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Ethan admitted that he had never seen his sister act this way. She was loosing her footing, stumbling back, finally able to support herself on the table in the small room. One of her hands were placed on said table, the other was furiously used to fix her hair, making it more of a mess in the process. "You weren't supposed to hear all that", she finally choked out.

But Ethan only looked at her with soft eyes, moving to take her hand. "I already remembered most of it, sister. It's time for me to fess up and tell Tweek and Craig what I did. ...thanks for protecting me all the time." Korrina just shook her head with fearful eyes and wriggled her hand out of her brother's grasp, clutching his shoulders instead. "Ethan, I..."

"I know", The boy answered calmly, taking his sister's arms and removing them from his shoulders. "But I owe both of them. And Craig here promised me to accept me no matter if I killed a guy or not." Ethan looked bemused for a second. But his expression soon turned serious and he sat down in one of the room's chairs.

"What are you waiting for? Sit down so I can explain everything. Craig, you won't learn any of the truth if you keep standing in the floor like a scarecrow!" The addressed jolted upwards, blushing a little. "Oh...yeah, sorry." He sat down next to Ethan, making Tweek just a little jealous as he and Korrina sat down opposite of them.

Ethan took a big breather before starting to explain.


When he finished, the worry that Craig might not keep his word had caught up with him. The entire time he calmed himself down, thinking only of the best. The thought was so devasting for him, he pushed it far away, like he did to the memory of the accident. He'd like to believe in Craig, but it was so difficult when he did something this severe.

He nearly killed him.

And while the body of Craig Tucker lived on, he had completely erased the person he was before. This counted as much as killing, did it not?

A uncomfortable silence spread in the room, Ethan looking at the table only. He felt tears welling up in his eyes, the room beginning to blur. Oh, he messed up didn't he. Craig and Tweek would never talk to him again and he completely deserved it too. He caused so much pain, so much suffering, it would be better if he just...

A hand on his shoulder ripped the thought process apart. It was Craig's hand. "I'm ready to forget."

At Ethan's confused stare, he repeated again: "I'm ready to forget this has ever happened." The younger boy was ready to protest, but Craig's glare shut him up. "I'm ready to forget and move on. So you move on aswell. I can't say I'm not mad...that would be a lie. Just like saying 'i'll forgive you' would be one too." Korrina's eyes flashed dangerously at that statement. "But it already happened. I can't change that and you can't either. Nobody can. There's no point in crying over it now." Ethan felt accused, so he wiped his tears away. "I'll forget, you'll forget, Tweek'll forget. That's the best thing I can offer right now. Maybe one day, I'm ready. Not today. Sorry Ethan."

After a short while Ethan shook his head, staring at his fingers sadly. "No, no this is more than I hoped for, to be honest. Can you really forget?" Craig nodded, so did Tweek after a hesistant minute. "Then I'll do my best that one day, you're able to forgive me." A sad smile graced his lips. "Sorry for being a crappy friend."

"You are not a crappy friend. You are a good friend with a crappy past", Craig corrected and gave Ethan one last shoulder pat before standing up. "Emphasizing the 'are'. You're still my friend. One that just owes me big time." A hopeful look crossed Ethan's face at that. "Just like always?", he asked, looking up to Craig. "Like always", he confirmed with a smile.

Ethan smiled a radiant smile, no trace of sadness remaining. "Thanks."


"How in the w-world could you say things like that in Kori's pr-presence? I would've been scared s-shitless!" Craig just laughed. "I guess I'm just a man of stupidity."

"Just l-like always." None of the two seemed to understand the deeper meaning behind Tweek's words. Instead, they settled for comfortable silence, just being content to walk next to each other.

"...do you l-love me?" Tweek suddenly asked. Craig barely gave it any thought before answering with a firm "Yes". The blond chuckled at the immediate answer, making the other blush and look at the ground in shame. "I l-love you a-aswell."

Craig looked up from the ground to see that Tweek had blushed just as much as he did, not looking at the ground, but choosing to look at the opposite direction of him instead. "When I m-met you at the p-party, I also fell in l-love with you. On first sight t-too. I c-can't deny that all the a-alcohol made me...do it w-with you, as I couldn't get...that p-person out of mind. But n-now that I've been able to make peace with my pa-past, I'm able to say 'I love you, C-craig Tucker!' with allllll my h-heart!"

Craig snorted. "Aren't you just a romantic one." Tweek laughed. One could plainly see that both of them were still embarrassed, but they started to relax around each other. Shyly, Tweek grabbed Craig's hand, who had nothing to protest against.

"I t-thought you liked E-ethan", blurted Tweek as soon as Craig squeezed his hand, making the other raise an eyebrow. "Huh? Why's that? I confessed to you and everything."

"I know, but you two just s-seemed so close. I was kinda j-jealous..." Craig snorted and then started to laugh freely. Tweek felt a little ashamed, why had he chosen this topic to talk about?

"Nah, Ethan's like my homie or something. Not once have I considered him a romantic interest. Not that it would've worked out, as he's straight." It was Tweek's turn to raise an eyebrow. "K-kori told me he doesn't care about g-gender..."

"Really? He told me he was like super hero straight." It only took a few minutes until Craig's mind clicked. "Man, this kid is a great liar." He face palmed. "I could never tell..."

"Just like when you t-thought I was his b-brother?" Tweek chuckled, while Craig bemoaned that incident. "I could seriously never tell."

They laughed together, still holding hands. "But...", Craig suddenly started, "let's not talk about Ethan. I want to talk about us." Tweek blushed.

"Tweek, will you go out with me?"

He got a punch in the arm for that. "A-And I'm the romantic? I just said I l-love you, you just said you l-love me. It's obvious were g-going out now!" Craig let out a pained laughter. "Yes, yes, I'm sorry! I just wanted to be sure!"

"Idiot", Tweek murmured, but even if Craig heard, he probably wouldn't have minded. It was at a bridge that Craig suddenly stopped walking, Tweek's hand still in his.

"I'm not the same person you fell for in high school." He stated. Tweek shook his head.

"Yes, but I l-love you anyway."

Craig smiled. "I love you too."

Both of them were still tinted a tick pink and Craig closed his eyes. Tweek thought he was waiting for a kiss and was ready to lean in, but Craig started speaking again, his voice soft and full of love.

"Let's make lots of new memories together."


A/N: And so, the main story reaches it end. Thank you for reading. By the way, 'Let's not talk about Ethan. I want to talk about us.' is probably 60 percent of the Creek fans that dont like OCs, lolol. Can relate, I barely read OC-Stories aswell, so that's fine.

Also listened to 'Memories of the City' while writing the last scene. I love that song soooooo much.

This work was very self-indulgent and I'm glad you stuck around until the end! Which is not really the end because an epilogue is coming. Stay tuned!

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