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"So...I know this is ki-kinda awkward..." Craig looked away dejectedly. Tweek had to swallow before he continued. "But you're friends with E-Ethan Eliot right?"

At Ethan's name, Craig piped up in interest. The blond had no idea how much they liked each other, but it seemed like they cared. The thought of that, combined with the thought that this Craig might be the one he was looking for so desperately, rose a black bile in his throat. He felt jealous, he realized, jealous that someone with no past with Craig at all could connect to him more easily.

"His s-sister, her name's Korrina, called me t-today, said that her little b-brother re-refused to leave his room. He sounded very d-distraught and she was hoping that my presence c-could calm him down, because it did way back when his, uh, well, when he was a little more...s-sad."

Craig nodded. "You think I should come along?" Tweek affirmed this. "Yeah, you get along well, right? I can't deny that I have been cold towards him, so he might not listen to me..."

Craig thought about this for a second. When Ethan ran away from the Cafe, he did look very upset. While Craig wasn't in any condition to follow him that day, he has calmed down and was ready to talk about his past he didn't remembered.

And Craig realized that he wanted to see the younger boy. He was worried, ever since the day they parted. However, he was occupied with his own thoughts, and one can't help another like that.

So he went along.


"I'm glad you could make it."

Ethan's home was a goddamn mansion. Of course the rich kid's home is a mansion. Craig looked around for maids or butlers, but couldn't spot any. Shame.

A woman ushered them in. If Craig wasn't gay, he was sure his heart would've skipped a beat. Korrina "Kori" Hollow was very beautiful. She had silky hair, and while she shared the brown color with Ethan, his hair was way more messy and well, short. She also had the same blue eye color, but her eyes weren't piercing and self-confident, but analyzing, however kind.

When she opened the door, she smiled at them.

"Tweek and...your friend. What's your name if I may ask?"

Craig didn't know what was appropriate in situations like this, he never dealt with rich people (not counting Ethan). So he bowed lightly, making Korrina giggle and him blush. "Uh, it's Craig. Craig Tucker."

For a short time, Korrina's face hardened. The raven haired male only caught a short glimpse of it, as he was in the midst of of a bow, but her eyes grew cold and unreadable emotions stormed them. But before Craig got a better look, she had already caught herself and was smiling again, nothing of the weird expression from before left.

Tweek realized it too. She knew something about Craig Tucker that he didn't.

"Ah, Mr. Tucker. Is it alright if I called you Craig?" He shrugged his shoulders. "Ethan does too, so it would be weird if you didn't."

She nodded in approval. "Good. I hope you can get Ethan to leave his room. He always listens to you, Tweek. Please help me out here."

Tweek agreed. "I'll do b-best, Kori. Actually, why don't you g-go ahead, Craig? I ha-have something I w-want to c-clarify with her." Tweek wanted to know. She was hiding something, he was sure if it. And who knew where she was next week? He had to talk about this now.

Korrina shot him a questioning look, but just nodded slowly, showing Craig the way to Ethan's room. Afterwards, she returned, leading Tweek to another room. The room had a table in the middle, surrounded by chairs. There were no windows, so she turned the light on and beckoned Tweek inside. After he entered, she closed the door again and sat down in one of the chairs. Tweek did the same.

"I'm sure you want to ask about Craig Tucker, so save the introduction and get to the point. I do owe you an explanation."

Tweek swallowed.


"Ethan, can you hear me?"

Craig sighed. He has been knocking on the door Korrina had shown him for quite some while, but he got no response. He did hear some shuffling and sniffling however, so he knew Ethan was in the room and his sister not just pulling his leg or something.

"Come on, let's talk! You can tell me anything!" Silence. "You're a precious friend and you should know that we promised to accept each other no matter what. I'm serious! Even if you killed a man!"

Honestly, Craig was so close to giving up. He wanted to get Korrina and Tweek and break the door open, just to understand what's wrong with the younger boy. But the moment he turned around, a soft voice cried: "N-no...no! I didn't mean to...!"

Hearing his voice made Craig turn on the heel, going back to pressing his ear at the door. "What do you mean, 'you didn't mean to'? Ethan, what happened?" However, he didn't get any response. Just crying, sniffling. It made Craig's thoughts go haywire. How in the world would a high schooler kill somebody? Especially Ethan Eliot Hollow, little bored rich boy, cranky but also kind, blunt but also shy.

Craig didn't hear the footsteps from there side of the door, didn't hear the lock. When Ethan opened the door, it opened to the inside, a completely unprepared Craig falling right to the others feet. Ethan raised an eyebrow, but it lacked the usual bite. It even looked alien to his normal gesture, as heavy bags under his eyes indicated his lack of sleep and he was as pale as the snow in South Park.

"Oh...you opened the door." Smooth Craig, smooth.

A look of guilt crossed Ethan's face, before he smiled sadly. "You were so persistent, it was getting on my nerves." But the words just left his mouth when he shook his head to correct himself. "No, no, I...I think I need to explain, I remember something, something really, really bad, it involves you and Tweek and ... I think, I, I, I..." Ethan was panicking. You could see the way his breathing became uneven, his eyes widening, paling even more than Craig thought was possible.

Before Ethan could retreat back into his room, Craig embraced him.

Ethan's body tensed. He tried to wiggle free, but Craig strengthened his grip. Only minutes passed until the younger and weaker boy gave up, murmuring a soft "sorry" before going completely limp in Craig's arms.

When Craig looked at Ethan, there were no tears. Just a distant facial expression, like he didn't belong here. And to the older boy's relief, he calmed down, started breathing, relaxing.

"I remember what happened that day." he explained after some comfortable silence. "When I tried to die. Tweek was there...and so were you. I...need to explain to you guys. I owe you. For what I've done."

Craig didn't question him. The earnest look on Ethan's face were enough reason to believe what he said. And also Craig has known for a while. He has known for a while that he didn't meet Ethan for the first time in that cafe. He had already heard his voice in the past.

"Tweek's here. He's talking with your sister. Let's go talk to him together, alright?", he asked with a soft voice, and Ethan nodded.


"Craig Tucker was in a nearly fatal accident after you separated."

Tweek hated the way she talked about this fact so analyzing and coldly. Like it was none of her business. Like he wasn't worth being emotional over.

"A car hit him when it drove around a corner to quickly. Ethan was at the scene aswell, as a witness."

Riko sighed and shook her head, before continuing to explain.

"He was completely traumatized by the event. Apparently, he pushed Tucker on the street. He...didn't say anything else but 'it was my fault' after the incident."

Tweek felt rage swelling up. He tried to surpressed it, but Korrina wouldn't let a thing go unnoticed. Her sharp eyes caught every detail and narrowed when she saw Tweek's reaction.

"Don't blame him for what he did." It didn't sound like a plea, more like a threat. "I don't want my little brother to slip back into that darkness."

Tweek felt very intimidated. Her presence was overbearing, especially now that she was enraged. She was always kind to him, but now being with her felt chilly and frightening. He was able to witness her true face, and it was something that nobody should be put through.

It was more than just scary.

"Anyway..." she waved off. "Of course, as this accident was partly Ethan's fault, my father paid for every single medical treatment Tucker could receive. I covered up the incident, so the media wouldn't spread the story."

Again, their eyes met. Tweek looked away. She snorted at his reaction.

"His face was completely unrecognizeable. We arranged for the best doctors to fix it, even from another countries, and had them rebuild his face, so that it looked like on the photos his family brought. Sadly, even the best aren't good enough. He doesn't look like Craig Tucker, but atleast he looks like a human. Without our money, his face would've been disfigured for his entire life."

The entire room felt chilly. Tweek tried to swallow the lump in his throat, but it wouldn't work. How he wished to have a cup of coffee to calm down now. But Korrina brought no drinks.

"They weren't able to treat him in the hospital he originally arrived. We had to move him. Because we still didn't know how long this treatment would take, we arranged for his entire family to move. With our money, of course. There was also the fear that he'd expose Ethan, so we moved him very far away. To a little town near the mountains...South Park, I believe."

Tweek's eyes widened. That's where he lived as a child! He told Craig alot about his past in South Park, the role plays he made when he was in elementary, like being super heroes, or elves and much more. If only he had known...

"Our involment with the Tuckers stopped when it was clear that he'd recover. We wanted to give them a last sum of money to assure that Ethan's secret wouldn't get out, but that wasn't necessary. They didn't blame Ethan for the accident anyway, and they were also thankful for paying their son's treatment. They also entrusted to us that Craig Tucker has lost his memory anyway, thinking that he lived in South Park his entire life. He also seemed to have some sort of memories connected to this place."

Korrina sighed and looked at her hands. She seemed sad, but Tweek wasn't sure. One could never be sure with his woman.

"At the same time, Ethan finally responded to people again. But he seemed to have completely surpressed his memories from the incident. My father and I didn't see the point in reminding him, so it stayed a secret. Ethan recovered, only remembering his suicide attempt. And that he was saved. Who it was and how many there were...he didn't remember. So I told him that you, Tweek Tweak, and only you, had saved him."

Korrina stood up. "And that's the whole story. No room for theory or doubt. If you're satisfied now, we have to get Ethan to leave his room."

She walked to exit the room, Tweek only able to stare after her, dumbfounded. He didn't know what to say, to think at all, he was so confused, but wasn't at the same time. He knew everything, but it surely didn't feel like that.

A gasp of surprise made him snap back to reality. A look at Korrina's face. She was completely mortified, shaken, and was paling at a alarming rate. Tweek wondered why, stood up to look for himself. And then he saw.

In the hallway was a somewhat sheepishly looking Ethan and a just as mortified Craig, staring right at Korrina, who mirrored his expression. "How much did you h-hear?"

It was the first and last time that Tweek had heard Korrina Hollow's voice shaking. It was the first and last time he saw her shocked. It was the first and last time he saw her scared.

"...pretty much everything? We didn't mean to eavesdrop, we wanted to wait until you were finished, but then I realized you were talking about us..."

"Since when?!"

"When you started talking about the doctors you arranged to fix Craig's face..."

Korrina looked like she was going to faint.


A/N: It's nearly done. My sister hates Korrina (or atleast I think she does), and I can understand why. She doesn't have that much screentime here, but if you read a few of the short stories about her she seems very unsympathetic and emotionless. Can assure that she loves Ethan very much, though. But she hates their older brother, Alex. He doesn't appear in this story, but he gets mentioned.

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