Eps 15: What if the truth about Gravefleld get rip open like talon on flesh p1

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Opening scene

  The alarm clock went off on the right side of Raven's new bedroom as he tries to get up since middle arms like her are not allowed in bed, then as Raven finally got up and turns off the alarm she went to her walk-in closet with more clothes than she needs even if it's only her uniform for now but honestly not into the mild electric arms well getting her usual on the Left End..

Raven: why would I ever need this many mile electric arms, I may technically be a princess but I don't need this much clothes.

Once Raven got dressed while heading her amulet underneath it she heads to the Rooftop where friends are about to take off.

Elan: oh Raven nice to see that your up in your human form.

Raven: I may be accepted into High Society of the Ars Goetia but I'm So Raven of the bad side of the tracks and also why is Sapphire is on Anya's flight staff?

Sapphire: well I'm a familiar so it's custom to have my co-pilots no matter how much one weighs that is.

Raven:Suit yourself,even if you can ride in your human form.

Sapphire: I can but being a healer is more fun.

Then once Robert got on Anya's flight stuff they flow off to Eagle Mage prep.

Once they got there Raven parts from her friends to a class that the rare few got to go at her age, spellcasting class and when she got there the door to that classroom has it's very unusual give off a real Fantasy Castle appeal.

Raven: special classes calls for Grand entries I guess.

Then she enter before the bell ring.

Scene one

The spellcasting teacher: Ah you must be Raven your appointed teacher will be here shortly.

Raven: because you teach the advanced classes Mr...

The Spellcasting teacher: You can call me Mr. Hootenanny and that myst be her.

Raven turned around and see that Scarlett came in with a teacher's lock.

Raven: very interesting.

Scarlett: well as an upperclassman I have to do what I can to get those that got their grimoires sooner than usual up to speed.

Raven: Elan is her own am guessing.

Then Scarlett Wings towards Ravens right here and Whisper a little something into it.

Scarlett: well this isn't the only spell casting class in the school and she also told me that you were the Metal Talon witch of the Ars Goetia and this is the best I can do in return for saving my egg.

Raven smirked in amusement.

Scarlett: so let's begin your circle is on the far left and the room.

Raven: Like theirs?

Scarlett: indeed kiss funny why they are in thick cylinders it's so they won't be disturbed while meditating.

Raven things that could be more than meditating as she and Scarlett gets into hers as a cylinder Rises up.

Scarlett: okay Raven please bring forth your grimoire.

Then with an instant Raven brings out her grimoire in a Puff Smoke is amazed that Ravens grimoires has the seven gems of the prince's.

Scarlett:Wow, anyway now let's hold arms so we can meditate in Houston so I can guide you.

Thenraven reluctantly grab scars arms as she grabs hers

Scarlett: I know it feels uncomfortable but you need a guy now close your eyes and concentrate.

Then once both Raven and Scarlett closes their eyes they started to levitate from the ground and when they open their eyes they find themselves in what seems to be an elevator.

Scene two

The elevator they are in have more than the breathing space with what looks like the door in front of them with seven buttons on the right side with the smallest number on top to bottom with all them lit up and Raven seems to know why but let Scarlett Take the Lead.

Scarlett: as you can obviously see each button represents each gym your grimoire has normally it be three with the Rarity of five at best but I'm letting you push the first button.

Raven: and I may know the one.

Then without hesitation Raven pushed the top button and then the door opens up showing a bright light then they boldly go where no Goetia have gone before.

On the other side of the door is a massive City with skyscrapers the beans up all the way to the sky where the air is at thinnest.

Raven: are those of the good side looks like.

Scarlett: I never heard of pages like these.

Raven: what kind of pages do they normally have?

Scarlett: well the rest pages are like gems and armories with shooting galleries gluttony is a cannibal kitchen lust is...a bit NFS ( not for school) if you know what I mean greed is a bank to put a nutshell Envy's a spy Tower sloth from what I've heard is like a big hotel.

Raven: and pride for what I can guess towers of knowledge.

Scarlett: one way to find out.

With so many skyscraps to choose from it's hard to pick more than one as I look around tell Ravens started to hear what sounds like bone readily at the nearest Tower on her right and started to go in that direction and Scarlett knows that she's heading that way.

Scarlett: hey Raven where are you going?

Raven: I don't entirely no I'm just following the sound of what sounds like bone Radley that's coming from that Tower ahead.

Scarlett: that's normally when when started learned that first grimoire spell.

Raven: A Necromancer one I'm guessing.

Scarlett: hey we are going into Uncharted Territory so it's anyone's guess.

Raven: it's like you said only one way to find out.

Then Raven and Scarlett head towards the tower where the bomb rally is coming from and inside looks like a Lobby they looked around a bit till Raven found the map display on the nearby wall it seems that they are in an Archive Building.

Raven's V.O: guess I was right about the knowledge thing.

Scarlet then sees the map display as well and what each floor has.

Scarlett: Hmm seem like this tower is for finding things.

Raven: tracking spells Scarlett.

Scarlett: Seem so.

As Raven takes a closer look at the map the bone Brothers trying to get louder when she looked up on each room upwards and she found out that's coming from the folklore room on floor 13.

Raven: why is it always a 13th?

Scarlett: probably something to scare off a superstitious.

Raven: then there's no other choice.

So without delay they head into the elevator and goes up once Raven hits the 13th button.

Once the elevator door opens when I got to the 13th floor the place look like one big filing storage room as they went on in.

Raven: that's a lot of file cabinets to look through even if we know where to lo-

Then the brown railings are now loud and clear enough to lead Raven and Scott to where they are coming from looks like a freezer drawer of a mortuary with the name Gravefleld on the label.

Scarlett: Is that the name of Luz's hometown?

Raven: seems like there's more to her Town than what they want outside is to know.

Then without hesitation Raven opens a drawer and what looks like skeleton flu out of there screaming like Banshees causing both her and Scarlett to snap out of the meditation.

Scarlett: Raven Raven Raven!

Raven felt a bit dazed as she began Consciousness and realize that Scarlett is all technically, nude and so is she and tries to come herself.

Scarlett: yeah that's what happened when one is learning grimoire Magic Burns off anything in organic but the Phoenix ashes and our uniform regenerates within a few minutes but I'm more concerned with snow on your face even if it's not showing any symptoms but can't take any chances.

Then as their uniform being completely restored Scarlett text Raven to the nurse's office while Raven sees that they are rich streaks on her face in a by reflection on the way over.

Scene three

About a few days later Raven is in the audience room of her Mansion waiting for her appointment guess on her throne while Luz and Amity Bruce Lee at the smallest of details.

Raven V.O:I know Luz has a swear jar debt and all but this is sad even for me.

Then as Luz is clean audience room door knob she got crushed by it as Lucifer made his appointed entry.

Lucifer: Raven darling it's been awhile!

Raven: it's been a month since we last meet at my coronation.

Lucifer: even so down to business.

Raven: like those skeletons that seem to be in Gravefleld's closet.

Lucifer: indeed and skeleton geists are not common for those like Richter he would come for this but there's more than enough lies that caught my attention and trust me I know my lies all too well.

Luz:How can Gravefleld Have more lies than any other small shelter town?

Lucifer:Hmm maybe it something that oh I don't know, YOU SHOULD OF HAVE DONE ALONG TIME AGO!

Raven: Well Cen crystal made a unusual burial ground but they made for them is the reason why you are here.

Lucifer: indeed so your first assignment is simple, infiltrate Gravefleld and find out what they're hiding for them with whatever they wanted hidden in return.

Amity: with all the respect me and Luz are going their so maybe can...

Lucifer: ask her guides for all I care and that been said I'll make my leave so good day.

So as Lucifer make his leave Luz stood his way and from the look of both Amity and the Raven's faces this won't end well.

Luz: oh I'm not just going to let Raven and whoever she's bringing along to dig up dirt on Gravefleld what will she find and how can she get it?

Lucifer: I don't know vandalize sabotage have the town tune on the other any kind of diversion she sees, do you have any undoes that you can blackmail, I DON'T CARE HOW SHE AND WHOEVER WILL BE HER ACCOMPLICE YOU'LL DO WHATEVER RAVEN COMMAND AND THAT A ORDER!

Then Lucifer venison flash of light temporarily blinding Luz as Amity attends to her as they leave to their room.

Raven V.O: Luz, I know that you're out first got you into this but this is not your story anymore and I feel that you're going to be bait to catch who or whatever is The Mastermind to all of this and it's not going to be a pretty ending as far as I can tell.

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