My Hero

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The clock seemed as though it wasn't moving at all. What seemed like 5 hours had only been 5 seconds. You were bored. Really bored. It's not like Mr. Elliot was a bad teacher or anything, just the entire hour was unbelievably draining. All you could think about was the boy sitting next to you. The awkward, adorable boy next to you. You felt a small smile spread across your face as you stared at the back of his head. You couldn't help but feel that it was slightly weird. I mean, clearly you've got this crush on him, and you don't even know his name, never mind knowing if he likes you back. You wanted to know his name, but you were too shy and awkward to ask. I wondered if he was thinking the same?

Wirt's P.O.V

The clock seemed as though it wasn't moving at all. What seemed like 5 hours had only been 5 seconds. I was bored. Really bored. It's not like Mr. Elliot was a bad teacher or anything, just the entire hour was unbelievably draining. All I could think about was the girl sitting next to me. The awkward, adorable girl next to me. I felt a small smile spread across my face as I stared straight ahead. I couldn't help but feel that it was slightly weird. I mean, clearly I've got this crush on her, and I don't even know her name, never mind knowing if she likes me back. I wanted to know her name, but I was too shy and awkward to ask. I wondered if she was thinking the same?

Your P.O.V

Finally, the lesson was almost over. I couldn't wait to get outside and have 15 minutes of quality alone time. You had earned it- you sat there for 45 long and boring minutes without dying.

You ended up daydreaming about various animes and video games when, before you knew it, it was over. "Ok class, you listened pretty well there. Remember, as soon as that bell rings, come back to this room." Everyone stood up and left the room. The boy stood up pretty quickly and left without saying a word, as if he was in a rush to get out. Oh well. You sighed as you walked through the door and outside.

The area was surprisingly big. Everyone was running around, having fun, enjoying themselves. That's something that you didn't want to do. Instead, you sat on the small step in front of the emergency fire door and put your head in your knees. You couldn't quite put your finger on why you were so upset. Was it that boy? You didn't really know. It could have been. Or it could be something else. Maybe you were just worried. You barely survived that first lesson, and that was only 45 minutes. You had the rest of the day to go.

I can't do this.

You didn't realise you were crying until someone quite loudly and rudely pointed it out.

"Aww boo-hoo! Why are you crying? Do you not have a paper bag to cover up that horrific face of yours?" you look up to see a kid about your age with a smug look on his face, with two other guys next to him looking equally as impressed with that stupid ass little comment. You weren't in the mood for a fight, but the taunting got worse. You bolted up with a clenched fist. "What the hell did you just say to me?" you said it confidently enough but you were shaking.

You didn't think they were expecting you to bounce back with a come back like that. "Oh! You think your smart do you? We'll see about that."

Before you could react, you felt him push you to the ground. You landed with a thud on the rock hard floor with a ringing in your ears. You shut your eyes. What were you thinking? You shouldn't of even tried to have it out with that guy. Your head was spinning and throbbing like crazy. You were so stupid. Stupid stupid stupid.

"Leave her alone!"

You opened your eyes to see him. The boy. He was helping you? The rest of the argument between him and the other 3 boys was just a mumble. You watched for a few more seconds and let your eyes shut again.

After what seemed like years and years, the noise died down, and you slowly opened your eyes. The boys were gone, and instead, there stood the boy that had helped you. His reconisable brown eyes locked onto yours and concern was written all over his face. "Hey, are you ok?" He said gently, holding out his hand to you to pull you up. You looked at his hand and then back up at him, and started to blush. Again.

You took his hand and he pulled you up. Once you were standing you realised you must have been hurt pretty bad-you could barely keep your balance. The boy held onto you firmly, keeping you steady.

He was still holding your hand.

Slowly, he walked you to a very quiet part of campus and sat you down on a small patch of grass. The laughing of the children was distant, and you could see them all running around, but you felt safe. You were still dizzy though.

"Wait here. I'll go get you an ice pack, ok?" He says as he lets go of your hand. You nod at him and he takes off running, back into the school. You were alone now. Alone, with nothing to keep you company other than your own jumbled thoughts. You had just been bullied. On your first day at school? It seemed hard to believe, like this kind of thing only happened in those really crappy highschool movies. But it was real. It just happened.

You pulled your knees up to your chin and leg and let yourself cry for a few minutes before that boy came back. Sure enough, you heard footsteps coming your way. Looking up, you see the boy, with an ice pack in his hand. He came and sat next to you and handed it to you. You took it and winced as you felt the cold icy touch surge through your head. The boy, who was now sitting next to you, was looking at you worriedly. "Does it hurt?" He asked quietly. You looked at him and smiled. "A little."

You both sat in silence for a while.

"Wirt." He said suddenly,

You looked at him curiously. "Uh...what?"

"My name. It's Wirt."

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