrow after lunch we'll plan it with Tom too, see you." She walked me to the door and I walked back home.

The next day, I was there standing in front of my locker. I felt tired and anxious. I could hear someone's footsteps growing.

"Hey." Said Chris. I felt like I was going to puke.

"Can we talk?" He asked. I just nod. It was lunch break, nobody was around. We got in a classroom and closed the door behind us.

"I want to talk about what you saw yesterday, I can explain. I didn't kissed her, she came closer to me. She caught me off guard."

He is lying. He grabbed her from the waist and kissed her, even if it was as he said, he didn't pushed her off. God give me patience because if you give me strength I'll punch him in the face. I wanted to believe him but I know he's lying and I have to follow the plan.

"Hmm." I said. This stomachache is killing me, I can vomit any moment.

"Please forgive me." This is the shittiest way to apologize from someone. He's not even trying. Deep breath Katherine, just nod. Follow the plan.

"We're good." I said and walked out. I saw Tom standing near.

"Come on, it's time for part 2." He said.

"Don't you think this is a little bit... awkward? The teacher thing."

"Gurl you be gettin some, I wish I could date Ms. Johansson. She's my fantas-"

"Okay okay got it, stand here, he can hear you at this point." I said. He coughed to draw attention.

"So, Kat, I was wondering if you wanted to go to Liam's party with me, like as my date?"

"I'm sorry, I actually have someone else, no hard feelings."

"K. Bye." He said and winked at me, then walked away. I couldn't help but giggle a bit. It was the weirdest conversation we've ever had. I turned around to see if Chris had heard. He smiled at me. I really want to believe him, I smiled back and went to the bathroom to meet Phoebe.

"Part 3 is on, come on let's go." She said bulling me outside.

We got in to Tom's car and waited for Chris to get out. After 30 minutes he got into his car.

"Driver roll up the partition please." Phoebe said to Tom. He rolled his eyes and we followed his car. We stopped near a tree, where he couldn't see us but we had clear vision of him. He got in and we just waited.

"What happens if he recognizes us." Tom said to me.

"We'll blame it on Kat." Said Phoebe.

"If I'm going down, I'm taking everyone with me." I said to them.

We've been waiting for over an hour.

"I'm bored." Tom said.

"Shh, he's getting out." I said.

He was wearing a blue shirt and jeans, over it he wore a leather jacket and a baseball cap. And it was dark. He got into his car.

"Quick, follow him." Phoebe said.

"It's like we're in a action movie." He said and started the car.

He drove to a club and got inside.

"Great, how are we supposed to get in ?" I said.

"Tom looks kinda 21." Phoebe said.

"They are checking a list, you should find a name that's on it." Tom said.

"What if he's meeting up with Ms. Atwell?" Phoebe asked.

"He might. Let's give it a try." Tom said. I sighed and got out of the car.

I got in the line, oddly it was not that long. I don't know what to think if she has her name on the list.

"Name?" The man asked.

"Uhm Hayley Atwell." I said. He checked the list and nod his head. I looked over to Tom and Phoebe. They motioned me to get in.

"Miss, wait a second. The list says that Hayley Atwell had already checked in." Said the man.

"It be like that sometimes." I said and rushed inside before he could catch me. I should be quick.

I got in and searched for Chris. He was meeting up with her, she had her name on the list. And today he apologized. He's such a liar. I found him in a booth sipping onto a fancy drink. After struggling for a good 5 minutes I took a deep breath and walked over there.

"Kat? How did y-"

"Unbelievable. You know what, I always liked Tom more than I liked you anyways. After all he's not a pig." I lied but I wanted to hurt him. Like he hurt me. His jaw clenched. Good he's mad.

"Ms. Avery?" This was Hayley's voice.

"Nope, don't know her." I said and got into the crazy crowd of people dancing. My eyes were getting watery, I'm not going to cry.

"Hey girl why don't you grind over me?" Said a douchebag. Okay so what I've learned from today is men are pigs. I turned at him and kicked him in the nuts then grabbed his arm and twisted it. He fell down. I smiled with victory. I took judo once or twice.

I got out of the club and looked for Tom's car. They've changed places. Phoebe was on the drivers seat and Tom was in the back.

I got in.

"So?" Phoebe asked. My eyes were still watery and I know if I try to talk I'll just burst out so I shook my head.

"Just go, she doesn't feel like talking." Tom said pulling me closer to him. I rested my head on his chest. Phoebe stayed over, she didn't wanted to leave me alone. I hugged tom and thanked him.

On Saturdays, Mr. Renner gives extra math classes. Since the majority of people failed his class. I go too, just so I can get extra credit from him.

"You're not coming?" I asked to Phoebe.

"Nah, I'll just drop you off." Said Phoebe.

I was early 17 minutes. I was slowly walking and listening to music. Out of nowhere someone grabbed my arm and pulled me in a classroom, as I mentioned, I took judo a few times. I have sharp reflexes. I elbowed the person and kicked them in the rib, turned around and I saw Chris grabbing his chest.

"I'm not even sorry." I said.

He got up.

"I have to admit, I didn't see that coming." He said rubbing his arm.

"I can say the same thing for your behavior." I said and walked through the door.

"Just let me explain." He said.



"No go f-"

"Just listen a minute, look I told you how I felt insecure about us, because there's boys your age who are good looking and etc. This was messing my head so at some point I thought maybe I should be with s-"

"Someone who's your age. Oh honey you didn't just thought, you also did kissed and probably got into a relationship with that someone your age. God you're disgusting. This was never an open relationship. You could've at least break up with me first. Asshole." I snapped. The bell ringed I was getting late for Mr. Renner's class.

"Okay I'm not fully innocent."

"You're not innocent at all!"

"I'm sorry, I really am. I always thought you'd go back to Tom. And this thought pushed me to doing irrational stuff." He said lowering his voice and coming closer to me. I stepped back

"Kiss me. See if it feels right or wrong." He said whispering. He put his hand on my waist. I was so tempted to kiss him but he has to know he can't get away with seducing me. He brought his lips closer to mine and softly kissed me. I wanted to push myself but it's like he had paralyzed me. I kissed him back. He smiled lightly.


"Nope nothing." I said but obviously I was lying.

"Lying is a bad trait Katherine." He whispered into my ear, I got shivers.

I could hear footsteps in the hallway but before I could push him off someone came in.



Whoops Cliffhanger,

What do you think? Should she forgive him? Do you think Chris is being completely honest or is he still hiding something ? Who came in?

Don't forget to comment&vote peanuts xxx

Also is there anyone from my previous story? Lol just curious.

Thank you,stay fab and goodbye


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