Eps 14: What if Raven's coronation is Tame on taste but big on guests?part two

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Opening scene

A witch

A witch

And I may somehow said this before a witch in the Ars Goetia how interesting.

Then the light dim down to show who seem to be in a pure white suit in the human form with one side his hair being black while the other side is white as the guests while the other princess stood in their place, except for Luz and Amity.

Satan: Lord Lucifer this is quite the surprise.

Lucifer: I would like to make an entry for personal exceptions.

Asmodeus: well you have a right of attending to these offense like these but you're just too high for those like her.

Raven: honestly I didn't think my little thing will get such guests like you my Lord.

Lucifer: please call me Lucifer for now Raven.

As the princess having their little chat someone and that be Luz has some issues with the host and guests bootlegging to who she doesn't know and Corbar knows that she's going to say something that's going to put her head on the chopping block and makes the run at Luz before she opens her big mouth.

Luz: What kind of Ki-

Coabar: sorry Lord Morningstar she's just a island Bumpkin completely Heat deprived for being living on a dead caucus of a Titan.

Coabar then started to smile nervously as the Lucifer Morningstar approaches him and Luz who is very pleased on how much of a chicken Corbar is.

Lucifer then gave a calm look at both of them.

Lucifer:Luz is it, I get your a backwards non-believer and you being delusional from the Heat thing is something those Goetia's made up and all but this is your " step daughters" special day so don't make a scene like Nora is doing by hog tying your wife.

Then Lucifer look at Coabar as he lower his brow while he raises his.

Coabar: staying in character as a cowgirl.

Then Lucifer leaves Corbar and Luz site and regroup with the other princes as Coabar gave off a sigh of relief as remove his hand from Luz's mouth who is not please without any was hogtied and well tied.

Scene one

As the coronation start to settle down Raven takes her appointed seats for closing ceremony which will have the princess bestow the gem on to the crown a piece of their power.

Then Nora text the crown from the stand and walks towards Raven with her facing the audience as Nora approach the crown of something to say.

Nora: ever since our arrival upon the Bolling Isle we the Goetia's have made it our home on the left arm of the Titan even if Witches lives in bootleg Discord we share our gifts are our culture and yet they're still those that you sleep in their own Anarchy.

Luz: Hey!

Nora: Until a rear gem from the base side of their scribbled estate, even if she's one arm short was discovered by one of our own we let in but the witches think she's their property but this little gem is too bright for them to have it all to themselves.

Amity: you have means of magic that's too strange for us and obvious to Luz.

Coabar: is that all or do you have any more Federal complaints?

Both Luz and Amity growing a bit in resentment as Nora results.

Nora: Now as I was saying, so if they can't have her then they'll deep fry those that truly accepted her and even if the real masterminds are still out there she thought those that will resort to cannibalism and earn her spot at the table of the Ars Goetia as their first witch.

Then Nora put the crown on raven's head felt a bit heavy on her head thus is a burden of the one who wears it.

Coabar: now may the princess please place the gem onto her crown.

Then one by one the 6th of a seven placed there piece of their Gem on to Raven's crown.

Satan: with a piece of my strength no one nor thing will oppose you.

Beelzebub: With a piece of my sustainability nothing is off the menu.

Asmodeus: with a piece of my charisma no one can resist you.

Mamon: with a piece of my wealth you will never be penniless.

Leviathan: with a piece of my sight no one will hide from you.

Belphegor: are the piece of my speed time will never catch up to you.

Then Lucifer make his approach with his gym in hand right and felt very nervous see ing him face to face as he puts the last gem piece on her crown.

Lucifer: we're the Peace of my light you always have friends in high places but I have one more gift for you Raven metal Talon.

Then this one takes a few steps away from Raven so he can, spread his wings all six of them.

Lucifer: hear me now and hear me well both witches humans and Goetia's alike, the Ars Goetia's accepting a witch in their ranks is indeed interesting but I can do better for when Raven turns 25 she will be from that day on the 1st, Witch queen of the Ars Goetia!

HawkBert: Her be queen?!

Scene two

The entire room is in deep silent with what Lucifer still with upon Raven, Katie however seems like a feeling that Richter is in on it with his right on schedule look.

Amity slowly came out of the silence while Luz it's time to have something boiling inside her.

Luz: Ok Luz... this is Ravens coronation.... so be suppor- OH SHE SO A F***ING SINNER ELAN!

Amity was shocked by Luz's explosion While most of the Goetia guess our amused thinking it's another one of Mamon's punchlines but he whispered a little something into Asmodeus's ear.

Mamon: not even I can pull that off.

Asmodeus: I don't think it's over yet.

Amity: Luz get a hold of yourself you don't want this kind of behavior to be seen in front of everyone.

Luz: Well I started from god d*** nothing and gave almost my life to save everyone and she getting a spot at the big table for saving those foul s*** heads.

Satan: well your so-called heroism is bull like 40 square peg into around Circle but hey that's human stupidity for ya.

Feel very average by Satan's little comment.

Luz credit her teeth I was about to go off how many grabbed her by the arm and head out there as she went off.

Luz:You sinful d**** think your all that well I have thought worse of being then fiends.

Satan: is that with or without pulling the trigger?

Then Amity use Abomination adhesive to wrap Luz up before she goes on another one as she drags her out of there.

Luz: I'll get you for this Raven Metal Talon I'll ruin you all and send ya to H-

After that little firework show Mamon pulls out a very unusual calculator and start crunching the numbers on how much swear money Luz oh so everyone in the room and the final amount is really going to make her jaw drop and then head for the Hills.

Mamon: oh yeah, she's going to be a Tax Advisor.

Scene three

As the whole thing started to come to its end with a small amount guests left and beelzeba is clean up the table so speaking that is Raven is sitting on the ballroom balcony stairs as she process of what happened to though she befriended joins her as Katie and Richard leaves.

Nora: so you been sanctioned to be Queen Raven how does it feel?

Raven: Well it still a a lot to take in and it really burned Luz because she suffered and I lost one hand and got a better one.

Coabar: But that due to reasoning fell on deaf ears to those that Luz opposes and fails.

Raven: Even if it turns out okay for her in the end She nor does she care for something down and attack on one demon realm is Attack on all and her town has an escape goat for all we know at least.

Coabar: and we took what they are trying to rebuild out of migration.

Nora: not all of them are happy about it and there are still that do even if they won't eat us now.

Raven: and the one who has some tries to do and still are out there.

And bye now this be the right time to go on the offensive.

Then they looked at the top of the ballroom balcony stairs and HawkBert Stolas descending downwards as they get up.

Raven: Lord Stolas

HawkBert: you would call me by my name since we are now equal but there's an age second County and in our Ars Goetia tradition the oldest of the household that's me is to give you a little gift before heading home.

Then HawkBert Stolas presents what looks like a jewelry box that was behind his back and it looks like a jewel inside it as he opens it.

Raven: Look nice but what is?

HawkBert: we call them Asmodeing Crystal a little something we use to get from here to there or does it go out after work for others.

Then Raven reluctantly takes the crystal out of the box and put it on her right hand as it locks onto a back hand.

Raven: so how does it work?

Do I have to think of where you want to go and then I'll Rift open up and just go right on in?

HawkBert: basically yes but you can go into pocket Dimensions to change into what clothes you need to wear, Oh and before I forget your crown can turn to any wearable item in case you feel self-conscious while wearing it and I also like a liberty of writing down a little something for you.

As HawkBert hands what looks like a folded piece of paper to Raven and when she unfolded it what seems to be address with the latitude and longitude setting and seems to have an idea on where to go and then I'll for delay Raven opens the rip which shows the abandoned house she stayed at a bit now well boost up and completed, then goes right in.

As Raven came out on the other side of her new home is a real sweet class not as intentionally fancy as a hosts but will do for now then as she closes her eyes she opens the door thinking there will be servants to greet her but that wasn't.

Raven: where's the thoughts but now about this crown.

Raven gave a moment on what turn the crown into and as it came into her head it turned into an amulet sitting her well as she gave herself a tour of the place while those she knows or simply going to stay with her, Raven finds it very amusing but oh well.

Post credit scene

In the deepest Forest of the colonial era the "great" witch hunter Phillip weatherbane track down those that are the " threats to humanity" and as he thinks he found the right Trail big flock of birds surrounded him in the trees and stare at him with blood red eyes.

The head bird: Phillip weatherbane your man Pursuit for praise and attention had upset the order.

Lift wing bird: resulting into other demon Browns to move in on what you caused.

Right wing bird: and cause more problems with a locals until another human that is an arm shorts came into that world and slay the last of your poison and it's only a matter of time till she sets her sights on.. you for the crimes that you and all Gravefleld has committed.

Then a Shadow of Ars Goetia rose up behind him and in fear as he turned around.

Phillip: you think that Shad-

Then the Shadow turn into a vile monster of Philips own fear does having him wake up in Freights and what seems to be a virtual master bedroom wall two called hearted businessmen watched his frightened look from one of them monitors.

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