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When you got home, you threw your bag on your bedroom floor and collapsed on your bed. That was such a tiring day. Your head was still throbbing like crazy. You pushed your head further into your pillow and moaned. Your mum didn't call up to you. You didn't even know where she was. Probably at her friend's house across the road. That was sort of a good thing-all you wanted to do was think about Wirt. And sleep.

Wirt. It felt so right saying that name. You glanced over at your phone which was currently lying on the bedside table. You pulled out the crumpled piece of paper that Wirt gave you on the bus and copied the number into your phone. You heard it ring. Twice. "y/n!! Hi, hey, hello! Uhm.." Wirt finally spoke, recognisably awkward, as expected. You smiled, even though there was nobody there to see you. You sat up in your bed properly with your legs crossed, listening to every word Wirt said. You talked about anything and everything; homework, lessons, school, name it. Wirt even told you about his little brother, Gregg. "I can't wait to meet him," you said. You really meant it too. Any relative of Wirt's must be lovely.

Eventually, you said goodnight to each other and hung up the phone. You felt you could sleep better now, after talking to Wirt for a while. Maybe you should do this every night. And you did. The first day of highschool was Monday, and up until thursday, which was today, you had called Wirt every night after school for about an hour. Tomorrow was Friday. You smiled as you pulled your duvet over you and fell asleep.

You slept pretty well, and the next morning came around relatively quickly. The weather was way better than yesterday's; even the bird's singing seemed more cheerful. You ate your breakfast, showered, dressed, arrived at school and walked into form class. Wirt was already there, looking pretty bored, but as soon as he saw you his face lit up. You returned the smile as you took your place next to him. You talked all the way up until Mr. Elliot arrived in the room, but something about Wirt. Almost as if he was nervous or worried about something. You decided not to think about it too much, but it still bothered you.

The day actually went by pretty quickly, and before you knew it, it was already time to go home. You walked out of form class with Wirt, but got separated at the cloakrooms. You waited for him outside but he never came. "Where the hell has he gone now?" You mumbled to yourself as you glanced around. Every other student had left by now. After about 10 minutes, you decided to leave. Until you saw him. You were about to call out to him...until you saw a girl. A very pretty girl walking his way. They started talking. Wirt was blushing and smiling. The thoughts in your head were eating you alive. He doesn't like you. You don't have a chance with him. Give it up.

You stormed all the way to the bus stop and sat right at the back, by yourself. It shouldn't have bothered you that much, but you started to piece it together. Maybe he was acting strange all day because he didn't want to hang out with you anymore? He doesn't like you the way you like him. Maybe he doesn't even like you at all. He obviously likes that girl, whoever she was. Sounded about right. You let out a sigh as you stared out of the window. It had started to rain.

For once, the weather actually matched your mood.

Wirt's P.O.V

I waited for her outside for ages. I hope she had got my note. I glanced at my watch and wondered if she would even bother to show up. I wasn't even 100% sure why I was here. I mean, I have feelings for y/n, dont I? Oh, give it up. You don't have any chance with a girl like that. Besides, you've liked Sara for so long, and you've finally worked up the courage to tell her. But it felt...wrong. Don't cry. Don't. Just as you were about to leave, you saw her. Sara.

"Wirt? You were the one who left this note?" She said. Oh man. She was so beautiful. You nodded and took a deep breath. "Sara, there's something I've been meaning to tell you for a long time."

Your P.O.V

The bus stopped after what seemed like forever. You snatched your bag up and stormed off the bus into the pouring rain. It didn't even bother you. As you walked home, you felt hot tears pour down your cheeks. You stopped. You dropped your bag and burst into tears. You let yourself collapse on the stone cold and wet floor in the middle of the path. You were soaking wet but you hardly even noticed. You couldn't stop crying. Wirt had only been a part of your life for 4 days, but he had already put you in this state. It wasn't his fault to be honest, you knew nobody could actually ever love you. It was so painful, but you couldn't change a thing. All you wanted to do was cry and cry and cry until the pain went away.

But, obviously, you had to get up eventually. You had no idea how long it had been, but your mum was probably starting to worry. You picked up your bag and ran home, bursting through the front door and running up to your room, collapsing on your bed and crying yourself to sleep.

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