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Once you got inside the school, you were paralysed with fear and overcome with emotion. You thought everyone was looking at you and laughing. You felt yourself shrinking smaller and smaller..."Get ahold of yourself. You can do this." You banished your evil pessimistic thoughts and made your way to your classroom. Your teacher was what looked like a nice enough man- he had a short beard and glasses, with hair that was combed neatly back. He had a kind expression, and he was holding...a guitar? You joined about 25 other students in the room as your teacher spoke.

"Hello class. My name is Mr. Elliot. It's nice to meet you all. Just please sit wherever you like." You guessed that this is your form class.

Uh oh. This could be a problem. See, thing is, you didn't have any friends. You whipped your head around the room and saw children buzzing with excitement. This was bad. Everyone seemed like they're already friends. And where does that leave you? All the desks were filled, except for one.

There was a desk at the back of the rather small classroom, with only one person sitting there. The boy! The one on the bus! Oh man. This was going to be awkward. You had one final look around, just to double check if this was the only free desk. It was. After giving yourself a quick 5 second pep-talk, you slowly made your way over to the back of the classroom and sat next to the boy. He didn't notice you at first. Maybe he was daydreaming? Not for long though. As soon as you sat down, he gasped and looked up at you.

You blushed. He continued to stare at you as you shifted in your seat. His gaze was making you kind of uncomfortable. You were about to turn to look at him

when your teacher began to speak again. "Ok! So it looks like everyone's found a place to sit. Since this is all your first day here, we'll spend the first hour talking through the lessons you'll have and things like that, and then it'll be a 15 minuet break outside. Any questions?" Nobody raised their hand. "Good! Now let's get started."

And so began the long 45 minutes.

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