EPS 19: What if the of Gravefleld is rip open like Talon on flesh P5

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The Morning of the last day of the founder's day weekend come at Vee's home as everyone gathers into the dining room So Raven can explain her master plan that will have better luck then whatever Luz can come up with.

Opening scene

Raven: Ok the plan is simple,  me Ginger Wendy and William will infiltrate the burial ground with a silver stealth cloaks defined what we need to, run Gravefleld name thought the mud and gave Dawn's final days of our last day or real nightmare she will never forget but we need some ice on the festivities in case of her just taking longer than expected.

Ginger: My truth finder can find that record book.

Raven: Even so their could be something that can interfere with it like say LED for instance but may not be enough if we did find it.

William: and whatever at the bottom holds the key.

Luz:So that your plan dig up dirt on the town over who caused your arm well visiting on business.

Raven: it's better than whatever you can come up with always falls apart.

Luz: Hey, that was uncalled for!

William: We will be outside if you two setting things.

Vee: Just try hard not to tear up the place.

Once Vee and the rest got out of the Raven grab Luz by the neck with a left hand and Slammer onto the table as Ravens eyes lit up Ars Goetia red.

Raven: Belos had rule over the Isle with fear and his B.S Coven system declawed everyone for easy game because he can't raise a hand to strike down anyone that goes against desires and obligations.

Luz: Well it better then-

Then Luz felt Raven's metal hand on her chest life is going to rip out her heart.

Raven: Then why didn't someone like Belos say something like, you never have a chance to beat me and do you know why?

Luz in a unpleased tone: Hmm I don't know never had that much rag-

Meanwhile while the rest also waiting outside they hear a massive crack from the inside, then Luz came out who look like she seen a real bird of wrath then Raven came out feeling a little more relieved with her eyes back to normal.

Wendy: feeling better Raven.

Raven: Oh Yeah oh and Vee sorry about the table, strong wood though.

Then without anymore delays they head off to receive the plan.

Scene one

Moments later as they split up with Raven's group now near the burial ground behind some trees waiting for the right moment to get in the only guard at the gate.

Raven: Ok their the Guard who happens to be that idiot which one do you want to be now how to get in if the self he will pick it up with a few hints.

Ginger: So how are we going to get past him?

William: Yeah almost everyone will Ryan off as a crazy person.

Wendy: Hey something coming.

Then what seem to be a car came into the scene and once it's been parked the Connecticut Historical Society rep Mr. Clambell came out of the car and seem persuade the god to leave his post and goes with him.

William: well that's unusual.

Raven: Let not get over confident with the winner of opportunity, that we got with the possibility of another guard taking his place.

Then they pull up their hoods they hop the fence, literally except for Ginger  when they open the gate for her from the other side.

As they got inside Ginger pulls out her true finder to find what they are looking for and the thing start the flicker when they got to the first basement door.

Raven: Ok here goes nothing.

Then Raven pull the Master key card and swipes it does unlocking the door.

Raven: the first ones are always the easiest.

Wendy: So we can walk right into a trap.

William:um don't mean to kill the drama but I don't think they thought that far ahead.

Ginger: someone needs to cut down on the drama's.

Wendy: okay I may be overthinking it but I don't know what to expect down there.

Raven: even so only one way to find out.

Then Without further delay they head down the stairs.

When they got down to the first basement it turns out to be the record room with shelves being full of record books that seem to be of multiple volumes that went from witch hunting to more modern offenses from one end of the room to the other.

Ginger: Hmm these really been doing all kinds of wrong for a longtime.

As they look around Raven simply pick up the first volume she sees with her right middle hand from one of the shelves.

Ginger: Ah Raven, I think you found it.

Ginger's truth finder is buzzing like a Smartphone as she slowly approach Raven.

Wendy: How that possible?

William: Seem the one that in the next basement is a fake and whenever a Goetia touch a book like that we see it through other perspective of the person who wrote it, as long it not fictional that is.

Raven: Then why, oh Yeah metal arm.

William: It doesn't happen right away  Raven, you just have to put your organic hand on the cover and focus.

Raven: Ok.

Then Raven put her lift hand on the book and close her eyes, once she begins to focus Raven sees more than what they have put together then reopen them upon the last entry with that of the Ars Goetia

Then Raven's grimoire instantly appeared in front of her and open to a page that's less destructive then the first spell she learned.

Raven:Hmm better than laying skeletons ravage the place.

Then going by the pages instructions Raven whispered into her left index finger then points it like a laser pointer with a laser light coming out of it.

William: Hmm interesting.

Wendy: good thing there's no cats here or it could disrupt the tracking spell.

Then the laser started to flash faster and faster when it gets closed to the record book that Raven seems to be looking for, once she found it Raven takes off the shelves and open it to the page that proves her suspicions.

Raven: Just as I thought.

The rest of ravens group is wondering what she is talking about and when Ginger is about to ask her Raven show them the page on Luz for only covering the basic on Gravefleld's definition of, not suited for their society and have a plan B if there means fail.

Ginger: I'm kind of surprised that they are capable of doing something like that.

William: Well it seem that with Vee they won't be bothered by her, oh and Raven if you ever see anyone or anything that you read in the book like those in person you'll get a minor ache in the head.

Raven: Ok, so what's actually in the next basement floor?

Wendy: Only one way to find out.

Then Raven simply swiped the key card on the lock does unlock the door then they head down.

The 2nd basement dose have the fake record book is on the reading podium but Raven with the others also seem to see that this floor has something more unusual that doesn't seem to do with the Boiling Isle.

Raven: Ok are we really in a modern fantasy or a fantasy Espionage story?

Wendy: this is indeed intriguing with Cen crystal seamlessly knowing that their IP's are from another Realm but why do they fear their own product.

Then as they continue to look around Raven spots what looks like broadcasting schematics on one of the table and doesn't seem to like what they could be used for.

Raven: well whatever the reason they don't want anyone to know and will mine wipe anyone who gets too close and won't care if that means we'll give anyone brain cancer.

Wendy: Best if we take some needed pictures for those that may know more about this than we think.

Once they took all the needed pictures Raven while unlocking the last door sign the feels light headache, and both William and Wendy noticed it.

Once they got to the bottom basement Raven and the others see the casket of "Phillip Wittebane " but what look like a big door, a big transdimensional one from the carvings on that once more have reference of Cen crystal I.P

Ginger: So why make thing that could rebelled against them?

William: don't know for sure but must have found out about that during one of their experiments.

Wendy: and currently low on the power source they use to work these doorways and Titan's blood isn't what they use seamlessly.

Raven: And now it useless, so can we now open the thing and get it over with whatever is in that thing.

Once they open the thing the corpse in question doesn't fit the name that's on the casket.

William: just as we thought this is not that mad man.

Raven: like how they put treasure with where they put the Servants of the Pharaohs to fool grave robbers, now Ginger may you please do the honors.

Ginger: Now the spell for this can only make a mana projection of who's ever is in that thing.

Then Ginger bring out her mana grimoire and with a piece of the corpse she makes a Mana projection of, Hasson  Stablemean.

Raven: and all this is because history wasn't written in the way they wanted, and send out a scapegoat on those who ruined it

Ginger: and conform anyone that are in nuisance to the status quo.

William: and we inadvertently set off a modern interpretation.

???: So Masha and her usual can be a pain to those like me!

Then Raven and her team turned towards the only basement exit and see, Jacob Hopkins blocking the only way out.

Jacob: you think you four can go right on in and rate the place and make a fool of me, well you got nothing coming.

As that a buffoon Jacob slowly approaches Raven with a taser gun she's slowly steps back while William is pulling out a little something just in case.

Raven: well what the Gravefleldder actually made is a prison and made Phillip a false martyr to someone who truly sacrificed himself for those he cared for.

Jacob: Oh please Hasson wa-

Then Jacob felt something puncturing the back of his left shoulder, and then it's night night for him.

Raven: what's that improvised or did you just have that planned out William?

Raven is amused by Williams holding a blow dart gun in his left hand.

William: hey that's so called witch hunter should have read the room but he thinks we will desert you.

Raven: Man Gravefleldder's are not the price had stones in the cemetery if you know what I mean.

Ginger: hey shelter places like these are not always that small-minded.

Wendy: hard to say personally but who's counting anyway.

Then once when they collected the needed samples from Hasson remains they head out, but Mr. Clambell is at the top of the stairs.

Raven: Ah would those like you simply write them off as a crazy person?

Mr. Clambell: just be glad I'm on your side.

Scene two

As the sunsets at the Town Square with a beautiful tree at the center as a closest ceremony is about to begin in less than a half hour with everyone seemingly waiting, and Amber peaked out from the outdoor stage curtains and decent audience in attendance for the closing ceremony.

Amber: Not bad Hopefully it enough to get more, next time.

Daryl: you better hope so because,  not everything can go as plan.

Amber: Don't worry Mr. Highside everything will go smoothly but I do have a little something to just in case.

Then Cable come into the scene in what seems to be a costume that looks like the one the original Cable once were.

Amber: Ah Cable you look great, just like your namesake.

Cabel: thanks but am having mix feeling on this whole thing.

Amber: Oh don't be ridiculous Cabel it going to be fine.

Daryl's V.O: despite the early silent warning call of the place being mildly rated, and have a little something in case something goes wrong.

Then Drawn come in as the thing about to start, and her custom books more like a wedding dress and even if it's just a play Daryl find it a bit over the top and turn towards Amber with a raised eyebrow.

Amber: hey better late then never.

Then as the outdoor stage light came on the play begins at the curtain Rises, With Mr. Clambell comes on to the stage but doesn't seem to know that two in stealth cloaks on next to him on his right.

The play is like any other on found this day play that tell the history of Gravefleld's founding days does lean up to the Wittebane act and when it got to the wedding someone brake into the scene, it is Camila removing her stealth cloak.

Camila: I object to this forgery of the town's so-called history!

Cable: Mrs. Noceda what is the meaning of this?

Camila: the Gravefleld Witchhunt has been nothing but a means to control the masses and made by the Graveannister and been keeping the books on those they dislike like this one.

Then Camila pull out the book and gave it to Mr. Clambell as he starts for anything and as a fast one at that.

Mr. Clambell: this is indeed have all the witches they have framed and, the intentional murder of Hasson Stablemean.

Amber: How did that idiot I forgot let them get a hand on those books!

But as Amber comes on to the stage and fury a metal slash came across her face horizontally as another peers on the stage who happened to be Raven as, The Metal Talon witch of the Ars Goetia.

Daryl reaction to Ravens Ars Goetia form seriously states that he and Dawn actually know then what's going on and use the situation as a distraction to get out of Dodge.

Camila: Now as was saying,  the Graveannister had keeping tabs on those they think I'm not fit for their Town status quo and have to town folks use whatever means to hunt and if necessary kill the undesirable but the only one that know the truth is the head farm hand Hasson Stablemean and even if the Graveannister knows that he found out are only waiting for the right moment to put them down and once the actual Evenly came into town as as a simple Traveler Hasson did accept her and see that she's more fitted for Cable then the one that's been picked up for him by the Graveannister,  so Hasson help him and Evenly Escape while the Graveannister have Philip do their dirty work by first killing Hasson and take the fall if something goes wrong.

Amber: So what if Evenly is not a witch,  Who cares!

Raven: Then why are the Highsides leaving town?

Then Amber see that the Highsides car have left town and that's just a start as Raven through what looks like a throwing star at the tree then the tree instantly died once the star hits a thing stay off a massive blackout starting with a street lamp posts.

Raven: And that only the beginning of your problem.

So once Raven and the others left with the stage with Cable and Mr. Clambell the crowd turns towards Amber and some of the local go after her while the rest of the tourists just leave and Luz is not please with the result of the whole thing.

Scene three

Masha V.O: And that was it for the starting pages of my personal Journal so I can one day be made to a novel since I'm going to be in a demon realm for a long time and it's only been a week since that incident, rather Amber deserves it or not.

Then Masha closes her new Journal to keep a record on what she may do in her new life on the Bolling Isle even if she's for now in a holding cell of Raven's Palace and is not amused by it.

Masha's V.O: I know it's a mocking but do they really need to put me here like a criminal.

Then Vee in her True Form opens a cell which Masha is pleased to see despite her hiding who she really was all this time.

Masha: is that one of your true form or one of your disguises?

Vee: oh it's really me.

Masha: cute but let's get this over with even if it is a mock trial.

Vee: we all know it's an accident.

Masha: only if I can convince the future Witch queen that is.

Vee: we were all there when that happened.

Masha: you may testify but I won't be enough if it's the real thing.

Vee: perhaps but Raven have other things going on for her with other things as well with more guests.

Masha: good thing I'm the first she will do.

Vee: then let get a move on.

Then without any more delay Vee companies Masha to the main Palace audience room.

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