Dallas Not As In Texas- Part 7

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You decide to run after Dean. The worst thing would be if Dean shot again. Especially if someone died. Your brother, your boyfriend and your life is at steak here. You start to worry. If you lose you die. At least you tried and didn't let Dally or Bailey possibly die. As you start to run up to Dean, Dally runs up next to you. You smile, Dally won't go down without a fight. And he won't let anyone hurt his little sis without hurting them back!
"Come on sis. Let's get this little rat!" Dally said speeding toward Dean. You struggle to catch up.
"Dal, wait up!" You manage to spit out in between pants. You realize you can't feel your left calf. You know that you will regret looking, bit you look anyway. "Ewww!" You mutter as quietly as you can, hoping Dally didn't hear. But he did and he turned his head and looked at your calf. He quickly spun the other way, trying not to look sick. Well what's left of your calf. The back your shin bone is visible. You whole calf was blown off! Your aware that if you don't stop the bleeding soon your going to die. You also realize that you can't walk. Your calf is a muscle necessary to walk. You crawl over to Bailey, trying not to let him see your leg. Giving him as much hope as you can. Even thought the chance of you ever walking again is one in like a million. You huddle next to him crying. You forget Dally if fighting for the life of the three of you. You turn to see you brother weakley crying and crawling toward Dean. Trying to fight. You wonder why e looks so weak. And then you see it, or don't see it to e precise. His right arm looks blown off. What kind of gun is that? You wonder.
Sorry That's All! I am making this into a book! It should be published just before this so ya! Can't wait! After today these will go back to regular imagines!

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