EPS 18: What if the truth of Gravefleld is rip open like Talon on flesh P4

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The Gravefleld Community Center to Evelyn and when she and Cable got  their the place look, dull and bleak.

Evelyn: Ah Cable dose this place alway look like that?

Cable: Hey am not fond on how the outside looks as you are but inside another story.

Evelyn: Less boring hopefully.

Cable: I won't bet on it if I were you.

Opening scene

When they got inside the community Center barely have anything to do for a few minutes then get bored and even Cabel is not please with it but there's nothing he can do about it as he and Evenly take a seat in the conversation and game and they're tasting games are, basic but decent and no Wi-Fi for some reason.

Evelyn: Ok don't mean to skip to the ending and all but what  your so call mom doing!?

Cable: (sign) my so call mom had agree and engagement with someone that I don't know that's the daughter to one of the Executives of Cen Crystal.

Evelyn feels a very uneasy tension and covers the back of her neck like she knows more about it than he thinks.

Evelyn: And the fiance they paired you with?

Cable: someone named Don and this is where I am meant to meet her and you with your uncle or an improp to a tour for the representative.

Then someone came into the room who in more unusual threats then the locals and takes a seat at where Cable and Evenly is sitting at when she sees them.

Dawn: Oh you must be Cable and you be?

Evelyn: Cherry, my uncle and I are staying for a couple of days when what we are going is in a week.

Dawn: mind if I ask what it is?

Evelyn: oh one of those silly business trips my uncle drags me along when I leave for break.

Cable: private school.

Evelyn: More or less.

Dawn: I suppose it's not that different than School that I currently go to even if there's a shop class accidents that resulted in a person named Raven losing her right arm.

Cable jaw dropped a bit while Evenly eyes widen upon hearing that name.

Evelyn: Ah, funny question what happened to her after that?

Dawn: on the Run from truence officers for resisting Juve arrest no one really know when she had disappeared.

Cable: All that from a freak accidents?

Dawn: Tge buzzsaw table was on when it happened fell right on it cutting off her right arm and got a plastic on the hook before Raven was meant to be sent off to juvie.

Evelyn: Ok guest I'll leave you two for now and call my uncle on where we can meet up later and not in a weird way.

Then Evelyn casually walked out of there and when she's outside pull out the phone and call HawkBert.

Evelyn: Hi Uncle do you want to meet somewhere away from Human eyes and ghosts?

As Eberly being on the phone she doesn't know that the ghost of Hasson Stablemean peeked through the door and may find something special about her even if she and her uncle can see him.

Evelyn: Ok deep in the town park got it.

Hasson: Why does she and her uncle intrigue me?

Cable: Hope it more then just seeing you.

Then Hasson turn to Cable you seems to be the first see him as he opens the door on his left but Dawn doesn't even if Evenly is not a threat to the town's plan's, yet.

Scene one

Moments later at the Gravefleld Community Park Evenly meet up with her uncle in the picnic area who is with Raven William and Wendy due to a common interest as she takes a seat.

Evenlyn:Uncle, friends nice to meet you.

Raven: Well it do to you and HawkBert being able to see the ghost of Cable and Philip so called adopted father.

HawkBert: Well the Seance was meant to bring forth the actual Evelyn even if it's not men to work seems to make though that's been in that Circle can see those that are acquainted with her.

Evelyn:like the actual Cable.

Willam: Normally we have means and spells to see these, Ghost needless to say we know those thing but never thought of interacting with them.

Wendy: well ghost watching is one of many relaxing hoppies that are out there.

Raven: Would love to try it out one day once this whole crisis is resolved.

Evelyn: Well don't know if this will rub Raven the wrong way but-


The little out Outburst raven made had everyone Duck and Cover, then slowly come out after she settled down the bit.

HawkBert: Hmm am guessing she is what cost you an arm and maybe on the top of my head this be more then setting history on what they should of have in stone.

Wendy: So, Raven what do you know about this Dawn person?

Raven: Dawn from what I know is that one of the folks is executive of Cen crystal and I don't know why it just pop into my head butt the local Historical Society is running out of funds to do what they seem to be hiding and try to wet off the namesake whatever amounts of inherited money they can get.

Evelyn cringed I'll take a few steps back, Then HawkBert nodded to her showing it's okay to show what's behind her neck and she turns around and lifts the back of her hair, Showing the Cen Crystal Insignia on the back of her neck.

Raven: And Katey know about it.

Evelyn: Well I hatched from a ostrich egg if it doesn't sound too weird.

HawkBert: A blood red one to be pacific.

Then Raven slapped her forehead on how insane Cen crystal is and take a moment to breathe perform informing the others on what Luz and the others are doing.

Raven: Well Luz's group is trying to pinpoint on who have any of the three key cards which could more hard with her current I.Q while Anya is with her familiar Sapphire is on their own thing as a rest like Camila, just give him the day off because I don't know what to do with them.

HawkBert: You don't really trust Luz do you?

Raven: Don't know why honestly, maybe not a quick learner or something your guess is good as mine.

Wendy: Well she very determine we can give her that.

William: all because those like Belos sees them as minor nuisance I won't pull the trigger on.

Evelyn: good thing she has not heard that.

Raven: even if she does loose may never forgive us saying something like that.

William: how can she the town that refused to get past their judgmental Behavior?

HawkBert: All due to the actual Cable falling in love with a outsider and and dessert his fiance and that Philip do her family's Dirty Work.

Raven: but that's what we put together the truth being very deep and the burial ground holds the key with one personal order of business to attend to.

As Raven lift the meeting the other have a bad feeling about it.

Scene two

Meanwhile in another part of town, Anya who posing as a blind girl with sapphire the piercing eye dog if a listener or a queen device on her collar as they follow to Amber Graveannister to what seems to be a bookstore with an outdoor Cafe, as they see who seem to be a executive of Cen crystal from the cufflinks that have the companies insignia as they take a seat so they can have the meeting not knowing that Anya is at the other table while Sapphire is underneath them ready to listen in on that questionable agenda if someone on their right hiding her face in a book.

Amber: executive Daryl good to have you here before our kids big announcement at the end of the weekend.

Daryl: well I have not much to do in the meantime anyway.

Amber: Don't worry the wait is worth it.

Sapphire's V.O:This is going to take a while even if I have more than enough to record the whole thing.

Highlight one

Daryl: with my own Uncle leaving me with a small get decent Fortune when he expires in over a year from now and when it off your son to my daughter may not work well if you folks are hiding gets loose.

Amber: well the checks I'm getting are hardly enough to keep the local Historical Society open.

Daryl: he's not related to you is he.

Amber: Cable Toadworth, oh he only been from one place to another that more or less cares about those government checks.

Sapphire's V.O: That cold.

Highlight two

Daryl: now you know they can get married once they are over 26 but they will be at one of Cen crystal's best private schools in the meantime starting next fall.

Amber: Good he been giving the other kids the creeps with a so-called ghosting nonsense hopefully whatever Cen crystal is planning will get rid of it with all other forms of nonsense as well.

Sapphire's V.O: What is Cen crystal planning?

Final highlight

Sapphire's V.O: glad this thing is winding down because this is my last title card.

Daryl: and that's it for now and thank you ms. Amber for killing my needed time.

Amber: Well your welcome and hopefully goes as plan.

Daryl: And if something goes wrong?

Amber: Don't worry nothing will go wrong and this may just had pop into my head but have those the pitchforks direct their attention at Luz.

Daryl: As long no one get hurt.

Then once the meeting over both Daryl and Amber part ways to wherever they need to be for the day, While Anya take off her disguises a sapphire came out from under the table.

Anya: All that for inherence money?!

Sapphire is as unpleased with it as any dog would be after hearing what could be more horrible than sounds and can't say anything while in her dog form as who was hiding her face in a book finally reveal herself to be Camila who's as unpleased about that plans and what they will do to Luz if something goes wrong.

Anya: Mrs. Noceda, how long have you been sitting there?

Camilla: more than enough to hear their whole Wicked plan.

Anya: I'm not pleased about it as you are and how could they do that to Luz, she never did anything to them.

Camila: They are just does Men's let the time and I also found a dime on this table my simple on to what they are planning and I think I know why.

Then Anya and Sapphire turn their heads towards the going out of business sign that Camila was pointing at and seems to get the idea.

Anya: Are they planning on buying out all they can from Gravefleld?

Camila: or just leaving because they are outgrowing this town and looking for better places in the background is what's taking up almost all the town's money also I believe that is.

Anya: And you could be more right then you think.

Scene three

As the sunsets Cable and his so call fiance are at the parks viewing platform for the sunset which the locals seems to find it unnecessary even to him.

Dawn: quite the view isn't it Cabel?

Cabel: more like a man-made one.

Cabel was never interested in stuff that Gravefleld is created into over the past few years by Cen crystal and so is the ghost that he can see.

Dawn: hey it may be driving the middle lower class out like, oooo rat but still open for tourist.

Cable: which one that my so-called mom wants because she's getting sick of the measly tourist prophets that the town usually gets.

Dawn: Well the town is so inside the box scared so easily or so I've heard.

Cable: and those that your dad works for sees them as storage space with whatever anyone has left behind and use them stuff like those silly souvenirs of the Cen crystal brand.

The conversation ran for a few minutes as someone is coming up the stairs of the Parks viewing platform which happens to be Raven with Evelyn in a silver invisibility cloak for some kind of plan as Hasson on is on Cable shoulder.

Hasson: Something tell me we may have a opportunity Cable.

Cable: Just let them make the first move.

Then Dawn tons around and notice Raven it was the Muse upon seen her after Vanishing without a Trace as Cable spot what seem to be one of the three key cards on Dawn's belt loop which could be more tricky to get his hands on as he falls closely behind her.

Dawn: Raven how interesting meaning you here for who knows how long.

Raven: Oh am only in town with some friends for a will something to and I just heard that you're in town for your engagement at the end of the festivities.

Dawn: always just business nothing more or less.

Raven:mind if I ask to shake your hand?

Then Dawn officially offered our left hand while Raven grabbed it with her right metal Talon arm and it feels like a bear trap to Dawn.

Dawn: Aaaaa the pain!

Raven: and that for the arm you cost me.

As Raven being The Squeeze to Dawn's hand Cable is getting the key card off the belt loop in the confusion and Tuck out of there and Evelyn try to cover him but he think she attacking him.

Cable: Hey what are you doing!

Evelyn: Hey you took something that we need to get in that Fairground and there are still two more.

Cable: Well if you are lo-

As they are still struggling for the key card they fell down the viewing platform staircase, so Raven have to use what look like a flash bomb to get away from Dawn and as a flash Fades away she realized that her key card and the fiance are gone.

Once Raven and Evelyn got far enough with Cable as a rest and nearby table, once they take a seat Cable ask the first question.

Cabel: Ok as I was saying if you two are looking for the others their isn't the master key card is the only one that can open all three doors and I want in.

Hasson: it's the only way I can finally rest in peace even if you do have your own agenda.

Raven:We are looking into Gravefleld connection to Cen crystal other than seeing if we taking over the town that is.

Evelyn: while trying to find their true history behind the witch hunting nonsense which could be at the bottom.

Cable:Ahh it actually in the staff record room in the second basement in what they are really hanging at the bottom is not what the travel brochure States.

Raven: And I may have a idea on how, but I'll save it for the other to hear.

What do they don't know as they are leaving to meet up with the others Mr. Clamebell has overheard the whole thing when he's sitting at the table on the left, who knows how he could complicate the whole thing, if he's against them but there no certainty if he's Raven's friend or Foe.

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