Get over it, Wirt!

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You woke up to yet another suffocating morning. You had no idea what time you fell asleep. It must have been pretty late. Memories of what happened yesterday hit you in the face like a ton of bricks, making you feel like crying again. Before you could, you went downstairs to find a note in the kitchen from your mum.

Hey sweetie. I've gone out for most of the day. You were still in bed so I didn't want to wake you. I hope you don't mind. I'll be home around 7:00pm. Love you. xx

You sighed as you made yourself breakfast. You weren't that hungry again today either. The weather, despite the absolute downpour last night, was the best you'd seen it for a while and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. The clock read 12:45. Damn, you'd been asleep for a while. You finished your breakfast and decided it was about time to get ready. You went for a quick shower and washed your hair. You didn't really bother drying it that nice, so it lay all poofy and bouncy at your shoulders. Since it was such a rare nice day, you chose a floaty and frilly white dress about up to your knees. Not like you were going anywhere.

After you brushed your teeth, you went back into your room to grab your easel and paint, making sure to pick out moody colours to match your mood. Suddenly, you heard your phone ring. It couldn't have been anyone important. You sigh as you pick it up and look at the number. Wirt.

You let the phone ring for a while. The mere thought of his name made a tear roll down your cheek. You were about to decline it, when you realised he would just call back later. It would be easier to just tell him to not call you anymore and then delete his number. You took a deep breath and pressed the button. "Hello? Look Wirt, I-" you begin to say moodily, when the person interrupts you. "Hello? This isn't Wirt. This is Gregg." Gregg? Wasn't that Wirt's brother? Gregg continued to speak. "Is this miss y/n?" He asks. "Uuu...yes?" You say rather unsurely. "Goody! Miss y/n, Wirt hasn't come out of his room since Friday night. I thought you could help him. He won't answer me."

Wirt hasn't come out of his room? But why? Suddenly it dawned on you that something was really wrong with him. "Ok, I'll be right over Gregg. What's your address?" Gregg told you where he lived as you scribbled it down frantically on a piece of paper. You said goodbye to Gregg and hung up the phone as your mind raced. You needed to do something. I mean, Wirt was your friend, wasn't he? I mean, you thought he was. You couldn't tell anymore. You shook your head. That didn't matter right now! Friend or not, he still needed you. Gregg needed you.

You pulled on a pair of light brown boots and bolted out the door, the piece of paper still in your hand. You wandered around until you found the address that matched the one on the paper and knocked on the door. Sure enough, a little boy answered. "Miss y/n?" You nod and he lets you in. "Miss y/n, he hasn't eaten anything since Thursday. He got back in last night and didn't say a word. He just went straight to his room and won't talk to anyone. Our parents have been away since Wednesday. Can you fix him?"

"I'll do my best Gregg." You say as you ruffle his hair and make your way up the stairs. There was a sign on one of the doors that said 'Wirt's room, please knock!'

You took a deep breath and knocked gently on his door. "Wirt?" You call, wondering if he can hear you. "It's y/n." There was a silence. A long silence.

"Can I come in?" You ask. You waited, and eventually you heard Wirt speak. "Yes." He says, just loud enough for you to hear him.

You take the doorknob and push it open. The first thing you see is Wirt, lying on his bed face-down, surrounded by crumpled pieces of paper. The blinds were shut and the room was dimly lit. You shut the door behind you and sat gently on the bed next to him. "Wirt, what's wrong with you? Gregg said you haven't even come out of your room since Friday night. What happened?" You say quietly, trying not to let the tone of your voice give away how concerned you were about him. You stared around his room. It was a complete mess. Wirt didn't answer you. "Wirt!" You shake him, making the bed creak. "I'm talking to you here. Please, I'm worried about you. Just tell me what's wrong and I can help you!" Your voice was shaky and you were dangerously close to tears. Slowly, he shifts his head to the side so you can see his face. His eyes were red. Clearly, he'd been crying.

"It's Sara." He said finally. Sara? Who on earth was she? "Who?" You ask Wirt. You felt your heart thudding inside your chest a million times a second. "A girl I really like at school. I told her yesterday how I felt but she turned me down."

So this was the reason he was so upset? A girl? "Oh Wirt. I'm...sorry." You say softly, patting his back. "Some things you just can't change. The sooner you get over her the better. Meanwhile, I'll be here by your side, ok?" You stand up and start tidying his room for him: putting the crumpled pieces of paper into his bin, sorting out his books, things like that, as he watched you. Once you were done, you sat back down on the bed. "C'mon Wirt, it isn't that bad. You'll get over it, I promise!" Suddenly, he sits up and looks at you straight in the eyes. He had tear stains all down his cheeks, and his face was worryingly pale. Just looking at him like this made you want to cry. "I'm so pathetic." He whispers to you, and pulls you into a hug, almost knocking you over. You could feel him whimpering into your shoulder as he held you tighter. "Oh my god Wirt! It's ok, its ok," you whisper into his shoulder over and over again.

You sat for about 10 minutes without either of you saying a word. Eventually, you felt him start to pull away. "I'm sorry. I'm such a baby.." You couldn't stand for this. Seeing him being so hard on himself, you couldn't take it. You Grab his shoulders and shake him. "Wirt! Listen to me. You. Are. Not. A. Baby! Things like this happen to people all of the time! And it only happens because that wasn't the right person for you. You'll find the right person one day, you just have to trust me, ok? You will feel better soon." You emphasise shaking him on the last 5 words. Wirt was staring at you, his mouth hanging open, tears rolling down his cheeks. This was the last straw.

Without thinking, you lean over and kiss him on the cheek. He looks at you, paler than ever. Oh god. Did you just do that? Why? You probably just have him another problem to worry about. "I'm sorry," you mouth to him, before standing up and running as fast as you could out of Wirt's room, down the stairs, through the kitchen and out the front door.

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